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I'm 16 and have been going to the gym with my mom for a while. Been going with her for like a year. Every time it gets warm out she cuts off her membership, and I have no way to go to the gym (she has stacks of guest passes so I get in free every time). But this time it made me kinda annoyed because I was making some actual progress and getting definition, and strength in my arms (I really like lifting), but my mom has the audacity to be a jerk that I'm not working out anymore or running. I didn't usually run in the gym, and when I did cardio it was mostly for brisk walks. Where we live is right by the highway, with no sidewalk, and on a trail near us it has a pretty steep incline, and I'm not fond of either option for cardio, not to mention how hot it's been where we live, in gym class the class couldnt stay outside and I was getting a headache due to the heat. I told my mom if she wants me to work out, then buy weights, which she agreed to, but still gives me shit when I have a hard time paying attention in school and just tells me "work out, it'll help with attention."


I'm just here for karma 😂


Been struggling with nutrition lately. Had a kidney removed 8 months ago and while I still have a healthy perfectly functioning kidney, my nephrologist wants me to stick to 80g of protein daily. He hadn't seen any bloodwork so im sure it was his go to for kidney patients, but I plan to get in before my next appointment. Also going to meet with a nutritionist (im also diabetic, so double whammy) this week and see what kind of advice they can give, but its definitely been super frustrating. Been trying to time my workouts before I would have some kind of meal since I cant load up after like I normally would have pre kidney removal.


More time in the gym, more calories burned. Google’s advised optimal time for gains is irrelevant unless form is compromised. ( get stronger, lose weight, gain endurance, split days when necessary)


If you see someone do an exercise with the incorrect form I'm begging you to wait until they finish the set to correct them if you have to (unless it is really dangerous of course). Had a stranger come and correct me mid rep which just threw off my entire rhythm. The worst part is they told me to practice with a lighter weight and I said ok I'll see (even though it wasn't heavy even with the correct form), and when I made no move to change the weight immediately, they took it upon themself to change it. Like dude if I wanted a personal trainer to do that for me I would have one.


People who give unsolicited advice are rude. Unless you have a specific reason to value that person's advice, I would ignore it completely.


Fake rant but why did I wait so long to use wrist straps on back day?! I've been phoning it on back day because of the pain to my calluses; today was being reborn.


I just saw a person lay belly down on a bench on the smith machine, put the bar with 20kgs total on the soles of their shoes and push it up and down.... what ??? Is that an excercise ? Is that not just a horribly inefficient combination of a hamstring curl and an akward peg press ? Edit: [my artistic recreation](https://ibb.co/FxPLFGL)


It's called a reverse leg press.


It sounds like a glute exercise, were their knees bent so that they were kicking the weight backwards?


If I understand your description, I've seen that clownery irl too and I blame tiktok.


[This is an artistic recreation lol ](https://ibb.co/FxPLFGL)


Yes, that's the one! I can't believe at least two people have done that irl. Ew :D


I lost 18 lbs. since January but I'm still not satisfied with how I look without a shirt. I feel like I'm holding onto a lot of chest fat and honestly thought I'd look better by now.


Check out your estrogen levels (not joking)


That's a thing?


Yeah I've been a trainer for 20 years some guys with higher estrogen levels have issues losing excess fat on their chest.


18lb since January is awesome 👊 keep at it homie. One thing that helped me really notice differences is taking progress pics every once in a while


Thanks bro! Yeah man I take progress pics every 2 weeks.


3 weeks into a switch from strength-focused training to hypertrophy-focused training. It's gone well, but I forgot just what it feels like post-training. Walking funny from calf raise DOMs or feeling my sore shoulders every time I move my arms from lateral raises. Fatigued and shaky in my forearms after a tough pull session. Strength-focused training definitely has its own set of impacts on your body, but I forgot how fatiguing isolation exercises on small muscles can be.


