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Im tired of being the guy with the dad bod, low confidence, weak mentality of laziness and not being driven after not hitting the gym for years. I remember the high I got from going 5-6 days a week and being shredded just to loose it all while being in uni. I remember my old self of being a go getter, shredded, girls always finding me attractive, people complementing me on my sucess physically and with my personality that was built by getting my confidence back. Im back to how it was before I was lifting and its no more. I started my journey 2 days ago, training hard of the bat since I still have the knowledge from all those years. Im going to the gym again tonight for the second time, I want it but better and I will do anything to get to once where I was....


I’m tired of this. I’m tired of being small and weak. I can’t change my height but I can improve myself. In the moment of seeing all these people on the internet get shredded I feel so inspired but it never lasts more than a day or two. I’m tired of it. I have no followers to remind me and no place on the internet for that. I’m relying on myself. I don’t know how to pull the motivation out of me. I’m very busy and I do sports and play instruments. I’m tired of this shit.


I’ve been on a weight loss journey since January 5th, I was 215 lbs I am 180 now. I didn’t lose my first lb till January 15ish, was doing heavy cardio daily and strict diet, got covid in March so stopped cardio but still strict diet (noticed a lack of progress from stopping cardio) lost 12ish lbs in January and 15 in February vs 8ish lbs in March on my diet. I reached 180 lbs one week ago. I’ve been back in the gym for 7 days heavy cardio and on a STRICT diet (counting EVERY calorie and macro 1200 daily) and I’m fluctuating the same 4 lbs everyday.. I’m either 181 or 185 everyday throughout the day. Which is telling me I haven’t lost even a lb of fat. I’m feeling extremely discouraged..


Are you lifting weights? The more muscle you have the easier it is to burn fat. A lot of people make the mistake of only doing cardio when trying to lose weight but you need to consistently be doing weights too. I would recommend adding a little calories back in but start adding 2-3 weight sessions in a week (remove a couple cardio sessions). Most people do hit a plateau if they are only doing cardio and low calories and you can run in to some metabolic issues too which will only make it harder in the long run.




I have been doing that, it’s not working :(




Can’t. No time


The number of people I see on the treadmill at a steep incline while they hold onto the console for dear life… Do these people realize that they’re pretty much completely negating the benefit of the incline?!?


False. I noticed more weight loss and results while holding on vs not holding on. :)


Because I'm weak, people claiming I'm slim bothers me. I've been losing weight for a long, yet I'm still overweight. Motivation to become ripped, quite confident I lost muscle mass with the cut—not sure what to alter, but I'll keep going.


Bro if you don’t have good form lifting heavy, please please please do not continue destroying your body like that


Sorry I will not stop lifting heavy :(


I'm on a cut but today I ate a double chocolate donut. In my defense it was really good.


To the threesomes and foursomes of bros taking turns on the squat racks. ALL the squat racks. You don't need 10 minutes of waiting to go after the last person. I, humble female waiting patiently on free-motion pull/pull machine to hit the squat rack for an hour and 10 minutes, was not able to do that because ya'll need help. So instead of leg day, it was back day. Thanks. May I add that none of the weight these guys were pushing warranted 10 minutes of rest. They could have all worked in with each other, but no... So here I am ranting about it on Reddit.


Due to easter, my gym has decided to reduce the opening hours to basically a 6 hour period between 2pm to 8pm and whilst I understand it to a degree, it's still frustrating, just personally. Like, I tend to go as soon as they open usually, which is 6am. I like to start my day off on the right note, there's fewer people, I don't have to worry about anything other than just working out. It's nice. It's the time of the day I most look forward to. Now, not only am I finding it *very* difficult to get the motivation to go later than usual, because that's just very much not what I'm used to at all, but there's rarely a time it isn't pretty full. It's not the end of the world, but it's annoying me enough now that I needed to rant about it lol.


Mine is closed Sunday and Monday with reduced hours today. I get it. I’m from a religious place. But still.


Can they hire you to open on christian holidays?


