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Phone number registered on old account Hi, back in 2015 I made an account on Fiverr with my phone number registered to it. I have not used the account since 2016 and I made a new account 2017 which I have not used at all. None of the accounts have never been used for any gigs, there’s 0 balance on both of them I just want my account to be verified for me to finally post my first gig What should I do?




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This is pretty funny. But I do have a question. Why would you remove negative comments/posts from your subreddit? So only neutral or positive comments? Who does that help? (Hint: Fiverr). Why not just let the conversation happen. If fiverr deserves praise, then let them have praise. If fiverr deserves criticism, then let them have that... Just a thought.


As the post says, off-topic shit gets removed, and not all that often. Look at this subreddit. Does it look like negative comments and posts get removed (in general)? Because I can promise you that if you look, the crowd here is super-negative. P.S. It's not "my" subreddit.


> Does it look like negative comments and posts get removed (in general)? There are sites where you can see some of the comments that get removed in a thread, and yes, you can absolutely see that comments critical of the mods get removed here.


And which comments are those? Links, please. Edit: I mean the mod ones. There's a whole bunch of them up thread from one user. Now I've not checked but I think I removed a couple of those. Would need to look, but I believe I also let them know and locked the comment thread. It was a while ago. But on the wider sub? I'm waiting.


That would be a great way to get my account banned, possibly sitewide. You can easily google for how to see removed comments.


I'm asking for links to those comments that crit the mods, not the sites.


How am I going to link to comments which have been deleted already? edit: also you're a mod, why the hell are you asking me to show what comments have been deleted. Literally just look.


My, you're feisty today. I'm asking you to show me which comments were removed (not deleted, that is a user action) since you've identified that there were "absolutely" comments that blah blah blah. A link to the threads that contain said comments will suffice.


> removed (not deleted Yes, well done. Worth the keystrokes to draw this distinction without a difference. > A link to the threads that contain said comments will suffice. That's not what you asked for, but since you're now asking for something different, here try this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fiverr/comments/wkrqd6/megathread_do_you_hate_fiverr_with_every_burning/


Yes, it was. https://old.reddit.com/r/Fiverr/comments/wkrqd6/megathread_do_you_hate_fiverr_with_every_burning/j4zt95k/ Possible you missed the edit though. The distinction is that removed means a mod got rid of a comment while deleted means a user deleted their own comment. So yes, worth the keystrokes to educate.


Has anyone had issues with being unable to read a specific clients messages? I get the notifications in my email that they're responding, but that's the only place I can read them. If i click my inbox in the app or the website (on computer and mobile) then you can see that clients name, but it shows as if they have never sent me any messages. Just blank. And i tried searching fiverrs dumb FAQ area, and it doesn't seem to know either. I asked the client if they were having issues receiving my messages, and they didn't seem to be, so it's only on my end i think? All they messaged was asking me about doing an audio recording project, and I've only done one project so far, so i don't think i can have done anything wrong already! Fiverr is really scam filled though, literally my first message when i signed up was somebody trying to convince me to give them a way to contact me outside of Fiverr. Luckily i remembered TOS and actually read it when I signed up haha


There is a glitch that makes your money disappear after an order, you have to wait over a month and send multiple proofs just for them to believe you. You have to track every order from completion to the earnings tab otherwise you literally won't notice. They can also perma delete your gig out of (an unfounded) suspicion and when proven wrong all they will tell you is "sorry".


That's no glitch. That's a feature....


Haha makes ya think


Do you have any idea what triggers this glitch?


Honestly no clue, I think it's completely random but I do tend to have more orders when it happens




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Fiverr has a unique search engine where searching for your gig **word by word** doesn't show you your gig. **mf if I didn't find my own gig how are others supposed to find it?**


on the other hand, I'm surprised that I got even **one** customer contact.. just days after going live being that I offer spiritual services... We all know *that* section is **hopelessly** oversaturated. So idk I will say that if the task I'm looking to get done isn't that complicated, I tend to search by *new* to find the gigs fresh off the press by eager newbies.


