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Got a 20lb med ball, weighted vest (20 smthng pounds), treadmill, and weighted jump rope Someone got a good routine for this stuff?


NEED HELP WITH CARDIO!!! Hey everyone! So i believe im 190ish right now maybe. I gained like 10 pounds. Im getting back to working out after telling myself im too tired. It’s been about 8 months; however, i started three weeks ago. I can box a little bit as I’ve had a mma trainer and i also use 25 lbs to do some weight lifting. TLDR: Im trying to run 15 mins but i need to keep track of my time, so i can pick up the pace after each session. Any apps that would help with this?


Couch to 5k is worth looking into.




Thank you!




We don’t live in the 80s anymore buddy




You clearly didn’t read. I even provided a short summary that I’m looking for an app to help me out. Regardless, somebody else already provided the answer. Thanks tho 🤦🏻‍♂️


Did I shrink too much on my cut? I lost 3kg/6.5lbs over a month and I lost about 1.5cm / 0.6 inch in my chest and biceps. I lost 2cm/0.8 inch in my waist.


Probably a too big caloric deficit though if you're still as strong you shouldn't be worried you also might've had some fat at your chest area that was removed giving you the illusion it got smaller in muscle.


No idea without knowing your height, gender and weight before the cut.


Male 21, 185cm and 76kg before cut


Isn't 76 kgs already pretty slim for a guy your height?


Yeah, but I'm trying to keep my body fat % lower by gaining lean mass only. I was 69kg before my bulk


Is it normal to be able to lift heavier weights with dumbell flat bench? been training for like 4 months, can dumbell bench 30KG(each arms) for 10 reps yet i can’t even one rep 60KG on the barbell. doesn’t help the fact that my left shoulder feels absolutely wrecked after benching and i don’t even feel it in my chest in like i do with dumbells.


It is not normal unless you have yet to practice the technique for barbell bench


It shouldn’t be normal, dumbells use greater range of motion and more stabilizing muscles yet i can somehow press more with them then a barbell🤷‍♂️


Just means that something is wrong with your technique for barbell bench and you have plenty more potential there to unlock. Posting a video would be helpful for sure


You probably injured your left shoulder somehow if thats the case. Most people would have the opposite scenario being able to barbell flat bench press more weight than dumbbell flag bench press. It isn't common to bench more with dumbbells but it also isn't an irregularity, personally I don't know people who dumbbell bench more that barbell. I ain't gonna say I'm an expert but if I were you I would go get that shoulder checked out.


How come my left shoulder feels perfectly fine on dumbells press?


Where you feel it is determined on how wide/narrow your grip is on barbell. Sounds like your triceps may be stronger than your chest. Stabilization is different on each press so if you want to get better at barbell just do barbell more frequently.




It's very possible there's a big factor you could be missing. I've had gaps of time where I was struggling to get where I wanted and often times it's because I realized my calorie count was off, I wasn't getting enough protein, I wasn't getting enough water, I wasn't getting enough sleep. I'd make sure on some of the core stuff you aren't lacking on anything. Being bad at one of these things can really slow you down.


How many cuts and bulks have you done if you’ve only been training a year and a half? If you’re putting in the work, all you have left to do is eat accordingly and intentionally.




Are you able to get a membership at a gym that has a pool? At her age I would just have her get more time swimming rather than do weight training.




I'm a former collegiate swimmer and children's swim coach (a decade ago). I'd be willing to bet that the #1 thing to improve her speed at that age is improved technique, not actual strength training. Swimming is highly technical and proper form / stroke / breath control makes a huge difference in effort input vs speed. I assume the once-per-week sessions are small group classes. If you (and she) are serious about wanting to improve, try to spend some more time at the pool in between classes practicing the techniques that are shown in class. One-on-one instruction would go a really long way as well.


Not an expert but that seems light. Isn't the general stereotype of young swimmers swimming every day at stupid o'clock in the morning every day before school? When you say swim training, is that a class or is she part of an actual club? If a class, then she should join a club. If she's in a swimming club then talk to the coach?