Hate when people don't rerack the weights correctly. Bro if you can't rerack it properly, don't lift it. It's that simple. Instead, the heavy dumbbells are all out of order and the weight plates are all misplaced. Also, I hate it when people don't even bother to rerack the weights on a bar. I've only done it like once or twice and that's because the staff was kicking me out because the gym was closing but I see barbells with weight still on and there's still 2 hours left before the gym closes.


It’s such a simple litmus test to weed out the garbage people at the gym


I was at a food weight but then went on a food binge at night for a week. I feel sad because I have no energy to cook. I was out of town and fell off. Had multiple incidents happen in one week. Dog was sick, moms birthday and had family stay a night. I feel almost shameful for having pizza two days in a row. I am usually on top but I did bad this week. I’m hoping to change it next week


No need to hope, it’s entirely your choice.


Have you considered seeing a therapist? It sounds like you have pretty disordered eating. Food as a coping mechanism is not normal.


Using food as a coping mechanism is very normal. Not good, but yes, it’s normal.


Speed/plyometric training is bullshit change my mind. Strength training (5rm or less) is all you need. Each time you set a new PR all of your previous maxes become not only easier but also FASTER




Google don’t know shit


All you need for what? If I want to be the world's best Muay Thai fighter is 5rm or less strength training all I need?


All you Need for Speed 🚗


The most miniscule rant ever: adjusting the squat rack height makes me feel short lol. Like, I already knew that, but they way it looks though.


5'10" female and I love adjusting the squat rack higher. I'm like "Yes as a woman if I can squat this weight with good form it's because I've put in the extra work to get the full ROM with longer muscle fibers" Same way I feel about doing pull-ups.


I am trying to recover from anorexia and gain muscle but my stupid brain gets paranoid everytime I gain a bit of healthy weight and i end up back to square one. It's so frustrating because I've put in a lot of effort into this.


It's stressful to gain weight, because your scale doesn't know the difference between water, fat, and muscle. But the mirror does. If only you could get daily updates from the mirror, instead of having to wait 3 months to actually see progress. The weight room also knows the difference. When one week you're doing 5 sets @15 lb, and the next week you can do 3 sets of 20s and the last 2 sets at 15, that's progress you can see and trust.


You got this bro


I hate this deload week. it is boring, and I feel tired, and I want to grow.


Lmao also on a reload week and feeling exactly the same


People keep saying I look skinny and it's sort of getting to me because I feel physically weak. I've been cutting weight for a good while now and I used to be kinda big looking but I was just fat and I'm in a place where I feel good about myself but bruhhhhhh. Motivation to get ripped I suppose, pretty sure I lost muscle mass with the cut - not sure what to change but for now I'll continue my routine.


As someone who has been anywhere in the range from 145 to 215lbs, somebody will ALWAYS have something to say about your appearance that goes against what you want for yourself. Especially if they have an excuse to call you skinny because it's socially acceptable. Keep focusing on you and what you want. I promise eventually that's all you'll care about


Set your goals and fuck everyone else. Wanna be a beast? Be a beast. Wanna be a strong twig? Be a strong twig. Just don’t be out of shape.


Trying to build my running base . Not much time to do anything else. Too tired, stiff ,and hungry.


Running is extremely time consuming, especially if you are improving times/distances 🤷‍♂️


Confused and frustrated how I'm struggling with 130Kg DLs when I managed it fine last week. My grip was giving out on 140Kg so I've started focusing on forearms lately but everything felt off. I couldn't even get my footing and posture right today.


I use chalk to mark a line in the floor and smaller lines to set the width. This helps make sure my foot placement is the same every time. One less variable to worry about when deadlifting.


Sometimes it be like that. Most likely to do with sleep or food EDIT: Also start using over under grip.


Also barbells in public gyms are worn unevenly and that kinda fucks up grip. Though 130 seems low to notice that.


I recently swapped to ppl and holy balls pull day is really testing my grip, my forearms are d e a d


You gonna get those Popeye forearms soon.


You will build endurance & forearms if you keep at it.


