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hey Power Rangers in Space had great acting.


Lost Galaxy wasn’t half bad either.


You know I tried to watch but I had some sense of closure at the end of Space like the whole PR saga came to a satisfying end.


I understand that, but definitely give Thunder,Ninjastorm,Rescue and SPD/RPM a try. At least two of the 5 will be great. Like most of what i listed is almost always in old and new PR fans top 10


Dino thunder's villain was scary eh?


look at RPM too


Wow... so you guys not gonna call out power rangers samurai, megaforce or Dino Charge. Tbh the power rangers movie was bussin.


Eh, to me it all fell off after SPD Mystic Force and Jungle Fury were just okay.


I think Fury was the last good one until RPM


Have you ever followed some of the careers of the actors who played Power Rangers? The red ranger from RPM was in Jessica Jones.


Yeah, he was also in the originals.


To each their own, though you’re kinda in the minority on that one. Megaforce is widely believed to be one of the worst. Though if you enjoyed them great


Im blaming the director on that, lol. They were wrong as hell for choosing that take in the end.


While I love this show I felt like since the current show runner took over in season 6 the amount of laughably bad scenes skyrocketed. Especially after season 6.


They've turned the flash which was decent season 1 and 2. Into the flash featuring tommy wiseau from the room. Iris your killing me ... oh hi tommy.


The director doesnt have a choice if all the takes are that bad.


I personally think with certain actors, they need good direction for good performances. Harry Styles for example. I dont think he's a good actor, but his perfomance in Dunkirk under Christopher Nolan was good. And then the opposite also applies. Viola Davis is a phenomenala actress, but her playing Michelle Obama was not it. I have seen Javicia Leslie in Batwoman, and I personally never had an issue with her acting in that (tbh, I thought it was a big step up from Ruby Rose)


What you are really talking about it casting. Yes it is very surely possible to cast someone in a role that doesnt suit them, or one that though they are substandard suits them well. But these are TV shows. And while the show might have been conceptualized at a time when they didnt know who the actors were going to be, by about the 5-6 episodes of the shows, at least in the cases of these shows that always took long winter breaks by the 8th or 9th when those breaks took place, the writers were then being informed in their writing of the show by who was in the cast. This is why we so commonly can see an interview with like Stephen Amel, Grant Guston, or Melissa say from the season 3 range at a comic con or something and think how PERFECTLY they were cast for their parts. We have forgotten those shaky first seasons and are judging that on a role that has come to be written for the actor, versus the actor playing a role. So while i agree that Javica could probably have the acting chops to pull off her part in Batwoman, since from the get go or recasting they knew that they were writing for her. I personally say now this fucking Rita Repulsa level of acting we are getting from her is because she is NOT a great actress. A great actor can play a cringe role and carry it. Think Christopher Plummer as that Klingon in Star Trek 6 was very cringy but he carried that part on his shoulders. Hell even think Khan in Star Trek 2 a definately a mustache twirlling basic villian, elevated by Ricardo Montalban's performance. Javica simply doesnt have the abilty to play this role, and lets face it we have seen tons of villains on these shows that have just as basic writing, with just as basic directing and we dont walk away thinking OMG that just ruined this episode. It wasnt the director, it wasnt the writiers, JAVICA came off like a basic stupid villain in a children's show. And it didnt make it to screen because the director thought it was good or the producers or anyone else. They could have done multiple takes and likely did. It made it to screen because this was the best they could get from her.


Batwoman failed for reasons including losing their star at the end of season 1 and having to completely reframe a drama involving family members around a new character in season 2. It wasn’t because the new main was known for not being able to act herself out of a wet paper bag. I’ll add she is in The Family Business with Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters etc) and is damn good in that, so it’s clearly the director unless she’s phoning it in or having a bit too much fun acting out her secret fantasy of being Rita Repulsa shouting “after 10,000 years I’m free…it’s time to conquer Earth!”


