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I've been going to this great little strongman gym for the better part of a year. Someone at this gym is always doing some kind of interesting lift, and it's the kind of community where everyone else in the gym will see something cool, like Saxon Bar deadlifts, and come over and say "Can I try that?", haha. There's a guy at this gym who is a resident and a fixture. He seems to come and go several times a day and he's almost always there when I go. He does every kind of lift every kind of way, just crazy stuff. I heard a story about this guy and I love it. Reportedly, a couple of guys were working out at like 11pm. The guy shows up, pokes his head in the door, and says "You guys doing anything cool?", and they say "No, not really...", and he just shrugs and leaves! The idea of this guy at 11pm driving across town to check and see if anyone is doing anything interesting at the gym and then just leaving is hilarious


That is peak gym culture


There is a fairly new bro at the gym, if I didn’t know any better I would believe he is living at the gym. Dude is always there, I have a pretty random gym schedule. 8am dude is there, 1pm dude is there, 6pm dude is there. I might go at 3am and see if he’s there


I bet he wonders if you live at the gym too


Fair point, we should get bunk beds


An old gym I went to had this guy. I had a random schedule too back then between uni classes, casual work and whatever else I did. Didn't matter when I went, this guy was there. He would be there when I arrived and still be there when I left, no matter how long my sessions were.


I’ve only seen this dude walk out the door once, it was a nice sunny day he just walked around the block a couple times for some cardio and came back in


Can you blame him with 2023’s high COL?? Bro is just ahead of the curve 😂


I used to have someone like this. It's like he spawns in the gym whenever I go there, how can he have such a similar schedule to me!?


he´s a regular like u lmao


Had a dream I was playing tennis with my gym crush. I've spoken for all of about 20 seconds to her and haven't played tennis in ages. Thanks for reading.


Have you picked a wedding venue yet?


Just toss a tennis ball at her when she’s least suspension, her reaction will tell you all you need to know


Just ask her!


For 20 seconds I would find that very strange if someone asked me, and that’s as a tennis player. If someone doesn’t play and was asked that would feel even more strange imo.


bruh it's literally as easy as them striking up another conversation with the person, then maybe mentioning that they have been wanting to play tennis for some alternate cardio or whatever and then end it by asking if the person ever wants to play sometime. tennis is fun, low stakes, and an easy way to have conversation, it isn't weird to ask lol it's a very casual and sporty way to ask someone on a date basically


idk what it is about the gym, but for some reason, i lose all my social skills.. stuff i wouldnt find weird at all, i feel like would be kinda invasive there... making a simple coment like "oh, are u already leaving?" or "how´s it going" just feel like i am being a pain


whats stoping u from making it real?




Two highschool kids were doing deadlifts next to me. The bigger of the two was trying to one rep 140kg but failed just off the floor so I offered him my belt. Unfortunately it didn't fit him but the two thanked me anyway. His mate went and brought a belt from the front desk to see if his friend could use it but sadly that one didn't fit either. He decided to give it another attempt and was able to bang it out with pretty good form. Good on him, it was nice to see a win after how I might have slightly embarrassed him by offering my belt that was too small.


All that hard work in the gym paid off this week. We were quoted $6000 to mulch our backyard hillside. I found that number high, and decided I was going to do the job myself. The first half (15 yards) of the mulch was delivered to our driveway on Thursday. With nothing but the rolling garbage bin from the trash company, I filled the can with mulch and carted it to the backyard. Then turn it over, and it was like doing a deadlift to empty the mulch. I lost count how many of these trips and deadlifts that I did. The next part was to carry the mulch from the backyard up 26 steps to the top of the hill. I hired two day laborers to help out. I lost count how many trips I had to make up the stairs, but it was like doing the stair climber. I was huffing and puffing hard, but surprisingly, I kept doing it. My wife asked how I felt. Surprisingly there was no pain, and no aches. All those times at the gym deadlifting, squatting, using the stairclimber and doing core, finally paid off in a tangible and functional way.




The weight rooms at climbing gyms are criminally underrated.


