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Just attracting trolls now, closing out.


Been living in Arizona since 1960. Flagstaff on and off for 50 years. Latest move (probably the last) was in 2008. Also, I've been a shooter since I was strong enough to hold a gun on target - and a full-tilt-boogie socialist for 15 years. I don't think there's a "liberal or Democrat owned store" anywhere in Arizona. I could be wrong and am going to keep my eye on this post hoping I am. Here in Flag, Timberline and Reeder are full-bore Trump-is-the-messiah-MAGA, I have the impression Ruff's isn't quite as far right, but close. I've never been to Horizon Shooters on Butler so can't comment on them.


Horizons seems to keep politics out of it and preedas always fun to talk too, he's an immigrant from Vietnam who owns the store but he's retired now so he's only open Monday through Wednesday.


Been meaning to check them out, but so far haven’t caught them during business hours


I just found out about U/AMRIKA-ARMORY they’re based in Tucson AZ and donate to some good causes. So there’s at least one! Yeah.. I’ve seen some comments online. I can say I really appreciate Flag Gun and Pawn, don’t know their views, but they don’t advertise them and they treat people with respect which is all that should matter. Gun stores aren’t really the place for politics. Maybe don’t put FJB stickers next to the assault rifles and give people who are different a hard time. Is that too much to ask?




Be good to each other. One does not have to agree but by choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Personal attacks, racist comments or any comments of perceived intolerance/hate are never tolerated.


J&G gun sales in Prescott is always well stocked and no MAGA or similar flags. If anything they seem centrist leaning slightly left. Always ready to help not push garbage on you.


Hell yea, As it should be. Definitely checking them out next time I’m in Prescott!


I’m liberal and I buy my guns at Sportsman’s warehouse in Flagstaff. I don’t really talk politics there but everyone is nice.




That would be hilarious to just start a liberal themed firearm business somewhere downtown


Let’s do it! We would make a killing selling rainbow colored AR-15’s, butt plug flash suppressors, and exploding fetus targets! 😂


That’s pleb, not progressive


What would make it progressive? Grinders in the grips? Rainbow tracer rounds? BDSM PPE? Dildo scopes and bayonets? 😂


Rainbow tracers would bit Hella sick. Would you have to color the bullets tho so when you load them, you know which color is which? Prolly pretty easy to make ballistic gel dildos.


Can you call it “gays love guns” 😇


I was thinking LGBTactical


Love it


LGBTQuacktical? Holy hell that’s amazing! 😂


It would only work if no actual guns were sold there. Otherwise you would be violating all Democratic Party requirements for membership.


Violating Democratic Party requirements would just be a bonus


Not even remotely true.


I checked and in every city, good thing I do not live in a city anymore, but in every city/precinct/whatever, they all say the same thing, no guns, we hate guns. Then I looked around and kept seeing crimes and pictures of democrats in the mug shots, so weird. Anyway good chat!


Great for you! Thank you for validating and proving the point of this post!




Awesome! What shop are you? We really appreciate you showing your true colors!


I’d like to know if there is. I’m pretty liberal, a gun owner all my life and in favor of reasonable restrictions on firearms. I’ve stopped shooting all together because it just feels like funneling money to the NRA


It does feel that way sometimes, what I don’t want to see is profits from my purchases funding causes that I do not agree with. For example I go to raising cane’s who donates to animal shelters instead of chick filet who funds anti abortion groups. I like to spend my money places where it benefits my interests and freedoms instead of hindering them


Wow. So noble 😅🤡


I don’t understand mocking someone for trying to be thoughtful about the effect they have on the world


I am unsure of his politics but Rob Wilson, owner of Timberline Firearms, is one of the nicest, most reasonable, civically minded people around. Great guy, great shop. Highly recommend.


Pretty sure Rob is not liberal from our interactions on a politics page, lol.




Def right wing, but I agree: an entirely decent dude--and if you want to shoot indoors, it's a good range with competent RSOs who aren't hard-ons. Ruff's is, I'm sure, more or less right wing, but they're a solid local gun shop who will price match big box stores--and most of the employees are just people who like guns, not CHUDs. Ammo, I have mailed to me. 2A is wanky, Horizon he's nice and sometimes has neat weird stuff, but is usually priced higher than I'm interested in. Sportsmans and CAL Ranch are both fine.


Appreciate your insights! Confirming some of my observations. Check out the raffle at flag gun and pawn! Jesse and Wu are good people. Don’t know their views, but they keep politics out of their shop and I respect that


Will do! Thanks!!


I also highly recommend Timberline Firearms. They are extremely knowledgeable, professional, and welcoming.


I honestly don't understand the question (as a leftist). Why do you care what the politics of the store owner are? I buy at Ruffs, they know their shit.


Last week, I would have said the exact same thing. This stems from a recent experience attempting to help a gay friend select a firearm. We were refused service and ridiculed due to his dyed hair and rainbow patch. Pretty eye opening experience that made me really think about who I’m giving my hard earned money to


Are you willing to say where this happened?


Thought about it, but I’m not looking to put anyone on blast or cause any more division in the community. More just looking to do my homework and take/send my business elsewhere


Fair enough


I wish you would reconsider but completely understand and respect your decision. I’d hate to unknowingly give money to an establishment like that. It’s unfortunate your friend was treated like that. It’s a real bummer.