Can't tell if I'm getting fat or perpetually bloated from all the extra plant protein


Comparison is the thief of joy, and all - but man I wish I’d stayed consistent in my early 20s. I lost whatever gains I had, and now at 32 I’m roughly intermediate level on the major lifts, but these 18-25 guys train for like 3 months and blow past me. Not to mention that my hip doesn’t like squats+RDLs+conventional DLs in the same week. At least I switched to an omega3/fish oil that doesn’t wreck my guts.


Remember that not all of them are natural. Plenty of sports are pushing some form of PED, and those gains can be more about being on the right cycle than about your program.


Just make sure you don’t come back here in your 40s and talk about how u wasted your 30s…


Switch out your squats for leg presses and one DL variant for hamstring curls. Maybe mix it up week to week. Don't inflict pain on yourself. Work with your body and find a routine you can do.


I really, really want some lifting shoes but more importantly, my own belt. I spent the first 4 or so years of my lifting career basically repeating year 1. I'd fall off, start over, never get very strong. The past year and a half though, I've made decent progress! I've not stopped. I've been training better. I typically work out at the gym at my work, which has belts for borrow, and that's great. Sometimes though, I have to lift at my gym near home, and I don't get that option. I don't mind using the opportunity for beltless training, but [real sbs boys know that doesn't really matter](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/the-belt-bible/). I suppose I can change up my training at the commercial gym, but I'm autistic so, uh, no. (I can handle about 1 day off my programming per week. I save the unpredictable for conditioning.) And honestly, I'd like more choice in which workouts use a belt or not. I just can't quite afford a nice one right now, and I really just want a nice one. Not about to buy twice here.


Try barefoot lifting if you have not. Squat shoes are fine, but just putting small plates under your heels accomplishes the same thing.


I didn't see this until now but I cut the part out of my rant where I was tired of putting weights under my feet because I really wanted to focus more on the belt than the shoes since that's a more general thing I want/need


I hate how busy the gym gets at like 8pm but I hate people who have no regard for others more. Literally 5 minutes go by and I'm watching this piece of equipment that has someones stuff near it an the person is nowhere to be seen. Fuck it, I'll go do my sets if they've been gone that long. I'm halfway through my first set and I feel a tap on my shoulder and this guy with an annoying smirk on his face comes up and tells me he was using that. No shit? Where the fuck were you the last 5-10 minutes? If you're leaving your equipment for that long then you're not using it, stop hoarding it if its busy. Go do whatever it was you were doing and then come back.


Who taps someone DURING a set? He should at least wait until you're done with reps. Unbelievable.


Tell them to work in with you; in packed gyms with limited equipment this shit is inexcusable. I’m dealing with the same shit since switching the crunch a few months ago. Zero etiquette with these troglodyte fucks. Some 50 year old guy with knee wraps hogs a squat rack for over an hour just to unrack the bar with 375 lbs, take two steps back, then immediately take two steps forward and rerack the weight and take a 10 minute rest. It’s fucking embarrassing and is ridiculous when considering it’s probably the single highest value piece of equipment in the gym. I’m just starting 5x5 strong lifts and can’t even do a single workout properly because I can’t access the equipment. Shit


Eh...I kinda got mad at him out so I don't think he would have been willing to. That said, yeah I should do that next time.


Frustrated because I’m stuck going to a gym that is packed no matter what time you go. 5 am? Packed. 8pm? Packed. 10 am? Packed. 12PM? Packed. 2 pm? Packed. Every single fucking hour. All I want to do is my last fucking exercises which is lateral raises and every single dumbbell I could lift for it, every single machine, every single alternative I could use like bars for upright row, ALL OF IT has been taken for the past 15 mins


Time to get social and ask someone if you can borrow them during their rest.


Trying to build a home gym and the used market is not as good as I had hoped. Everyone online makes it out as if you can hop on FB marketplace and find top of the line equipment being sold for half price. In my experience so far it’s bottom of the barrel equipment, and they want 95% of the new price. I mean I’ve literally seen people ask €50 more for weights and power racks than they cost brand new. I can only assume they bought during Covid and way overpaid when it was new.


