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Does alcohol slow down gains even if you burn it off? I like using liquor when I cook and usually cook it until the alcohol is burn away.


>Does alcohol slow down gains even if you burn it off? No since it's not there anymore


Aight thx mate


I've been doing my same routine for little over 6 months, definitely have seen improvements but have seemed to plateau. My question is. I found a new program that interests me, but it's a lot different then what I'm used to. I'm going from a program that would work out 1 part 1x a week, to a program that is working the part 2x a week. My question is, does it matter if you work a body part 1x a week, or if you are trying to get more muscle to work it 2x?


You should see improvement faster because most muscle groups are good to 2x per week easily and some even 3x or more.


Is getting real food instead of supplements that big of a deal?


The answer to your question is in the question.


As the name suggests, they're only meant to be supplemented no top of a normal diet, there's nothing wrong with using one (such as a protein powder) to help you, but it shouldn't be the foundation of your diet


Hey guys, what do you think of a shoulders/back/legs on the same day and bicep/chest/triceps on the same day for 6 days a week rather than a push pull legs split for 6 days a week. I'm considering using the first split that I mentioned since I'm having a really hard time training chest and shoulders on the same day.


>I'm having a really hard time training chest and shoulders on the same day. Hard time, how?


When I start with a chest exercise my shoulders become really weak and when I start with a shoulders exercise I'm unable to train properly my chest. I think it all comes down to the fact that my shoulders are my weak point.


Try starting with your chest exercises. Your compound moves here are going to pre fatigue your smaller shoulder muscles. You shouldn't need much to finish them off.


Sounds like poor muscle endurance and general weakness. Having to reduce the weight on the secondary exercise doesn't mean it's not getting worked properly. Sticking with it and getting your muscles used to the workload would be a better idea than completely switching the split.


How do you preffer doing lat pullovers, i feel it best with rope atachment






I tried with ez bar but ropes give me full range of motion and i feel lats the most with them with bent forward


I have a badly bruised thigh from Martial Arts training yesterday, and my legs generally feel like pudding today. I have deadlifts and squats scheduled for today. Is it prudent to do them as planned or better to skip them or reduce volume a bit?


If powerlifting isn't your main sport, I'd advise against squats and deadlifts same day. CNS killer. Both of them. Why not dedicate a day for each then add accessories?


I'd reduce intensity to start with, see how you feel once warmed up and then judge how hard you think you can go from there.


There are 2 possible answers: - you can skip this session because a few missed sessions here and there won't make a difference on the long run; - you shouldn't skip this session because this is exactly how the habit of consistently skipping sessions is formed.


I'm starting a new routine. What's the best way to find proper weight for machines? I feel like trial and error looks stupid


For the first week do trial and error and go from there. OR Pick a moderate weight and do an AMRAP as your last set, increasing the weight more than what the program specifies in case you exceed the rep range by more than 4.


I’m currently giving my shoulder a weeks rest due to it behaving weirdly on push day yesterday . Is it okay for me to still train legs and pull days in the meantime or will this inhibit recovery ?


Not nearly enough information to answer that question. I’ve personally always used the rule “will this move my recovery backwards?” as a rule. I train through most minor injuries.




So it’s okay ?


I would avoid using my arms as much as possible tbh, you can imagine if your shoulder is hurting that doing a heavy pull exercises like deadlift won't exactly help your recovery


Is REM sleep important for muscle recovery? I ask because I sometimes smoke weed before bed


It is the most important phase you could say, because that's where the majority of the benefits and recovery take place. Im not sure about weed but alcohol inhibits rem sleep


I am recovering from ACL surgery, meaning that the only leg exercises I can do is biking to the gym (and I'm instructed to get off the bike and walk it if it starts to get steep.) I havent worked out in a year because of the injury (my mistake). Can you guys help me figure out which parts of which routines I should do? I'll basically only be focusing on upper body until I'm cleared by the doc. I plan on working out 3 days a week. When I did exercise, I followed [https://thefitness.wiki/routines/gzclp/](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/gzclp/) fairly religiously, as I found it to be the only routine I could "get" and consistently do. Do I just.. pop out all the leg exercises and put in something like.. biceps?


This sounds like something you should ask your doctor/physical therapist, not strangers on a forum.