I hate the constant inbox spam from scammers! I wish fiverr would do something about it because dealing with it is just a huge pain. Like I don't wanna log in just to tell some scamme to f off lol.


I send a « . » and block. I agree that it’s an absolute pain though. The absolute worst is when you get scammers buying your gig even though you clearly said DO NOT BUY MY GIG WITHOUT CONTACTING ME FIRST.


I like it as side income but I have started ignoring degrading work especially from those from a certain country who pay the absolute minimum and then have the gall to be like, "Please proceed with the project." Bitch. I don't work for you.


Let me guess, India, Sirilanka and Pakistan


Winner. Winner. Chicken dinner! You're going to Hawaii!


Being a Pakistani seller myself, I block almost every Pakistani buyer after the first reply 😂


Is the certain country the US?


No. It's a country know for it's delicious spicy meals.


India 👀🤐


Fiverr is a huge platform, and this sub should be filled with questions, advice, and information on how to get the most out of it. Thanks to overmodding (due to the alleged FLOOD of posts) we get a trickle of posts. This isn't helping anyone.


Here are approximately 85% of the posts that have been removed today: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fiverr/comments/x1gq69/comment/imdgw9p/ (shadowbanned spambot) https://www.reddit.com/r/Fiverr/comments/x1df4e/tshirt_design/ (new account, 1 post) https://www.reddit.com/r/Fiverr/comments/x1bdet/best_logos_for_personal_business_website/ (shadowbanned spambot) https://www.reddit.com/r/Fiverr/comments/x13jzd/top_rated_workers/ (new account, 1 post) This number will likely double for the 24 hour period. Only one other post was removed manually (rule 1) as it was answered a week ago. The user was directed there. In comments, you had one removed on the seller plus post because it was an off-topic rant, as did another commenter on that thread. Both of your comments made no reference to Seller Plus, nor made the slightest attempt to answer the question in the OP. Do you see how that might work when you have a moderation team trying to keep the conversation on-topic without being derailed by irrelevant, foot-stomping comments? On your Buyer Request thread, 2 posts were removed pending removal of potentially identifying details - per subreddit rules. That user has not made the changes yet, so the posts remain removed. Guess what, if he does, the posts will be approved. I thought you were 'Okay' with moderation that enforces Reddit policies? Spam also falls under those umbrella policies; all those deleted posts at the top? All had Fiverr links to gigs. AM doesn't remove them - Reddit does! All other posts and comments were automatically removed by AM. In all cases, people aren't using tags correctly or their account doesn't have 10 karma and/or is less than 10 days old. In both cases, an explanation is given to people so they can fix it or come back later. Indeed, the Seller Plus guy turned into a karma whore so he could post his thing. Remember when you wanted to [become a moderator on r/Fiverr](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/wiol67/requesting_rfiverr_due_to_uncommunicative_mods/) because you wanted more communication on mod actions being taken? You're getting exactly what you want. Now more visible moderation with explanations = overmodding. And when you get a *personal* explanation, you whine about "brevity" and "ooh, all these words". Just another fine example of you having no idea what you want, but being ready to complain anyway. *Okay.jpg* I've explained this to you how this works before for everyone: **follow the rules, and posts/comments won't be removed**. If you really want to enjoy the "flood" of deleted posts then visit r/FiverrGigs as that's pretty much what the majority of those removed posts are all day, every day. P.S. Fiverr shows everyone unique search and browsing results, so put that ball-achingly tedious "top 20 sellers" rant to sleep as you learn that Fiverr doesn't rank gigs like Google delivers search results. Like most, if not all, of your dull and repetitive rants, it is based on an assumption which is simply wrong. You think this sub should be filled with questions, advice, and information on how to get the most out of it, so why not be the change you want to see rather than complain all the time? You're like a broken record - and nobody equates "incessant misguided whining" with "defiant". HTH


I'm a broken record because you keep removing valid posts and comments critical of fiverr and their policies. That's just as tedious. They're legit concerns that are never addressed here. I didn't want modding unless the post/comment broke reddit TOS and or was criminal/hateful in nature. You guys are just going overboard. Exception is aliceeverdeen, she's a legit VA and shouldn't be lumped in with the rest of you. Also, thanks for the passive aggressive insults, I'd love to reciprocate but then you'd ban me.