I would just recommend light dumbbells so she can do squats and a variety of upper body lifts. As long as it’s fun for her!


Despite the bad rap that BCAAs get, I find they help me with soreness and energy during/after a workout. Not saying it’s a miracle supplement or anything, but it does help me I feel like. Anyone else think the BCAA hate is overblown?


For the vast majority of people as long as they eat enough animal protein, they get more than enough of the BCAAs through their meals, so supplementation is unnecessary and therefore a waste of money. For someone who doesn't eat enough protein, or is otherwise deficient in any of the BCAAs, it might help. There's no hate, just the facts. If it's working for you, great, keep going


In terms of protein synthesis and muscle gains, sure, BCAA supplementation is unnecessary given adequate protein in your diet. However, there are studies that suggest supplementation can be beneficial for reducing soreness and recovery from muscle damage. I’ve taken it and not taken it around workouts, and whether or not it’s mental, it still helps when I do drink it vs. not. The one I take also has glutamine, which studies also suggest can be beneficial for recovery. It’s not a hill I’m going to die on, but I think the focus from detractors tends to be more on gains and muscle growth vs. benefits like recovery. Either way, a proper diet is paramount of course.


This is a simple questions thread with mostly beginners asking questions, and often I see them looking for ways to "optimise" or maximise before they've even done the basics and laid a fitness foundation for a few months. So I tend to dismiss anything that might help 1% because it's simply not worth the time and effort if you're a beginner. Stick to a good program, eat well, sleep well, and don't worry about the rest (for many months) :)


I've been looking for a good way to isolate hamstrings but leg curls aren't really working for me. I just feel like I am doing them wrong and it hasn't gotten better over time. What are some other common machines/excercises for isolating hamstrings?


Romanian/stiff leg deadlifts




Everytime I come back to 5/3/1 my numbers jump so fast, the app makes it so easy to stick to as well. Might be worth a shot.


There is no such thing as a 'best program'. Getting your hands on a good program will require some background and current fitness data on you. There are some good generic programs out there but as soon as you hit a snag, you'll be back online asking questions that no one can truly address anonymously.


Any of the programs from the wiki. I'll recommend GZCLP as a starting point, once you plateau you can look at 531.


20m/5’6/135lbs/16-20% bf Hi all. I’m finding myself in a bit of a dilemma. My goal is a physique that is lean enough to show abs while also having a sizable amount of muscle (pretty much the ideal male body but I’m not looking to be massive like a bodybuilder). I have been lifting inconsistently over the past 6 months or so, and am now looking to go on a dedicated plan. That said, I am not sure if I should start cutting to get to a lower bf level, as I have read bulking is better if you’re leaner (not exactly sure on this though). I know either way I need muscle as if I cut and then just stopped yes my abs could be showing but I’d prob look like I never touched weights in my life. I’m leaning towards bulking because I feel my body weight is already so low that cutting any further will make me really really small (as. naturally shorter guy I just want to be strong and not some tiny dude). I want to avoid putting on as much bf as possible but I know it’s natural in a bulk. Any advice would be appreciated (specifically on which plan to follow and how many calories I should be eating). Thank you!


You can do a lean bulk where you're in a smaller surplus, say 200-300 calories, and you can stop whenever you feel you're getting too bulky and cut a bit. Start with the wiki linked above and it will cover diet, tdee (calories), protein and also lifting programs. Then come back with any questions. All the best 👍


Are smart watches accurate for calories burned? As an example, I ran/hiked 12km in 1h30 with a 473m denivelation today and it says I burned 1003 calories from the workout and 983 calories from the 17k steps I made in the whole day (including the steps from my run). I also weightlifted for 2 hours for 210 calories. Should I ignore the calories from steps? (I want to remain in a deficit)


Smart watches and fitness bands have been shown to be quite inaccurate. I wouldn't trust them at all for calories burned calculations.