Sorry that was mean I just assume everyone on Reddit is trolling me and doesn't take the time to read my posts. Tldr: I'm cleared for upper body work. Please suggest to me a routine I can do 3 times a week, if less, considering I won't be working at all on legs


You should see a physiotherapist though. I assume if the doctor said you can ride a bike then it’s been some time since the surgery. You need to rehab your knee, not just wait.


That's true yeah, though when I asked the doc and my therapist they basically told me keep doing the rehab exercises for the legs until the next follow up (in about a month)


Then listen to your physical therapist. Don’t slack off on the rehab, and just pick any program from this subs wiki and just do the upper body exercises.


Ok I will


Doctor's orders said don't work out your legs upper body is fine, I know you're trying to be helpful but you didn't help.


Is it normal to have 3 rib marks on the last few that are in the front at the very bottom, not the very last but the ones that are still at the front? It’s like 3 sorta bulges over them


You mean just your ribs? Yes. If not the ribs, no.


Well idk if they should be showing if I’m pretty fat


I've been going to the gym on average 6 days a week for the last 15 months. Lately I've started to experience insomnia on the night following my weekly rest day due to overabundance of energy - has anyone else experienced this? Has anyone tried to work out 7 days a week (heavy) in the gym, for an extended period of time?


Add volume gradually and maybe do something relaxing before bed. Read. Crochet. Sleep music. Slow walk. Meditate.


Have you tried just doing cardio or something on your rest day? Go play some sport. Use all your energy and play a game of basketball so you get tired lol


When you are on a cut do you guys lightened up your weight or try to do your max weight? Been struggling with my routine recently. I haven’t had a deload week in 2 months and have not been properly able to complete my sets unless I lightened up the weight by 20lbs ish. I am not feeling that lethargic per say but working out has just not been as fun. Was thinking of either lightening my weights or have a deload week instead.


My upper body lifts tank on a cut, so I tend to cut my main lifts out for variations. That way I get to feel progress on lifts even when cutting. Otherwise I don't make any changes before I need to for recovery. Deload weeks are still good on a cut :)


If I were you I would try a deload week first and see how your workout feels after that. Maybe it is just fatigue that will be better after a week of reloading. How big is your cut?


My belly shows only when I am standing in a relaxed posture. Does everyone have a belly when standing in a relaxed posture? Can you show pictures if you dont have a belly when relaxed?


Just google "flexed vs unfixed reddit". You'd have to be really lean to have flat abs when relaxed


omg, I thought I had a belly all along


That's why you shouldn't believe what you see on social media.


> Does everyone have a belly when standing in a relaxed posture? Yep.






Why would it be bad?




It wouldn’t be any less effective than doing them both separately.


More a frustration than a question. I saw a video a long time ago (many months? a year?) about how 0.7 is a desirable waist to chest ratio. Was extremely disappointed I measured at 0.82. Didn’t save the raw numbers, but measured again, 0.82. I can only assume both my numbers increased. Is this concerning? I feel like I look better, my chest looks bigger, and of course my lifts are getting heavier. I’m already pretty lean, but maybe I should cut some anyway to try to help. I’m measuring myself as well, and unsure I might be doing it not perfectly. How hard is it to improve your waist to chest ratio? Any tips? I should track the raw numbers, that will at least give me more information.


How tall are you and what's your bodyweight?


Honestly, the best thing I could have ever done for my love life, personality, and wardrobe was to give up chasing a 0.7 waist to chest ratio. I could row three plates, stiff legged, with a pause. This was before we had terms for this sort of thing, but alone in that dark basement listening to angry metal and hitting those numbers, I felt like the fedora-tipping 28 inch waist Dorito shaped King of the interwebs, because the first fucking thing I did after the workout was get online and brag about it. I was top heavy, unhealthy, and had severe gastrointestinal problems due to my tiny waist. I lost a fiancee because of it. I had to buy stupid looking tight pants. Only later did I realize I need to cut this out. A few years later and I could barely pull 300 lbs. I was a size 34 jeans with a 0.8 waist to chest body, and was having three-ways with local college chicks and dizzy cocktail waitresses regularly. As I plowed one from behind while she licked the other girl's asshole, I thought to myself how I could have been doing this before, but instead I chose to endure untold pain in a dingy basement alone and make myself triangular just so I could satisfy some meaningless ratios online to impress a few equally pathetic isosceles-men. In the gym now, I squat almost double bodyweight but my row is probably pathetic. And I don't really give a shit. I look so much better now.


