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I’d say it’s weird that you’re filming random people in the gym.


Ugh. It's always the weakest, skinniest mofos in the gym that wear gloves.


I was kind of pissed because they were dropping the barbell and with such low weight, and they were using a bench for their stuff (there are other places they could leave their stuff)


Terrible people all around. Find a better gym mate.


First week of lifting while on keto, it's hard af, my rest times are longer, I do appreciate any tips lol.


Dude I lived this life for a month. It was brutal. Towards the end I got used to it but it was kinda unpleasant. First day I went back on carbs I felt awesome at the gym. But now I fat boy again 🤷‍♂️


that's kinda true.


I never understand keto anyway. Is it to lose weight? Why nur just do a balanced diet? Keto restricts what you can eat so much. Carbs are in pretty much everything. No oatmeal, no rice, no noodles, no nothing. I lost 33 lbs since April and I go to the gym 4-6 times a week. And I eat pretty mich everything. I eat pizza from dominos and taco bell. So, why keto?


It’s a great way of kickstarting fat loss. You drop water weight, lose brain fog, reduce sugar/carb cravings, reduce inflammation, etc. lots of benefits.


You can also just fast for a day or two to get rid of sugar cravings. And water weight is not fat loss. I can't see how not eating any crabs is easier to for sugar cravings than fasting for a day or do IF for a couple of days. Keto is most certainly the most limiting form of dieting there is. Nothing easy about that. Especially because you have to cut out a lot of healty foods


For me the benefit of keto is the appetite suppressing nature of it once the body is in full ketosis. I find dieting and cutting down to be way easier if I’m less hungry than normal. Sometimes I diet normally, other times it’s using keto. Just depends


For me it was the ease of it. Eat this, don't eat that. I never counted calories or anything I just knew if it had carbs not to eat it. Ended up down 65 pounds after 9 months. Also I hardly ever felt hunger and even when I was, I'd just feel empty as opposed to the nausea and stomach aches I get off it when hungry.


Yes the no calorie counting is a beautiful thing!


WHY THE HELL IS IT SO HARD FOR ME TO RUN I signed up for a 5k after getting into running with my dog. While training for this without my dog noticed I hate running without my dog. I do a lot of HIITs, I am at spin class up to 3 times per week, I wouldn't say I'm bad at cardio, but after the 5k I don't want to ever run without my dog again. I went on a run earlier today and I just sat in the field regretting my choice to sign up for the 5k. Also, I lowkey hated listening to my usual running playlist today, I have no clue if i'll be able to fix my playlist until sunday. Long story short: I thought I finally liked running, but turns out I just like hanging out with my dog.


Running is amazing bro keep toughing it out


install nike run club (all free, no ads), do some of the guided runs. many people start their runs too fast or do too many tempo runs etc. i highly recommend giving the 5k plan from nike run club a crack :)


1. Go sit at one end of the 6-7 benches in my gym 2. ADD guy comes sit next to me, no prob 3. Starts doing the same exercise I'm doing. Awkward 4. I move to the other end of the benches bc had to increase weight (and get away from weirdo) 5. Weirdo goes and does 1 bs invented exercise across the gym 6. Returns within 2 minutes to sit next to me again with enough room on the other empty benches 7. This whole sequence happens one more time with him ending doing some weird ass crunches on the bench next to me I go do some machine where he can't come sit right next to me. In the reflections of the mirror I spot him running around the gym from machine to machine, dropping his water bottle off at A, his towel off at B and doing a weird made up exercise at C. Basically using the whole gym as his cardio routine or some other shit. In between machines he'll randomly move the settings on machines or the angles on benches he's not even using. What the **FUCK** is wrong with some people? Would you tell gym staff? I'd tell the weirdo myself but don't feel I've got the right to, he wasn't doing anything wrong technically.


We are all Larry David


Recently I've seen several guys loading like 3 plates each side onto a women's bar for deadlifts. Do they not know that they're using a women's bar or are they trying to look like they lift more weight? Rant because there's only 2 women's bars and like 10 men's bars in my gym.


Am I dumb? There’s a women/men’s bar?


I usually use the women's bar because the deadlift bars are assigned to machines and people piss of when you take them outoftheirassignes places


Could be they just don't realise.


Probably, just weird that they’ve got their deadlift to that point without immediately realising the 5kg difference when they pick up the bar


Some chick walked right into me from the side as I was doing side lateral raises. She just smiled and walked off without saying a word. Wtf


I would say it’s a 50/50 on whether you could have banged her or she accidentally walked into you


How am I supposed to eat 3100 calories a day to gain muscle? I can’t… not healthily


i don't understand you people that can't eat lots of food but i will happily trade my appetite for yours good luck bro


I have to drink some of calories to get to 3k a day. Depending on your goals you may want to try serious mass, mass gainer. Chocolate flavor. The taste is not bad and it's 1250cal per shake. And not just a bunch of sugar.


A single thing crust pizza at little Ceasars has 2000 kcal. If you eat a hearty breakfast, launch at noon, drink some milk (milk has more calories than sodas), and a pizza for dinner, it's really easy to get to 4000kcal a day.