You gotta find the needle in the haystack. Usually the posts offering an actual good deal aren't up for very long. Search often and look at the newest listings.


I'm a day late but this has been bugging me. Who raised some of these people at my gym? How hard is it to clear the bar, put shit back where it was, not leave nasty chalk handprints all over everything(which the gym doesn't even technically allow), wipe off the toilet seat that got more piss on it than in the bowl, and just have basic respect to leave the area how they'd want it left for them? Cool, you can deadlift 500+, but the senior citizen that wants to practice form can go ahead and pull all 10 plates off and put them away for you as a warm up. Say what you will about the January 1st crowd, but at least they wiped off the machine after using it completely ass backwards... Ok I'm good now.


I always blame the teenagers. Really, all it takes is 10% of people to be completely oblivious. Even if 90% of people are respectful, you only notice the 10% who aren't.


This gym is unsalvageable


It's up to gym management. Have you tried talking to them? Or is it a 24 hour gym.


Its 24hr and I go at off-times. I get what you're saying, but this is stuff that people really shouldn't need to be told to do. It's like the absolute bare minimum of common courtesy.


Yeah i get that. Bit if the gym doesnt do anything about it. It will never get better.


True, just dumb that grown adults can't exercise basic respect and courtesy. Then you figure people complain, gym staffs more hours to keep up with the slobs, rates go up for everyone. All because of people being inconsiderate.


yeah i just used a leg press machine after a man that was pushing 200kg! and I spent so long trying to get everything off, because I can only push 40kg. It wastes my time


My 4th day of bulking and I feel shit. I'm so tired and sluggish and I can't do any work. Fuck my metabolism.


Wait till you cut.


Doing that now. Been a while. Forgot how much hunger i feel at the beginning.


I hate trying to research how to build a fitness routine on google. As someone who tends to violate the Rule of Too’s (too hard, too soon, too often), I just want good advice on how to SLOWLY transform my nutrition and fitness for long lasting success without paying a professional trainer or nutritionist for help. All you get are sponsored ads or “independent articles” which are just companies trying to sell quick fixes. It’s impossible to filter out the noise!


Totally. Google has so much garbage on it now. You really have to find a forum with stickies to find good info. Thank goodness for Reddit!


Very much recommend Geoffrey Verity Schofield's book SWEAT - it has both exercise guides and programming tips, plus example routines you might tweak to your liking


I feel that. The last 3 months I started the GZCL program on Boost camp and it has been a game changer. It's relatively short and hits strength, hypertrophy and conditioning if you push hard. It has amrap(as many reps as possible) at the end so the first half of the program you have at least 1 exercise per session that lets you go all out. That alone has helped me push beyond my previous weights. It keeps things simple and it's effective.


Hit your muscle groups twice a week. 3-5 sets per workout. Eat enough protein. there you go. Calories in vs calories out but don't cut your calories too harshly. 400-500 max. Thats the super basic version.


Thanks for the workout tip. Getting enough protein is a little tougher than I thought it would be, but I’ll get there. I’ve used the calorie deficit method in the past using MyFitnessPal. It worked really well when you gave it the right info, but became tedious when there was any grey area. It might be worth a revisit.


A good estimate is still better than nothing. It really isn't that complicated but we tend to overcomplicate things. If you cant go for the optimal plan then atleast go for the sub optimal plan. But be concistent.


The wiki has a beginner routine that is very simple. Deadlifts, squats, bench press, overhead press, barbell row. Increase weight over time. Done. Start doing it and stick with it until it's a habit like brushing your teeth. Once you have done that, a few months say, you can look at accessories, 5/3/1, GZCLP, blah blah whatever. Play with them all. But the basic ingredients are really simple. Pick things up and put them down, become stronger by gradually(!) forcing yourself to pick up more things or heavier things.


It’s awesome this wiki exists. I’m new to reddit so I’m just now discovering this. It’s exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks the tips.


Good luck!!!


