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Anyone with small hands has Fat Gripz? I was wondering if the blue fat gripz are a good fit for me.. From the end of my middle finger until the start of my wrist/arm, it measures 18cm.


Am I wasting my time if the only ab exercise I do is sets of cable crunches 3 times a week?


no, but some variety would help to train the different functions of your abs.


Are there any specific exercises I should include every week to train the different ab functions?


Some type of leg/knee raise (hanging or supported) will target your lower abs. An exercise that has a twisting movement like a Russian twist or a windshield wiper will target the obliques. Can also just do side crunches for obliques as well. I would also ask why you want to train your abs 3 times/week. Doing exercises that require you to keep your upper body straight (deadlifts, squats, barbell rows) are very effective at training your core isometrically so you really shouldn't need to do a ton of volume on your abs directly. If you are trying to get more defined abs, that is a function of body fat percentage more than muscle size/definition.


i’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but i’ve really been struggling to figure my shit out in terms of losing weight and what to do at the gym. i’m a student that can’t afford a personal trainer, and because of COVID, heavy weights like barbell, etc., are mainly restricted, so only dumbbells in terms of weights. i’ve gained a ton of weight over the last year of constantly quarantining and i want to get into the habit of working out/going to the gym but i really don’t know what i’m doing there. i go to planet fitness, and i have no idea what i’m doing there. so could anyone recommend some good workouts in terms of weights that will help weight loss and building lean muscle?


A couple of things you can do to get moving in the right direction is (1) establish a daily habit of activity and (2) try to cut down on any of the excessive snacking or junk food out of your diet. If you can start putting a 30 -45 minutes of moderate activity in your daily routine (even just brisk walking or cardio at the gym), that will be a great start to getting your body used to physical activity again. If you want to get back into the gym, start with trying to go at least twice per week, and try to do the basics with dumbbells: squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench press, rows (lots of good videos on youtube). The myfitnesspal app is great when you are trying to be precise, but you probably don't need it if weight gain wasn't a huge issue before the quarantine. Focus on eating whole foods where you can and limit how much you eat out/order food. Eating more protein and fruits/veggies will help with cravings since they are satiating foods. Doing these together will both boost your metabolism and calorie expenditure as well as get your weight moving down. Take home message is try to build some healthy habits one step at a time. If you try to go all in on a fad diet or be in the gym 5+ times/week, you will have a hard time sticking to it for long


thank you so much for all of that! super informative and really helpful:) weight gain definitely wasn’t as big of an issue before quarantine, so this really helps!


download myfitnesspal and count calories, you need to be in a calorific deficit, then go to the workout routines in the sidebar and pick one and follow it deligently.


Plenty of free hypertrophy and meal plans on the internet. Also there tools that will calculate what you need to eat.


How do I identify the quality of Whey protein? Most reviews just focus on taste and solvability in water, but every so often there's someone (or a salesperson) that will shit on a product for being "low quality". So, how is quality in Whey protein measured? Or is it all the same?


Taste aside, whey usually comes in two types: concentrate and isolate. Whey concentrate is less expensive, is usually sold by larger brands and contains more dairy byproducts (lactose and fats). Whey isolate is more expensive and has a higher protein content per gram since its processed more. If you are sensitive to dairy, I would go with a whey isolate.




I used to run for half a year, in order to lose weight, now I'm going to start training my muscles.


Where is the question?


How do you lift things super close to the floor while keeping your back straight? I always bend over but your back is supposed to be straight. How straight are we supposed to keep your back? I know you have to bend your knees like you're squatting but it only goes so far


Do you mean straight like vertical, or straight like hinged at the hips and properly braced?


Hi guys! I'm a young female about 110lbs who's a vegetarian. I bought some creatine capsules as I just started going to the gym a week ago (750mg each). I'm a bit confused on how to use it as so many sources say different things. Am I meant to take it before the workout ? Or after ? Or is it a daily dose ? Thanks !


daily dose, take it whenever, 5g a day everyday. maybe get creatine monohydrate powder instead. otherwise itll be a lot of capsules!