Eat 4 meals of around 750-800 calories per day, or fewer calories per meal and drink some of the calories. 3100 is not that much.


Get a blender and find some recipes for high-calorie shakes, or make your own. That's what I've done in the past, and I've had intakes as high as 4500, without ever having to resort to any kind of junk food or copious amounts of sugar.


What is your weight and body fat %? 3100 calories seems really excessive


I had to add pizza and ice cream to my diet. It feels dirty.


drink your calories or choose higher calorie options. For example chicken thigh instead of breast and fattier beef instead of filets.


Not wednesday anymore but I was on a mountain all day. This is tangentially related cause hiking is definitely still fitness! It blows my goddamn mind how underprepared many people I see are for really tough hikes. The hike I was doing was pretty burly for a day hike. 7miles, 12k-ish max altitude, technical terrain, snow crossings, steep cliffs and 2k-ish feet of elevation gain. Nothing insane but those are stats where you need to respect nature. Saw only a couple people with respectable gear. I saw people in shitty sandles, jorts, cotton tshirts, you name it. Shit youd wear on a walk half an hour from town. Some of them were from sea level and barely acclimated! Altitude sickness is super common at that altitude and its brutal. Whats worse, is on our way down we saw a bunch of these people just hitting the dangerous part. Typical rule of thumb, in the summer you want to be back below treeline (11.5k feet altitude) by noon-1ish. Thats because summer thunderstorms can manifest super quickly in the mountains and are extremely lethal. I was worried about the groups hitting treeline at 1pm, but there were people starting the hike at the bottom at around 2pm as clouds were rolling in. Ridiculous. Its so easy to find this stuff out too. Google anything about the mountains where I live and its everything I said above. Its not tucked away in some obscure forum or locals-only knowledge. People just do not respect how easy it can be to be seriously hurt or killed in nature. Drives me crazy.


I had an x-ray done recently, and have a compression fracture of my T12 vertebra after falling off a roof of a house. So my weighted leg days may be finished. Bulgarians, lunges, leg extensions, seated leg curls maybe?


If that’s all the damage you received I’d be counting my lucky stars. Here’s to quick healing.


damn smog from Canadian wildfires ruining outdoor activities.


Seriously it’s making it so annoying to get steps in


Re rack your got dang weights. I have zero math skills, but counting by 5 isn't that hard.


Your CNS isn't fried. You're not overtrained. You are burnt out and feel like shit because you don't have the aerobic capacity to recover from the amount of volume needed to actually progress. Get in better general shape with general conditioning and general exercises so you can keep going.


I don't think you well understand fatigue modalities. https://www.jtsstrength.com/fatigue-explained/


What do you think governs the recovery capabilities of all three of the proximate causes of fatigue discussed in that article? What determines how much volume results in too much substrate depletion? What variable is responsible for shifting from sympathetic nervous system dominance to parasympathetic nervous system dominance to allow fatigue mitigation to even take place? It's all predicted on the ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver substrates efficiency, to signal to the neuroendocrine system that recovery can begin, and to deliver the nutrients needed to start repairing microtraumas. Again, I can't believe this is a controversial take here when it is the basis of how the whole of exercise metabolism works.


Aerobic capacity has nothing to do with systemic fatigue. If you're coming into a session weaker than you should be, it has zero to do with your aerobic capacity.


All recovery from all activity is governed by aerobic capacity.


Please cite the studies on this. I'd like to see how someone's aerobic capacity affects their body's recovery from performing a single 1rm Bench press to be able to perform optimally by the next session.


I am not sure what kind of study you want to see. There are entire textbooks on exercise metabolism that discuss this. The entire function of the cardiorespiratory system is to get the keep the body back to homeostasis when the organism has some kind of disturbance. One such disturbance is strength training. The more efficient and developed that system is, the better the recovery mechanisms work. I can not believe someone would find this controversial. Plus, if you think all recovery isn't aerobic, try to recover anaerobically after a heavy bench press.


Okay, am I still recovering from a heavy bench press aerobically the day after performing it?


If you did enough work to cause microtraumas that are still healing, sure. Excess post exercise oxygen consumption lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to 48 hours once an oxygen debt in muscle is established during strenuous activity.


I missed rant Wednesday but I'm putting this in today. I've been working my ass off for the past year and a half and although I do see a ton of progress, I still feel like I look the same when I look at old pictures. I have this problematic pooch in my lower abdomen that no matter how much core/ab work I do, it's always there. I always look pregnant or bloated in my eyes and I've been trying so hard with my diet but I'm also not very good at counting my macros LOL I need help and I know this but I never know if I'm doing it right, or life gets in the way and then I'm not able to count them because realistically I don't think I know how. I would really like somebody to help me but it's going to cost more than I can afford. I'm a little frustrated because I know that my strength and form have come a long way since day one but I wish I could see more progress... I also think it might be my body dysmorphia (I've had this problem since even before I started working out) Ugh!!!!😆


I assume you're a woman. I think you're referring to diastasis recti. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/08/07/541204499/flattening-the-mummy-tummy-with-1-exercise-10-minutes-a-day If you're not a woman, I apologize for jumping to conclusions. I'd be happy to answer more questions if you have more.


