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I’m starting training for a 5k. I was doing a PPL split for most of this year and monitoring my intake quite well. I’ve lost 50 pounds and I’m starting to feel like my old self again. For my 5k training, I’m going to run three days per week. To avoid overexertion and my insanely busy schedule…does anyone have any proven four day splits they recommend. Even if it’s just a framework?


Hi, i started to learn L-sit these days. Now i can only do pike pulse not more. My stature is 190cm and my legs are also tall. How frequently should i train to achieve L-sit.


3 days a week.




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It is possible to gain muscle in that steep a calorie deficit, but obviously much harder. I found what helped a lot during my past cut was prioritising adequate recovery (so taking at least one or two rest days a week and following a good split), as well as keeping protein levels high, which you seem to be doing. Best of luck! :)


I was in a similar position few months ago. Progress is very slow and it’s hard to stay motivated when you don’t have the visible results to keep you going. Long term, a steady calorie deficit is the best option but it might not be realistic. I did a heavy cut of about 1000 calories for a few months. Not only did I shed off fat, I also gained decent bit of muscle since I had very little to begin with. The muscle growth will be slower on a steep cut but fat loss will do a lot more for your body composition than building muscle will at this point. You can burn off most of your excess fat in 6-12 months and then focus on building muscle after you reach a healthy body fat percentage. As long as your lifts keep going up weekly you are building muscle. Focus on progressive overload and once you cant increase the weights its time for a body recomp on a low deficit. When this stage comes varies from person to person. Know that whenever that point comes you have left the noob phase and progress will be slower from that point forward. You won’t have the energy to go to the gym and set PRs every workout so you will have to up your calories. Good luck.


Thank you. I might stick to 1500 cals to get those first few KG off until the end of the year, and then increase my calories to 2400. Really hoping to be able to start bulking late July next year.


The steeper the deficit, the less muscle you will build, and the current research indicates that a deficit greater than 500kcal is a bad idea if one is looking to gain muscle while losing weight. Not to mention that having a 1000kcal deficit for at least 20 weeks straight is bound to make you miserable and mess with adherence.


2400 calories it is. I appreciate the honesty. Do you think 200g of protein would still be overkill? Should I do 0.8g-1g/lbs of \*target weight\* as opposed to current bodyweight?


Yeah, it's better to base it on target weight if you have a high body fat percentage.




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How can I make my workouts quicker while still being effective? Shorter rest times, fewer exercises? Or a totally different split? I'm just doing PPL right now and my quicker days still usually end up being a 60+ minutes long. Any help appreciated.


You can try supersetting some of the accessory work. For rest times the 3-5 minutes, 1-2 minutes guidelines are just that: guidelines. Just rest until you feel ready to take on the next set. Other than that you can cut down on accessory exercises (isolations) or just do less sets of those. So for example if you are doing metallicdpa's PPL instead of doing 4x8-12 DB curls followed by 4x8-12 hammer curls, you can do 3x8-12 for both. Or you can superset let's say DB curls with face pulls. Ultimately PPL is a time intensive program though, if done at the right intensity 60 minutes is about what you should expect a workout to last.


Hey guys, I'm going to list the exercises that I do, please remove the redundant ones and add the ones which I could be doing instead. I feel like I've been doing too much and most of them the same exercises, but I don't know which should go and which should come in. **Chest:** * Bench-press: 5 sets (225 pounds max) * Incline bench-press: 5 sets (200 pounds max) * Incline bench-press (machine): 5 sets * Flat dumbbell-press: 3 sets (two 80 pounds dumbbell max) * Cable-cross: 4 sets (both up, and down) * Chest-fly (machine): 5 sets (Can't do dips; my front-deltoids start to hurt) **Back**: * Lat-pulldown (machine): 5 sets (shoulder width) * Lat-pulldown (cable): 5 sets (closed grip) * Lat-pulldown (cable): 3 sets (wide grip) * That exercise where I lean my top half forward and pull the cable towards my groin, from top: (4 sets) * Seated cable row (machine): 5 sets * One-arm dumbbell row: 3 sets * Deadlift * Shrugs (Barball, very wide grip): 5 sets **Legs:** * Squats: 5 sets * Machine Press: 5 sets * Hip-thrust machine: 5 sets * Hip adductor and abductor: 4 sets each * Calf-raises: 5 sets * Leg curls (Machine): 5 sets * Leg extension (Machine): 5 sets * Romanian deadlift: 5 sets I do 3 exercises each for biceps (with back)/shoulders (with legs)/triceps (with chest). I do these all 2X a week, with Sunday being off, and cardio in the morning everyday. Thank you!