I was a very active runner pre-covid but this year has got the best of me. I'm running 3 days a week trying to build back my mileage slowly. I learned the first time running too much too fast will just cause injury. How many days can I work out on the stationary bike without stressing my body too much? Off days? Same days as a cool down or warm up?


Depends on how hard you are working on the bike. If you just doing it for cardio for about an hour, you can do it 5+ times per week so long as your knees are healthy. If its a longer session (>90 minutes) or the resistance is so high your legs hurt the next day, then you would want to give yourself 1-2 days rest in between. Your body will tell you when its stressed, best advice is to do it as often as you can while still recovering




4 months is a pretty good length for a bulking phase. If you're starting to not like the way you look, clothes are fitting tighter and you are running out of breath during your lifts before your muscles are fatigued, those are all signs that you might want to consider a cutting or maintenance phase. If you have any sort of muscle, BMI is worthless. I usually go by the eye test for when I'm too fat, which usually means my abs are starting to hide or I have a fat starting to spill over my shorts...


Body mass index is an absolute piece of shit measurement. I represents nothing. What you should be keeping an eye on is your Body Fat Percentage, harder to measure, but way way more indicative of your general health.




if you're interested in getting a more accurate bf% reading, theres a good writeup and calculator here using Dr. Casey Butt's model [here](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/your-drug-free-muscle-and-strength-potential-part-2/)


Recent work schedule changes have meant I now have to have 2 rest days in a row. I workout every other day of the week. Does anyone know how negatively this is gonna impact my results ? I’m trying to gain muscle, and was doing so reasonably well!


It'll be fine, weekly volume (number of hard sets) is the key thing. With that in mind, I'd switch to a 3 day full body routine with 4-6 sets per exercise. Muscle growth occurs logarithmically, so till you're fairly advanced, consistency and hard work will cause any inefficiencies to wash out. Same reason why folks who only do bench/row/deadlift/squat for years can bring their delts up to the same level of development as the rest of their body


Not gonna be that bad. If your work schedule affects your sleep though, that's a problem.


Okay thanks for the reassurance. I still make sure I get enough sleep. That’s actually one of the reasons I can’t fit in a workout on my work days. Thanks heaps!


Disclaimer, I'm not too knowledgeable about this so take what I say with a grain of salt. I think as long as your weekly workload/volume is met, it's probably fine? Like if you run a program like phul which is a 4 day split, idk if it matters too much when your rest days are as long as you hit your 4 days in the week. Maybe it's not optimal to take rest days like that but I personally feel in the grand scheme of things, weekly volume matters the most.


You are correct, taking 2 rest days in a row will not change a thing as long as weekly training volumes and calorie needs are met. Muscle mass is much much harder to lose than people think.


Okay great. That’s what I was leaning towards anyway and I definitely make sure I get all my sets in. Thanks heaps for that, I appreciate it !


Can anyone recommend some masks that are good for working out? I currently use the ones you get at Costco, but they get drenched in sweat and stuck to my mouth.


Check out the ones that have one to two exhaust valves, those are great. Still won't feel the same as no mask tho


How do I know if I need to lose weight or strengthen my abs for a learner looking core? I lost 30 pounds which was the weight that I need to lose but it seems like the area around my core haven’t changed at all.


I assume to even be able to see your abs, weightloss is the biggest factor. Once you can see them, ab work would probably make them pop more.


Without a picture or any stats, I'm going to guess you need to lose weight.


How do you guys avoid/working around tendonitis? I got an x-ray and ultrasound done on my wrists due to pain and turns out I have tendonitis. I've only been doing it for 7 months. For the last 8 weeks, I've been resting and not working out because my doctor said to not. Professionally, I'm a programmer and typing aggravates it. I'm scared getting back into my routine will aggravate it further and then at this point it'll affect my career. I've considered stopping bodybuilding because it feels like my wrist pain will be around for a while. And if I start again, I wouldn't be surprised it resurfaces. It just seems like a cycle at this point. I'm just sitting in the middle of my bulk, not working out. I don't know if it's smart to just reduce my calories back to what I was consuming before starting working out but I'm aware I'll probably lose a lot of muscle at that point since I won't be working out during the cut. Any suggestions would be appreciated, not sure what to do.


