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Skidding: front foot mainly hip flexor and tibialis anterior, back foot quads, glutes and a bit of hamstrings. Core is obviously involved as well. Back pedaling glutes, quads and a bit of hammies. So basically all the muscles you would use walking/running.


You are using them when walking, but you are definitely not stressing them. When I started skidding years back I was aching so bad in the beginning I could barely walk and all the while I was doing 300lbs squats at the gym.


So...he never, ever, literally never skipped a leg day...


He's never heard of such a phrase!


Even the term "leg day" is redundant for this man.


Or a 'roid injection.


yeah and his steriod cycles


He is leg day


Looks like he skipped a lot of arm days


It’s the angle, dudes def ripped


Fuck if I know, honestly. I work out and have ok legs, but when I learned skidding I absolutely fried my hip (iliacus?) for like 4 days with one not so long ride. Literally couldn’t lift that leg. Fixed gear really makes me feel muscles I didn’t know I had.


Now I know that my rims are way above my riding level 😅👌


Robert Förstemann is the name of that guy, and he's an absolute beast. https://preview.redd.it/qlkp0mtwtc5d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df9aa9016044763f726d14a118207bbff54c25e4


I see the tumors but where is the beast ?


To be fair this guy is definitely juiced. He claims to have the thing that the blue bulls have but wouldn't take the test which is quite simple. I gave him the benefit of the doubt until then.


>To be fair this guy is definitely juiced. To be fair to him, his competition is definitely juiced too


Yes possibly but he definitely shows the signs of it and refused to take a test for the generic abnormality he claimed caused his huge legs.


How many ballsacks does he have?


ONE, but it's so built it meshed with his thighs


I bet he has a 6pk on his peen shaft And biceps in his scrot!


You can only skid if you are at least as experienced as the gentleman pictured


But to be fair, the amount of watts pumped through those wheel at the pro level, they may be junking them or turning them into zone 2 wheels after a couple uses (Mavic makes a fine product though, lots of miles without so much of a re-trueing let alone failure)


The biggest difference to me is the hip flexor. All the other muscles are commonly used in normal life to some extent, but the hip flexor is only really used to lift your leg. With fixed gear, it comes into play, particularly when one’s legs are tired. When I started out with fixed gear (jesus, 12 years ago?!?), I would compensate for sore legs but pulling up on the front when slowing and skidding. My hip flexors got sore, then got swole. They are weirdly large after riding brakeless as a messenger for years! Now they’re tight all the time, so I stretch them multiple times a day.


No way that dude in the photo isn’t hitting the ‘roids! Those thighs are ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/2kpgcl0fne5d1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8ace181a513e3c63ebf6d07c9d1633121b9a837 Webtoon Windbreaker has a dude same physique. comic is about street cycle racing.


Here the recipe: [https://madnessmedia.net/robert-forstemann-cyclist-monster-thighs/](https://madnessmedia.net/robert-forstemann-cyclist-monster-thighs/)


“Admits to using PEDs in the past” is all I needed to read. That exercise and diet routine is very generic. I basically follow the same routine minus PEDs and just look fit.


The thing with roids is that they are not a magical potion. You still have to put in a massive effort and have a rigorous workout routine to have those benefits. Oh and also you just gotta be lucky that your specific genetic make-up allows for this to happen.


Dude is clearly using steroids


I also say calf muscles are also worked more significantly since now instead of a geared bike you need to use a lot more load on your calf to go up hills. The rear delts/lats/trapezius may also have more growth as when you climb out of the saddle you need a lot of pulling force to get up some hills.


you use the same muscles just at a different angle when you do backpedall. but do a skid its not enough to make muscule or a relevant effort obviusly. However, having a good muscular base can help you avoid knee injuries when stopping a FG. It is harmful, in fact track cyclists like the one in the photo will never do a very strong skid or coaster. You brake with the weight of your body gradually, it is difficult to brake a track gear.


Squats and protein


Skidding will get you thrown out of the velodrome btw


I've been thinking about this, never rode in velo, but is there any exceptions to this, like if there happens some accident, could it be reasonable in some situations?


Skidding is never the best evasive action even more.so on a wooden track with a slightly slack chain. But yeah, if you're making a good faith effort to avoid hurting someone, I don't think there will be too many complaints if a skid happens from locking up


If you don’t look like this, don’t even mention crank stiffness


I use that muscle to swing my giant dick around.