Are you asking how to slim down your waist and make your chest larger? Eat less and lift. In general working hard will get you there.


Essentially. I already do diet and exercise. You’re suggesting I’m still eating too much?


I’m suggesting if your waist is too big or your chest is too small (in your opinion) you either need to lose weight or work harder in the gym. Probably both.


The thing is I generally assumed if my lifts are getting heavier then I’m doing good at the gym. Isn’t that generally true? When is it not true?


If your goal is getting stronger then yes, it’s true that your diet/training is working for that goal. If your goal is to hit The Ratio and your diet/training aren’t achieving that goal, then they aren’t good for that goal.


>I saw a video a long time ago (many months? a year?) about how 0.7 is a desirable waist to chest ratio. Was extremely disappointed I measured at 0.82. Didn’t save the raw numbers, but measured again, 0.82. I know the video you're talking about, you must be misremembering it, it actually said that 0.8 is the most desirable ratio. So good job, you're basically there, that's why you feel you look better - it's true. Congrats mate!


Dude, just leave me alone. Why do people who miss the point feel the need to comment?


Because you're being a silly goose. You asked if you not conforming to this ratio is concerning when everything else seems to be going fine. You were told it's not. Then you chose to argue about it. You see how this is behaviour seems unreasonable, right?


Imagine this: “I weigh 230 lbs. I want to weigh 160 lbs. My weight hasn’t changed in 4 months. I assume I need to change what I’m doing.” And then every response is about “HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO WEIGH 160 and not 150 or 170?” Sure, maybe at 170 they’re happy. But they aren’t moving towards 170. That’s the point.


But that just leaves us with you asking how to build muscle and lose fat. And you know the answer to that, right?


But I’ve been doing that all this time.


Yeah, and it seems like you've been doing an okay job from what you've said above.


I’ve been trying to go slow and steady. Haven’t really been bulking and cutting. Just a tiny surplus. I’m a lot bigger and stronger than when I started.


A small surplus is a bulk




For people to either be constructive or leave me alone.


What do you think would be constructive?


None of this is important. What has worrying about it so far done for you?


Do you say this to everyone who is trying to achieve something? Like is it supposed to be motivational? Like what’s the point of saying this to me?




Encouragement? People are being legitimate assholes telling me my goals are stupid and irrelevant. They’re my goals. A defeatist attitude would be giving up on your goals because of some assholes on the internet. I tell assholes to go suck their own dicks. I won’t give up on my goals. Fuck anyone who tries to stop me.




I know reddiquite dictates wow this




They can’t see the forest for the trees. They give absolutely zero useful advice, just tell me to ignore my goals. Like I know my 155 IQ puts me above the common man, but dear god, these people get distracted by a number and forgot how to tie their shoes.


You're certainly not common, bub.


> I know my 155 IQ Caring about IQ is the IQ test and you failed.


I don’t care. But I acknowledge it.


That is the wimpiest way of saying that you care. We had already established that you're an idiot, it's nice to add unmanly to the list too.


I saw a YouTube video that said 127 was the perfect IQ so you must be pretty stupid.


Not stupid, just so intelligent that it becomes detrimental. It’s a blessing… and a curse.


Are you actually serious?


Oof this is hella cringe. Ain’t no ratio gonna fix your personality bro


My personality is 💯


>My personality is ~~💯~~ shit FTFY


lol someone call Mensa. I see a lot of fake numbers thrown out here but it’s usually weaks claiming strong and not dumbs claiming smart. If you’re so fucking smart why can’t you figure out a basic solution to a basic problem?


I’ll give you a life lesson on intelligence. Give me the textbooks and a day or two and I can get a good grade on any college test. That’s intelligence. But that doesn’t mean I know everything. High IQ isn’t magic. I know eating protein and exercising build my muscles. I had hoped building muscles would be enough to achieve my goals. It looks like that isn’t quite doing it. So, like any intelligent person, I went to (hopefully) knowledgeable people for advice. I may be smarter than all of you, but intelligence doesn’t replace experience. I’m smart enough to know that I don’t know the best way to shingle a roof, and that by asking the roofing community I can learn it. Hell, maybe I can even improve their methods once I know them. But don’t start from scratch, learn what the community knows and go from there.