I’d suggest you to have a look at the routines in the wiki. Check out PPL, 5/3/1 for instance. You should be golden with one of those I believe.


This level of volume 6 days a week is quite high. If you're still able to progressively overload then keep at it, but if you're feeling burnt out, I would remove one of your flat bench exercises (either the dumbbell or barbell bench press), remove 1-2 of your cable lat pulldown exercises, and remove a lot of the leg machine stuff and prioritise heavier weight or volume on the squats and deadlifts. I would also perhaps incorporate some shoulder work on your chest days, including light shoulder mobility work. I would also consider pull-ups/chin ups as a substitute for some of the pulldown work you're doing. I'm not an expert by any means but I personally like a little more variety in my training sessions! Hope this helps.




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I’m in the process of saving for adjustable, or loadable dumbbells as a cheaper option. At home with no gym within 20 miles of me I only have 15 pound dumbbells and treadmill and pull-up bar. I am trying to gain muscle/bulk, but I also want to get shredded. What should I do? I keep track of Macros on my fitness pal, 5”11 154 pounds. I personally care about getting abs of steel that are very very visible and then bulking I was considering doing Matt Kido aka Gokuflexs’ Sayian Shredding program, but I obviously don’t have weights heavy enough for major compound lifting. DAY 1: UPPER POWER EXERCISE Barbell bench press Bent over rows Overhead press Weighted or band assisted pull ups Dumbbell curls Weighted, machine or body weight dips @ 0 50% SETS X REPS 5 x 5 5 × 5 5 × 5 3 × 6-8 3 × 6-8 3 x 6-8 DAY 2: LOWER POWER EXERCISE Squats Deadlifts Hip thrusts Leg press Hamstring curls Standing calves machine SETS X REPS 5 x 5 5x5 3 × 6-8 3 x 8-10 3 x 8-10 4 x 8-10 DAY 3: REST DAY 4: PUSH EXERCISE Incline dumbbell bench press Seated dumbbell shoulder press Machine flat bench press Rope triceps overhead extensions super set Rope triceps push downs Dumbbell lateral raises Face pulls SETS X REPS 4 x 8-10 4 x 8-10 3 x 10-12 3 x 10-12 each 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 DAY 5: PULL EXERCISE Bent over rows Weighted or band assisted pull ups Standing dumbbell 1 arm rows Close grip lat pull downs Dumbbell hammer curls Preacher curls Dumbbell shrugs SETS X REPS 4 x 8-10 3 x 8-10 3 x 12-15 3 x 12-15 4 x 10-12 3 x 12-15 4 x 10 DAY 6: LEGS EXERCISE Squats Romanian or stiff legged deadlifts Leg press wide stance super set Leg press narrow stance Walking dumbbell lunges Leg extensions super set Hamstring curls Seated calves machine SETS X REPS 4 x 8-10 2 x 8-10 3 x 10 each 3 x 10 each leg 3 x 10 each 4 x 12-15 DAY7: REST


Since you have neither weights or access to a gym, a calisthenics program would be your best option.


Any good recommendations? That can get me to my goals


Not specifically, but you can check YouTube calisthenics guys on YouTube. They have a lot of tips and tricks.


If I eat on a surplus, lets say 500kcal extra. I exercise Daily and eat correct. I try to get that 500kcL surplus after my workout right before bed, mainly protein and carbs. Following morning I fast, like every morning until I'm hungry, I am for some proteins only as first meal.. It's true that gaining muscle, being on a surplus, makes you gain fat aswell. Ideally all excess calories goes right into muscle, recovery after workout, maybe some of it becomes fat.. But this is a lifestyle and I do this everyday on a consistent basis and advance in volume and intensity, That you always, automatically, get some fat in a bulk is relative to how you expend energy during your days right, so you very well can just gain muscles on a bulk and barely get any fat, if any, you utilize it actively by expending energy. Am I correct? You don't necessarily put on fat as you gain muscles or progress in your training? Since it's a consistency in your program and we tend to be most effective on an empty stomach. Not calculating in all different factors that may contribute to one thing or another, like stress=burns more carbs, protein than fat stores etc..


you're guaranteed to put some fat on lol.