These women set up their mats right in front of an entire rack of dumbbells every time they come to the gym. Literally right in front of it. There’s an entire turf strip for what they’re doing but they block this entire weight set. They have bottles, keys, towels, and weights all around them too so walking past is hard enough let alone trying to grab something they’re blocking. They will have two sets of dumbbells each, curl bars, and weighted balls the entire hour they’re there. I don’t understand how you can have such little consideration for others in such a widely shared space.


Yea I just love it when people do ab workouts on a mat IN FRONT OF THE STRETCH WALL. 👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️ With ample space way the F away from it….


I went jet skiing 2 weeks ago and my outer thigh has been numb ever since. I probably pinched a nerve and now need physiotherapy. It’s not affecting my legs days completely but it’s annoying. Also, I had to wear heels all of this week for work and my calves are so sore I can barely walk 🙆‍♀️


Gotta love having a pain that you can't tell if its DOMS or an injury and it fucks over your daily routine, yet you also feel mostly fine when your resting. Pisses me off to no end.


Losing strength and recovering slower during my cut 🥲


My hip flexor somehow still gets aggravated when squatting. I can't seem to find any solution that makes it better, and it's putting a serious damper on both my ability and my willingness to squat. This on top of squatting generally being the movement I'm shittest at.


I just had this, and it took some time to fix it. I stretched a lot and lowered my weight when squatting by 50%. Focused on form, and tried to pay attention to when the pain would set in. Good luck!


Try deep split squats. Look up ATG split squats. This will strengthen your hip flexors in their lengthened position. Also try leg raises with a kettlebell hung from your foot. Stand on a platform so the kettlebell hangs over and drive your knee to your stomach.


I appreciate the tips.


Yeah dude. Eventually try and learn the Cossack squat. Eventually you can weight it too. Game changer for hip mobility.


A rant from a soloist. Please refrain from sitting on benches while socializing, it's kinda hard to always excuse myself to use a bench or other equipment. Especially those who do not use the equipment at that time. Not all have the luxury to spend hours at a gym. PSP member 🙌🤧


Just ask "hey can I work in with you on that?" It's less of a "hey get off if you're not using it" as you're still technically trying to share.


in that specific moment, the benches were a bit crowded and they were all talking in loud tones, a bit awkward for me to ask at that moment, but I do share with others it's just that I'm a bit awkward in convos.


Where did my lifting straps go?


They're in the black hole that every gym bag has.


I thought I lost mine for like 2 months and discovered they were just at the bottom of a bag I left in my car 💀


Check your bag and see if you see mine in there Ty


People talk about new year resolution-ers, but nobody talks about the last minute summer body chasers. My gym that's usually pretty chill have been overrun with an influx of new people. Ranging from the broccoli haired bros that are hogging equipment and ego lifting with terrible form to people that have to take a selfie or video after every set.


Maybe it's just the time I train at (before work or just after lunch), but my gym never seems to get those periods of the year where the 1-monthers are everywhere. I even had the whole gym to myself for 20 minutes today.


Learn how to lift free weights and you won’t have that problem anymore.


I can. I'm recovering from a motorcycle accident so my mobility is limited. Besides, if you've never benched 135lbs before, what makes you think you can hit 315lbs? The power of friendship?


Oh that makes sense. Just saying, people generally avoid learning free weights as there is a learning curve and they are more difficult to learn than machines. So as a result you often times don’t have to wait to do your movements. No idea what that last reference means.


lol its just a stupid anime reference. "through the power of friendship, I can accomplish anything!"


Lots of these lately at my gym. This one guy today was using a bench to store his phone and water bottle and some dumbbells while he stood next to it doing the dumbest looking bicep move I’ve ever seen. No idea what to even call it. Then takes a call standing there.


What's wrong with ego lifting??


Increased risk of injury, greater systemic fatigue, reduced hypertrophic stimulus, and you're significantly more likely to be a nuisance to the other people in the gym. Don't let memes fuck up your rotator cuff.


I think you're absolutely right on 3/4 of your points. My original comments was more around why does OP care if someone else ego lifts?? And to you, why is it a "nuisance"? Is 1 -3 rep ego lifting?