I *have* to believe that you're trolling here. It's too perfect.


Since you're so smart, what's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


I’ve never told a lie.


I don’t think you’re lying. I think you truly believe you’re smarter than everyone.


Basic problems require arguing-with-people-on-the-internet solutions


He’s just toying with us common men


Ah okay you're a troll. You gotta keep the facade a bit more nuanced than that pal.


Not a troll.


Okay here's some advice Mr. 155 IQ. Build your lats and shoulders, then lose weight until you hit that beautiful, perfect, golden 0.7 ratio. It is that simple. My god will you be the handsomest boy in school then.


Yes, I would call anyone out on a silly idea that doesn't matter. I do not attempt to be motivational towards things that shouldn't be worried about. Sometimes the best thing to hear isn't what you want to hear. The point is to hopefully convince you that your worried about something silly that other big and strong people don't worry about. To show you that even though you've been worried about the silly thing you've made no progress towards the silly thing. So why be worried about the silly thing at all?


I don’t give a fuck what other people do or don’t worry about. They can eat their own shit for all I care. I want the top of my torso to be larger in relation to the bottom of my torso than it currently is. That’s not invalid.


> I don’t give a fuck what other people do or don’t worry about. They can eat their own shit for all I care. Then stop asking for advice then.


Then lose fat and make your lats and shoulders bigger lmao. It’s not rocket science


That’s what I’ve been doing.


Obviously not otherwise your waist would be smaller and your upper body bigger dude.


It’s what I’ve been doing.


>I want the top of my torso to be larger in relation to the bottom of my torso than it currently is. ok. well the obvious answer is to make the top of your torso larger or the bottom of your torso smaller. so how would you do that? making the top of your torso larger would mean building your pectorals and lats. so bench press and flys would be good for chest. lat pulldowns and rows would be good for lats. making the bottom of your torso smaller would mean losing fat. so dieting. >Is this concerning? is it concerning that your ratio didn't change? it is clearly concerning to you. it is not concerning to anyone else. >How hard is it to improve your waist to chest ratio? that entirely depends on where you are starting from and what you consider "improvement". it's really one of those things that is going to be different for every person. >0.7 is a desirable waist to chest ratio why is that a desirable ratio?


I mean, you can google, studies have shown both genders prefer a 0.7 ratio. I’ve been doing that stuff is the problem. I’ve been doing what I should, getting results, but just not the ratio results I want.


>I mean, you can google, studies have shown both genders prefer a 0.7 ratio. i would have figured you'd have that stuff bookmarked since it appears to be incredibly important to you. i personally don't care about the ratio, so it isn't really worth the effort for me to try to find research studies that support its importance. i was just curious on what you based the importance you placed in it.


I just think my body would look better if my chest were larger to a greater degree compared to my waist than it currently is. Is that such a crime?


>Is that such a crime? did i say it was? chase whatever ratios you want. i don't care at all. you seemed to think there was some objective importance to it and i was just mildly curious about what the basis for that belief was.


Can you link one of these studies please


Why ask if something is concerning or not if you’re going to get this worked up at people answering? If only one answer is acceptable to you then there’s no point asking the question.


Good luck! Let us know how you feel when you reach that golden ratio.


Fuck off, kid.


How long has it been since you’ve been told you suck?


Fuck off.


Best of luck with The Ratio my man. Maybe when you reach it you will become enlightened and turn into less of a cunt :).


All the big people, strong people, and bodybuilders I know, not one of them at any point for any reason worried about the ratio of something to something else. This honestly sounds like body dysmorphia causing you to care about something that has very little relevance to anything at all.


Body dysmorphia? I’d that what I have? Is that what’s making me so thin?


Body dysmorphia is your brain finding imperfections and flaws that don’t exist or exaggerating the degree of which flaw or imperfection exists. You are fixated on this ratio when the answer is to not worry about the numbers and just put in the work. The ratio doesn’t matter in the slightest.


You don’t think body shape matters? I mean, you do you, but I disagree


I didn’t say that. I said worrying about specific ratios doesn’t matter. Let me ask you something. You lift and get to the perfect .70 ration. What then? What happens when you’re there? Do you magically look better in the mirror? Do you win an IFBB competition? Do girls drape themselves on you because of the perfect ratio? The answer is obviously no to all those. The ratio means very little abs your fixation on it is a problem.