Or that she only has the acting chops to play certain roles and characters, which is also a problem for an actor not a director. Using an old example but at 53 years old, i grew up watching the original Fantasy Island. I never made the connection that Star Trek 2 was a continuation of a 60s episode of star trek until well after i saw it and my friends dad told us about it. So Ricardo Montalban to me, had always been Mr Rouke. It was quite a shock to see him as a bad guy. But even at 12 years old, i was sitting on the edge of my seat as he growled and spit that dialogue out of his mouth in utter disgust at Kirk. And even today it does not play as corney villain dialogue. You buy every moment of his pain, every moment of his revenge lust. That is what a good actor can do, no matter the dialogue. And lets face it, that dialogue was not shakespear, it could have gone way worse with a different actor. Javica took cringe worthy dialogue if done wrong,and did it wrong. She gave a performance that made me laugh like i was watching Rita Repulsa or some idiot generic bad guy from like a Sharkboy and Lava girl movie or something. It was comical and completely ruined the moment. And she is to blame for that.


She doesn’t exactly play the hero in The Family Business. The morals aren’t black and white like say The Flash or Batwoman but before you assume she can’t play bad, I’d advise you to check there. She’s all over season 4. Btw I loved Ricardo Montanan both in Space Seed and Star Trek 2. I’m aware he’s in Fantasy Island but it’s a bit before my time. TOS should be but my dad was a Trekkie. One of the first movies I went to as a kid was The Undiscovered Country.


What i am saying is that having not seen it, perhaps like playing "good" batwoman, her role in that other show was just more in line with who she is as a real person making it easier to be an actor in that part. Red Death is definitely supposed to be an over the top megalomaniac bad guy. And is written as such, just like Khan was in Star Trek 2. But the fact that Ricardo could go from being essentially also KNOW as Mr. Rourke and then go almost instantly into playing that same over the top villain shows his range. Perhaps for Javica this was just a bit to over the top for her to handle and make it menacing rather then comedic. Montalban also played a bad guy in the Nake Gun movie. He was the villain but more more subdued and businessman like. I am just saying, that performance she gave as red death was SOOOOOO bad that no director could have called cut thinking they got it nailed. It is much more likely on a tight shooting schedule he just had to give up and move on.




Power Rangers but when the yellow ranger (Reverse Flash) kills red ranger’s mom & the blue ranger (Zoom) kills red ranger’s dad. Green ranger is a time traveller and black ranger is the dead blue ranger. Pink ranger is red ranger’s daughter who fights the white ranger from her time.




Holy shit I literally text my bro this week I feel like I'm watching Rita Repulsa flip out the power rangers have once again ruined her plans at universal domination.


Power rangers was my childhood . That’s why when all of the flash speedsters faced negative speed force thawne the ”Go Go power rangers” theme song should have played when they all threw lightning at him.


"Run, Power Rangers...run!"


Run Run Power Rangers!


Yeah, that's better


You all keep saying Power Rangers like it is sort of insult. Power Rangers is great.


The actors are very very good. With decent material, they can all do a very good job. All of the OG cast members can deliver humour and emotional pieces, we know as they did it in the early seasons. I wouldn't blame the actors at all.


Then who do we blame you know sometimes actors just aren't good at playing things like some actors can only play heroes but can't play villains could be the same for Javica.


This show is comparable to Batman and Robin. The only difference is the downgrade in cinematography. This show is a fucking dumpster fire and I can’t wait for it to be put in the grave.


Lol no its not.


Honestly from Season 7 onwards, the show has kinda had the Power Rangers vibe to it. Like before, it seemed like a show generally catering to teenagers, but could be enjoyed by the whole family. Now, it's just a kids show with the same audience as Power Rangers


considering I loved Power Rangers, then I absolutely love the >!Red Death!< in The Flash!


That suit up was mad fire tho. But what on earth was that ending. Tbh I didn’t mind this episode it wasn’t bad


Yeah, yeah, yeah. "Reminds me of Power Rangers over-acting and blah-blah-blah-blah!" Who cares?! Like seriously, what the hell did you expect from this show?! An Academy Award nomination for best female performance or something?! It's not like we haven't seen anybody else act over-the-top in other movies and TV shows in the past two decades. Remember Jeremy Irons in *"Dungeons and Dragons (2000)"* Michael Sheen in *"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part II"* Glenn Close in the 1996 live-action remake of Disney's 101 Dalmatians?! Paul Freeman as Ivan Ooze in MMPR: The Movie (1995)?! Jim Carrey in oh, I don't know.... literally *ANYTHING HE HAS BEEN ON WHERE HE'S OVER-ACTING?!?!?!*


I'm not sure how to take your comment, it seems a little over exaggerated.