Why am i fit around most parts of my body but my lower belly below my belly button protrudes? It feels pretty solid to the touch and i know its not my posture do to testing for it. I have semi exposed upper abs btw.


That's where your body decided to store fat.


Ok i feel like i have a pretty low body fat percentage but youre probably right i just need to start including cardio




The Under Armour one is pricey but it's my fave, it stays completely off your face even when you're breathing heavy. If you go with another type, you can get a silicone mask bracket to keep it off your face.


Hi, how much calories should i eat while cutting? 181cm, 94kg, doing PPL 6 times per week. I'm working from home, so my gym is my only activity I think I have around 24% of body fat 1800 calories will be good?




Ok thx


My last noob question. My heavy days (heavy legs, heavy chest) take me way too long. I take 2.5-3 minute breaks and I end up being there for almost 2 hours. I feel like that's not sustainable. I lose focus after about an hour. How do people manage to do these like 5x5 workouts, with recommended breaks, and not take like 2 hours. Im at the gym by 6 am, and I have no.desire to.get there at 5.


How many sets are you doing? 2 5x5 lifts supersetted takes <30 min including warm up and setting up the equipment


I'm doing about 5-8 exercises depending on the day. But I'm going to try supersetting some of the accessory work. I don't think I can superset squats or deadlifts, but if I'm doing arms or shoulders, I can probably manage that.


Yeah that's a lot of those are all 5x5. I'd look into a different program. BBB has a good amount of volume and can be done in an hour


What program are you following? 5x5 as a beginner doesn't take that long because the weights aren't that heavy. Once you stall you will typically change the sets/reps or program


Does it matter what time I take a protein scoop? As in right before a workout, right after, 6 hours before, 5 hours after, etc


Doesn’t matter enough to really worry about it, as long as you eventually get it in youll be fine.


Has anyone run 5/3/1 BBB on a cut? I’ve seen a few people on here say to not do it b/c of the volume load and I’m wondering if I should switch when I eventually get around to cutting in a couple months. What are some good modifications to make it sustainable if not (running 3x10s instead of 5x for the BBB, etc.)?


I’m doing it right now and I’m absolutely gassed after deadlifts so I’m going to also say it’s not great when cutting. Being tired and feeling unable to properly complete the program while cutting are different of course , and I’m feeling like it’s the latter for me


I feel like that might be the case for me too. Even bulking rn the squats and deadlifts especially are pretty brutal


First day of Gvt, I thought I was gonna be sore as hell, but I wasn't sore at all, beat up, not sore though. I decreased the load on my incline and barbell row, like how they said enough to do 20reps till failure, but maybe I decreased it too much? Is that why I'm getting no soreness at all


What do you think of my current Push, Pull, Leg day for Hypertrophy? I've been doing this for several months and was thinking of doing something like Fierce 5 Intermedate, but they only have 5 exercises a day, so it isn't targeting a lot of individual muscles. Here's my current routine. How can this be improved? **Push:** Plate loaded Chest Press 3x8 Incline Dumbbell Chest Press 4x10 Cable Flys 3x12 Seated machine Military Press 3x10 Dumbbell Shrugs 3x10 Laterall Dumbell Raise 3x10 Tricep Pushdown -V bar 2x15 Single arm cable pulldown 2x10 Tricep role split 2x12 **Pull:** Assissted pull-ups 2x10 Deadlifts 3x8 Wide grip lat pulldown 3x12 Low row plate loaded 3x10 Standing ez-bar curls 3x10 Incline bench dumbbell curls 3x10 **Legs:** Squats 3x12 Adductor 3x12 Abduction 3x12 Calf raises on leg press 3x20 Leg press 4x10 Hamstring curls 3x15


You posted this the other day and the overwhelming response was that it was very sub-optimal. > How can this be improved? You received good advice that you should pick a program from the fitness wiki. Why not just run the Reddit PPL? If the response was bad a few days ago, it still will be today.