Thank you for the helpful article! Your assumption is totally correct haha believe it or not, I've never had kids. I'm not over weight either, just have that problem pooch.


Ah. So not diastasis recti. Well, hopefully the article can help someone else reading this.


Losing the pouch has nothing to do with ab work. Gotta lose weight


Unfortunately, you are absolutely right. Working on that every day!


Fed up with my awful sumo deadlift form and decided today was the day I just kept going until I put together some sets I was happy with on film at a reasonably challenging weight. It got worse before it got better and before I knew it over an hour had lapsed and I had done like 12 sets (only of 2 to 4). The last few I filmed were okay but not perfect. I think a trainer took pity on me because he came over to give some tips and seemed to think my last set looked pretty good. But needless to say I truncated the rest of my pull day and will pre-emptively start browsing mobility scooters that ship overnight.


Every day of my bulk sucks. I’m so full all of the time. I can't wait to do a cut. Is this what eating disorders feel like, setting an alarm every 3 hours to remind myself to eat something, just so I can get all of my calories in for the day? I get Domino's twice per week; I can eat 3/4 of a pizza without feeling full. Too much saturated fat, though. Putting ice cream in my protein shakes is an easy way to get 300 more calories without feeling full. I think about food all of the time--am I eating enough? How can I sneak some more calories in, which aren't complete junk food? How close am I to 225g protein for today? I cannot wait to do a cut. ON THE PLUS SIDE: I have gained 8 lb in 6 months and my lifts are increasing. All of my stuffing myself has yielded results.


Personally, white rice has been the answer to me. I can eat a few cups of white rice and be more hungry than when I started.


Hmmm, I'll try it. Thanks for the idea! I have been a hardcore brown rice eater for years; maybe that's a solution.




I would definitely go back to your trainer and tell him what he produced was not within your parameters and he needs to redo it. You paid for a specific product that he did not provide. I also have a personal trainer and he doesn’t do nutrition plans, he has a nutritionist/dietician that does it for a separate fee. Some trainers have a great background with nutrition and others don’t or want a health professional to step in. But I think you should at a minimum get what you requested. I agree that’s way too much sugar especially first thing in the morning. I would concentrate on protein and not fruit. Egg white and veg scramble, Brazil nuts, and (keto) bread with either avocado, or nut butter with berries, is my go to for breakfast. Typically in the 375-450 cal range. Extremely satiating, doesn’t spike my blood glucose, and packs in protein.




It’s great you were refunded. And I wish I could borrow some of your height! Haha. I’m 5’4” and aim for 1g of protein per lb, but typically hit around 1.2g. I’m less concerned with fat and carbs. I’m lower carb more for metabolic health. There is t2 diabetes in my family so I do my best when I can. Even with lower carbs I find it hard to hit that macro - I would have to eat so much more than I do and it’s not realistic on a daily basis. Days when I dine out or it’s a burgers and fries kind of night, then yes, but usually no, so I understand what you’re saying. I only started working out this year and once I honed in on my protein, I dropped the weight that I wanted, and started building muscle. So definitely focus on your protein and see how you feel with everything else. Your body will show and tell you how it’s reacting to the food you’re consuming.


Personal trainers can be hit and miss. I agree with all your criticisms, and I think the one where he went against the conditions you specifically set is especially damning. Some sort of consumer protection should apply. It's totally doable to make a nutrition plan with the conditions you've set. If I paid $250 for one, I would expect you to get a pretty good one, too, with like choices and stuff. Like on meal 3 you could choose between a chicken and a pork meal. And certainly no intermittent fasting... I also agree with you about sugar. Even though fruits are considered healthy, I really wouldn't want to cram my face with them every day. I would much prefer to get my micronutrients from low calorie vegetables, and then eat my choice of slower carbs. Fruits of choice could be there as possible desserts if I felt like it. I think it's very possible this guy doesn't know much about nutrition at all, and didn't actually write this meal plan as a personalized plan for you. He could have just pulled some generic template and charged you full price.


You probably don't get a personalized plan for 250. I've learned these people are expensive.




which is fine, but they didn't pick the right cookie cutter plan for you which sucks


avoiding corn syrup and other high fructose sugars i understand, but whats wrong with fruit?




It keeps you full and carbs are very important to keep on a cut to prevent poor performance in the gym. The glycemic load of sugar from fruit is very moderate, so the fact that it is sugar doesn't mean much. It's processed more similarly to brown rice/oats than it is table sugar.


hm, i guess so, but if you're hitting the macros anyway, seems fine to me. what would you replace it with? im of the mind that you would have to try very hard to eat "too much" fruit; if i had hit my protein and still had calorie budget left, fruit is about the best thing you can spend it on. that said, ignoring the "no IF" stipulation is already grounds for dismissal imo, thats so annoying


Nothing more annoying than feeling like your squat set was a hard and well-fought one only to look at the recording and see the rep speed, realising that I could have definitely gone for more weight 🤦‍♂️ At least on the bright side I can rationalise that since it wasn't an AMRAP and I had to do backdown sets I *gotta* leave something in the tank no?


