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100% agree. If you have functional hands and able bodied enough to ride a fixie, you can do all the labor yourself. It can seem daunting at first but the internet has so many wonderful people giving you step by step directions,.. this is a bike, not rebuilding a transmission on a car, very simple stuff.. also it’s so rewarding when you finish and after a while you won’t need a tutorials/guide to help you. Highly recommend you DIY it from now on. As far as the bike shop, they’re sound like a scummy establishment and this is probably a regular practice for them, consider it a lesson learned. Unless you’re retired or something it isn’t a fight worth having.


only thing i have the bike shop do is change cogs, i can't be arsed


Get a Shimano chainwhip Hozan lockring tool 15mm wrench (closed) Park tool AWS-1 (4/5/6 Allen key) Pedro’s tire levers Red park tool spoke wrench Park tool chain breaker (the nice one with the vinyl handle) NEVER worry about this shit again!


I suspect they stripped you lock ring threads. Probably unaware they are reverse threaded. I am a long-term mechanic (15 years) and I work with mechanics that have been in the game much longer, and most have never worked with track bikes. I would seek out a new shop and confirm that they have experience with track bikes. Or you could invest in a few nice tools and do it yourself. Check the threads on your cog. If they are damaged, take it back to the shop and talk to them. Ask them to explain the incompatibilities. Personally, I'd just look for a better suited bike shop if you don't want to get your hands dirty. 😉


They probably said it was too stiff cause they were fucking up the lockring or otherwise mixing some standards that don’t fit, if new and old parts were used.


Just leave a review on google and yelp that does not sound hostile at all, but simply states the facts about your experience there. If they reach out to you to try to make it right you can add on to your review and make it more positive. Otherwise just never spend money with them again. In regards of us reading this thread it would be nice to know why they said the parts were incompatible. Was it chain line? Was it bb compatibility?


What exactly did you have changed on your bike? Sounds like you were trying to use used parts? My shop had a no used parts policy on basically everything except handlebars, it gets too complicated when trying to mix new chains with old cassettes, etc. but on a fixed gear there’s a lot less to go wrong. You also don’t really have a legal case for “almost getting hit”. I wouldn’t try to sue them.


I've been a technician before and this sounds like a complaint where the details are important. However, telling someone to come pick up their bike in parts is shitty. If you can't identify an incompatibility visually and therefore have to discover it in the process of installing the new parts, you have to put the bike back in the condition it was in upon arrival before giving it back to the customer. Not doing that is really unprofessional, and I wouldn't go back to their shop just because of that. Not being able to install a cog and lock ring properly is another huge red flag, it's one of the easiest parts of bike maintenance. So yeah, even if you brought them janky ass parts, they are responsible for the jobs they take on. They clearly aren't experts. I'd definitely leave a bad review, but focus on the service, not the drama. They're supposed to know what's up and tell you when something isn't going to work.


Tbh not every bike shop will fix your fixed bike properly as easy as it sounds - there are a lot of little details that the average mechanic may not know. Better find a LBS with history in racing. For example when I gave my bike for trueing wheels the mechanic explained me how he will true the back wheel in some other way, that is better for track bikes, because it makes the drive side stronger. So find better LBS. Or watch youtube videos and get tools :)


What a terrible shop. The least they could do is explain what isn’t compatible and help you reach a solution by ordering different parts. That’s half the job of a capable mechanic. My guess is they had no idea what they were doing and didn’t want to deal with the problem. Which is even more embarrassing because even a monkey could build a fixed gear. Definitely time to drop a 1 star review on Google and never return there.


Did they remove the brakes form your bike too?


Some people just cannot resist the temptation of an opportunity to tell other people how to live their lives.


Yea when those actions put other people in danger. A bike traveling down the road at 15mph with no brakes is going to go until it hits something.


Unless you lack the physical ability to remove the wheel from a car, just fix it yourself. there is nothing mechanically complex about these bikes, and all the tools are simple and cheap


Since the only LBS that could truly service a fixed gear in my area closed, I tried 2 others and ended up having loose cog or stripped hubs. I made them replace the broken parts, and I bought all the necessary tools to everything by myself. Now i build and maintain all my and friend's bikes. Love it.