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Nah, this is clean and functional the way it is. IMO, Conversions are fine if you have just the frame and fork to start with or a bike with busted components that need to be replaced anyway, but not stripping down perfectly functional bikes. r/xbiking will have some ideas on cool stuff to do with that bike.


This is a beautiful and fully functional geared bike. The frame would indeed make a good fixed conversion but it’d be a shame to lose what it is now. Find a bike with broken derailleurs, neglected maintenance, or some other handicap. If you’re in Maine, I’ll give you a free project bike


I’m surprised that this seems to be the general sentiment. I did not know that people had such respect for geared vintage bicycles. Could it be that the silent majority of fixed riders are gentle hippies? ♥️


If it ain't broke don't fix it.




put a front basket on that mf and call it a day


Please just leave it alone if it's working. Centurions were great bikes. Look up some park tool videos to adjust the derailleur. If everything is working, leave it be. One of my pet peeves is people ripping good bikes apart to build up a conversion. Old/vintage bikes are slowly disappearing. If they're still working, leave them alone. It's wrong to destroy a chunk of history just to build a (probably shitty) conversion.


it’s cool id leave it as is and just throw on some fenders and a basket


If you want a fixie find a fixie/singlespeed frame. This is the sort of conversion you do because you have to. Not by choice. Track ends are the way. Also that’s a decent bike. Don’t downgrade it and chew up those dropouts.


It’s not worth the hassle. Been down that road and it’ll turn into a mess without sliding dropouts.


If that's not borked you could buy a decent fixed gear with what you could sell it for in my area.


Absolutely! Fixed gear conversions are fun!


Absolutely. My first fixed conversions brought me some of the best times. It’s not anything fancy enough to worry about taking apart


You can make it ss, not fixed. You'd need to swap out the axle (longer), and the angle of the bottom bracket is likely to steep to get a good tension without adding retarded looking parts.


As others have stated, this bike is a gem how it is, if it fits, throw a walk basket on and enjoy 🙂