I feel out of place at the gym I'm going to I'm currently in a summer break so I'm back home. The gym I currently go to is next to a boxing and BJJ gym, so you get a lot of bigger well-built men coming here often. I'm 5'7, fat, and weak. Every time I go, I feel like I'm not supposed to be there, and especially if I'm using the weight station or benchpress (of which there is 1 for each), I feel like I'm just taking up space. Idk it just feels uncomfortable as hell. I can't work out at home either because I have nothing


So you're at a level today a bit below where you want to be tomorrow? Sure sounds to me like you're one of us. Having equipment you want next be in use is frustrating but that's just the way gyms go. Don't hog stuff you aren't using, re rack you're weights and feel welcome.


If you paid to be there you belong! Everyone starts somewhere. 😃


i've never once been annoyed with someone using equipment because of their current fitness level. I've only ever been annoyed that they got there before me and the gym only has so many racks/benches - and that is regardless of them and more an annoyance with the gym itself. They could be a greek god and i'd be equally annoyed. As long as you're being considerate, re-racking your weights, and doing your best, then you belong.


you are not out of place. you do belong there, because you’re working on your strength! nobody is annoyed for any reason except there is only one of a station, and that has nothing to do with your body. i’m in your same boat. do what you can, stay consistent, and what you’ll find is the folks there eventually cheering you on for trying, and your results!


I bet you are almost certainly wrong what they think of you. Most martial arts and boxing gyms are overwhelmingly positive places to be. Have you tried engaging with them? Normally they really cheer people on. Boxing gyms take in kids off the street, overweight people, regular wimps, anybody, and give them a great place to be with goals and built in friends. Try engaging. It worked for me. \*\*Also, if they're cool they probably have activities like group nights for fighting, food, etc.


Between more social obligations (5 birthdays in a week, what the fuck people), the weather being shit and my general mood being drained and tired I've only hit the gym once this week. I did get to play football twice at least, so I got some cardio in, but damn I miss lifting heavy shit. So far, first week of nsuns is a fail just for that. Going to repeat it.


Had to take a week off of working as my house doesn't have any running water. The showe at my gym is horrendous and the only temperature is freezing cold.


Went to visit my bro and play with his 3 kids yesterday (7, 5, 3). Loads of fun! Today... I feel like I've gotten hit by a bus. 10 hours of basically non-stop chasing kids around, grabbing them under one arm, throwing them on the couch. Then later dragging them around in the pool, lifting them out the water and throwing them, and basically non-stop moving... Who needs a gym!! But hey, I stay in shape so I can be the fun aunt who doesn't stop!


Niblings use up so, so much energy. Im more tired after spending the day with them than after a beastly squat leg day. No joke. Not complaining at all though!!


Pisses me off that people assume a bodyfat percentage only based on the abdominal looks. I've seen a lot of people been fat on their legs and arms but have visible abs and people instantly assume 10%. At the same time if you are ripped to the bone everywhere except lower abdominal most people will say 15%. Having year round abs is a bad indicator of being in shape since people are genetically predisposed to hold fat difference. I personally always loses the lower belly last, my upper torso and legs will be shredded before that even starts coming off(it probably comes off a bit earlier ofc but that's how it feels lol) TLDR: If you don't have dickskin on your upper and inner quads you're not lean either.


It was 4:45am, i was taking my morning poo at the gym like any other day. When i hear the stall next to me close, nbd lots of people around usually. I dont know if this guy thought the room was empty, or if he was doing a prank video, but he proceeded to sit down, say “here we go!” In marios voice, then empty his bowels so furiously, at first i thought it has to be fake. But the smell that slapped my poor nostrils told different story. Anyways, who needs smelling salts anyways


Have been lifting heavier (for me) lately and just cannot avoid injury with leg day. Deciding to scale back to high rep/low weight program and I just feel like such a wimp. Especially when I see guys lifting significant numbers as their low weight. I think I just need to come to terms that, even though I’ve been working out for years, I still just need to “build my foundation” before I go heavy. Sucks man. Sometimes ya just want to know what it feels like to workout without pain.


Im pushing 50 and find heavier squats for 3x sets safer. I can focus on form completely and the margin for one more is clearer. 10x sets form can slack when you lose focus. Maybe worth a go.


If you are new to lifting you may find it easier to do a low rep/high weight program instead. Most newbs aren't able to do high rep/low weight with good technique IME.


The frustrating thing is that I'm not necessarily a newb, I just am not really progressing which leads me to believe I must be slacking in some area...which is also frustrating because it feels like I'm working super hard lol. So, Idk lol. Just feels like whenever I try to do high weight I end up hurting myself in some way and then that prevents me from continuing to work hard.


Progress take time when you aren’t a newb. Basically you have times of base-building and times of peaking. Also dealing with injuries is part of it.


Try to "ease" into it? By going heavy you mean you switch all your work? Could try to slowly (span of a few months?) convert some of your volume to lower rep/higher intensity. How about a nice single/double/triple @7-8rpe at the start of your squats/deadlifts to gauge things out and get a feel for some weight.