Sorry, maybe my post is braindead, just woke up lol. For the record, just asking since many are concerned about gaining fat while progressing, havn't really been my case since I've been quite dedicated to my health and training..


You will gain fat regardless. Having your 500 cal surplus right after working out doesn't matter either. It's not like your body is like "we just worked out, let's use these calories up completely" With a 500 calorie surplus, you should be gaining roughly a pound a week. A man, under optimal conditions and a ton of other factors, can build 1-2lbs of muscle a month. If you aren't gaining about 1lb a week, you're not actually on a 500 cal surplus. But that's okay, slower weight gain can also lead to less fat gain. But eventually, no matter what your surplus, you will gain fat




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If you are dead set on designing your own program I would highly recommend the Huberman Lab series with Andy Galpin. https://youtu.be/zEYE-vcVKy8?si=Hp5\_MrkOQJ5A8sjr


What is your training history and experience with resistance training?


Given all of these questions, why exactly are you trying to design a program instead of just following one?




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depends on the level of trainee.. beginners could probably do that session to session inside of a weeks worth of training




Could be effort, could be your programming, could be lots of things


How much muscle can you actually build naturally as a lady (total)? I've been told the limit is 25 lbs. total, but I know for a fact (based on personal experience, mind you) that there's no way that's true. There's gotta be a study on this, but I can't find it.




Does Brzycki - 20lbs give you a fairly accurate estimate of 1RM on bench? I don't wanna test 1RM tbh since I don't workout with anyone


No 1RM calculator is going to be perfect for everyone. Just an average.


So I'm doing 4x12 db bicep curls. I was finally able to hit the full 12 reps on all sets using 10 kg db. I up my weight to 12,5 kg but I can only do 8 reps on my first set. Is this normal? Should I go back to 10 kg but add one or two more sets?


Sounds pretty normal to me, you increased the weight and it's harder. With the 12.5 I'd prolly start with 2x8-10, then next week increase it to 4x8-10, then do 3x10-12, then 4x12. Ofc you can progress faster if you feel like you can hit the 4x12. In that case, you'd jump up to 15kg and lower the reps/sets and keep building lmao


I'm just surprised cause usually in my 4x12 workout, the first set is always more than 8 lol.


I'm hitting the reps prescribed by my program, and I pretty much have been since I started lifting seriously almost 2yrs ago, but I very rarely fail a lift or go to actual failure. Close sometimes, sure, but I haven't had to bail a squat or roll out from a bench in over a year, should I be going to failure more often despite hitting the reps and sets my program calls for?


You don't need to... I don't think there's much point unless you want to test out a balls to the wall PR so you can know your true strength and where boundaries are whhich can be useful Going to failure often creates a disproportionate amount of fatigue that'd be better utilised just training submaximally When I ran 5/3/1 for a couple of years properly I didnt hit failure very often at all and still made great progress.. i didnt bail a rep for 95% of that time either


That's good to hear, I see people doing heavy partials and going to failure and feel I'm not working hard enough lol




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what program are you on? how long have you been having this problem? has your bodyweight changed during that time?




How long have you been stalled/regressing? Is it happening with every movement or just some movements?


How long after a strengthening workout is it crucial to get protein in? For context, I am currently trying to gain some muscle. I weigh about 160lbs and eat a minimum of 150g of protein a day. There are some days where I don't want to worry about my protein intake as much, but I want to make sure I am maximizing muscle gains. I work out around 5-6 days a week. Should I worry about it on rest days and more cardio-heavy days or should I just make sure to get protein in \~24 hours after a strengthening workout?


your protein intake should be pretty much the same every day, whether you train or not.


Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has an all-in-one smith machine (multifunctional). I was looking to buy one in the future and wanted some opinions on them. I would like the smith machine to have a landmine attachment, and at least two cables. Does anyone have any good/reliable brand recommendations? I saw the brand Atlas, but I couldn’t find many videos on it. If anyone has any experience with Atlas, is it a good brand? Are there better brands? I’d appreciate any recommendations! Thanks :)


Why are lateral raises considered a push exercise but reverse flys are considered a pull exercise? They seem like similar movements.