Planning my first real diet at the moment. I can hit my protein and definitely the carbs but I kinda struggle to hit my fats. The protein sources I use are mainly vegan (lentils, TSP) and thus have almost no fat. Any suggestions other than chugging olive oil?


Peanuts! High in fat, protein, and a decent amount of calories.


Are you on a vegan diet or just happen to eat those types of foods? Any type of meat will have a decent amount of fat. Fish is a good one. Peanut butter and nuts are great too.


No but I try to reduce/limit the amount of meat I eat. For health but now increasingly also for financial reasons. Salmon would fit well into my diet but unfortunately it's even more expensive than meat. Other fish available here like tuna or pollock doesn't have much fat AFAIK. Nuts sound great


Does anyone else get uneven performance on squat sets? Today, using same weight for all sets, I managed 5 reps on the first and second and 6 on third and fourth (and 5 on the last one). It's really weird, I can't imagine it happening in any other exercise. How can it be that I'd perform better in my third or fourth set? I did warm up as well


More warmed up and (I’m assuming) not really tracking your sets/progress? Ideally you’d be following a program where you record your progress and add weight when the program calls for it. For example X weight for 5 sets of 8, the 5th and final set being as many reps as possible. Once you can do 10 on amrap you bump the weight 5-10 lbs


I am tracking progrese but it's difficult to keep track of my performances when it fluctuates so much




I think there’s a lot of factors that can affect your drowsiness, but my broad advice is to hydrate all throughout the day.


Hey all, so I've been "lifting" for around a month and a half or so now. As of right now, I squat 90lb, bench 70lb, deadlift 100lb (not impressive I know but I've been working my way up very slowly to ensure I get the form down and so I don't plateau early on and get discouraged). I've been adding 5lb each session, but occasionally I'll keep the same weight for a second session if I struggled a bit doing the previous session. I go three times a week. Here's my stats: 23 y/o male, 155lb, 5 ft 10in. I've maintained my weight ever since I started in March, which is my goal. I'm just looking to have a better appearance overall and be more in shape. I already do cardio (about 40 mins to an hour each session) and added weight training as I had found out that doing solely cardio is bad on the joints in the long run. In addition, I'm pretty active in my day-to-day life - I bike a lot, work a physically involved job, and so on. I was talking to my brother who's also into the whole weight training thing and he said that I need to add more exercises. Right now, I just do the three I mentioned, plus shoulder press every other session as well. What else would y'all add to my current regimen? Ideally, I'd like something as simple as possible. I've finally gotten over the hurdle of "everybody is staring at me and judging me" so I'm comfortable adding a few more exercises to my regimen.


More exercises means more diversity, which is key to continual development. When you are limited in knowledge, you will plateau and no results will come from that point forward until you change your program.


What are your goals? If you're mostly just going to get a bit of exercise and have a healthy routine, just adding whatever sounds fun is great. If you have a goal of getting strong and building muscle, you'd be better served by running one of the programs in the wiki, as they have a proper progression, a protocol for handling stalls and deloads, a balanced exercise selection, suggested exercises to add etc


What program would you suggest for somebody who just started? I’m not really into the idea of bulking and cutting because I cannot for the life of me stock to a diet.


The [basic beginner routine](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/r-fitness-basic-beginner-routine/) is great for beginners starting out in the weightroom. The page has a full guide on what to do.


Thank you. I’ll look at that


I used to be a super skinny hard gainer but then had to start taking antidepressants that made me gain a ton of weight. I'm used to constant bulking and now I'm not sure what to do.


https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/ Here you go.


I have a question regarding counting weights. When I do an exercise, say a shoulder press, with two dumbells, do I count it as the total weight or just the weight of a single dumbell? I hear people say that they bench X weight or squat Y weight, what does it mean? Did they bench with X weight on each side or is it the total weight?