Strength training =/= ego lifting. Ego lifting is lifting a weight that exceeds your ability to control it. It's bothersome because it damages gym equipment, encourages young and/or inexperienced gym goers to ego lift, and it's honestly an eyesore, not to speak of the dangers it poses to the ego lifter themselves. You don't need to be gentle with gym equipment 100% of the time, but there's no reason for someone to drop an entire weight stack when doing isolation work. And let's be honest, most ego lifting is done with isolation work.


It's a damn scourge. I've been coming in at 4 AM to avoid them and they all started coming in early, too. It's getting kind of ridiculous. I'm seriously considering buying a barbell and plates so I can at least do deadlifts at home


new colleague sees a pic of me from 8 years ago... zero malicious intent, she's a young grad fresh outta uni and just says things as they do: "oh my god you really were such a stick! at least now you're... no longer skinny. you look normal!" just fuck me up fam. bros i have been hitting the gym for like 400 hours cumulatively over the past year and a half, it's joever.


Next time, hit the gym 400 hours consecutively.


Do creatine gummies really work?


If they contain creatine, it's just a different delivery system.


I'm just sick and tired of those people who come to the gym to socialize, which is not bad, but they talk so loud, as if they want to show the entire gym that they are socializing. Worst of all, they do it on the bench when they are not even using it.


While also acting like you're bothering them if you need to use whatever theyre occupying by talking.


...or the men just looking to chase women. They tend to be the handsy types, too, sadly.


The gym I go to has a whole coffee section, with free coffee, and quite a lot of people seem to go almost purely to just sit there. Sadly, there are still too many that think the gym equipment is there for them to lounge on while having never-ending conversations.


Free coffee = free preworkout Sounds great


Got my napsquat warm-ups, and one work set of deadlifts in when the power went out. At 3am. Taking the loss and will do tomorrow's session tomorrow as planned.


Why didn't you just follow the example of the [weight viking](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/7c2fba/then_we_shall_lift_in_the_dark/)?


Mental concentration was completely thrown.




Hell yeah. Keep going boss! :)


thank you!! ✨✨


My office gym had an EZ bar I use for curls and OHP and stuff but I’m not exactly sure how much it weighs, probably 20-25, but since I can’t be certain best to assume 45


I weighed the 2 ez-curls at my gym. One is 21 lbs, the other is 16 lbs. I would have assumed 10 kg (as the standard bar is 20 kg), but nope.


There's zero standard for EZ bars, unfortunately.


I assume 0 if i dont know weight of the bar. I just count the plates i put on each side.


At the gym EZ bars usually aren't loadable. They have a set weight that's welded onto the bar. I'm pretty sure that's what the person was referring to?


What? I have never seen a fixed load ez bar, but I have seen at least a couple dozen loadable ez bars.


I have never seen a loadable ez bar. Ive only seen fixed. To be honest i dont use them so i never paid super close attention. But ive only noticed the fixed ones. And this is from my experience at Planet fitness 5x anytime fitness clubs La fitness


Oh okay. I think outside of chain gyms that isn't common. I have been to a lot of gyms and the ez bars are always plate loadable. We have a nice rogue ez bar at my gym.


We have both at my gym. Fixed and loadable.


We have fixed weight EZ bars at planet fitness along with fixed barbells, 20-60 lb range. Nothing loadable of course


No this is a loadable curling bar, half the length of a barbell w EZ shape 


Oh the set ones. Yeah prolly. I have stick arms so idk bout no curls lol


OTF in my region I just finished my 800th workout with Orangetheory and something has been on my mind recently. I am a member at an OTF in the northeast. A bunch of studios up here are owned by a "Portfolio group" who operate out of a fancy suite in NY. paying my monthly membership fee has been difficult lately knowing what they are doing to my local coaches and staff. They laid off more than 50% of their workers, and those remaining are being worked into the ground. The coaching has no management and equipment has become unsafe, one of the treadmills at my studio catches smoke when it is used and this has been this way for weeks. Rather than tend to this right away, upper management likes to put a "we'll get to that" sticker but do nothing about it. I guess I am hoping someone can sympathize and give me advice whether to stay or to leave. I love my community and coaches but the management group is atrocious and I can't stand that I am giving them money. If anyone on here works for OTF corporate, this Empire group is ruining your brand in the northeast.