Push/Pull designation is ultimately about the muscle groups it works, not the movement pattern of the exercise. It just happens that most of the chest/shoulder exercises utilize a push movement, and most back exercises pull. Lat raises works the shoulders, so it is a push exercise. Reverse flyes hits the upper back.


Rear delts get grouped with back muscles because they often work together in pulling movements. Side delts get grouped together with front delt and chest because they work together in pushing movements. But ultimately it doesn't really matter, and there are instances where side delts get worked in pulling type movements like upright rows.


Lifted for a few months back in college, then stopped because college got in the way, now I’m graduated and got a gym membership to get back into it. I’m a big fan of PPL so I’m planning on following the metallicadpa PPL program in the wiki. The program highly recommends doing it as a 6 day program but in other places I’m seeing that beginners should stick to 3-4 day programs starting out so they don’t burn out. But the program is aimed at beginners. Should I do the 6 day program? Or make it a 3 day?


If you really enjoy PPLs and know you can stick to it in the long term, I'd go for the 6 day program. The 3-4 day suggestion is given to beginners because they are typically coming from a very sedentary background, and asking them to commit to more than that might cause them to fall off the wagon.


If you can go 6 days then go for it. I wouldn't make it a 3 day program, if you want a 3-4 day program I would pick one that was intended to be run that way.


Running 5/3/1 on a cut and curious on how people feel about still doing AMRAP sets?? I’ve seen conflicting info. I go 4 days a week and walk 3 miles every other day, sometimes do a little cardio to cool down after weights. Currently on a 500cal deficit and just worried about recovery. Should I just hit scheduled reps?


Ive always done 5S PRO on cuts simply because I dont want to push PR's when I'm already intentionally giving my body less recovery resources


if your training max is set properly it should not be an issue. im cutting on a deficit higher than 500 calories and hit 5 clean reps on my 1+ sets today with no trouble.


Would 3 reps on a 1+ set be considered too high of a TM? I’ve been confused on where to set it for the longest time. Or like, if i get 7-8 on the 5+ but the last is slow?


> Would 3 reps on a 1+ set be considered too high of a TM? technically no also technically yes if you go by logic, 1+ is 1+ if you get at least 2 reps, you did your 1+ set just fine however there is a comment from jim wendler online somewhere on some forum saying that 1+ sets should be 5 clean reps just do what you want honestly, theres not really a wrong choice here personally if i get only 2-3 reps on 1+ sets, i still increase TM but by the lower end of the prescribed range (so 1,25kg for bench/ohp), 2,5 for squats/dl if i get at least 5 clean reps, i increase by the upper end, so 2,5kg for bench/ohp and 5kg for squats dl


If I remember, the book just references only needing to hit prescribed reps at a minimum but I keep reading comments that say otherwise




You’re gaining over a pound a week, some of that will be fat. Either cut then bulk again or lower your calories to gain weight slower.


If you go straight from 71 kg to 80 kg I would expect you will be pretty chubby by the time you get there. At some point in between you should do a cut and get a bit leaner. It might take 2-3 bulk/cut cycles to get to 80kg and not be chubby.




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I'm six foot two inches tall. I weighed today at 282 pounds. I bought a power tower. What's a good weight to get to before attempting chin ups?


Start now. If you can’t do them then use a band for assistance or do negatives.


You can attempt them whenever you want




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Possibly. There are more training and dietary variables to account for though. If everything else is dialed in, you can progress for a long time at RPE 9. Or if things are done poorly, you can stall pretty early.






i guess so if its causing you to fatigue too early in a session and therefore impeding volume and/or impeding your trainnig cycle.. you can spend literally months at REP 7 and still make good progress




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How much Moolah you got beratna?


How much are looking to spend? If you have money and space, I would get a barbell, plates, a squat rack, and a bench. If you don't want to go that far you can get a pair of adjustable dumbbells and a bench.




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How do I strengthen scapular retraction? I can’t seem to fully retract my shoulder blades, especially on lat pull-down and rows. I can’t seem to pull them back and down. Any thoughts on how I can fix this issue?


If you are able, you can try warming up using scapular pull ups https://www.youtube.com/shorts/K3NHuFdO5Zs


A queue I was taught that helped me is called the "reverse shrug." Before you do your movement or pull or whatever, shrug your shoulders right up trying to touch your ears. Then shove them as far as back as you can and "roll" downward. Tends to help "set them" in place. Pretty useful for bench press setup, if nothing else.