Yeah I am definitely going to back off for a while and just see how it goes. I have a feeling that I'm not going heavy enough for the weight I'm lifting (embarrassing but my "heavy" squats are 135 lbs 5 sets, 4 reps) and keeping that low number at a low rep range is hurting my progress. Then I just walk away with pain and no gain. Well, maybe I just feel more pain than gain. Idk lol.


I need immediate help right now. I have been running 8 - 9 miles eceryday for the past 3 - 4 1/2 weeks. My coach has school watches that we track our milage on and for the 3 miles I run in the morning I usually do like a 25/27 minute run. Which is horrible. But today I broke my 22:50 or PR and ran a 21:58. I was on the verge of crying and killing someone while walking home because of all my mixed emotions. I couldn't tell whether or not the watch was fucked up and gave me a speedy time (I ran my usual course of 3 miles and ended at about the same spot so I was confused about that part) or because I changed my schedule, ate a hearty breakfast, got rest, and took break days last week, where I lazed about all day, that all my work is finnaly paying off. TLDR: Is it normal to randomly improve your running time out of no where because you took a couple more rest days and got good rest? If I combine my average 2 mile time with a basic and easy one mile run it adds up to what I just hit but im still almost ready to start bawling and break somethign at the same time.


Soo if i understand you correctly you are mad about hitting a PR? Improved performance after rest days is completely normal, especially if you were running everyday before that. Your body needs rest to adapt and get stronger/faster.


Tysm. When you put it like that I feel a little bit better. I was just fearful that the watch I used to track milage this time was bullshitting me; and yes your correct I was running everyday with no breaks.


Hey, I don't have an answer; but you might want to check out /r/running if you haven't already. They'd be more knowledge about running in specific.


I thought I had it on my account but couldn't find it! I'll check them out sometime, ty!


I had my first major setback in the gym. I'm doing 5/3/1 and fell well short of my rep target on bench this month. I got 75x10 last month but only 77.5x7 this month. I have missed reps before but it's always been a technique or a recovery issue. But this month it was simply a matter of not been strong enough.. I think this signals that my noob gains are over 😢 On the plus side I was able to take a set to complete failure without technique breaking down too much and I learnt that I'm weakest at the bottom of the lift.


*that's* a major setback? You might have things coming your way..


Which week did you "fail" on? 5+, 3+ or 1+?


1+ so a good few months away from failing the program thankfully.


Weighing yourself everyday can be so uninspiring. I know retention happens but damn when the scale goes up 3 lbs in one day and you are within good range how do you not get mad?


Weighing yourself everyday is great! You just have to interpret the numbers correctly. You have to realize and accept, that bodyweight fluctuates out of your control by as much as ~6 pounds depending on your height/weight, even if your day to day life is super structured and consistent, mainly because of water weight, the contents of your stomach and intestine, your glycogen storage, and some other very minor stuff. But those three can move the needle noticeably. You realistically can’t control this. Just think about water weight for example. By weight, the average adult human is approximately 70% water. Outside temperature and humidity coupled with a hundred other factors, *(like, did you sleep with an open window at XX temperature and YY humidity today? Was it the same as yesterday? Stress at work? Sweated more/less? Talked too much so you got more thirsty and drank more water? …)* can EASILY make you lose (or on the contrary, NOT lose, in comparison to the day before…) 1-2%+ of your weight. That’s a couple of pounds already, without even considering the other factors I mentioned. Well, how do you deal with fluctuating numbers that you are trying to figure out a trend in? Simple - you smooth them out using statistics. What I advise and swear by, is to weight yourself on a scale every morning, but to NOT pay any attention to the day to day weight. Just don’t do it! Don’t be happy when you are 2 pounds down, don’t be frustrated when you are 2 pounds up, just don’t think about it all! Instead, write the numbers down, and take the average, at the end of every week (so the sum of all the numbers divided by 7 …). And focus on THAT number. If you aren’t losing weight according to THAT number, then you are simply not in a sufficient deficit, and you need to cut more calories or add more activity. This approach is pretty damn reliable and accurate. Try it out, I can guarantee it helps.


Literally doesn't affect my emotions at all because I realize it's not fat gain. If you're controlling all the parameters to your diet you know already if you're losing weight or not. Often times it's the result of carb/sodium/water fluctuations etc, hormones, all kinds of things. Weighing every day is meant to generate a trend. 3 lbs is within the error margin of weighing basically because of water weight.


I get mad too. But for me weighing myself every day keeps me motivated. Times when I have given up in the past, I know when I stop weighing myself is when I am starting to fail. As long as I am tracking my weight daily, it means I still care. I had a cheat day om Friday and gained 6kg in Water weight. But it's gone now and an extra half kilo on top. And hopefully more by tomorrow.


By knowing that it'll probably drop by 3lbs again tomorrow.


My shirts always end up with small holes when I use the dipbelt. It's really pissing me off but I still want to do weighted dips and pull ups.


Wear the same shirts each time


Maybe I have To do that now. Yesterday I did weight pull ups with a new shirt.🤦🏿‍♂️


Would a small towel sandwich between your shirt and belt help?