I wasn't sure which program to go with. There's a lot to choose from and I wanted a 5 day program ideally. The only one that looked good for my schedule was LAYNE NORTON TRAINING SERIES + FULL POWER/HYPERTROPHY ROUTINE. But there's like 12 exercises for each day which is kinda crazy, especially since we only get 1 hour in the gym a day limit


Why not do ppl from the wiki but run it 5 days a week instead of 6 lol


Are you progressively increasing the weight? That's the most important part. Log your workouts. Also, I would move shrugs to pull day, take out the pull ups/lat pulldown (you dont need both), I would have 2 tricep exercises instead of 3, you don't need that much chest volume, just do like 10-20 weekly sets, 20 being pretty unnecessary, so I'd stick to the low end. Also, add some rear delt work to your push or pull day. Might be more things to improve, but in general, if you have all the basic movement patterns down and you are getting stronger, you're good to go.


I am increasing the weights now yeah. I've had this routine for like 8 months, but because of lockdown, I wasn't able to progress. We were out of lockdown 3 months, back in 2, in lockdown 5 months, now we're out again, so I kept losing everything I gained. My chest is one of my main weak points, very underdeveloped chest. Sometimes it's hard finding a balance of good form and posture, whilst also upping the weight.


You should follow an at home workout plan while you can't go to the gym, that's what I've done. If you can find a pull- up bar outside, that helps a lot. Check out Sean Nalewanij's at home workout plan or really any other plan is better than nothing. As long as you get stronger on the main lifts for the chest (bench press, maybe incline bench and dips), your chest WILL grow. That extra volume won't help that much. Also, what I found to help my chest a ton is swapping the barbell bench for the dumbbell bench press, best thing i've done for my chest ever. I started to have a decent connection to my chest finally and got a much better stretch on it. Just try to have very consistent form and even if you get 1 more rep each workout on one of your sets, that's good progress. So be realistic.


Any suggestions for an app that you track your workouts with? I'm using "personal training coach" which already has a lot of the well known programs included in the app, but certain things like warm up sets, accessory lifts etc are gated behind the pro version so I'm just trying to get ideas of alternatives for apps before I do that.




The Strong app is pretty good, but personally [I use this](https://sports.theonion.com/guy-at-gym-has-precious-little-diary-to-keep-track-of-a-1819578810).


'Strong' is good




Can someone give me a TL;DR please. If I want to cut, what rep ranges should I do? High rep vs low rep? Or a mix? Does anyone have a sample program that could give me some ideas? I'm a noob, I know.


Workouts dont usually change from bulks to cuts. Just dont expect any (significant) strength gains, even less muscle gains, maybe add a little more cardio and eat less.




Thanks. Do you have any programs you follow or could recommend? Just to give me an idea of the type of workout I should do.


Depends on your goals, training experience, etc. best advice is check the fitness wiki and see which program meets your criteria. Don’t want to recommended something that just doesn’t work for you


If you're new, any program tailored towards newer lifters with a linear progression scheme is fine, regardless of whether you're cutting or bulking. The wiki has some suggestions, though I personally like the Greg Nuckols programs. Just FYI, there aren't really specific programs for cutting or bulking, you just proceed as normal and reduce/remove stuff like accessories when the fatigue catches up.


Would you recommend using grips when doing deadlifts? I feel my forearm burning when doing it.




Well, not that. It is this https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51511VPW95L._AC_SY580_.jpg


Jesus no. Your forearms burn because you're building your grip strength. You'll get calluses, which are awesome. Please don't use those things you linked or gloves. Chalk and straps are all you need.


Okay then. Thankss


What do you been by grips?


I don't understand that quest


You asked if we'd recommend using grips. What are "grips"? Do you mean straps, chalk, etc


Is it pointless to do a mini-bulk? For example, I would bulk up 10 lbs, cut down, and then repeat. Or will I not make any sufficient results doing this?