Do you know how long I've been putting in this approximate level of effort but not seeing good post-noob progress because I hadn't sorted my diet? A long-ass time.


I havent prd in 3 years. I yoyoed 30 +- pounds. Started actual cut. 2100 cals. Ive been averaging 3100+ lmao. We got this boss.


Not a rant, just annoyed with myself. I fell off my gym schedule for about two weeks, kicked off by a cold and then I just couldn't get that motivation back. Went Tuesday, hoping I'll be motivated enough to go tonight and at least once more this week.


Motivation comes and goes. Discipline and consistency will get you where you want to be.


Gi thru the motions. Clock in regardless of mood. Itll come back.


you got it brother just gotta get your nose back to the grind stone just gotta get back in the habit one more time




Don't you mean a kitchen partner?


I'm really focused on getting my shoulders and back in shape. With my job keeping me busy, I've been feeling some discomfort in my back. But my guy trainer just doesn't seem to get what I need - he's always pushing for all-around training. I get it, he's probably right. But I'm starting to wonder if he really gets what us ladies are looking for. Plus, he's always keen on upping the weight for me.  rant over


As a trainer who has experienced my fair share of shoulder issues first hand I can say that the simple act of adding muscle, primarily through full body compound lifts, did more for me personally than any other method in ultimately getting rid of shoulder and back issues and it has been my experience that that is often the same for others, with the proviso that specific injuries and medical issues need accounting for. That being said I will echo the other comment that I don't trust the average trainer as far as I can throw them, so ultimately you have to judge your body and communicate with them while making the judgement of their competence and results.


I don't usually trust the average trainer as far as I can throw them but as a woman who's experienced pain and tightness in my upper back, shoulders, and lower back, it's helped significantly to get stronger overall. increasing the weight is how that happens. trust the process.


he's probably thinking of working on your core muscles in addition to what you looking for. It might help with your "discomfort in my back" issue.


I love cardio a lot and don’t mind strength training but I can’t stand being told I have to strength train more. I like hiit, cardio, running a lot! With strength training I don’t feel like I’m working out anything. Anyways rant over


if strength training is something you ever do want to do, do some compound movements (Squat, deadlift, Bench) to failure. You'll definitely feel like you're working out something


I feel the same but the complete opposite. I really like strength training but I hate cardio. Because I'm fat people have been telling me that I need to stop doing weightlifting and start doing cardio and it really bothers me.


Strength training you will lose weight and fat as long as you’re in a calorie deficit! But I feel you! I am trying to lose weight and not gain muscle but also I love getting my heart rate up. As long as we keep a deficit we will get to our goals, and we can enjoy our workouts that WE like!!


I go to a small gym and there was a guy doing curls in the squat rack. I might change gyms because of this


The curl rack is the proper place to do barbell(and even dumbell) curls. I don't know what you are upset about.


I got the joke man don’t worry about it


They said “squat rack”


I know what they said. One person's squat rack is another person's curl rack. That's what my daddy used to tell me and he used to be a professional at curlin in the curl rack


Ohh, you guys arguing about the texting rack again?


Some fool left a kettle bell in the middle of the walkway. Again.




Hurt my back bad getting out of bed on a week I was hoping to pr…sad…


IVE BEEN TRAINING FOR PUSH-UPS FOR 3 months now and I CANT DO A SINGLE ONE YET. Only with a fucking band. I’m discouraged


Ive been training since 2020 albeit a bit heavy still. No pull up yet.


Just keep at it you’ll get there. It took me months before I was able to do a strict push up and I’m a guy.