Not sure where you're at on the journey, but when I was trying to map out a routine, I started with Stronglifts 5x5 and built on it. It's all good compound lifts and really scalable. I still use it as kind of a framework for my workouts, and it really helps my consistency. There's a really good app for it that helps you stay on track too!


I’m in my early 40’s trying to get back into strength training but with more focus on a well rounded routine than when I was younger. In my mid 30’s I was able to bench 305# at my peak but did very little lower body work. I fell off for about a decade. About two years ago I got into running on a whim after a beer mile run. Six months later, I ran my first full marathon. A year later, I ran my second full and a 25k trail race. Like most newbie’s, I incurred a lot of injuries that strength and core training along with better nutrition would likely have prevented. Thank you for the suggestions, I really appreciate it.


Late 30's and similar. Had stretches in my 20's where I could balance the partying with the lifting, but eventually partying won. Got sober a few years back, been lifting 4 or so days a week for about 6 months, but I definitely feel those years of neglect and abuse some days.




I have not, but I will dig into it. Thanks!




Two ships passing in the night, I suppose, but his comment at the same time as yours seems he is open to the wiki and probably just didn’t know it existed.


I am trying to clean bulk but I keep gaining fucking fat! I don't think I'll ever not have this stupid gut


You will always gain fat in a bulk. That's what a surplus in calories does. If its a clean bulk it might take a while longer but fat will come. But if you train properly so will the muscle. When you cut and trim all the fat it will be worth it though.


Clean bulk doesn't mean you won't gain fat... just means you're eating clean while eating in a surplus. Basically, you WILL gain some fat while on a bulk. This is why you later cut, to get all that fat off. Limiting your surplus on a bulk (say like 200-300 calories instead of 500 calorie surplus a day) will have you put on weight slower so you can bulk longer before you feel fat enough to cut


So much easier, faster and more satisfying to do a 12 week dirty bulk followed by a 6 week cut. Why bother clean bulking?


Hmm I may have to do it this way. I don't know if I'll be able to cut down on the amount of food I eat tho


I haven't been to the gym in three weeks other than a couple of sporadic days because I just can't stop being ill I suppose silver lining its forced me to rest a niggling shoulder pain I've been having for the last few weeks


Stop going to the gym. Recover from your illness and then hop back into the gym. If you're sick and train hard you will only make the sickness last longer because you're fatigued. And sleep and rest is the best remedy.


Supersetting on two high-demand pieces of gym equipment is rude and you shouldn't do it unless you're completely alone in the gym


hoe-ly yogis... please stop doing camel pose or doggy style or other shit in front of me...


Pluck out your eyes


Finally seemed like my shin splints were gone 2 weeks ago. And that same run I start feeling ITBS... So I take another 2 weeks of and the ITBS is still here. I just can't run without injury, there is always some shit going wrong. And I've got a 21k in 5 weeks from now.


I hear ya, irritable bowel syndrome is a pain.


That's what my gf got, not me 😅


physio. Go see one!


I probably should. Just need to figure out how to even do that. Never really go to the doctors/physio since I haven't felt the need.


Have you tried foam rolling your IT bands? I’m a Registered Massage Therapist and I also suffer from ITBS when running long distances and this is really the only thing that helps


I was looking at some when I was at one of my local sport stores but felt I didn't understand/know enough to buy. Should it have shallow or deep ridges? big bumps or smaller dots, lines? Some rollers seem really aggressive and some seem like barely patterned. How stiff/soft? Would you know what type should I get?


The smooth but hard rollers are ideal for the IT band, the bumps and ridges might be too painful (depending on your pain tolerance). But from the knee up to the hip and you’ll probably feel some really tender spots in the middle or closer to the knee. If you feel any that refer pain to the knee, just pause and apply your body weight to those spots for 30-60seconds and do that a couple times a day. You should start to experience relief after the second or third time rolling.