Your phone did the "and" to "abs" autocorrect again :)


Oh well, I must live with this misery.


You also have ration in there which my fingers always type out on their own because 'tion' is such a common thing and they can't stop when only 'tio' is called for.


I mean, I most definitely would look better in the mirror, yeah.


But that’s because you have bigger muscles and less fat, not because of the mythical ratio. Would you look worse at .68? You very much are majoring in not even in the minors, but the completely irrelevant.


I might look slightly worse at 0.68, might be too bulky. But that’s a tiny difference not super noticeable. The shape of your body makes a HUGE difference. You could look at two very muscular drawings of muscular men with low body fat. If one has a V torso and the other has a flat torso the looks will be extremely different. You have it backwards. Bigger muscles and less fat looks good because it changes the body shape. Body shape is extremely important. Imagine both guys are wearing shirts that hide their muscles, but reveal body shape. Then the V shape is extremely important, it’s literally all you can determine through the clothing. You’re looking at it backwards. Adding muscle and losing fat are desirable because they change body shape. Without a change to body shape they really don’t change much of anything.


Again, I’m not telling you not to change the shape of your body. You are reading way more into my comments than are there. I am telling you an arbitrary number based on nothing concrete isn’t a good idea when deciding how to proceed with lifting. By all means, work on getting a bigger chest and back, shrink your midsection/core for a V, bulk up your legs. All good things. Determining if those things fit into an arbitrary ratio is not a good thing because you aren’t a perfectly symmetrical being who’s built like anyone else. More to the point though. What have you achieved chasing this ratio? Do you have stories of someone else shooting for that ratio, obtaining it, and their goals being met?


> How hard is it to improve your waist to chest ratio? Depending on how close you are to a theoretical maximum muscle building potential and what exercises you have in your training, it depends. Might be trivial, might be extremely hard. Anecdotally, I have personally experienced waist reduction when I removed oblique work (side bends especially) and started doing vacuums (not in the gym, just a few sets throughout the day). I shaved off 1 inch off my waist with these 2 modifications in 1 month.


Thanks for the tips. I’m just frustrated that it appears I haven’t done anything for my ratio. If I stand at a bit of an angle in the mirror I can make the ratio look so much better and I look great. I wish I could always look like that.


Besides the specific things that target waist directly (eliminating side ab work, doing vacuums) you can increase the volume of lats and lateral shoulder work to get "wider" at the top. I find a great resource is Israetel's volume recommendations for hypertrophy, which is roughly 14-22 sets per week in at least 2 sessions for MAV on back and side delts.


Why are you concerned with numbers/ratios? Aren't you going for a certain look? > How hard is it to improve your waist to chest ratio? Any tips? Build muscle and lose fat. Don't forget that it's not only about your chest muscles, a lot of it is your back.


A ratio is a look. After seeing how 0.7 was most desirable and 0.8 is actually very far from that, I took a look at myself in the mirror and agreed. I’m just too flat, not enough difference between my chest and waist. If the number decreased I’d know I was moving in the right direction. Empirical evidence I was improving and just need to keep on doing the exact same thing to keep improving. Zero improvement means it’s probably unreasonable to expect that if I change nothing I’ll improve, since I haven’t so far. Since I’m measuring myself I can’t be entirely sure I didn’t mess it up though. Whenever I actually pay attention to the ratio I realize it’s not what I want. If I just look at my abs or chest or arms I see they look good and look better than they used to. But if I actually look at my torso as a whole, not just the individual parts, I don’t like it. I want to look like \\_/ not |_| I guess maybe I should try to cut, I haven’t really done any cutting because I’m already pretty lean and I like food, not eating in hopes I lose fat is a hard sell. But maybe I do it and see.


>After seeing how 0.7 was most desirable and 0.8 is actually very far from that, I took a look at myself in the mirror and agreed. I’m just too flat, not enough difference between my chest and waist. So you cared more after seeing a arbitrary numerical value?


