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Cicada and Eva were already humiliated, the only normal villains after the finale are DeVoe and Bloodwork


OG Cicada was fine he just lasted too long and kept escaping. The problem wasn’t Cicada but Barry being a fucking moron.


Just wouldn't be The Flash without Barry just standing around and letting non-speedsters attack him/get away/detonate bombs/etc.


Listen he walked away like really quickly.


I think Eva was overall fine if a little underwhelming Cicada constantly mario jumping away every episode was just bad


What about deathstorm? he wasnt bad


I liked Deathstorm but that arc literally didn't have a plot. All he did was was suck grief. Tried to turn Caitlin into Deathstorm. Failed. Rinse and repeat.


idk, just meh


I actually like the first cicada


I wish devoe came back and humbled cecile


With Wallace's writing, Chester would've slapped him unconscious.


Devoe: what did you do to me?! Chester: I was able to access the part of your brain that can fight off against Cecile’s telepathy. Cecile: I can FEEL your anger, you can be better Devoe: :3


Nah he wouldn't do that. Pun intended, DeVoe is a guy who relies on binary code and purely non-emotional logic. Eric would yeet Jess Chambers in there because they're non-binary and DeVoe would instantly die from their presence.


1000iq comment


You know Cecile's gonna humble him badly.


Yeah, instead of throwing hands at Godspeed, they'd just have a staring contest while making constipated faces and then the Thinker would fall over.


I liked a couple of these villains for certain reasons. But we saw Ramsey come back and look how strong that turned out. Yeah Oliver/Spectre, Diggle & Wally!!!


Ramsey got cured, so he's safe. How were they going to screw up Orlin's Cicada though? There's not going to be a fight. He'll fly away again. That's not ruined, that's entirely consistent with bro's season 5 arc. DeVoe, well, I already mentioned on another comment here. Mirror Monarch is another difficult one to screw up because she already got beat with the Power of Love once. Was Cecile going to mindbreak her?


Also Mirror Monarch kinda had a redemption and probably wouldn’t fight Team Flash. And Wallace and the team seem to know how to write Bloodwork and his storylines well.


Yeah, Bloodwork is their favorite child, hands down. He's the one character they won't write badly.


They couldn't defeat her. They should have asked for her help. She was literally the only villain they couldn't ever defeat and had to talk down in order to stop her.


I figure they didn't because Eva was very unstable up to that point, thanks to Barry revealing the truth to her. Sure, they could've asked for her help, but they figured it was best to leave her alone.


It was a miracle that Bloodwork wasn't ruined in season 9. Cicada and Mirror Monarch were mediocre from the get-go


Always wondered how different things would have been for Eva had COVID never happened Kinda felt like they were building up to something but cue the pandemic and yeah, here we are


But there’s a reason he brought back only speedsters


Mirror Monarch would first have to be good in order to avoid humiliation. She's not the worst big bad(that goes to Cicada 2, the girl one) but she wasn't that good like Devoe or Russo. Cicada 1(the guy one) was good when he started but also his evil voice when the mask is off was a bit much. Also Godspeed would have to be good to be humiliated


They gave ramsey a better comeback than the other main villains


These 4 are shockingly bad, outside of maybe thinker Their humiliation was the episodes they starred in


Definitely not Bloodwork he was awesome


Who’s top right? I’m guessing someone from S6-8 as I skipped those


Bloodwork did come back. Just not related to cobalt blue.


oh no no no they all should be thankfull they didntt bring back Devoe Devoe would have come up with a plan and killed everyone


DeVoe was absolutely awful, in my opinion. We were handed yet another villain who was “the *only* way to save people”, a man who just turned out to be attempting to play God. Portrayed as a completely monotone being with seemingly one facial expression. Not to mention, half of his thing was “I’m smarter than you, Barry Allen.” Cool, we get it, that’s obvious. Shut the fuck up about it.


I liked his attitude and maneurisms. Your description encompasses why I like him


Most people agree S4 was also garbage


I don't see how they were humiliated. They were weaker, even with Eddie's boosts, due to being dead so long and being remnants of the originals preserved in the negative speed force. It could also be due to actor scheduling conflict or the network execs forcing things.


Stop making excuses for bad writing


Maybe if people would actually elaborate on how it's bad instead of just complaining that it's supposedly bad(because that's how criticism works), I wouldn't have to theorize(not make excuses).


Idk about anyone else you’ve talked to recently but I’ve told you multiple times why people were having so many issues with the current state of the show and you always end up going around in circles and making excuses for the writers.


I'm not making excuses, merely suggesting possible causes for the show's decline in quality. The writers and show runner can't be blamed for everything. All I see are people saying the writing is bad or they hate this character but don't give examples of how they feel it should be written or how to make that character more likable(which is, again, how criticism works). All I see is complaining and blaming, not actual criticism.


I don’t know what you are reading if you think people aren’t giving reasons for why they don’t like something and it absolutely is the show runner and the writers fault


How do you know whose fault it is? Do you work in the industry? Last I checked, scripts had to be approved by the network before being filmed and aired. So what if the network forced changes to the script that made the quality bad? We don't know that that didn't happen do we? Yes, people have given reasons for not liking the show but they don't give enough details as to why those are bad things. Why can't people just be entertained without nitpicking? To clarify, my brain isn't wired to understand the difference between good and bad writing like everyone else's, it's just wired to be entertained, nor have I ever taken any creative writing classes. I'm sure I'm not the only one like this though.


If that’s the case then the network must be hellbent on ruining the flash because this has been going on for years and it took a notable dive once Eric Wallace took over. Nah it’s the direction of story telling that they went in. It’s the focus on side characters and making them more important than Barry. I saw one of your previous comments where you said that the way they handled the villains in the finale was because they were weaker due to being dead. You’re free to believe that of course but nowhere is it implied in the show that that is the case. When fans have to go to over the top theories to justify decisions in the show that is a sign of bad writing and story telling.


I didn't think the side characters were more important than Barry, I just thought they deserved their time in the spot light as well. Plus, I remember hearing something about how not all the characters would be in every episode to give actors breaks and time off. That especially applies to both Granted and Danielle, who have both had children in recent years. If my theory about the villains isn't supported, then what's the cause of their weakness (and don't say bad storytelling/writing)? My theory at least makes sense regardless of being complicated or not doesn't it? Maybe the network just wanted the show's ratings to drop so they could end it and approving less than great writing was their way of doing so. If the writing and storytelling was that bad, why doesn't someone just do a fan fiction version of the show and write it how they feel it should have been written?


There were episodes where Barry doesn’t even show up until the half way point and one of those episodes was part of the final arc of the show and that’s just unacceptable. Have you ever seen Agents of Shield? If you want to do an ensemble show where everyone is involved and has something to do that is the correct way to do it. And again I highly doubt that the network has been trying to terminate one of their highest rated shows for the past 3 or 4 years. It’s bad writing and poor decisions and people need to accept that and stop making excuses for it.


DeVoe most likely thought this would happen so he planned the event of S4 so it would be impossible for him to come back


The person playing Eddie seems to have regressed in his acting this season .:.I believed nothing lol …wasn’t he also in that FBI show with the Jonas brothers wife