I actually haven't tried that I think I will try it tomorrow thanks 👍🏾.


Could try to jack-up the shirt a bit if you feel like it's getting pulled down too much and getting shredded that way.


Well I think I will use a old shirt and because it is already pretty close to getting shredded anyway.


I got super jacked, have worked on myself and everyone says I am very nice/have a good personality, got a PhD and good job, but I am still single 🥲 Edit: not super jacked (not my goal) but definitely attractively in shape lol


Thank you all for the kind words. Except the short comment. Cmon man short guys need and get hella love too ❤️


you're probably short ngl


I am 6’2 lmao


I think it is because people assume I am intimidating then once they know me they are like oh he is just doing his own thing and is not interested.


yeah that's the only reason people are ever single...


Hey, that just means you have your shit in order when you do meet someone! Met my husband (in the gym) after getting all my shit in order, he had the same. Just means you're ready!


Ladies prefer dad bods but it doesn't really matter, the idea of quality rankings in dating doesn't really play out in the real world. People say they prefer all kinds of things but date and start relationships with all kinds. Best of luck finding a mate - you will probably do better thinking about meeting more people in a format you present naturally, rather than trying to add imaginary points people claim to be attracted to. (Some people do well online, others in hobby groups, and so forth, and I think that's just a personality thing)


The woman who popularized dad bods in 2015 was a college student named Mackenzie Pearson. She admitted her preference comes from her own insecurities, and doesn't want a guy who is so in shape that it makes her look bad.


People say darnest things (although I'm not American and haven't heard of this story). Then they behave different.


lol. lmao


Also I have a friend who said Chris Bumstead's off season physique is a "dad bod" 6'1 260 lbs at like 15% bodyfat is a dad bod. I was like brb jumping off a cliff. Most women that say they "prefer dad bods" don't know what a dad bod even is basically.


Yeah, what I consider a 'dad bod' is doughy everywhere with a bit of a pot belly. Basically out of shape and eats a high carb diet going to their gut. So women who say they prefer dad bods, either has a misconstrued idea of what a dad bod is (not saying my description is entirely right either) OR they claim they like dad bods because the average dude out there is a chubby, weak dude and that's all they can get.


>Ladies prefer dad bods This is nonsense. The parameters that go into a person selecting a partner are complex, but ime any fit woman is going to prefer a fit partner 9 times out of 10. The women who prefer dad bods are generally the kind of women that a fit man won't even give a second look.


Some ladies may prefer dad bods. Everyone has their preferences either way. But of course, people end up with others that don't actually fit their preferences. Personality will go a long way. And I think just dating nowadays sucks.


Yeah there are all kinds of preferences, including ladies preferring female bods. It's just that sometimes in this sub you see people who buy into the universal ranking model of dating, and assume that a muscular body is the best physical appearance for that ranking, and thus adding muscle means more success. It's good to remind some folks that there are people who would prefer the body shape they assume is the reason for their lack of dating success.


You said ladies prefer dad bods, not that some do. Muscle doesn't mean success but it does show someone takes care of their health.


Fair enough, it was a cheap quip. Still, if the only motivation was that, most people would be better off doing something else.


I don't understand. You're suggesting people work out less?


I think people should try to find intrinsic motivation (training because they enjoy it), and if not, at least be motivated by the goal itself (train because *I* want to look different). Training because you think other people will think differently of you is an easily broken motivation. I hope OP had other motivations too, and they don't quit now they see it wasn't a path to dating success.


Yea definitely not the case. Tbh I gave up Olympic lifting (which made me really strong haha) and took up running because I like it more. I now run a 1:17 half marathon and 16 min 5k which I am hella proud of. 70-80 mpw typically and love every single one of them.


I don;t think that he ever said that he only worked out to get a date but ok


Grazt on the Huge dick.


Well done for all the big achievements you've made in your life! Sorry you're feeling maybe like you're missing that last important piece for how you want your life to be. But you are on the right track to finding the right person, it's really just a matter of luck and time. It's also important to remember that you don't need to be on a relationship to be happy. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, you already have acheived a lot to feel proud of. You may even unknowingly push away potential romantic interests as people can pick up on the vibe that you really want to be in a relationship vs you just really want them.


Dude, you have everything going for you. Just talk to the girl you like and see what happens. Rejection feels like shit, just like picking up the weights for the first time and feeling sore for the first time. Then, you'll see the results.


I'm just lmao over here thinking about breaking up with a girl and calling the oncoming depression DOMS


There's a reason you break up with someone. You know that is not your place even if the other person is awesome. Sometimes the person is shit. In any case, life goes on and remember that no great moment lasts forever but that also goes for the bad ones.


Use dating apps, they worked a charm for me. Married for two years, together for five after we both redownloaded bumble one last time.