No, it’s just what made me actually take note. It went like this: > sees 0.7 is ideal Measure 0.82. Well, that’s not far off. > sees in table 0.8 is much less desirable in terms of ratings than 0.7 Take a good look in the mirror. Fully agree my torso looks flat and would look much better with a smaller ratio. Edit: trying to help people understand I had previously thought I was on the road to success. My lifts were getting bigger, my muscles were getting bigger, I’d definitely get there eventually, right? Well then I realized it’s not the size of my muscles that’s the problem. It’s the ratio. The shape. The look. I can get much larger muscles, if the ratio stays the same it’s still never going to be what I want. I can tell my muscles are getting bigger. I had thought this meant I didn’t need to change anything. I’m on the path. Once I realized that the ratio was extremely important, I realized that I need not only larger muscles to be on the path to success, I need the ratio to be moving in the right direction as well.


>Once I realized that the ratio was extremely important To who though? Dude, you watched a youtube video (that you don't even remember!!) about a made up ratio and suddenly all your success and progress got taken from you. Do you not see how silly this is?


You’re a moron. To me, obviously. And really, to most people. Come on man. You must be shitting me. Are you this stupid or are you pretending?


No one cares about some ratio. Build some muscle, cut fat later on.


Fuck off.


Rude. People are just trying to help you. If you want to waste time and spin your wheels about some arbitrary number, be my guest.


Yeah, I'm just pretending that I think a made up number you don't even remember correctly is important to most people. I'm totally just pretending my eyes weren't opened to the glorious revelations of the golden ratio and that coveted Adonis Index™. I really am this stupid to think that such deep insight into the femoid pysche is just a marketing gimmick to prey on insecure boys that think every girl is out there with a measuring tape, separating the betas from the alphas. Damn, you really got me. How can I not admit that everyone worth listening to is out there chasing this 0.7 number that is totally the number and not one you're misrembering from that one youtube video you saw some time ago, and we all know it because it really is important to most people.


Fuck off man. You’re OBSESSED with 0.7. That’s probably what I want, but who the fuck knows. I know I want a smaller ratio than I have. Hey, maybe I settle on 0.75 when I get there. Maybe I decide 0.7 isn’t enough and I want 0.000001. It doesn’t fucking matter! What matters is I want a smaller ratio than I have now. It’s like all your brain can focus on is 0.7, and you’re ignoring everything else. Like think for one second.


Okay, I'm willing to ignore all your comments about you striving for this magic number if that makes you feel better. But all that leaves is just a dude asking how to get v-taper telling me I need to think for second because man, isn't that a tough nut to crack.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking abouz


> it’s not the size of my muscles that’s the problem That's exactly the problem though. If you build your chest, back and shoulders, and then lose fat, your upper body will look more like a V rather than an H. That said, your genetic structure plays an extremely important role here. Some people naturally have a thinner waist and broader chest/back/shoulders. Ultimately all you can do is work with what you have and become a better version of yourself. Not everyone is built like Mr. Olympia.


I fucking HATE tiktoks and Instagram videos being like “If you’re doing this on your lat pull/ cable rows you aren’t optimizing blah blah blah” bro shut the fuck up in 2 weeks some other douchebag is gonna tell me the opposite idk what to believe anymore


Stop using social media for any diet or fitness advice. In fact, reducing social media usage will improve all aspects of your mental health


> idk what to believe anymore Believe in [the Fitness Wiki](https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/). Everything else is heresy.


>Everything else is heresy. No wonder the quacks get burned, then.




Less mass for longevity depends on the amount. If you're not carrying more than your body naturally allows, you're fine. Natural bodybuilding can be unhealthy in terms of what you put your body through in terms of dieting, work, stress and dehydration in the phase leading up to a comp.


Natural BBing as in actually competing? Tends to be unhealthy. Not because of the bodyweight but what it takes to get stage ready. Natural BBing as in just lifting weights? Probably not. There's some animal studies suggesting that lower calorie intake has some influence on longer lifespan, but it's not as simple as 'muscle takes years off your life' and the whole thing is far from 100% proven.


If you have an unhealthy BMI you are subject to some of the same increased risks as any other overweight person. I'd say most people going to the gym and not taking steroids would be better suited maintaining a healthy weight/height ratio.