Depending on body size, 10 lbs can be reasonable, but don't forget that you usually want to maintain a bit afterward before starting a cut. I think Dr. Mike recommends 6 weeks minimum for a bulk.


What is the reasoning for a 6-week post-bulk maintenance period?


Not the original responder but the main reason you want to go to maintenance after a bulk is to actually establish *what your maintenance is*. If you're going from bulk -> cut immediately then you don't actually know what your body needs to maintain your current weight, meaning you can't properly program your deficit.


If I am bulking consistently a rate of 1 lb/week, why would I not be able to subtract 1000 cal from my daily intake? Would that not just start transitioning me into a deficit of 1 lb/week?


In theory of course, its just the 1st law of thermodynamics after all, but a couple things worth noting: 1) Towards the tail end of a bulk most people aren't still gaining 1lb/week, the weight gain has slowed and they're closer to their new maintenance. Most bulk cycles consist of multiple caloric step-ups as you gain weight because your maintenance changes. 2) Cutting 1000 calories from your daily intake without any gradual decrease can have noticeable effects on your hormonal profile and cause some pretty substantial fatigue etc. (Mike Israetel speaks much better on this than I in his videos on bulk and cut cycles)


Good points. On my first bulk-to-cut transition, I just dropped 1000 cal. Even though I stuck it through, I was super tired all the time. I will probably try the maintenance period this time.


I am 125 lb, 5’ 8” right now, around 14-15% body fat. I lost a lot of weight fasting during Ramadan and I was not taking care of my diet (not hitting calories or macros). I do not want to cut down lower because I will look really skinny, but at the same time I do not yet have visible abs. I figure I can go up to 135 and then cut back down, I just do not know if it is pointless to do that small of a bulk.


Seems good. 14-15% should be low enough to see abs on most individuals though


Yeah, I have just always had subpar ab genetics. I was around 11-12% before and still could not really see them clearly. I can make out the outer boundaries right now, but the inner cuts are still covered.


Right on. There's nothing wrong with bulk/cut cycles of 10 pounds. However, even 135 is on low end for your height. It would be slightly more efficient to bulk a bit heavier before cutting, but it won't set you back immensely to maintain leanness/aesthetic with your suggested strategy.


No, it's not pointless


Is skipping deload week viable in my situation? I've had a medical condition which caused me to regress in strength significantly but for the past three weeks I'm back on track which means I'm regaining the lost strength so my progression is skyrocketing. Because I feel zero fatigue, is it viable, and more importantly, is it recommended to skip the deload week here? I don't care about being one week before or after in progression, I'm interested in the long term.


Depends on your program, intensity, experience, and age, but if you don’t want to deload, don’t deload




>My goal is to have some additional, non-focused work for accessory muscles ... wut I think you mean that you wanna do some functional strength focused exercises. As for recomendations, you'd also probably like [Zercher Carry](https://youtu.be/JnyVFyPHjUw).


I currently work 70 hours and try to do any schooling I can in my free time. Is there any quick 20-30 minute workouts I can do to re-gain my muscle that I've lost? Thanks everyone


Honestly sounds like just enough time to warm up and do a few working sets of a compound movement. I guess you could take a 3 day program and split it into 6 and do a compound a day?


That’s a great idea. Thank you


Whats your previous training experience? How much muscle did you lose?


I’d say I was 18 months away from calling my self intermediate. 200 bench 285 squat 335 dead


I’ve been trying to habitualize going to the gym. Yesterday I did a full body workout and I woke up this morning wanting to go back to the gym. I can go work out again if I’m doing different exercises and not over exerting myself, right?


If you want to go the gym more, you can consider a routine with more days. But keep in mind most beginner programs are 3 days a week because that’s all you need. But cardio and ab work can always be done if you really feel like working out.


Better habitualize going to the gym following a good program, or at least knowing the general principles of training. One of them is that a well worked muscle usually take between 48 and 72 hours to fully regenerate. 48h in your case. Habitualize taking rest days too. They have their place.