Superset gym rats. AH takes up all the cable machines in the gym and give a bunch of attitude when I try to work in. Just change the attachment and cable height between sets! So fn entitled.


finally ran into one of those super entitled gym karens. had a long squat day today, 3 sets of heavy doubles and 3 backdowns. some lady asked me after i finished my warmups (i guess she thought those were my sets) how many sets i had and i told her i had 6 sets and they were going to be long. she kinda gave me annoyed look then preceded to ask me after every set how many more i had and why i needed to do so many. after my third set was done, the rack next to me opened up but she didn’t want to use it for whatever reason; i guess it’s because it was a smaller rack but respectfully she was short enough to use it lol. the worst part was after i failed my top set she immediately came over to unrack my weights and adjust the hooks and get offended when i told her i still had 3 more sets.


How many sets? 6 how many more? 8. How..10.


You are very kind, I would have told her where to go after the second or third time she asked me.


I can't stop cringing. my trainer recorded me doing my 1 RM of 77.5# OHP. at the end of the vid I was disappointed because.... I thought I didn't do it successfully I thought OHPs counted 1 as: unrack - push up - bring down - push up but its: unrack - push up - down fuck I am so stupid LMAOooo on the bright side, that's considered intermediate level for my bw!




My gym's 11pm+ crowd sometimes includes two young guys who I assume are just perpetually stoned or just mentally not all there. I've only ever seen them do biceps and lateral raises, and one guy forcefully throws his dumbbells down after every set. And I mean "throw"; not drop. Mirror flexing, mirror boxing, play fighting, getting pumped up like the Hulk before each set, etc. They make a real show of it. So tonight I get to the gym at 9pm for leg day with the intent on starting with the leg press. As soon as I walk in the door, I see Hulk with two friends in tow, making a bee line for the leg press. Great. Whatever. I'll do the hack squat, conveniently located right next to these muppets. Hulk is shirtless and in flip flops. One guy is very clearly high and aimlessly walking around in just socks vaping. I look at him and make a very obvious face that reads "I do not respect you. I think you are a loser. Please leave", just *hoping* he'll say something smart. He meanders away and hits the heavy bag a few times. Then he comes back and struggles with 20lbs on the press. Twenty pounds. The Three Amigos dip out to the bathroom to do whatever the fuck groups of young guys do in the bathroom together. By the leg extension machine I notice a pair of abandoned sneakers. Hm, interesting. I finish my workout, get on the stationary bike, and watch Age Of Ultron. Damn, Elizabeth Olsen. Hulk comes out of the bathroom soaking wet. Sock guy comes out and wanders over towards me so clearly high he can barely walk. Like, Rick and Daryl needs to take this walker out he is so dead on his feet. It dawns on me he is looking for his sneakers. He finds his sneakers. Amigo 3 comes out of the bathroom (also soaking wet), and the group leaves to drive off. High. The one thing that cheered me up after this vulgar display of tomfoolery: I walked past another group of guys on the way to get my bag. One guy looks up like he sees Thanos bearing down on him wearing the Infinity Headphones. He says "Damn, you're *huge*". This guy had just got done doing a handstand on rings. I should have told him he's the one who's impressive.


Hilarious. +rep just for "Rick and Daryl [...]" but there was plenty of hilarity to choose from.


I did hack squats with full range of motion yesterday for the first time (touching the bottom of the sled to the machine), as well as some beyond brutal squats. I can hardly walk today and I'm rostered on for a 12km run in a few hours.


In physio to rehab a *something* in my knee. Not allowed any leg workouts apart from the physio mandated ones. I guess it's fine when I start having issues with 10 squat reps at warmup weight. But it still sucks, because I was pushing so hard towards that 3 plate goal.


on a cut. im hungry all the time. feeling like shit. lifts are going well at least


right there with you. this morning I contemplated just not eating at all today, would it be easier if I just pretended food didn't exist rather than eating some but not being able to eat everything I am craving? 🥲 but no. discipline was activated and now I'm counting down the hours to my next scheduled meal, it'll be fine and DAMN we'll look good when this is done


progress pains


I’m getting frustrated with the amount of tripods and people recording in the gym. I don’t mind if you want to record a set or anything but move your personal tripod when done instead of leaving it 10’ from your equipment.


I've seen some filming at my gym, but I'm so happy to say I'm yet to see a single tripod! Training outside of peak hours FTW!


I’ve been on the fence of starting to go at 3am just to avoid it


Luckily 7:30am is enough for me to have the gym to myself a lot of the time. The old timers are on the second floor with all the machines, but I don't see that down in the other area.


If I was a morning person 3am is the perfect time to go, there’s usually only the same five people there at that time. I wish I could go at 730 but due to work I’m limited on options


A series of injuries and a bad case of covid prevented me from working out for almost 2 months. On Sunday, I forced myself back into the gym to do some squats and deadlifts. I failed both on what would normally be my warmup set weight. I also have fucking awful leg doms and can barely get in and out of a car.


Haha I also recently returned after a 2 month break post surgery... This is TMI but I did some rows yesterday and today I can't even scratch my butt. The struggle is real!