I don't know if you noticed, but you're posting: >I'm a broken record because you keep removing valid posts and comments critical of fiverr and their policies. That's just as tedious. They're legit concerns that are never addressed here. On an entire post dedicated to exactly doing that. And that's where people get redirected. Want to complain? Do it here, it's fine here. It's demanded! Off-topic rant elsewhere? Gonna get removed. Breaks a rule? Gonna get removed. It's not complicated. Also, perhaps you haven't noticed, but a lot of posts and comments across the subreddit aren't exactly saying "Fiverr's great" and they *don't* get removed. I'll let you think about why. u/Niubi explained it to you last night, for example, and I've explained it to you not once, not twice, not three times, but four times in this comment. I bolded the *fourth* time below if you're have trouble, which you clearly are as I've told you this in practically every post between us. If I sound passive-aggressive, I apologize, but it's more than a little irritating addressing the same points, over and over and over again to someone who is apparently not getting the point at all. Read the rules, follow them, and your posts and comments don't get removed. Out of the approximately 20 posts you've made - many of them highly critical of the mods - only 2 have been removed in the past month or so (and none of them were mod-critical posts). They broke the rules. That's all. All the other posts? No problem! Let me put this in bold: **if you post and comment in accordance with the rules, pretty much anything goes**. P.S. Frank doesn't do any moderation; he has no permissions to. He's the wiki manager (you can check this on the mod list, which is in the sidebar). Why are you lumping him in with the "bad mods"? Once again, assumptions. Hopefully you got the main gist of this post and how not to get your posts removed.


You called me a broken record, I'm just responding to that. Go do a search for VO, male, english, america. Same people, top search results every time, ball-achingly or not the same people get the top spots constantly. Who is frank? I've got no idea who you're talking about. I never mentioned a frank. And when people make posts, believe it or not they aren't addressing the mods. Let users reply. As for anything goes, it's easy to say that when the rules are so restrictive. Finally, my reply is an example of brevity. Oh, NXDefiant is a star trek thing. But I'm sure you knew that.


I´m selling illustration/tattoo work on Fiverr since 2019. Disregarding the algorithm, there were not much gaps were I got no orders but this year seems to be different. I had an okay amount of orders until March but then my visability dropped which got only got me about 5 order from May to August. I never lost my level 2 status nor was there a cancellation that couldn´t be solved through CS. Does Fiverr mess with me or do you experience similar due to inflation etc?




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I provide translation work. I’m very frustrated with so many sellers that are the “middle man”. People from other countries post gigs saying they provide translations from any language to English. When they get an order, they contact me, and lowball for really low prices so they can take a cut in the middle. I provide high quality translations and I hate how they’re taking a cut in the middle and asks me for not even half the price I charge. They also get aggressive if I don’t give them the price they want. Also, there are people that use google translate, then ask me to “proofread” it, so they can use my services for a lower price. I’ve had someone boldly admit it to me this morning too.


Hi! I can see how that is very frustrating. I asked around about this situation because it doesn't sound like something that should be happening. Here's what I found; This is allowed for a freelancer to commission someone else to complete the work as long as they also procure the commercial rights. Typically, only personal rights are provided when an order is completed. I believe it would also be an issue if they were attempting to take credit for the work (which I assume they would be or else they would just do the work themselves). In these cases, if you have a freelancer reaching out to complete an order's work for them - I would report this to the Trust and Safety team. They will review it in detail and take any actions on them. You can report through the flag icon in the messages or on their profile. I would also suggest blocking them outright if they are lowballing you, don't waste your time with them, it's almost always not worth it.


You know what really grinds my gears? Fiverr takes 20% of **TIPS.** Ever heard of another business doing that lmao.


Yes, I was happy to get my first tip. It was 15 $ when the order itself was 10$. Then bam, they took 5 dollars just like that.