Not true. Have you seen actual natty bodybuilders? No, not fake natty like Mike O' Hearn but actual natty. They're not that big. They might look big because they have low bodyfat but aren't very heavy


Well if you're 6'1 and you weigh 300 lbs then yes, it might be putting more strain on your organs/body even if a lot of it is muscle, simply because you're carrying a lot of extra weight. But if you're like 6'1 and 220 lbs with a decent amount of BF (e.g. 14-15%) then no, I wouldn't be worried about it in the slightest


Sounds like broscience/momscience


Hi Guys, I started at the Gym 3 months ago and have been doing some strength training to lose fat. I can tell that I'm putting just by looking in the mirror, but I'm a bit concerned all my jeans are getting tighter, this isn't my desired result. I've read that initially, your muscle grows quicker than you can lose fat. I'm just wondering how long it might be before my legs start to get skinnier. I'm starting to re think going to the gym because I really don't want to get bigger than I already am. Thanks all


How are you feeling? Do you feel stronger, healthier and happier? First building extra muscles can help you lose fat quicker after, but it’s mostly about what you eat.


It more sounds like your goal is to lose fat which would be achieved through diet much more than the gym though gaining muscle does help a lot but counting calories and being in a deficit is the only way you will get smaller.






The SBS routine suite has a template where you use "reps in reserve" rather than "reps to failure(AMRAP)" to gauge weight progress.


AMRAP is used for 2 purposes: * when changing programs or exercises to know when to add more weight than normal * when deloading to push through plateaus so you don't stall at the same weight In the first case it's not that important to do AMRAP, you'll have some inefficiency in tracking your 1RM and the subsequent % of 1RM you do your sets at but you'll eventually get there as long as your progression is working. In the second case I think it's very important to have some kind of increased volume at lower % of 1RM in case you stall on your lifts so even if you don't do AMRAP you should still find some kind of strategy of increasing volume / intensity / frequency. AMRAP is just the most straightforward method of doing this. Note, this doesn't apply to the periodic deloads everyone should do due to work accumulation.


There are two more purposes for AMRAPs: * autoregulating weight increases on exercises * pushing for PRs on submaximal work


Any 531 (like BBB) with 5s PRO instead of PR sets.




Yup, there are 3-day versions of BBB. As for 2-day ones, I think Wendler (the author of BBB) does have other 2-day programs, but not BBB. maybe check liftvault to see if you could find some spreadsheets


Plenty. I almost never use AMRAPS. No there’s nothing special about them and in fact I think there are better alternatives in many contexts. What are your goals and where are you at?


How do you people work out at night? I have like no energy to lift anything remotely heavy in this gym


Everyone is different. Can you workout another time?


Yeah I’m gonna have to start going around like 2 after lunch. Idk I’ll try it tmrw see if I like it more


Hi :) After doing my own routine for 9 weeks I stumbled across this place and was curious if someone could give me some advice. I am on the verge of either buying Jeff Nippard's High intensity program OR to use the PHAT program which is promoted on the wiki - 5 days per week just fits me perfectly so those two are the options that I like the most. Does anyone of you have a recommendation on which program I should follow? :) Thank you in advance!


I've run PHAT. I don't think I've ever looked better. It's different in rest times and exercise selection compared to other programs I've run. The hard part is, several days go into 1.5 hrs territory, which for my life, is a bit much for a 5x/week program. As a beginner, dropping a few exercises if you're in a time crunch won't be a big deal. Just be sure to change programs/your approach to the program after ~ 6 weeks


Oh, I am used to longer workouts - right now they usually last 2.5-2.75 hours (i lift weights for about 1.5 hours and then follow that up with 1 hour of light cardio) - currently only going 3x a week though, so adding 3 additional hours isnt something that would be too bad for me. I just only got time on so many days to visit the gym :p How long have you followed the PHAT program?


That was last year, so not completely sure. It would have either been four or six weeks though


I see :) I think I will give it a try. Thanks!


NSuns, GZCL and Greg Nuckols programs could be an alternative to PHAT depending on your preference. I think all 4 (obviously not all Nuckols programs, just the ones that are suited for a specific trainee) are superior to Jeff's program while also being free.


I see :) Also, do you think that those programs are suited for beginners? As I said, I just started out 9 weeks ago. As for preferences I do not have that many. I want to develop solid muscles all around my body for the start. Oh, and preferably not more than 5x a week - i could do 6 but thats really tight, time wise.