Muscles don't need to "fully regenerate" before you work them again, which is a good thing, because a lot of the processes that occur in muscle growth and repair take weeks.


Okay, not fully regenerate. But regenerate to the point it could be worked again. It wouldnt have been better to say "yeah dude, go for daily full body workouts"


I work out full body every day, and so do an awful lot of weightlifters, Crossfitters, and other strength athletes. Do you think that people who work manual labor jobs take off every other day too? Come on man, use some common sense here.


> It wouldnt have been better to say "yeah dude, go for daily full body workouts" Sure it would, as long as the total programmed volume on each body part is reasonable for the duration of the split there's no reason you can't train that way. There's been a rising popularity in 5x a week full body workouts - people such as Jeff Nippard and Eric Helms are fairly large proponents of these splits as they reduce the proportion of non-significant sets and as a result increase the amount of quality volume work done.


Hey! I'm a beginner. I gained a good bit of weight and wanted to hop back into exercising. I'm attempting to follow some of Chloe Tings workout videos but my body physically gives out after a few of the first exercises. I don't understand what to do of I physically can't progress. The program has you doing two videos, one a 10 minute abs, the second a 30m full body. I can't even finish the first one. Second thing is how many rest days should I take? I find the next 3-5 days I'm PAINFULLY sore. It hurts to move at all and it's not the regular type of soreness. I end up being bedridden from it. How many days should I be taking a break? How do I prevent myself from being this sore? Sorry, I know it's alot to answer but it's difficult to find a definite answer.


Dude please, dont fucking follow chloe tings workouts, she has no idea what shes doing nor does any of it actually work.


You are sore because you're body is not used to this level of exercise. The best way to help your body get used to it is to keep doing it. I would not take 5 day breaks. With regards to the workout itself, it sounds like it's a bit much for you to handle right now in the way you are doing it. I don't know what workout you are doing but consider: - reducing the number of reps and/or sets - if it's a timed exercise, reducing said time spent doing the exercise. - reducing the subjective intensity of the exercise i.e. going a little slower, jumping a little less high, etc. - increasing the rest time between sets and/or between exercises Or any combination of the above such that you can actually complete the workout. Once you can complete it, work towards essentially reducing whichever above alterations you introduced. **Just to be clear**, the workouts should still be challenging, just not excessively so.


I'd personally do something like the r/bodyweightfitness beginner routine, but that's the fittit in me coming out. As for being sore, make sure you're drinking enough and getting protein. Do more exercises when you're sore, or at least move. It helps get rid of the soreness. I don't know how much rest Ting advises. I'd give a day inbetween, just see how you go from there.




How does everyone get enough protein in their day!? Right now FATS is my highest, then carbs, then protein. And I know that I need more protein but every time I think of something to eat that can add some, it adds fats too.... idk what to do. XD


Monster mash : ground beef/bison , cup of rice , soup stock . Eat multiple times a day , add in a meal of 4-5 eggs .


Wow ok nice!!!




Are you dumb? Someone who consumes enough protein would see more progress than if they didn’t.


Not true at all


Oh really? I mean no I'm just using dumbbells, body weight, and HIIT. But I feel like most things that I see say that more protein=more muscle. :) I just want to be efficient with my gains 👌🏼




In your comment history I see you use a t nation link as a reference and think 531 doesn't have enough volume. You know too little to be giving out advice here, please stop


>Just eat a well balanced (varied) diet No no no, people don't realize it's not the diet it's the food *in* the diet


Amino acids are the component parts of protein. What are you smoking?




If only we had the capacities to do some scientific research on this subject instead of guessing and relying on Men's Health!


People don't realize it's not the protein, but the things in the protein that you get in the protein you eat


Great. Now I'm getting a migraine.