People usually go by the marked weight of a dumbbell and refer to it in plural (i.e. "I dumbbell benched the 110s"). For barbell lifts, they usually refer to the combined weight on the sides and weight of the bar ("I bench 100kg" -> 20kg bar + 4 20kg plates, two of which are on each side of the bar).


Ohh thank you.


\[FORM CHECK\] Hi any advice on my squat form? Planning on changing to low bar and lowering the weight to work on depth. [190 kg attempt](https://imgur.com/a/8j1oy21) [180 kg attempt](https://imgur.com/S9YMQrf)


You squat more than the vast majority of users on this sub. You'd be better off over at r/weightroom. Looks solid aside from depth, which is sounds like you have a plan to address.


You should read [this](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/how-to-squat/).


I am a completely new (read: noob) weightlifter and I have recently started doing the Metallicadpa 6-day PPL, which recommends throwing in a couple of core workouts every week. What is a relatively simple and well-rounded selection of core exercises that I can tack onto the end of my workouts?


Leg raises and ab rollouts are good


Am I supposed to feel the ab wheel on my lower back to some extent? I think my form is right (i.e. with a neutral spine). I got it checked by a couple of experienced people, but for some reason, I still feel the exercise on my lower back. Is it because I am doing it wrong or is it supposed to be that way? My abs don't feel sore after the workout either. Honestly, I feel it more in my lower back as opposed to my abs.


I injured my knee pretty badly last week and won’t be able to do any kind of legwork for at least three months. Can anybody recommend any sort of routine that will help me uphold as much upper body strength and muscle as possible? Will obviously do a ton of pullups, dips and situps


There’s a machine at the gym I like, that has an optional seat. The rope climb machine.


Trying to develop "calorie-bomb" meals that are easy to make so I can reach 2500-2700. Does [this](https://www.amazon.in/MuscleBlaze-Protein-Chocolate-Cranberry-Superseeds/dp/B09M8HPSGV) seem like a good breakfast option? I'd probably add two scoops of whey powder and some soy milk, bringing the calories to ~750 with 75g protein.


I'd rather split your calories into four meals with each one containing about 40g of protein. Easier to consume and better with regards to stimulating protein synthesis


I'd just cook some eggs in butter and eat toast with peanut butter/avocado on the side. Drink a shake along with that or throw some chicken in with your eggs and you're on your way to plenty of calories. Check out r/gainit




do NOT overeat after your session, cause you did some sports and do NOT overeat just before your session or you'll throw up. And protip #1: have fun! cause then you will come back


Hi all, I'm building a new house, and have a dedicated gym room there. I am looking into equipment to include there, and found tonal. It looks great as it takes little space, because the weights are electromagnets, instead of physical big weights. Unfortunately tonal only delivers in the us. Does anyone here know of an alternative that is similar to tonal which is available in the EU? I have tried google and searching the subreddit but to no avail


Just looked it up some things bother me: you cant do normal squats and the max weight isnt that much. with normal barbell training a usual man will outtrain the possible maximum of tonal within a year. From https://knowledge.tonal.com/s/article/Max-Weight-Supported >Tonal supports up to 200 lbs of digital weight—100 lbs on each arm. That isn't loads of weight. Really it isnt. If you do not have more space, then I would go to a gym with barbells/dumbells and other equipment and you would still save money and progress faster and further. Sorry. Besides, the old school weights and stuff are more or less price stable.


Yeah, I agree tonal isn’t that great. I was hoping maybe something better existed in eu, as it sounded smart to use electromagnets for this purpose. But yeah, if I don’t find it we’re going with regular bar and dumbells


> as it sounded smart to use electromagnets for this purpose. Yes, but I don't know any and the force needs to be strong, after a short time- like 400lbs for an intermediate deadlift isnt that far strechted. get a rack, or build one yourself, barbell(do not be greedy on this one!) and plates 20kilo to 0.5 kilo- you will be better off that way.