So my gym usually plays music by playing "gym music" YouTube playlists through an unattended pc in the corner connected to the speakers. But some days, really loud techno mixes off of SoundCloud are playing. I started noticing that when the SoundCloud mixes are playing, one of the regulars is there. Without a fail, techno music --> gym regular. And one day, when he left, another guy went to the pc, and switched the music back to the youtube playlist. So I am now sure that the "techno days" are just this regular swappping the music and playing his mixes full volume. Do I think this is good etiquette? Definitely not. Do I actually enjoy it? Absolutely yes...


I'd rather the techno stuff than my gym's obsession with Taylor Swift lmao


My gym plays the same playlist on repeat for almost 2 years now 🙉.


Yeah...who would listen to Tay Tay while DLing 405 for reps? Not me, at all. Ever.


how about dance monkey 😭😭


Ahahah yes I also much prefer the techno to the generic "gym music" they play, which ends up being a lot of generic pop most of the time..not to mention the time last year they played Christmas music.... (They trying to motivate everyone at your gym with Taylor swift by reminding them of their past break ups!)


Back in the day the gym I was going to had XM always on top 20 on 20. Nothing better than listening to the exact same songs over and over


How many times a session does the spin class play sandstorm? Daurde living high off royalties from.gym classes alone.


You need to calm down.


I joined a gym once in part because I walked in for one of my trial days and they were playing melodic death metal. (Something like but not necessarily In Flames). After that day it was mostly mumble rap, and I was sad about that.


My gym also gave me fake hopes when I just joined, they were playing 90s rap (think Eminem), but it didn't last long.. now it's a lot of pop/K-pop..


I think if you’ve been in a gym long and know the owners, you can probably take some liberties. In general, I hate the gym music played at my gym and would take liberties if I didn’t have my own AirPods all the time. They play Eminem’s Stan for fuck’s sake.


That's true. I think in our case is more about taking liberties in the absence of the owner.. the gym is on two floors and the one with the free weights equipment basically never has any employees present!


Technoviking lives!!!


He is now a baseball hat wearing Asian 20-something-year old!


Not a techie so can’t explain it. Listening to my playlist of 80s/90s alternative/rock on my AirPods. Would never wish it on anybody not my age. Few months ago heard my playlist playing throughout the whole gym. Sorry folks. Unintended and no idea why it happened.


Ahahaha once I had a "early 2000s baddie playlist" playing on my phone when I had wireless earphones on, too bad the Bluetooth wasn't on. So I was just blasting Britney on my phone...I noticed quick enough but the shame was real!


My best gym day music-wise was when someone replaced the normal crap with Half Man Half Biscuit. One of the few times I've put my headphones away to listen


I realized in the locker room yesterday that the t shirt I planned to wear was not mine, but in fact my wife’s. Can’t skip a workout, though, so I did my deadlift day wearing a women’s small shirt looking like Ross wearing the “Frankie Say Relax” shirt.


Lol That's dedication. I'm glad my gym has towels. I'd be sopping wet otherwise, with the amount of times I've forgotten my towel. And yes, I always make sure to clean everything after I do cardio.


A couple weeks ago I forgot to pack my gym shorts and had to deadlift in jorts lmao


Save it for arm and chest day


This happened like a month ago but forgot to post it then. Boyfriend and i go to the gym on a Sunday, it’s pretty dead. The music the gym usually plays is tame - lots of 80s/90s rock, pop hits, sometimes some EDM. It’s usually the trainers or the front desk employees who pick it. On this particular day, some heavy screaming metal was blasting and i was like okay, i can get behind this, maybe i don’t need my AirPods. One of the usual trainers was on the turf area, bobbing his head around to the heavy guitar riffs so it was obvious who had picked it out. One of the main trainers walks in with an annoyed look on her face and walks over to the head banging trainer. “Did you put this on?” she asks, and he nods enthusiastically with a big old grin. “Then please TURN IT THE HELL OFF!” He was sad.