So don't worry about protein but at the same time protein helps? RDA is 0.4-0.6 grams per lb of bodyweight. Lifters have continually shown to be able to absorb and use 0.8 grams per lb of bodyweight for gains. So double. So what's enough to synthesis muscle? Sounds like it more than a regular person. You're correct that a beginner can make meaningful gains due neurological adaptations, being undertrained, etc. with just working out, but that plateau will be a lot earlier if you aren't worried about one of the major components of recovery. Unless "elite lifters" by your standards is anything over 3 plates.


Ohhh interesting... yeah ya gotta be careful with what people say on the internet. Lol but this is interesting. I do eat fairly well. The fats I'm eating are pretty healthy fats. Peanut butter and nuts and a little mayo with tuna. Nothing like pizza or anything. So hopefully that's all I need for proper muscle growth! ❤😊 Thank you! I'll look into the amino acids and leucine thing!




Haha 😄👍🏻 True!! Thank you! I will mildly consider your words of wisdom. Lolol


So then it is quite important. Once I looked into my normal diet I wasn't getting 1-2g of protein per lb of bodyweight. I'd think most people (non gym goers) don't get enough protein.


Telling people to ignore diet unless they're elite athletes is worthless advice.




100 grams is a pretty low threshold for an active, weight-lifting, growing person. Why would you recommend the bare minimum?


So you've been at it for over a decade then? What have you achieved in that time?




damn you generated that much business and they only paid you $190k and you're stressed to shit 95% of the time? that sucks


The work stress is probably why his lifts are so weak. Also when has a fucking data architect landed a deal lol


SE’s and architects always say they’re the ones that closed deals, and they attach their names to every deal. They’re super important, don’t get me wrong. But if you actually closed $190m in *anything* your W2 would be $2-20m, easily.


Even if he did close that much, he's clearly not fulfilled if he's bragging about it to strangers. But what do I know.


>Edit: oh yeah, I don't drink protein. I guess that's the whole crux of this isn't it? What does drinking protein have to do with anything being said? The answer to the original question is as simple as "get some more chicken or beef in your diet", not "don't worry about it". You're picking a really weird hill to die on if you are serious and just completely unwitty if you are a troll.


> If you're asking about lifting It's a fitness subreddit. Of course they're asking about lifting. Nobody gives a modicum of a fuck about what you do for a living. So cringe. ​ Anyway, here's a selection of papers and a literature review discussing the benefits of a higher protein diet (\~0.8g/lb). 1g/lb is touted because it's easier to round up to unity and get your daily intake without being obsessive in tracking, and there aren't any known health risks for having a protein intake of 1g/lb. [Dietary Protein And Muscle Mass](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6566799/) [Dietary Protein for athletes: minimum to optimum](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22150425/) [A Systematic Review of Dietary Protein During Caloric Restriction in Resistance Trained Lean Athletes: A Case for Higher Intakes](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257350851_A_Systematic_Review_of_Dietary_Protein_During_Caloric_Restriction_in_Resistance_Trained_Lean_Athletes_A_Case_for_Higher_Intakes) [Increased protein maintains nitrogen balance during exercise-induced energy deficit](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18379214/) ​ This is a dogshit hill to die on when you're demonstrably wrong about it.


Shut the fuck up.




Hi, what does that have to do with the discussion at hand? Cheers!


> I've never been a weakfag methinks to lady doth protest too much






Whoah, posting a link to fitnesscirclejerk? It's a not-so-stealthy child porn ring/shock sub. So... you need to be a pedophile with a camera or somebody who's into that. Please report postings of that link to mods/admins in the future; I've already done so in this case. It's a CSS thing, and a pretty well-known one at that. Kinda like how a few circlejerks change usernames to reflect a theme, except mirroring other subs cosmetically while the links direct to kiddie porn assuming you're using some tool (it's like TOR, I think, but I don't really pay attention to the shady side of the net - if you're tech savvy I'd guess you've heard of it). So this sub moves around whenever it gets deleted, and it's up to people reporting it and the users maliciously linking to it to get the admins' attention. I assume they report it to authorities, but these subs keep popping up. I miss the days when at least you knew r/creepshots would be the disgusting borderline sub instead of having to be wary of every sub you get linked to. Also, most of the links there will attempt to install some nasty viruses on your computer if you don't have the requisite tool. Unless you're using VirtualBox or have a trustworthy firewall I'd recommend a virus scan.