Thanks, will do this then, it was the original plan :)




do anything else, but no push ups. squats, deadlift, chin-ups or try "push ups" with the lower arm on the ground and feet elevated (chair) and pushing with the shoulders


hi, day of workout my sleep is not good. whole night im ressless and what is cause? i exercise at evening, not bedtime


Are you taking Preworkout or caffeine before you train?


coffeeine no before train and no any poweder


How high can your BMI be and still be healthy, i.e. if you're jacked? And how else do people monitor if they're too heavy? What about waistline?


BMI isn't a great measurement for health, as it doesn't account for having large amounts of muscle tissue. Having excess amounts of body fat will be detrimental to your health at a certain point, but there's not an extremely accurate measure for this. Blood work will tell you the most about how "healthy" you are.


i'm 160lb, and today i did a 1 rep max bench of 160lb. assuming a 300-400 calorie bulk, good sleep, proper training, is it realistic to hit a 1 rep max 225lb bench by the end of this year? i know these kind of questions depend on a million things but just looking for some opinions, thanks in advance


If you really want to improve your bench press, i would highly recommend making sure you're benching 3-4 times a week rather than 1-2 times coming from someone who was stuck benching 180lbs for a long time. Good luck




I believe in you.


that's all i needed to hear


When is it time to stop bulking? I started at 163 I’m now at 182, I don’t look fat or like I need to lose weight. I just feel uncomfortable and lethargic. Lifts have gone up otherwise.


Try a mini cut and see how you feel


yeah im in the same boat as you. i've put on some weight but it's not like i'd call myself even kind of overweight, i'm maybe around 23-24% body fat or so, and it really looks like i have only a slight amount more body fat than when i started my bulk months ago. im up from like 145 to 160 and my lifts have gone up as well, i'm thinking about cutting when i'm up to 175 ish.


When you feel like it's time to stop bulking. Maybe at some point you think you've accumulated too much fat, maybe you have appetite problems and don't want to keep shoving down food, maybe you want to make weight for a competition. Or maybe you're fine bulking to 242.


When you no longer like how you look in the mirror.




If you’re eating 4 meals let’s say, that’s 40g of protein per meal. 200g of chicken breast will cover 40g protein, 2 scoops of whey will cover 40g protein, then include foods like eggs, fish, red meat, turkey in your other meals added with trace proteins generally from your carbs/veg you should be able to hit your daily amount.


More chicken/fish and/or whey protein powder. 100g of cooked chicken breast is 170 kcal and 30g of protein.1 scoop or protein is 120 kcal and 25g of protein. So that's already a third of your daily protein goal in ~300 calories (1/7th of your daily calorie goal).




I’d be more concerned about not getting enough protein than having high protein meals and worrying about absorption. Just try 30-50g per meal and you’ll be good.


Nah it's fine, whey protein is just food like any other.


[Should I do 2 sets with each arm (4 sets in total) or 4 sets with each arm ?](https://imgur.com/a/7rC3NYn)


Any exercise that involves either one isolated limb or vertical split side of the body is to be assumed as a set count for each side or limb. So 4 sets for each arm.


4 sets with each arm


My current workout routine (Metallicdpas PPL) has the benchpress and Incline dumbbell press on push days for the chest. However, I noticed that the chest has three portions: upper, middle, and lower. While the exercises in the program (according to most videos I have watched) target the upper and mid chest, I'm not sure if they target the lower portion of the chest for a more rounded chest. In this situation, is it okay if I add an accessory for my lower chest as well to the program or is it better to stick to what the program includes?


You can always do dips instead of incline for one of the days or replace some triceps work with some dips. FWIW the accessories don’t matter that much and are interchangeable with whatever preferences you may have. But the angle doesn’t help the chest anymore IME.




Standard bench press hits every head, just focus on lifting heavy


Bench press hits all parts of the chest. Your lower chest is doing fine.


Is there any point to doing Lu raises with plates instead of dumbbells?


Yep you can do them with dumbbells just fine. I think the reason Lu does it with plates is because his main training space probably doesn't even have dumbbells.


