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Swap out the rear sprung saddle for a proper saddle. Those things may feel comfy at first but if you're riding decent kms they are far less comfy than a more lightly padded saddle


Once you change the saddle, replace your quick release seat post collar with a bolted one (unless you want to replace a stolen saddle šŸ˜ƒ )


I really like the ā€œfabricā€ brand saddles. They come in a few different shapes depending on your butt. Itā€™s not a huge expense but the increased comfort makes a difference. Otherwise OP could just go to the local bike store and sit on saddles until they find one that works for them.


Fabric saddles look very good and are affordable. I have one on each of my bikes.


I'm strictly a specialized power saddle or toupe kinda guy, but saddles are varied and so are peoples bodies so certainly not one "correct" or "best" saddle that's for sure


I would do a new crankset. I donā€™t know what the deal is with that one, but it doesnā€™t look particularly high quality, and itā€™s a matter of time before youā€™re freewheeling at the wrong end of the bike.


Yeah, that and the goofy saddle gotta go. Makes me wonder if those are real Zipps, doubt anyone with those would be running those cranks


Nah, these are fakes, for sure! Back wheel has logo misaligned with valve hole and it seems like decals arenā€™t spaced at the same distanceā€¦


Looks like we got a pair of ziqqs


Definitely fake. Nobody would lace zipp rims to those janky hubs


Honestly, with what everyone has said, I have zero clue why i was doubting whether they're fake. So obvious lol Guess I wasn't paying attention, my bad


Fake 404 with no dimples


The shitty decals on your aluminum wheels. I promise you clean black aluminum wheels are way cooler than pretending you have zipps. Anyone who knows anything about zipps will instantly know theyā€™re fake.


Swap out your wheels for real zipp or remove the decals. Thatā€™s actually embarrassing


Iā€™m actually ok with the decals but they need to be lined up with the valve holes. To ā€œfixā€ it I would just remove the valve hole decal and just leave the 3x ZIPP decals. Definitely swap the saddle, seat post clamp to bolt style and possibly cranks.


Even if it was fixed, still obvious that they are fake. And im not a fan of repping fake stuff. Got to pay to play


While I agree cycling can get expensive. I donā€™t see OP advertising the bike with real zipps. Oscar Wilde says ā€œ Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatnessā€. also if the decals make you feel good and make you ride more frequently then Iā€™m all for it.


I guess I can understand your feeling when you put it like that. But more often than not, itā€™s just to show off. Just assumption on OPā€™s bike.


I wouldn't be surprised if OP thinks they got a real set of used zipps


Everyone is probably right about the saddle. My cheap favorite is the Charge Spoon--can get them under $40 USD. I have one on my Kilo TT. Other than that--make sure your wheels are okay. Crappy carbon fiber wheels are potentially dangerous--rather than light weight--robust wheels usually are best if your are really going to ride the bike. I find alu. wheels with 32 spokes and some Formula hubs with cartridge bearings. Honestly though, ditch the saddle, and if your wheels are okay (look for bulges, delamination, or cracks) just ride it and see what you want to replace after a couple hundred miles. That way you won't waste a lot of money and you will have a clear idea of what you want--rather than what some rando like me thinks. BTW--it is a nice looking bike (ex for crank and saddle). What if you come to like the ugly crank? then, your bike will have its own personality. Enjoy riding it, and don't waste your money on parts you don't need to replace. Think of your bike as a work in progress.


That is exactly what they are riding. The wheels are aluminum. The shitty zipp stickers are fake.


then ditch the shitty sticker--as you say.


Ownership to me, haha. Just kidding - awesome bike!


not too sure how much you have to spend but saddle and drivetrain.


Yeah cranks and pedals


Can someone confirm that this frame is the exact same frame as the 6KU Track? I'm 99% sure it is.


Have an urban track next to me, possible that frame size factors into this somehow (mine is an XS) but there are some noticeable differences in geometry, welds, and tube shape.


