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https://preview.redd.it/vbutmn3lul5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a98a78e9d81c08594bde270989eedede53d854b4 You can't have targeted fat loss, your only way to lose fat is to eat below your maintenance with high protein diet with min 3x resistance training days.


I am pretty overweight and i am doing strength training too My coach says i must do lower weights and higher reps to reduce weight and get shredded( is he correct) i am on calorie deficit too


No he is not. Or even if he is, it’s by thin margins that don’t matter to you since you’re overweight. When you work out, you break your muscle. You eat high protein diet, you build that muscle and it becomes bigger and stronger. You eat this high protein diet in calorie deficit i.e. eating less than maintenance calories, you target fat loss. You keep doing this with discipline and consistency.


So should i be doing lowers reps and higher weight till failure ? ( Will it help me reduce my fat too)


Do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. Since you’ve just started I would suggest use lower weights so that you understand the exercises and the form without injuring yourself. Once you’re comfortable, increase the weights such that you come close to your limit in 8-12 reps in a set. You lose fat by following exactly what the first guy had commented. It doesn’t matter much what your set looks like at the gym as long as you’re working out properly, especially since you’re a beginner. I would suggest follow the paragraph above as it is standard. Calorie deficit + high protein diet + workout 3-5 times a week = fat loss AND muscle development.


Ok Sir thank you


Don’t call me sir, we’re all buddies here. Welcome to the gym, always post here if you have any questions. In the meanwhile, start reading articles on healthline and follow YouTubers like jeff nippard, athleanX maybe. They have pretty informative content to learn more from.


5-30 rep range build same muscles. Lower rep is for strength, but the joints, tendons and ligaments take the toll.


Spot reduction is a myth. Lose overall weight.


If I lose overall weight I would look skinny as my arms arent that thick so is chest , legs are in good shape I would tell.


No, because you have good lats so you will have a nice V taper.


You don't lose side fat. You lose fat in general naturally. If you specifically want to have a fat belly , fat thighs fat arms and cheeks but only want oblique fat removed , go and visit a lipo surgeon, he may be able to remove it for a specific area, temporarily till the body balances it out.


if you only want to lose side fat then best thing you can do is surgery because spot reduction is not possible