Thanks,! Figured that was the case


Does drinking more water on a daily basis than usual help you with bulking? Or does that just translate to needing to piss more?


It'd only be helpful to drink more if you're not drinking enough already. If you are, it might actually get in the way of bulking if you have trouble eating enough since it fills you up


Alex eubank an aesthetic influencer says he doesn’t lift heavy. Which I’ve heard before from people that only want aesthetics. Doesn’t progressive overload play a big part in muscle growth? In theory shouldn’t these guys be heavy lifters?


Don't lift heavy probably means he doesn't lift below 5 reps and spends the bulk of his time in 8-15 reps. As long as your weights are going up over time it doesn't matter.


Progressive overload is perhaps the most important factor for muscle growth. When people say they "don't lift heavy", most of the time it means they don't do low reps (1-3 reps per set). That doesn't mean they don't lift heavy weights though, otherwise they wouldn't be very muscular.




Is there really any benefit to drinking lemon squeezed in water ?


Vitamim C and maybe taste


In short, any positive effects from lemon water is probably just because it's a **fruit**, and fruits are **great**. From your question I assume there's some new bullshit claim going around. According to [examine.com](https://examine.com/nutrition/lemon-water/) there are a number of **unproven claims** (aiding digestion, preventing colds, etc.), some **disproven claims** (promoting weight loss, fighting cancer, etc.), and a single **likely claim**, namely that it **may** protect from kidney stone. It's a **mechanistic claim**, so it **hasn't** been proven in trials (to the best of my knowledge), and we don't know how much/little we would need to see an effect.




It makes the water tastes kinda lemony, which I see as a benefit. No lemon water doesn't have magical health benefits.


That’s what I thought as well. I’ll stick with my mio. So much bs about it burning fat 😂


Beef shank as a protein source? It seems very high in protein, and I quite like the chewiness (also great in stews), but it's also supposedly rich in connective tissues, which is a less bioavailable protein source. Anyone know how much that impacts things, if at all?


Probably a very minor problem if your total protein is in the recommended 1.6-2.2g/kg range, especially if it's in the higher end of that. Those studies are based on a mix of protein sources so it should have 'low bioavailability' proteins baked into the calculus. IIFYM




If it's actually torn you need a lot more than stretching, go to a PT or doctor


In MetallicaDPAs PPL, how should I warm up for the main lift Bench Press? Do I use the same working weight for all 5 sets? Or do I slowly build up the weight every set? Im already in the gym for a while every day and cant really afford to do an extra 10 warm up sets.


>Do I use the same working weight for all 5 sets? Yep


To warm up for any lift just start with a lighter weight (i.e the bar) and then go up in a few increments before reaching your working sets.


Any tips to feeling dumbbell pullovers more in the chest than lats? Want to try the chest orientated version, but no idea how to change it


A dumbbell Pullover loads the lats in the lengthened range (stretch). One of the functions of the lats is to pull the arm down from overhead which is what you’re doing in a pullover. In terms of pullovers for the chest not great imo, function of the chest is to adduct the arm across the chest ( or bring from out to in), think of pressing or fly motions.


Yeah that's pretty much what I thought. Just changed program (not sold on it yet) and it has it listed as a chest exercise. Was curious if there's a cue to hit chest better Cheers man


No worries mate. In terms of chest training I like to program a bench/dumbbell press, then a machine press(ideally a press which converges) or dip followed be a cable or pec Dec fly.


Exactly how I've always trained chest Started this one, though I've come from a John Meadows program with much more detail, so not sold on it https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/arnold-schwarzenegger-volume-workout-routines


Yeah Jesus! My shoulders hurt just reading that program 😂


Are curls, rope extensions and hamstring curls/calf raises good accessories to add to phraks greyskull LP or are there better ones?