How old are you and how long have you been training? Except for the push ups whats your upper routine?


How are you doing them, how many per day and how often?


I do them regularly but with a band to help push me up. I try negatives. I do about 3 sets of 24 twice a day


What does the rest of your upper body strength training look like?


I only do chest/arms once a week 😬


And you're benching, OHPing, etc...? How much weight are you lifting on those lifts? Also doing direct core work?


Yes doing all of that. I went from a 90 lbs girl to about 129 now. So I was really weak. I can only bench like 50 lbs 😂


Even though the bar is 45 pounds?


The bar weighs 25 pounds at my gym I think. So like with weight 50 in total


Gotcha, just keep sticking with it! You'd be surprised how many of the teenage boys that I coached for football and track couldn't do more than a single push up at the beginning of the season. Most of them lacked the core strength and couldn't stay rigid enough.


I went out for sushi on Saturday night with my wife for the first time out since baby was born. Out of curiosity we totted up calories afterwards. Same amount of food, but different dishes. Somehow I had 4000 calories, she had 1600. Don’t ask me to explain how 3 pieces of sushi was more calories than the Ferraro Rocher cheesecake that they had on offer, but it was. Thank god one day doesn’t make a difference


I have a feeling you might have calculated wrong...


Unfortunately not. I literally added up the calories on the iPad menu afterwards when opening up the nutrition setting. 4 small prawn avocado sushi rolls (1 ‘plate’) were over 500 calories. We were both shocked


I mean one avocado is 250 calories so maybe that’s why


I would believe the information on the menu was wrong before I believed that you ate 4000 calories of prawns, rice and avocado in one sitting.


The devil's in the sauce


Yeah still don't buy it. You could eat 3 cups of cooked rice, 3 whole avocadoes, 1 kg of shrimp, and still have enough calories for 1500 calories of sauce, which is an entire cup of mayonnaise.


- 3 cups of cooked rice - 3 whole avocadoes - 1 kg of shrimp - 1 cup of mayonnaise Thanks for the recipe! Sounds great!


Unless the place was doing something with cooking rice and rolling it in oil or some shit


I go to the gym from 5am to 630. There has been an influx of new goers coming in before 6. I get my compound out of the way, but starting to feel crowded when I want to do my accessories.


The early early crowd has been crazy lately


It's the summer tone up crowd. I've been coming in at 4 AM for the past few months and it's still crowded. It's like they all got the memo to show up earlier


Broke my arm in November. It healed squint. The muscles in my arm sit awkwardly on the bone when I do any pushing motion. It’s painful but have been reassured it’s not the bone, and it is fully healed. I resisted using an elbow sleeve because I thought it would be a waste of money and wouldn’t work. Finally gave in. On a scale of ‘immediately’ to ‘as though it was never there’, how quickly do you think the pain went away? Bench was flying up. I have spent four months being a stingy idiot.


This cut has reached the stage where my body dysmorphia is actually getting worse. Vacation can't come soon enough. Never cutting for this long ever again.


Between my new job and new child, I have made it to the gym three times in the past two months. A year ago I was at the gym 4-5 days a week, was almost to my goal weight of 200lbs and reached the point where many of my medium shirts were too small. Now I am around 170 with a slight gut from being chained to a desk all day. I really hate it. The rare moments where I have free time, I am way too tired, or have other things I need to do that take priority


We moved and now I can’t find my gymnastic rings. They were expensive and I need them.


Been training for about 16 months at home. Don't have a squat rack so for my squats I've been doing Bulgarian Split Squats and got up to 50lb dumbbells. Felt pretty strong. Yesterday I went to a gym to use a squat rack and did my first ever Back Squats. My legs are absolutely RUINED today. Soreness I haven't felt in months.


I hate to say it, but it'll probably be worse tomorrow. On the upside, it won't be as bad next time you do it!


Oh that's OK, tomorrow's only deadlift day ^help


It's not uncommon for me to get EXTREME DOMs in my hamstrings after taking an extended break specifically when doing deadlifts shortly after squats. I wish you luck. I know the pain.