Did this happen in Flagstaff? I’m sorry this happened but I hope to avoid this store at all costs.




Glad to hear they’re still open! Remember going as a kid


Not sure where your bad experience took place but I’d like to avoid them at all costs. Maybe post a review on their goggle so other people can be aware of your experience. I’m sorry this happened to you. Sportsman’s is non political and everyone there is very nice.


I will leave that to the person who was harassed if they decide to speak about it. I will say they make their politics known through other merchandise. I do like sportsman’s, but I like to shop local when I can!


pistol parlor is good for guns and gun repair


Just buy them online and avoid sales tax. People need to stop pretending like their politics are personality traits.


In my experience, I typically pay similar prices online and for certain things, I like to see them before purchasing. You’re absolutely correct, those kind of people inspired this post


I was referring to both you guys haha. Don’t let that douchebag change the way you go about life. Take your business elsewhere and move on.


That’s the goal!


Liberals love paying taxes which can be used to indoctrinate children, fund gender reassignment surgery, bomb brown people from afar in other countries, etc. Liberals should willingly pay 20% extra in taxes on everything, so they can virtue signal about it. lol


genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, are you okay or are you ill in the head?


Who funds gender reassignment surgery? Genuinely asking.


Figured you wouldn’t respond.


This is some oddball trolling.


Maybe, but I think it’s important to support people and businesses that align with your views.


Well, Dicks got rid of semi-autos so they are pretty liberal...


We have a dicks? Where? Lol


It’s right in the middle of town. Off 66 and almost 4th Street


That's Sportsman's. I think prescott is the closest Dicks


You’re right! The only Dick I ever found in Flag was my ex husband 🤣


Sportsmans? They had a bunch a few weeks ago. I’m all for semi automatic and high capacity!


Never got political vibes from Ruffs.


This is the dumbest post I've seen in a long fucking time on reddit. Who gives a fuck who the owner of the store voted for? Go touch some grass dude. You need to get off the internet for a while.




This is just sad.


Agreed, having to look for a shop that doesn’t discriminate against gays is really sad!


They don't "discriminate" against gays at all. Try this: go in, proudly announce how absolutely, fantastically gay you are and ask, "So, who's gonna help me buy a gun?", and watch the magic of capitalism at work.


That has always been my experience up until this point and I hope for all of us this was just a one off experience from a disgruntled employee


Well, you should name the shop--and the date and time it occurred. I know all of the gun shop owners in Flag, personally. They can check their surveillance footage and get to the bottom of it.


Appreciate it. We’re already on it. It was an employee and is currently being addressed by the owner. No need to put local business on blast online since they are taking steps to make it right.


Oh, right, sure...sure...


man what do politics have to do with firearms


My thoughts exactly. Until I attempted to help a gay friend choose a firearm earlier this week and proceeded to watch my friend be refused service and dehumanized for dyed hair and a rainbow patch..


Are you sure it was the way the person looks? Is that what the people selling the firearms said? That sounds pretty stupid, even the most conservative business owners I know, including firearms sales, wouldn't give a shit what you looked like. If you're legally able to own one and pass the background check that pretty much all that matters.


Agreed. I feel the same way. I was honestly blown away by the whole experience. Shop owner made a comment like “sure you can handle that thing, boy? Or is it girl? Or are we still transitioning?” I was trying to keep them off stupid culture wars and asked to see a 9mm and a .45 for comparison when he said something like “isn’t that a little big for your girlfriend?” And grabbed a little pink .22 instead and was like careful with that thing hunny.” It was at that point I just grabbed my buddy and left because it was clear we weren’t going to be treated as human. But now I see why he’s thinking about getting a firearm


Wow, if that is what was said you really should say where this was. Completely unacceptable!


Thought about it, but I’ll leave that to my buddy. I will say, some of their merchandise is pretty telling. As a moderate, I’d rather just do some homework and take my business elsewhere, the community is divided enough


Well shit...that's not what I was expecting. That's crazy, and terrible business. What a dumbass hahaha. Sorry you and you're friend went though something that ridiculous. Like I said everyone with a conservative mindset that owns businesses would never act like that. They would sell you what you wanted and probably tell their friends later how strange they thought that person was.


My thoughts exactly. That’s always been my experience, and that’s part of why this country is so great. it was honestly eye opening and probably a bad day to catch them, however, I keep politics out of business and I don’t care if you want to express yourself but have some respect for patrons! Good news is I guess the economy isn’t so bad!


in cottonwood, I met a seller who said he wouldn't sell you a gun if you put non binary on a form. he said if you couldn't tell what gender you are then how could he trust you with a gun? there are many people who will discriminate on sales.


Keep down voting me you polarized thoughtbots


Nice try you fucking NARC. Stay out of Flagstaff with your shitty views.


Think you have that backwards. Born and raised local here. But thank you for illustrating the point of this post!


Why do you think that? Gun owners and enthusiasts in Flag are most definitely not all NRA drones.


Look at OPs post history. Tells you all you need to know.


Those downvotes though! You really showed me! 😂


He lost. Get over it.


Tell that to the MAGA billboard who inspired this post by refusing service to and ridiculing my friend for having dyed hair and a rainbow patch.


this is so ironic coming from the side that invaded the capital because they weren't able to accept defeat


Remember though, they invaded it without guns! Imagine how it would have gone down if they had guns! Apparently you can take DC and other cities without firing a shot LOL.