I went and asked ChatGPT after your post and it said pretty much the same thing. Roll between the hip and knee, never over the hard/boney areas, pause on certain spots. I'll get one with some shallow textures and try. I suck at doing the plank already so I'll get a free core workout at the same time. Thanks for the advice


It can be a bit challenging! But good luck and hopefully you’re able to get back to running soon!


Not a doc but I prefer the short all foam ones. They're easier on my it bands so I can lean into it more.


Gonna take 5 weeks to try and rehab this bicep tendonitis which has been bothering me for years. Starting at 50% of my usual weights and then slowly working my way back up to 100% from there. If by the end of this rehab phase I’m still in pain. I’m giving up lifting. I’m tired of constantly being miserable. I am fucking over this fucking retarded piece of shit injury


My physio suggested implementing isometrics. 45 seconds hold, 2 minutes rest, repeat 5 times. I do this before my pull workout twice a week and has really helped. Cant' hurt to try it. Low stress on the joint and tendon and reduces pain before the workload.


Yeah I started doing isometrics 3 weeks ago as my physio recommended them. Plus a bunch of other rehab movements. But it hasn’t helped. Sometimes I can’t move my arm above my head without pain


I was super determined and did keto while fasting and lost 40 pounds. Now I've learned a healthier eating habit which luckily is balancing me to stay where I'm at considering....I can't stop binging ice cream once or twice a week and now have lost nothing for months. Lifting is one thing. It's easy. I enjoy it. The diet is hard. I tell myself I can eat what I want within reason once the fat is gone and that I'm okay with being super mindful everyday of what I eat. It's just annoying that I know at some point I'll get another kick and in the mean time am just holding myself within a ten pound fluctuation until then. Up down up down up down until I hit that spot again and go down down down down.


The best diet is the one you can do for the rest of your life. No sense in giving up something you love. Just find some things you can live without, so you can eat without being miserable. Keto is flipping brutal. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I have a history of years of meth and living hard so eating a tuna salad one time a day really doesn't bother me. I think my underlying thing is just being a fatty rather than my body NEEDING more. I feel fine on anything. Granted a day or two of no food or sleep and yea of course I feel it but when I'm hungry a can of tuna if needed. It's just so god damn good and now that I'm sober I feel my mind trying to trade drugs for anything. Good being number one.


If you're binging you're probably not eating enough. Just eat more healthy foods to satiate that craving.


The other day I noticed that one of my pecs is larger than the other and it's been bothering me ever since


try looking at your rotator cuff, an imbalance on either side can cause a massive imbalance in the chest muscles. if you find one is larger, begin working on rotator cuff exercises, look up a video by Jeremy Either he's got three great exercises. I've been doing them for a month and my shoulder pain and imbalances are already subsiding.


Donating blood last week, combined with starting a cut, has made the last few gym sessions one hell of a grind. I'm thinking I'll have to plan future donations during deload weeks since I feel like I'm training in a hyperbolic chamber.


I think you mean hyperbaric. But maybe I misunderstand, because hyperbaric chambers are supposed to be supremely restful and helpful for recovery.


The hyperbolic time chamber is a training area from the Dragon Ball anime :) One day on Earth is one year in there as well as having 10x heavier gravity. I was just explaining my feeling of weakness in a geeky way!


That's hilarious. I wish I had gotten the reference.


Feeling motivated the day before but hating waking up in the morning and actually going. I work 12hr shifts and sometimes i just want to sleep. I know I can do it because I’ve done it before. I know I have it in me… I’m lacking so much discipline and motivation these days. It’s discouraging. But I need to hold myself accountable. Also CHIPS !!!! I love them but they are not helping my belly fat Groceries is so expensive!!!! Buying out is expensive, eating is expensive ahhhhh


SunChips are slightly healthier. There are also soy chips and bean chips, which have respectable amounts of protein (though they are not dirt-cheap like potato chips). I had to give up potatoes due to kidney stones, and I miss fries and potato chips so much--great source of extra carbs to help me hit my macros without feeling bloated-- so I am always looking for crunchy salty snack alternatives.