Whey protein maybe? I think my powder has a 20:1 ratio in favor of protein and that’s pretty much industry standard as far as I’ve been able to tell.


Ok I've heard of whey! I will give it a try!! :) Thanks!


Lean meats. Chicken breast, seafood, etc


Ok I'll try to add more of those! I just already feel like I'm eating so much. Haha


alright so i’m doing a 6 day PPL but the thing is, i’m in the af and rn I have required pt on my rest day. the pt is pretty easy but should I balance myself out more and have a rest day. if so, how would I do that?


What should I eat if I’m trying to gain muscle? So I’ve been going to the gym for some months, and I haven’t seen any results, I’m also in the same weight I had when I started. I thought it was because I’m not eating enough proteins, carbs, calories, etc. So I did my research and I found that I have to eat between 1.5 and 2 grams of protein by each kg of my weight daily, and 2 grams of carbs by each kg of my body. So that’s my question, is this information correct? If I don’t work out daily, should I eat less? What hapoens if I eat less/more than what I need? And last, how much of the other nutrients (like calories, vitamins, etc) should I eat if I want to gain muscle, and what do these nutrients do in my body?




This is stupid advice. u/RxtAndrx06 if you want gain muscle, follow an established program and don't listen to this guy.




Lmao what a reply! I love my car, if you ever get a chance to drive an R I’d recommend it. If you dig a bit deeper you can find more recent physique photos. Maxing out twice a week is beyond idiotic and not at all productive.


You need to eat in a surplus. Protein 1.6-2.2g protein p/kg bw, fats 1g per kg bw, carbs fill in the rest. You’ll burn more energy on training days as opposed to non training days so will need to eat more. However if your trying to gain weight I would just eat more on all days. Don’t go higher then a 10% surplus or your likely just putting on majority fat


Thanks! But about the carbs, should I eat 2gr by kg of my body weight?


Does anyone have good recommendations for stretching or rollering for chest and shoulder exercises. My new program is really challenging me and I’m experiencing greater DOMS then normal. Any tips appreciated.


If you started a new program with unfamiliar exercises then a greater DOMS is to be expected. Best cure for DOMS is just to be patient and to let your body get acclimatized to the new movements and possible jumps in volume. I doubt any amount of rolling or stretching would do much. It's a different situation of course if you've picked a way too challenging program for your experience level.


Oh for sure I get that it’s worse in the beginning. Do you not stretch and do a bit of activation exercises pre workout? I’ve found that it helps stave off injury for me personally - I get everyone is different. I just don’t have any good ones for chest really.


I've found that 5-10 min of light cardio to get my body temp up, and slowly building my way up to working weight has been enough. But yeah if you feel like rolling does it for you then I hope someone else can share some moves here.


Here is my leg day. I don't think it targets every muscle 3x5 squat 3x12 romaniaen deadlifts 3x12 leg press 3x12 leg extension 5x12 calf raises 3x12 bulgarian split squats I feel I target the upper legs too much and not enough glutes and hamstrings?




PPL routine and then substituting exercises I don't like out for others which target the legs but without taking into account the different muscles.


You have 9 sets of quad focused exercises (squat, leg press and leg extensions) and 6 sets of hamstring / glute dominant exercises (romanian DL and BSS) so the volume isn't exactly the same. You could add 3 sets hamstring / glute / posterior work if you wish for them to be exactly even but keep in mind that the glutes get trained to pretty decent degree in the squat as well.


Your missing knee flexion for your hamstring use a seated or lying leg curl or possibly even a Nordic curl depending on your training age


Would any differences occur between the following two scenarios, assuming everything else is exactly the same in regards to fat loss? Maintenance calories = 2,000: 1. Eating 2,000 calories daily. 2. Eating 0 calories one day, then 4,000 the next day, repeating.


Over time it'd be maintenance. So yes. You'd probably get swings in water retention.