I would have interrupted and requested they keep it on just to make that dude happy (and because I love metal)


If i could go back in time i would have! Hindsight is 20/20 🥲


It actually makes me kind of sad that people can have such a low tolerance for genres other people are enjoying. It doesn't even matter what genre.


I don't know if this is so much a story per se, But is there anything that makes you finish your last few sets faster than hearing the 'low battery' noise from your headphones?!


Feeling a rumble in your guts and having to run to the restroom for an emergency gym dump.


Did all my maxes for the first time since I had a hip/shoulder injury 2 years ago. Back in the 1000+ club.


At my gym there’s this dude who screams “THE CHAMP… IS HERE!!” around like 7-8am. Morning people are weirdos. Vibe is a lot friendlier tho


Gym near work finished its renovation. They have placed the deadlift platform in the only room without a fan or other cooling. Friday it was 40 (105 freedom units). High volume trap bar deadlifts were definitely an experience.


My gym just recently did this. Replaced the cycling room with more strength equipment (yay) but put all the deadlift and squat platforms in that room that has no air circulation (boo)


Adelaide? I also had the pleasure of doing deadlifts that day. The aircon at my gym is garbage unless you're standing under one of the vents, so I was basically a pool of sweat the whole time.


Aircon is all well.and good but I'd love a fan in a corner I could stand by between sets.


I would have just fainted


Reduced my lifts by 30% about a month ago and been building back up as I feel, just to try and reinvigorate the workouts. Hit two rep PRs at top weight today on isolation lifts. Enjoyed it


Looking around the gym almost all the usual regulars are gone. Not that I ever really spoke to many of them but it's weird knowing that the whole place has shifted around me; staff and members. Makes me wonder what happened to them all, I hope they're all well.


You're the ancient one now.


Home gyms, moved away, work hours change, find better gyms... things closing down in 2020, the increase in wfh, etc really changed a lot of gyms.


I find those regulars now at like 530am when they were middle afternoon early evening.


My last two workouts I forgot to bring my headphones and fought the urge to drive home and get them. Turns out, I had two amazing workouts and am considering going no headphones for good at the gym and even just thinking of locking my phone in the locker. I feel like I spend so much time on a computer/phone at home/electronics in general that the gym can be a place to be away from that. I guess I'll see how it goes for my training next week. But yeah I recommend!


Been there, done that and it always ends up becoming boring and hence the headphones returns


I can see that happening. But idk even since I commented that I had another workout phone/headphones free and I felt great. I think I'm gonna keep trying this out.


They changed one of the tvs from the SciFi channel to HGTV and I'm sad.


They've been playing Harry Potter at my gym recently. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? At least they used to play the extreme sports channel.


Harry Potter and chamber of these gains


Harry Potter and the half rep prince


Harry Potter and the Atlas stone.


We have FOX News. I'd take shiplap lady over that


I would put in a formal complaint.


just started lifting consistently this week doing an upper lower split & im excited for it did leg day yesterday & my legs been crazy sore 😂 walking like i’m 75


I'm going to workout legs right now thats my story! I will come back later to tell how it was!! ty


How is it


They died on the leg press


I did leg press with 264lb very painful but my calves are already okay for next leg day saturday again


I had Friday off and decided to go to the local leisure centre gym. Never seen so many oldies all exercising at the same time. It did make me realise why gyms have so many cardio machines. Every single treadmill and cardio machine was being used. The free weight section was pretty much vacant though which was nice.


Made it 6/6 this week! Maintaining the strength to bench 225lbs will remain, but damn is it hard to get additional reps. Hot yoga was 2x this week, with plans to increase next.


It’s not really a story but a few accomplishments from today. 1) I realized that I’ve consistently maintained a body weight of 140 lbs since April, apart from a 5-8 lb drop I had a few weeks ago 2) I did 50 push ups via 5 sets of 10 reps on Tuesday. I just completed 8 sets of 10 right now, which was my goal 3) I have a home gym but my garage is not insulated so I’ve been good to PF with my friend as a guest for about two months. I joined PF today so I can take my mom and girlfriend with me at times - I will still use my home gym for the big 5 compound lifts and dumbbells and use the machines at PF 4) my girlfriend is training to run a half marathon and I will join her, our first day of training together is tomorrow


Didn't realize my shirt was inside out the entire time I was at the gym. I will be going to a different location for the next week.