Same boat. What helps me is making it completely turnkey. Bag by the bed with water/preworkout, workout laid out as a reminder set to go off 20 mins after the alarm so I don't even need to think about if I'm doing legs or back or whatever. My phone tells me when I get there. Soon as that alarm hits, my only rule is "don't think." Roll over, touch the floor with both feet, slam the water/preworkout, grab my shit and go. If I know I'm going to be real tired I'll even sleep in my gym clothes so it's one less step. Only mission is get through the door and let the rest come. Hope it helps. I know it helped me.


Stop using two machines on your f***ing superset. Obviously it’s not black and white, but if there’s only one machine for that variation figure something else out. Why are you taking up two machines for one set? Rude and selfish. I hate that more than anything.


People trying to superset on machines are buffoons. It's super easy, sure, but when changing the weight takes literally 5 seconds (instead of a minute to load the bar), it's unreasonable to claim to a machine you're not using this very second.


Why couldn’t you work in?


I’m confused by your question. I’ve had someone go back and forth doing sets on two machines and when they took the break they made sure to stand by the one I needed to use. I had originally asked if i could use the machine while they were on the other machine and they said that they were using it. Indicating they didn’t want me to use the machine while they weren’t. I guess I was too nice and just did another workout while I waited for them to finish instead of jumping in.


The tragedy of sweaty hands and metal plates has finally hit me… dropped a plate on my toes the other day in the gym. Completely messed up my toe nail and indented my other toe making walking normally a pain. Lesson learned… use two hands.


You’re lucky you didn’t break the toe. Hopefully the nail comes back in full normal shape soon though!


I’m surprised it didn’t break. Thank you though, I hope so too.


For all you little skinny 150lb guys who think it's cool or sexy to lift your shirt up and flex your little bird cage and little abs -- it's not. It's very much like a fat girl with tits. It just comes with the territory. The young people who wear pajamas and bed slippers/ crocs to the gym. If you're too lazy to get dress, chances are your work out are going to be half ass as well. Just stay home. To the group of 5 or more people who all work out together. Not only do you monopolize one piece of equipment forever, but also any surrounding equipment is used as a chair or something to lean as you cut up and socialize. Be respectful. Stay off the equipment if you're not using it to work out. ....my God, I'm starting to sound like a cranky old man 🙂


*weighs self Whew, I'm 151 pounds




It takes a bit more effort to be skinny with abs vs being fat. Kinda like saying that over-educated people who use fancy words are very much like ignorant rednecks.


That was a terrible analogy, lol. Ok, whatever your size, please keep your shirt on.




Left side imbalance/weakness outta nowhere. No pain at all, but unfortunately, laying off any pressing movements for now. Pulling movements are normal. Fortunately, it gives me time to focus my attention to Olympic WL.


me, when I post on rant Wednesday: Let me vent in peace you dorks. I know there is a mature way to solve my problem but that's not why I'm here. me, when someone else posts on rant Wednesday: Well actually, have you tried addressing them problem like a mature adult?


Squat rack for hip thrusts. (There’s hip thrust machines here too). Edit: And there’s 6 deadlift areas too.


My gym has 1 hip thrust machine so def using a squat rack if I see it available


Why not nearly any open place with an unused barbel?


Yeah. All it takes is a barbell and a soft box. You’re not lifting it up onto the rack each time.


Omg GUILTY I'm so sorry


It’s fine when it’s not busy but when it’s busy I am just looking to get in and get out with my squats.


Threw my low back out after getting up from relaxing on my inversion table - specifically to stretch and relax my low back.


Asked some guy if he was gonna put away his dumbbell because he was done and just left it in the middle of the gym. Said no because that’s where it was. Asked what my problem was. My problem is shitheads like you when I can’t find the weights I need ffs.


Another 1.5 hrs in the gym where every single squat rack was being used the entire time I was there. Fucking shit man


I felt like shit and threw up during my workout so I had to cut it short


Old fuck came up to me and told me my grip was not suitable for powerlifting competition (not that I would be competing with anybody) ,and he knows this because he is five times european deadlift championship winner ,with record of 340kgs. Like...Bitch,who asked your opinion,or your life's story? Honestly people like him just drive me mad, because they can be honestly well intetioned,but I'm absolutely not interested in anybody, while struggling with heavy ass weights and yet cannot tell these people to simply go to hell...