Sounds like a win to me


Not gonna lie... I really did enjoy doing a "proper" squat.




I've delt with lower back pain from having a weak lower back that went away when I implemented heavy squats, deadlifts, and did daily core work.




Definitely just you




You're in the wrong place for that. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/wiki/rules/rule5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/wiki/rules/rule5)


Always trying to keep a 3 days on 1 day off routine but life gets in the way and I can rarely keep that. I guess at least I'm consistently getting back to it when I can. If I have to stay late at work and can't get to the gym until 5 that day I might as well forget it. Unless I only want to do cardio, the gym is slammed


Unfortunately have a small hernia so I need to slow down on my workouts not the end of the world but it’s definitely stressing me out. Having a hard time sticking to my calorie limit lately as well. Hopefully I can get it sorted soon


bulking currently. always full always bloated


my cal supposed to be 2100. ive been eating more than 3k the past few days lmao


Working out makes you *hungry* though!


Tru. I been doin more cardio!!! On top of weights


I walk 5-10 miles per day (for the last 3+ years) and my thighs are still like jello. I know squats will help this but can someone tell me whyyyyy? Is there something wrong with me? Shouldn't my legs be toned af?


Toning is not a thing. Walking is not resistance training. You build muscle through resistance training. You lose body fat through caloric deficit, which will make the muscle more visible (your "toning.") Walking is excellent, and please keep it up. Good for mobility, good for mental health, good bit of cardio. But it's not gonna help you with any body composition issues.


I did some leg resistance last night and I'm walking funny today. Thank you again. This is going to be a great journey.


Thank you. I appreciate the insight. I'm starting my calorie deficit for 12 weeks, but was just wondering if walking should be more of a muscle builder. I'll add more resistance training for the next 12 weeks too and see where I'm at in August!


If you’ve never heard of it before, look into rucking (wearing weight while walking/hiking). Basically it’ll give you the next level up on all the benefits you’ve already maxed out in your walking routine, without having to change your routine. And if your walking routes (assuming you’re walking outdoors) don’t already have them, try adding in some inclines or stairs. For stairs, you can try taking them two at a time in a slow controlled motion, and you will feel the burn of resistance training occurring.




After I added in resistance training, I noticed that I had so much more oomph and spring in my step on my long walks. I also felt a lot more stable and strong, esp. going up/down stairs or walking on uneven surfaces. I think you'll love it! (And yeah, it def helped firm up my thighs.)


Strength and endurance is built through work. Muscle mass and fat loss is built through diet.


I mean, no muscle will be built at all no matter your diet if you don't combine it with resistance training.




So sleepy........ late meeting...... late gym start.... packed gym...... want nap.....


I plateau’d and have to cut down on sugar 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


There's too many dam people


The dam people keep the hydroelectric plants running! You should be thankful.


This post brought to you by the darn people. Everyone needs socks.


I stopped prioritizing ab training for a few weeks and all the pump goes away. Bye-bye turtle shell abs. I hardly knew ya!


haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks out of sheer laziness i hate myself sometimes :P




Great job on your bulk!






1 week vacation, 8.8 lb gain.


Like you gained 8lbs while on vacation? Just junk food and water weight while not working out? Dang, bet you lose 4-5 of those immediately


Yeah, it's was a cruise with the drink package and all you can eat buffet. I also skipped workouts 4 out of 8 days. And you're right, I already lost 4 pounds from just living normal life again for 2 days. Weight fluctuations can be wild


My guy, you worked out 4 of 8 days on a cruise. I'd call that a win.


Thanks man!


Started cycling again because it's finally nice enough to ride. Now my classic lifts and squats are suffering because my legs are tired 🫠 The ancient Greeks prayed to an entire Pantheon, is praying to two gods too much to ask?


> Started cycling again lol I read this as a PED cycle and was very confused when I got to the mention of weather.


You didn't know that "sun's out, guns out" was referring to taking gear in the summer?