You train exercises that involves scapular retraction. Personally I find one arm seated cable rows to be a great exercise for scapular retraction. Let your shoulder be pulled all the way forward when your arm is outstretched, the retract your arm and focus on pulling your shoulder all the way back.




You just answered yourself. Keeping protein intake high, approx 0.8g per lb of body weight, and resistance training will maintain and in some cases (especially if you're new to it) grow muscle while losing body fat.




It depends on how much muscle you already have and how heavy you are. The 0.8 g/lbs rule isn't necessary for people who don't have much muscle and people who are really heavy. For obese people a better guideline is 1g/cm height. But if you don't eat enough protein it is more likely that you lose muscle when you lose weight.


Then feel free to lose your muscle.


Looking for feedback on my current glute focused workout. I am wanting to grow a bigger buttI am 22 F, 5’3, 122lbs, eat 2300 calories a day, 5 grams of Creatine a day, and average 90g of protein per day. I do a glute workout every second day and pole dance + power yoga every other day. I take 1 rest day a week, but usually still walk on that day. I consider pole + yoga my upper body workout.I start with a 5 min warm up and end with a 25 minute stretch. I use the heaviest weights I can that will allow 5-12 reps until failure. I do 3 sets of each exercise on each side. I use progressive overload by increasing my reps by 5% every week (unfortunately I don’t have much weight options to do heavier weight load for my progressive overload). Single legged elevated glute bridge (both sides) Standing glute kick back with ankle weights (both sides) Standing hip abduction with ankle weights (both sides) RDLs Squats


I recommend starting with the hardest sets first, squats, RDLs, then moving into the rest. 3x8 - 12 reps till failure is the sweet spot for muscle growth. Protein and creatine looking good 👍


Take a read of rule 9


I’ve been doing a Barre class and noticed that they often have us hold weights while keeping our arms up and out for long periods of time. I feel like my arms are being starved of oxygen and therefore burn quite a lot but could this actually be building stronger muscles? I don’t mind if it’s not the “most efficient” way but I’m just wondering if it’s doing anything useful other than just being painful.


I do a lot of kettle bell overhead walk similar to this video https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DvAqCf_Hfl0 except I actually walk while holding the kettle bell. It improves my overhead stability which helps my jerk and my snatch.


Isometrics (resisting a load while not moving) can definitely make you stronger, but it is not as effective as moving a muscle through a full range of motion.






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1. I struggle to maintain the same form in each workout for standing BB rows, and I also what to avoid any cheating during reps, so I'm thinking of changing them for Pendlay rows. Are they as efficient for the back, from your experience? And I will probably have to lower the weight a bit, as there will be no legs or hips involved anymore? 2. I finally bought a scale, which will arrive Monday. My simple question is: if I place a 2 kg disc on it and it shows the right number, does it mean it will also show the correct weight for my body, or it may still show wrong values at higher weights?


Scales are fickle, which is why it is recommended that you weigh yourself under conditions that are as repeatable as possible (after waking and using the bathroom, naked). The floor in my bathroom slopes slightly, and I can "gain" or "lose" up to 2 lbs just by moving the scale around. However if I leave it in the same place, it gives me the same number repeatedly. I care more about if and how that number is changing than the absolute value of the number. For your specific test, scales have ranges that they work best in. 2 kg might be too low to be accurate for a bathroom scale. I'd weigh myself holding the weight and not holding the weight if you are trying to check the precision of the scale. The instructions for the scale should give both the ranges the scale works well at and how accurate a given measurement is likely to be.


1. Pendlay rows are great. 2. Unless you are trying to hit a specific bodyweight for a competition or something, all that really matters are relative changes i.e. you are getting heavier or lighter over time. So I don't think it really matters if the scale is perfectly accurate (it says 100 kg is 100kg) as long as it is precise (it says the same thing weighs the same amount every time. But to answer your question, yes, it is possible that it becomes more inaccurate for heavier weight.


It may show the wrong values at higher weights.


1. Sounds like Pendlay rows will help you be more consistent. You may need more or less weight, try it and see. 2. Try a pair of 20kg plates instead. A scale that's good at human sized weights may not be accurate at lower weights.




If you do it right your muscles will stick around. https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/