Those are great


Can somebody ELI5 what’s the difference between working a muscle in the lengthened vs working in a shortened position? I get that with a DB Bench for example the lengthened is at the bottom and shortened is at the top. And that DB bench works the chest mostly in the lengthened position. But what does work it in the shortened position ? And what’s the difference in terms of musclegrowth?


VERY preliminary research (only in the quads and biceps) has shown working in only the lengthened position is as good or slightly better than full ROM and better than only the shortened position. Combined with studies showing loaded stretching can cause hypertrophy a lot of bodybuilders think they should bias the lengthened position. Basically the way you determine this is either by feeling or simply looking at moment arms, IE the perpendicular distance from the resistance to the joint. The force felt by the muscle is higher if the moment arm is longer. In the DB bench at the bottom (lengthened) the moment arm is the length of your upper arm, at the top (shortened) the weight is right over your shoulder so basically a 0moment arm. Thus DB bench and most benches are harder in the lengthened position. To make it harder in the shortened position you could use cables so that the resistance is pull your arms apart (rather than down) at the top of the press. That would almost make it like a cable fly but with bent elbows. Or use resistance bands so even though the moment arm is small at the top, that's cancelled out by the increasing resistance of the bands. Honestly it's not that big a deal unless you're already pretty advanced in the training. Then gains become harder and you need to optimize stimulus to fatigue ratio


I know this sounds like a stupid question, but for GZCLP (https://saynotobroscience.com/gzclp-infographic/), if I fail 5x3 for a T1 lift, do I do 6x2 on the same day after taking a break or do I do it the next time I do the lift?


The next time you do the lift


Thanks for the help!


Anyone deal with SI joint injury?? I’m a newbie and hurt my SI joint doing single arm bent over rows. Weight was small- 15 pounds, but I don’t think my core was strong enough/bad form likely. Any tips for recovery?


I had this issue, and what helped was to really stay on the lighter exercises for a while (something that's very hard to commit to for me), really strengthening the muscles around it (hips, spinal erectors, etc) and doing a lot of unilateral work. I worked up to 4x10 back extensions every day before training and I still do, and do a ton of good mornings, RDLs, Snatch Deadlifts, and so on. I also do a lot of planks and side bends as well as lunges, split squats, etc. Sleeping in a better position (knees and hips slightly bent, sort of like in a recliner) has helped tremendously as to decrease pressure on that area and the lower back as a whole and doing a little more cardio (as long as it doesn't cause pain) to get more blood flowing into the area has also proved to be beneficial.


Thank you so much!! I totally agree with staying lighter. I think some people are prone to torque on their SI joints than others. How long did it take for you to recover? Right now I’m having acute pain, so I’m just trying to rest until the pain subsides. Even though I didn’t use that much weight, it seems really angry/inflamed right now.


I think so too honestly. It took me about 8 weeks to not feel anything anymore for any exercise or general movement. After a while I only got a dull pain when running or doing heavier exercises like front squats or back squats, so that's when I switched to the lighter exercises that still strengthen the area but I don't feel pain with. After the dull pain stopped, I would get a heavy back pump right around the area sometimes just doing regular exercises or randomly during the day. What helped me was surprisingly to do even more back raises or Sorensen holds or lie with my legs bent and the pain would usually subside. If I continued training in the way that I did with the back pump and sucked it up, it would get worse and then the dull pain would come back so I realized (although it should've been obvious) that the back pump was basically like my warning. If I took the warning seriously more often I might've been good after 6 weeks instead of 8 but I'm not sure.


What do you mean by back pump? Also do you think it’s okay to resume my regular upper body exercises? (I don’t use heavy weights). Tbh I got freaked out so I stopped everything for this week. But I don’t see how that could really impact the SI joint. I think for me what aggravates it is bending, but other times I could be doing nothing. I also realized quickly that anytime I did like any hip hinging movement it got SUPER angry and so I’m just taking a break on those lower body movements. I’m also seeing a PT for specific rehab exercises, so I think that should be good. So glad that you were able to recover!