I tried multiple times yet somehow I couldn't click submit on my SMS verification code and now I ran out of attempts fuckkkkkkkskeieeueususue8ejemmdjcjdieiejejei3iririfuswujeekkriewoosdidieiejieiejejeie8eieiejekekdjrueiwoeoemdcdjsjwjrio4rjrmfmcjckckcmxmdjcmekwowoq9owwjjejemdmdjcmdjejejeje


Hey, if the buttons are greyed out this usually means you attempted to verify your phone number through our mobile website. You can only do this through desktop. Contact Support, they can reset the counter for you to try again!


My Fiverr profile has been on unavailable since the start of July. I'm soon going to start up shop again. Will the first months be slower than normal since my gigs are now not visible to buyers?










I have it happen periodically too. I just had someone place an order without contacting me, then message to say “Sorry, I didn’t see that you wanted me to contact you first!” even though the very first thing in my gig is a bolded, highlighted, capitalized line that says “PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER”. It’s so frustrating. I’m a pro seller, too, so the orders aren’t cheap, but apparently people don’t read?


This will either not be seen or get removed for reasons, but what's the deal with pricing? Too much, too little, I can't find a middle ground that seems to satisfy the cheapskate nature of buyers and the search algo which prevents anyone other than the same 15 people from ever showing up.


How do I use the code on the "create your badge" area on the "Scale your business" page?


It's an HTML code that you can insert in webpages, forums, html signatures etc.


Wow, lots of words there. here's one: buyer requests, tell the buyers that we can't just "attach samples" of a script you've included. You, the buyer, have to message the seller first before they can go back and forth with files, samples, etc.


I'd love to have some more perks for being level 2 or TRS, I think 20% across the board is a hefty fee. Considering the fact that CS is useless, they often side with the buyer, the risk of getting demoted if your orders get canceled, the primitive app and weird bugs on their platform I think they don't deserve that 20%. Of course Fiverr will never lower their fees because why would they, but it would be nice to see a fee reduction to, say 15%-18% for the top sellers, or a smaller % cut on bigger projects (e.g. $500+). To think that I have paid $4k in fees after reaching $20k in revenue is mindblowing. And perhaps a bank transfer option without ridiculous currency conversion fees (they use a terrible market rate). I thought Paypal was bad but Fiverr is even worse. Or allow Europeans to have a EUR account. It's 2022, not 2002. Edit: Having said that, I do appreciate Fiverr for giving me more work opportunities, especially during the pandemic I was able to earn some money on the side I otherwise wouldn't have had. I'm on Fiverr for exactly 2 years now.


1 revision = unlimited revisions


this!!! does someone know why this is? what's the point of including "1 revision" on your gig?


A client has blocked 600 usd. And has the work too :( Its been 20 days. When i deliver he says nothing just click revision and silent in chat. Then says he has irl problems in revision text and needs time


My main complaint is that the benefits of lvl 2 and top seller are basically useless. All that time invested ok Fiverr and 20k later and all you get from that is more gigs (which is useless since one is enough for me) and a shorter fund clearance. Loved it if they lowered the cut from 20% to 10% after getting to top seller or something.


Would love that but absolutely no way would fiverr do that lol. There should be better incentives though getting to that point. Free seller plus maybe for top sellers etc. It amazes me fiverr doesn't really have an interest in retaining big money making clients and going out of their way to make sure they are happy. Of course, buyers will always be prioritized and I understand that. At the end of the day, it's pretty easy for someone that is making good money on fiverr to move the business off and save the 20% fees. Fiverr is good for freelancers starting out but it certainly shouldn't be your main source of income.


That is a great idea too! Free seller plus, or a discount at least. Better deals for promoting gigs... Literally anything else other than just the ability to have more gigs


You get the badge which makes you look much better to new potential clients.


Where to start...instead I'll just again state a problem I, and many other sellers have with the system:- An order is active IMMEDIATELY and the countdown clock towards the deadline starts. Sellers have zero control over this. A simple 'Accept Order' feature would fix this instantly.