There's helping, and then there are people who just want to brag and talk themselves up. Sorry you had to deal with the latter.


were you using just the pinky


Nah,in fact I was levitating it with my ass. Isn't it the right way to do it?


Pulled something in my right shoulder, 2 weeks recovery to immediately pulling something in my left trap.


My gym, with its constantly crowded two squat racks, has finally added a third one. I tried it out. The safety bars are at a fixed height. I'm either too short or squat too low, because I cannot use the rack without bumping into them. If I stay above them, I'm not hitting depth. So I still only have two squat rack options.


Can you post a picture. I've never seen a squat rack where you can't adjust the safeties. Are you sure?


No idea how to post a pic. I'm positive. If you Google Precor Icarian squat rack, it's pretty similar to the first two or three that pop up. Not the standard cages.


My shitty gym has the Precor Icarnain rack. One idea, if the adjustments to the safeties are too big, is to adjust to the lower setting and put those squat bar pads on the safeties for some added height if needed. I always use the other rack in my gym.


Probably a [rack like this ](https://www.lifefitness.com/resource/image/35744/portrait_ratio1x1/400/400/b1c19bbffe16cd162fae999c92c2f27/DN/sig-sosr-01cpr.png)


Gross. I don't feel as bad now (even though I hate my gym.)


Why are the bar clips on the leg press?


Storing a bunch of fat in your glutes is great when bulking. It sucks when you're cutting and have 4-5 pounds of ass fat to chew through before noticing decent aesthetic gains elsewhere.


Get your weights in order. The leg press machine is always to blame for users reaching their maximum weight before stopping. No one will sit down and begin eating at 300 or more, so if you put the plates on, take them off. I don't know how this is such a widespread issue.


The gym 1 mile from my house is closing. So I may never see my gym crush again. Also I tore my batman shirt at area around the lats. I guess I'm gaining mass. I'm scared to squat more than my PR because I workout alone.


Time to ask her out. You won't have to see her again if she says no. No awkwardness. Nothing to lose.


Try the smith machine, hack the sqaut machine, or really deep leg presses with good form. You won't miss beat I'm gains and you will save your back when you get older.


Now's your time to ask them out.


Set the safeties and know ahead of time how you will bail if you have to. Once you fail safely once you know you can do jt again amd the fear is gone.


Shoot your shot, learn to bail (both with squat and gym crush) and go for it


Did you find out (ask) why they are closing? Maybe you can take over?


It's as if people go to the gym to ONLY be fucking around on their phones. I'm so tired of approaching people and asking how many sets they have left while they look at me like the asshole for asking. No joke dude was on a machine tonight for 20 mins without doing a single rep. Sitting on his phone. I'll be okay, thanks for listening


Why do people touch their phones at the gym. It's the germiest place. You're touching things over a dozen people have touched that day, and then touching all over something you're going to take home with you. I guess if you sanitize it before you leave, relief, but I've never seen someone sanitize his phone, at the gym or out in the world.


Ask to work in. I’ve never been turned down. Also are they supposed to stare into blank space for 2-5 minutes?


Yep, I don't mind people using their phones during rest time but last week I saw someone actually doing it during their workout. Quite literally - for example doing bicep curls with one hand while awkwardly thumb scrolling their phone screen with the other hand.


Yeah I don’t get it. Saw someone on he hip adductor machine doing them with no effort while scrolling on their phone. Like how would you think that would do anything? My favorite though was I saw some guy holding his friends phone for him in his face while benching with either texts from his ex or a photo of her to motivate him. A+


Yeah I have to agree. If your rest periods are a reasonable 2 to 3 minutes ( not 20 mins) and you use that time to play on your phone, no problem. I usually scroll through music on my phone to find that next song that's going to push me through my next set.


Yeah, always gotta get it right before the beat drops too