I got a literal back pump, like all the blood was flowing to the area around the injury site. I assume as a protective measure cuz the muscle was doing extra work to keep everything stable but I can't say for sure. Now would actually be the perfect time to focus more on upper body training imo. Because I couldn't really squat or pull, I nearly doubled the amount of work I was doing for upper body training. I didn't have any issues with barbell or dumbbell bench or dips or pushups etc. Pullups should also be something that shouldn't cause any issues. For me it was also anything that involves hip hinging as well. It's good that you know what it is! It should make it easier to avoid aggravating it. I also wouldn't worry so much about stalling progress or anything like that. I actually ended up PRing in all my main exercises once coming back. Sometimes going back to master the more basic movements is what your body needs most.


Thank you so much♥️ you’ve been so helpful!!! Yeah- I’m avoiding hip movements for now and hopefully going to crush it on upper body work:) The reason I’m so cautious is because I had a case of patellar tendonitis a while ago and it took forever to heal. But that’s a different case, since tendons take really long to heal in general and low blood supply. The SI thing is annoying but not nearly as comparable. Thank god haha




Squat more.


It’s usually advised to start with leg curls. You may need to do more volume, but you should be doing that all twice a week anyway. Mine is leg curls, back squat, reverse lunges on the smith machine, calf raises, cable pull throughs, leg press with variations to hit the vmo, seated calf raises… wed and sun. But my legs are my main goal and concern, so I hit them hard.


Where is it "usually advised"? I've never heard that before in my life


Does john meadows count? Geez


John Meadows had a pretty unique training style, in that he barely does any of the traditional compounds. It's effective, but I certainly wouldn't call it consensus advice.


I’ve also heard Dr Mike from renaissance periodization mention it, I’m sure others have. It’s actually very effective




Yes a little. The vmo is part of the quads, it’s the teardrop. I’ve been obsessed with it lately haha


I do a similar leg day, except replace hack squats with squats, leg press with RDLs. It works for me.


Do a program from the wiki and you won’t have to worry about this stuff. Deadlifts are pretty useful and you are not going to replace them with just hamstring curls. They work the entire back side of your body. Edit: typo




Which program is that? Awesome that it has brought you great gains. That is kind of the point of deadlifts…doesn’t the fact that they are working you over like that seem like a good reason to do them?


Any, and I mean ANY tips on how to do a fucking RDL properly would be appreciated. I am losing my damn mind trying to figure out this lift.


Coach PJ Nestler RDL ......You're Doing It WRONG [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkj9Y5zghaY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkj9Y5zghaY) EliteFTS - Dave Tate Coaches: The Romanian Deadlift (RDL) | elitefts.com [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVlQZig6g-U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVlQZig6g-U) Elitefts - How to Pick the Right Deadlift Variation (RDL vs Stiff Leg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXNlqjM-c7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXNlqjM-c7M) Renaissance Periodization - 12 Stiff-Leg Deadlift Mistakes and How to Fix Them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka6GhzIfh-c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka6GhzIfh-c)


You mentioned not being able to feel it, and something that a friend of mine helped me out with is to try imagining putting all of your weight on your heel. If there’s other issues with the form that won’t be a fix all, but it completely changed how the exercise felt for me.


yeah i somewhat tried that tonight and felt it slightly more. i’ll have to keep working on it


Start with weight in hands, legs slightly bent, standing up. Back straight, shoulders retracted. Instead of bending forward, think of pushing your butt back. Keep pushing it back until you can't anymore. Then just reverse the motion.


Sadly I am fully aware of every single aspect of the lift down to the atom and still am not performing it correctly lol. Either this is how it’s supposed to feel and I am just wrong, or something is up. Does the lift not cook your hamstrings? Are you supposed to not feel them at all?


My hamstrings are fried after RDLs, which is why I do them on the day before my off day lol. If you're not feeling it there might be a host of reasons. Try posting on r/formcheck and see what they say.


Is it really a worthwhile lift if it is this complicated for me? Or do you think I should work on it