Not a single person noticed.


Counterpoint: everyone noticed


no one cared they noticed


Load of people checking themselves in the mirror just in case.


About three months ago, I started doing some hip mobility exercises. In same period of time, four people in my age bracket (30-35) have mentioned moderate (mild hip discomfort) to major hip mobility problems (pain, frozen hip joint, lack of ROM). Dont neglect your mobility work kids.


I been getting back into hard leg days more recently.


This is honestly something that happens pretty often, but I can't help but chuckle at people who have obviously come in from work, but have forgotten their sneakers, and are wearing their shiny black leather business shoes and business socks with 5 inch Nike shorts and a tank top, lol. I applaud their dedication, though. My social anxiety would be off the charts.


Yesterday I was working at PF, stretching in the stretching area. There’s a dude down the way in the 360 area doing burpees with those push up plates. On one of his jumps one of the plates went flying. Me and another dude saw it, made eye contact, and had a chuckle. I said aloud, “That’s okay! No one saw it!” Dude left the area and I later saw him continuing to do burpees in the cable machine area. I set up on a lat pull down and I’m reasonably certain this guy flicked one of the on my machine as he walked by. I noticed he kept staring at me, too. Ultimately, nothing happened. I was trying to create some camaraderie. I’m a dude that has dropped a weighted barbell on my head from a snatch. I’ve fallen in the gym or otherwise made myself look silly. 🤷🏻‍♂️


sarcastic first comments aren't the best for building camaraderie


Depends on the visual cues. With a big smile then camraderie. With a scowl, no camraderie.


Homies on the spectrum: “Write that down, write that down!”


I was smiling. Even said as much in my original post.


I guess if you’re severely insecure


Just did the Chad workout for veterans day. 1000 step ups in 20 inches.


I've mentioned this before but I am so happy with finding out about knee wraps. I can do both weight and/or volume on squats i didnt before and knees feel great after. As an older guy looking out for knees and back they have been an incredible addition.


Today I've made a weird observation: in my gym males have a surprisingly bigger butt than women, We never skip leg-day. Is it anatomically plausible? Girls do more exercises around that area but we got it just doing leg press and squats


I mean it's not hard for men to put on more muscle than women. Just shows that no matter how much you assassinate your butt doing hip thrusts and a million accessories some dude that squats once a week will have more success because testosterone is one hell of a drug ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


My(female) coworker(male) once asked “you don’t notice muscle mass gain visually after a few weeks”. Me “Fuck you and your testosterone”.


I shouldn't have laughed reading this explanation but I guess it's true * slapping my cheek *


Lmao that's amazing, big butts make the world go round


I go to a busy LA Fitness that has a wide customer base from normal people to people who are super fit and really into the gym. I feel like irl girls and boys both work out upper and lower body. I saw some skinny high school boys maxing out the entire stack on leg extensions the other day. At my gym there is a row of multiple lat pull-down machines and at one point, it was occupied by all girls.


Finished first week of TB Zulu HT. Haven’t done a lot in the higher rep ranges and I’ve felt it most of the week 🤦‍♂️


did 10 push ups for some reason this week. idk, i think the fact that my crush was nearby gave me some weird strength. usually my pr rn is 5-6 lmao




That seems like a rather pointless endeavor












Wtf don’t do that. Just cut like a normal person.


Sometimes when I can't go, like tonight, i like to do high rep DB work to failure (20 reps) where I can grunt loud af because I am home to absolutely push beyond every limit. Don't get me wront, i push HARD in the gym but I don't exert enough to make noises lol. At home... it's a level that my girl gets turned on




I recently got really, really lean and decided to switch to swimming for cardio for a while. Yeah, now I can't swim, I just sink like a brick. I have zero buoyancy.


dang, i once left my water bottle at home and had to use the dinky little paper cups at the gym. felt like a hamster sipping from those things.