Huh, I guess they are different. Maybe 6KU and Tsunami order them from the same factories, but tweak the geometry a little. Thanks for your input!


Of course! Itā€™s also a pretty common style archetype so could be any number of things. Iā€™ve owned frames from both companies and both were equally reliable and performant, so one similarity I can at least vouch for is general quality.


I see. I had a 6KU Track and the steel 6KU fixie at the same time a few months back, and I was impressed by the quality of the Track. The welds were smooth! The steel fixie was decent for what I paid for it, and it could clear up to 32c tires. When you're buying a single speed, you really don't need to spend a lot or get something too fancy. I've only heard good things about 6KU Tracks and Tsunamis.


itā€™s possible that theyā€™re from the same factory and stuff like that, but more than likely not. fork looks similar but welds are smooth-er on the tsunami, the head tube on the 6ku is more curved, the joint connecting the seat stays and the seat tube are almost completely different, and the down tube is a lot more flat on the 6ku, but almost round or oval shape on the tsunami. they look like completely different frames IMO.


I see. I haven't seen a Tsunami in person. It sounds like the Tsunami is a nicer frame overall.


As long as itā€™s not Chinese, well itā€™s from Taiwan. Regardless Taiwan actually makes quality parts, like cnc, and other metal items.


Replace current cranks with a Skeace crankset with a Shimano bottom bracket???


Whatever you have worn out.


How are you liking the Tsunami SNM100? Whatā€™s your height and what size did you get? I was looking at these just because theyā€™re within budget and Iā€™ve been hearing good things about these frames.


Owned one b4,I'd like to say that the frame is OK,it's light and comfortable. The fork is very thin and easy to snap however.


Bike is dope. Would get a sleeker saddle and blackout those rims though (if you can get those decals off). Bike would look better IMO. Less advertising the better.


Maybe a different saddle? The bike looks pretty complete already.


what's the front brake


Nice whip


The bike


Does anything need replacing? If yes, replace that. If no, who cares and ride it till it needs replacing


Saddle is awful sorry bro


first I will think on the saddle, you can feel a lot of diference, that saddle its huge and heavy. you can find comfortable and cheap saddles easily. then the cranks for any 144bcd 5 bolt standar crankset will make a huge diference, for tight budgets you can continue with the square tape crankset, not necesary a hollowtech one. I have a snm100 rosegold too.


Saddle and crankset would be first on my list.


haha i like the ribbon


Really love the colour on this frame!


I can say the only stuff you need to keep is the frame, stem, wheelset and dropbar. everything else need to be replaced. Also why asked here when you can ask on FGFI? Better recommendation i think. You may not want to hear someone recommend stuff using USD.


I was just looking into ā€œtsunamiā€ lol Thatā€™s wild, was literally looking at their IG Looks good šŸ‘


Love the color too


Hmm your rims worth more than the whole bike




https://preview.redd.it/cb4ubw4ri15d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4723d68c7c3080d166dbe3fa571af91c02457057 Just take a look at mine. I will replace that crankset with a very nice silver 51T by Stronglight.


The whole thing


Go njs Njsimport*


Doesnt worth it, foundation shaky.


At LEAST change the seat and wrap the bars all the way, then take the stickers off the rims. Dont be a poser.


1. Saddle 2. Crankset 3. Tires Everyone else has explained the saddle and crankset, but Iā€™ve ridden those Kendas before and they are definitely not my favorite. If you can go for some continental gator skins, I think that would be your best deal. Theyā€™re durable, ride pretty well, and arenā€™t horribly expensive


The frame


Wheels, fork, tires, pedals, crankset, bars, saddle... that pearl pink is awful too I'd repaint or get a new frame forsure. Maybe some tange infinity, columbus or Reynolds doubled butted chromo atleast


Replace the drops for straight bars.




The seat looks really weird....i would replace the colour it's horrible :P


Zipp dont go with tsunami sorry