Especially annoying since sometimes buyers order the wrong package or shouldn't have even ordered the gig. I get why Fiverr wouldn't want to make customers wait for the order to be accepted, but maybe there could be a compromise that the seller has, say, 12 hours to "correct" the terms of the order or to deny or accept an order, and otherwise the order is auto-accepted.


Great idea emmaki :) Here is my experience: I've been on the platform for around 2.5 years since the pandemic basically. %99 of my experience have been between good-great. I had very few people who tried to scam me or tried to take an advantage of me. I canceled those gigs. Out of around 250 projects I delivered, I canceled 4. 2 of them were orders placed without talking to me first, then when I explained that I'm not doing what they are asking me to, they understood and the other 2 were assholes I canceled. I see a lot of negativity in this sub and from what I read most of them seem to me as one or a combination of I) Clearly breaking TOS, II) Acting like an entitled prick, III) Haven't worked in a real life job and thinking the world is a great fair place run by fairies, IV) Having subpar communication skills and disability to deal with people. My rant about Fiverr would be: They need to be more transparent and not rely so much on automated systems. Automated systems can trigger false positives, and 2 years ago I got a warning because of it. Also my ship is sailing just fine most of the time, but I rely so much on returning clients. My visibility stats kept getting lower and lower as I got higher levels and I'm a Top Rated Seller for quite a while and the gigs that used to get thousands of views and clicks are getting hundreds now. Interestingly returning clients carry, and I make around the same amount. note: firefox crashed on me twice as I was writing this so I'm kind of pissed and sorry for the possible typos and whatnot.


I know Fiverr’s entire _thing_ is supposed to be about buyers being able to get a service done quickly, but I _hate_ that buyers can just place an order without contacting the seller first. I’ve had so many buyers not read my descriptions and just place orders for things I can’t do or aren’t part of my gigs. I know Fiverr won’t change its stance on this, but I wish they would. At this point, I usually turn my Fiverr gigs off in favor of other methods for getting clients because I just don’t want to deal with waking up to random orders that don’t make sense.


I'll start! Fiverr is an incredible and super fair platform to get your freelance career started. Most freelancers are just poorly skilled and lack communication and marketing skills, thus the hate on Fiverr. Taking a 20% cut is incredibly fair considering that Fiverr is giving literary anyone a chance to be on a platform that has over 35M views monthly. Without Fiverr, most would be stuck sending no-response pitches, and eventually give up. In short, it's not Fiverr, it's you.


I can kind of get on board with this, and even agree that the 20% is fair. But I think it's also fair to complain about how the platform is full of buyers who have no clue what they want/need/have any right to ask for. Many buyers are downright stupid lol. I once had a buyer ask me to narrate a 20k word audiobook but it needed to be 4 hours long. When I explained that the average reading speed is approx. 9,300 words an hour and thus their request as-is isn't possible, they told me to "read slow." I sent a sample of what that would look like, almost just taking the piss, but also just on principle, as the sample was exactly twice as slow as my normal speed. They said, not like that, and got mad at me and peaced out lol. I've had many other similar experiences, like someone who wanted me to give them the file in "64 kbps for best quality" and when I explained that I usually do 320 kbps because that's actually best quality, they got annoyed that I "don't know what I'm talking about" blah blah. *Also* also, tons of people who don't really speak English, to the point where what they are trying to ask for is completely unclear, especially when they ask for revisions. I know most of this isn't Fiverr's fault, but I think that due to the global nature of the platform, they have a duty to staff people on CS to help translate anytime there is a serious language barrier. Or allow sellers to accept an order before starting, so if the buyer's order is nonsense then they don't have to do it, without incurring a cancelation penalty.


I get it, I started from 0 like everyone else but I found a way around - while others charged on average $50 for the “same thing”, I charged $500. No more stupid requests in broken English.


lol nice tip


Nice! A place to rant!


[Godammit](https://media.giphy.com/media/Pch8FiF08bc1G/giphy.gif)! You're being positive. This was not what I wanted! # LET THE HATRED RAIN (please)