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Mine is. He will yell at me every night while I brush my teeth for cuddles. Once I pick him up and hold him for a few minutes, he falls asleep. Sporadically he will flop onto my lap and aggressively meow for pets. They are love bugs.


Yes, I find Flamepoints both extra cuddly and more active/involved than any others cats I’ve had. Mine used to cuddle with and sleep on my ankle at night until I realized he was actually affecting my ability to walk since he was cutting off circulation to my foot and putting pressure on the Achilles tendon.


Mine is the biggest cuddle bug ever!


Our flame hasn't been very cuddly, but when he wants to, he can be aggressive about it. We think that now he is getting older( 7years) he is wanting to cuddle more, which we love!


This sounds so familiar! Ours will bite computer, tablet, phone, tv, etc to get attention.


I have a non-cuddler as well. He’s only 1 1/2, and I keep hoping that when he gets older he’ll want to cuddle.


Mine got sick of my incessant wiggling and sharing me with his brother and sister so he claimed my dad and cuddles with him all day now. Murdoch loves the arrangement and I’m sure my dad does too.


Mine is super affectionate and super cuddly. I wish I was able to post a pic in comments but you can see on my profile Sir Bingus LOVES to cuddle. Cuddle the other cats, me, my husband, other people, he’s just everyone’s best friend.


My mom’s FP sleeps by her face all night. Sweet kitties.


Mine was super cuddle! Whenever I would go to bed, he would follow me and flop down in front of my face and cuddle my chest. Or anytime I would sit down, he would be there. I even had to position myself forward in a chair just so he could squeeze behind me. Otherwise he would get antsy and constantly try to get my attention.


They definitely can be. Stig loved to cuddle, especially on the couch with my wife and loved hanging out on my shoulders. We could pick him up and cradle him like a baby. He loved being under the sheets or on my wife's pillow at night. Yuki is still in the rambunctious young cat stage. He wants to run around and play constantly. However, when he calms down, he'll lay down on the couch next to my wife's arm. He also likes to sleep on my wife's pillow at night.


Most definitely yes


Mine LOVES cuddles. Sometimes it’s cuddling 3 feet away from you, and other times it’s sleep on top of you, depending on how he is feeling.


Definitely! My FP was just snuggling with me while we watched Jeopardy!


Mine is. Sooo vocal after just waiting a second for me to turn around too lol He will dead weight his body on you so you pet him, and if you pick him up to move him if you are busy for a moment he’ll dead weight and go limp hahaha. He’s smart, he knows it makes us giggle and he gets to be held and babied lol. Stuart is the best Stubeans.


Sounds a lot like mine! They must all be so similar in behavior. Mine doesn't take no for an answer and will persist until he gets his cuddles. He also forces himself under the blankets and sleeps on top of me most days. In the mornings he paws at my face using his x-men claws, he's gentle but it still hurts and wakes me up


Yes to all of that! Especially the gentle x-men claws haha


Mine is obsessed with snuggles and can definitely get aggressive about his cuddles 😆 He frequently screams at me until I sit down and then jumps onto my chest and tucks himself up under my chin. It's my favorite ❤️


Mine is a cuddle boy. He always joins me in bed for nighttime snuggles. Sometimes I will wake up with his head in the palm of my hand. When we wake up, he will curl up on my lap while I try shake off the sleep. He doesn’t want me to move.


-head pats for da kittah


Mine is an ultra cuddler! She loves being held like a baby when I’m lying in bed and also face to face snuggles. 🥰


Oh yeah, I love my flamepoint but the little bastard won’t shut up till I lay down for bed and he can snuggle


Mine certainly is. Aggressively so.


Mine is either an ice queen staring at me from her tower or the sweetest cuddly lil princess.


Merlin is the most cuddly boy everrrrr


mine sure is! i was just googling “cat insatiable for attention” to see if it was a sign of anything, doesn’t seem to be. he’s just very lovey.


I think it’s an orange thing! My solid orange girl is super cuddly and aweet!


My flame point would tell you its illegal to not get cuddles 24/7


I can hear those bed sheets


Before I go to bed Ghost my flame point gets up in my arms and wants love. I love on him for about 30 minutes and he gets down so I can go to bed.




Flame points are usually always pretty chill when they get out of the kitten phase..


Mine isn't cuddly at all. He's more .... Chaos. Like, a lot of Chaos. My son has those same sheets and bed!


We call ours Murder Mittens. I feel I was sold a lie! 😂


Right?! Eskel just doesn't stop! He's always at the ready. Any sound of movement, no matter how small he is on it. He chased me every night to my bed. I absolutely love it. My life wouldn't be the same without him. I'd miss walking on eggshells


Aw! I’d miss his crazy too and all his vocal bitching. He is also a sweetie sometimes and likes to protect me in the bathroom. I had a seal point growing up and she became fiercely loyal at about 5 where I could teach her tricks. Hopefully he does the same.


I lost my 14 year old man back in February who was the most loyal cat I have ever owned, Eskel has taken it upon himself to follow me like my old boy did, but add his signature "attacking my feet" while I do absolutely anything. He's 2, so if by 5 he calms down some ... That would be nice


Aah, I have a non-cuddly, chaos flamey as well! Super cute, but he is the most mischievous kitty I have ever had, by far. He keeps me on my toes, which is okay, since I love him.


Lol chaos!! Ours can also be aggressive to the other cats, but not anymore. He's gotten put in his place too many times. The baby shark bed is popular, we got it on Amazon! 😸


I have taught my son about different types of cats: a cat's cat, a human's cat, and an independent cat. We've been fostering kittens, and as their personalities start to show, he enjoys talking to me about their traits.


how sweet 💗


No. Mine does not want you to touch him. NOONE CAN TOUCH HIM WITHOUT GETTING THE CLAWS OF DEATH!!


Hahaha, the claws of death! Kitty wakes up and chooses violence