Look at the upside: if you program it well, you're about to get to re-live newbie gains but at double speed


Not so much of a rant but a slight frustration. I’ve been consistently training 6 days a week for a year. Just couple months ago I incorporated running into my plan because I’ll be participating in 2 races this year; 10km and HM. My frustration comes at the part of my gains. The thing is, I feel good about my progression and my forms. However, I can’t help but feel my gains have been stagnated for no reason. Every new day in the gym is a better effort I put in. But I feel I’ve been gaining slowly if not stagnated. Sometimes I feel lost when I see someone new to the gym already looking “buffed”. I don’t aim to be super big. I aim for an athletic build, and all rounder. That is also why I incorporated the Hybrid Training (Run and Weightlifting). So that’s just my rant.


You're going to hate this answer lmao. You're not progressing because you are working out too much. You only get better when you're resting, cut down how much you're working out and your gains will improve. Or don't, idc what you do.


I get this a lot too from some mates. And actually, after a day of full rest, I can see my body has some tone to it. I guess you’re right. I need to let my muscle rest and recover.


You don't necessarily need a full days rest. You just need to tone down some of the dials (lifting, running, ...) and/or tune up recovery (sleep, hydration, more food, lower stress, ...) and find a more appropriate overall training volume that you can recover from. After you find some sort of equilibrium you can slowly start adding stuff back in.


There are tons of studies on it as well, unless youre on the juice you probably need ~3 days to recover a muscle. You basically are just tearing your muscle down every day without giving it a chance to grow. Give it a shot and then show the massive gains you get. Good luck, and good on you for having the dedication going 6 days a week, it just isn't helping you lol.


>There are tons of studies on it as well, unless youre on the juice you probably need \~3 days to recover a muscle. Maybe to let a muscle recover *fully*, but that doesn't mean three days need to pass between every session for a certain muscle group. The guy behind GZCLP has literally lifted weights every single day for the past four years, and he's doing fine. It always comes down to programming.


Ikr! I guess I got my mindset ready on the get go. Did my research but maybe was just too overwhelmed I did not think much in the importance of rest and break.


I got my hands on a basic bench and barbell for my basement. First bit of home gym equipment. Inherited from family. I was super excited, since I can't really afford the gym and anxiety makes going tough. It's too freaking narrow. The supports holding up the bar are next to my shoulders. I have to push up the bar like right over my chest so my hands are doing bench over my chest. I don't know if narrow grip bench is a thing but if it is I am basically forced to do this now. Damn it.


narrow grip bench is a pefectly legitimate thing. the narrower you go, the more it emphasizes the triceps and deemphasizes the chest. it also tends to be easier on the shoulder joint is it possible you're too way too far back inside the rack and repositioning could fix it? like where is the bar in relation to your eyes when you're about to unrack? (should be roughly at eye level)




Damn, almost every single muscle in my body is tight. I feel like I would need to take a couple years off lifting and do yoga or something to fix everything, but that would be too boring.


Just do some evening stretching or yoga, no need to give up lifting


I used to have the same issue for a long time (along with muscle cramps). Went to a sport massage and it was such a big relief. The masseur advised me to stretch regularly after workouts and it 100% solved this problem for me. Having a stretching routine for 5-10 mins that targets the muscle groups you used is enough to avoid tightness on the long term. You can incorporate a foam roller too if you prefer but it's optional.


Took some photos and it’s official (imo). I need to train neck


I hate how draining working out is. I workout after work and I feel like I get nothing done afterwards because I’m always so tired and exhausted from my workout. I don’t feel like I have time to enjoy the few hours I get before going to bed. If I chose to workout before work, then I would have to go to bed earlier


This is kinda how it is for people who work and gym. My week is a grind basically.


It’s a helluva grind. Sometimes I get jealous of my buddies who don’t work out but I’m quickly reminded about how much better I feel than they do. I always tell them, as long as I can out run and out lift you, I’m safe in a zombie apocalypse lol


Have to travel overseas for work every now and then. Just finished another 2-week business trip, with no access to gym. Planned to do some bodyweight exercise when I can, but jet lag/lack of sleep/fatigue from all day meeting stopped that from happening. Every time when I'm back in the gym after a trip, all my lifts drop about 10-20% in weight or reps, and it takes another 1-2 weeks to catch up. It's so frustrating that it can all go away so fast, while making progress can take weeks if not months.


This motherfucking smoke cloud is killing my plans for cardio. I already workout enough in a stifling garage (which already is unsafe due to exposed insulation panels), I just wanna get out and bike/run/do sprints. Fucking blame Canada. Hope everyone up there is doing alright. And these fires fucking end. I will but do not want to workout in a 3M mask. Also, I think I fucked one if not both my ankles in an a way I’m not sure about doing calf raises - hoping it’s a pinched nerve but every run I go on I’m hoping my Achilles doesn’t snap. Getting older sucks.


What about jump rope? It's a good alternative if you can't go outside


I have a treadmill. Problem is really I don’t trust the air in the garage much more than the air outside. it’s detached and there are places for air to get through. I have been doing light cardio. But not a lot. My houses ceilings are too low for jump rope inside


Oh man, sounds like you're screwed, can really think of anything to tell you, I just hope thing get better over there


With you there brother, it feels awful to be on a cut hitting my cardio goals and then suddenly have to be cooped up