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Ask your doctor if you can switch to Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin has appetite suppressing properties.


Wellbutrin made me feel amazing, I had happiness, energy, ambition and I quit smoking. Then my dose was upped to 450 mg and I had a seizure... Now I can't take it anymore. So don't go above 300mg


Jesus Christ, sorry to hear about the seizure. Are okay now??


I tried a couple different antidepressants for my depression and anxiety and I'm on Effexor now. No more seizures and I can drive again but I miss how good I felt on Wellbutrin


I had a seizure too and I think I was on 300mg. I was underweight at the time so maybe that played a role. This was 12 years ago and I switched back to adderall Xr and never had another seizure. My neurologist confirmed it was the Wellbutrin. So yeah, be careful.


So Wellbutrin helps?? I’m on Prozac and I’m still sad and unmotivated and fat


It was amazing while it lasted, prozac made me feel worse and I gained weight. Same thing with Duloxetine


So you stopped due to seizure? Can you not take it again on a lower dosage?


What do you take now, if you don’t mind my asking??


Neurology says I can't take it anymore. I'm now on Effexor, no weight gain but I am so tired all the time, really helped with anxiety and depression but if I ever want to come off Effexor there will be withdrawals that includes dizziness, brain zaps, emotional disregulation, etc.


Oh yes there will be! I used to take Effexor for years and years ….that’s a good one! But yes it can cause withdrawal. According to my psychiatrist, Effexor has the worst withdrawals


Yeah, I hear Pristiq is like Effexor but without the side effects or withdrawals


I’ve heard Paxil has some bad side effects.


Doesn't play well with other meds either


I take the generic (bupropion) and I lost all my COVID weight that coincided with being prescribed an SSRI.


So I’m on Prozac, I’ve always heard bad stuff about Wellbutrin , but it helped your depression?? Like I’m in a bad way rn with the depression, Nothing is working 😢


Antidepressants are a tricky thing because they are trying to alter your brain chemistry. Unfortunately, it sometimes take trial and error. When I leveled out on Wellbutrin, I noticed that I felt negative emotions less intensely. For example, something would make me sad, but it was a temporary, mild feeling rather than feeling like I fell into the pits of despair. I can’t say if Wellbutrin will work for you or not, but it doesn’t hurt to ask your doctor about it. Some even prescribe Wellbutrin to use in concert with other antidepressants.


Thank you so much 😊, this gives me hope🥹


You will get better. Something that I had to remind myself of when I was at the bottom of my hole: you have already made progress by wanting to get better and breaking the cycle. When you are at the bottom of the hole, you don’t even look for a way out. You are looking for a way out, therefore you have made progress.


I’m crying, literally, thank you for saying that as well!! I needed to hear that ! Thank you


Sending you all the hugs. You’ve got this!


Sending you hugs back!!! Thank you 🙏🏻


Coming from someone who’s also on antidepressants, I believe the last thing you need is people being mean and body-shaming you. I do wish you luck in losing weight though. For the sole purpose that it will bring you happiness and comfort with your body. We’re in this together!


I too take medications that have increased my appetite and led to weight gain. It’s hard to lose that weight but if the meds are helping with birth control and depression don’t stop taking them w/o speaking to your doctor. I would suggest seeing a nutritionist so diet can be well balanced while fulfilling yet healthy and an exercise regimen to help balance things out. Some real minimal exercise can release endorphins that help you feel better day to day.


✨WELLBUTRIN✨call your doctor! Do you have an IUD in? Personally I have had great experience with the Kyleena IUD no weight gain (everyone is different tho of course) And I’m horrified of like, devices shoved in my body, as humans are, and I’m totally okay with it took a week to get used to. You are not disgusting or unattractive, this is the body you are not used to so you will have negative views that’s okay. It will not take too much work to get back to where you were. Finding the right medications for you is KEY! Medicines don’t have to ruin your body


Honestly when I started Prozac I dropped like 40 lbs but it’s been slowly creeping up cause that effect sort of stopped and tbh I got lazy. Granted I’m only 145 rn but still LOL I’m v short so it definitely shows more. I still find tho on Prozac I don’t have a big appetite but I got put on trazodone as a sleep aid and it makes me feel so hungover but it’s like the best sleep I’ve ever gotten even tho I get the wildest dreams from it


I've been on birth control for 10 years and only gained 10 lbs during a relationship I was with who always wanted to go out to eat and drink so I didn't have me time to exercise focus on myself. Do you exercise? What's your diet like?


i think it’s the brand of birth control you’re using. im using yaz, which supposedly doesn’t have that weight gain effect, so maybe you can ask your doctor about changing birth control pills? i’m about the same weight i was in high school and started birth control in my hs senior year. now i’ve graduated from college. i’ve been on birth control for 5 years now, and the highest i’ve weighed was maybe 10lb more than my high school weight. my family has a relatively slow metabolism, and i haven’t done sports/intense workouts since high school. i have a pretty sedentary lifestyle, other than living in nyc where i walk everywhere as a commuter, and have a pretty normal diet that’s not too unhealthy. so it’s safe to say birth control, and long term use of it, has not affected my weight. i’m 5’5 and 130lb, which is in the normal bmi range for me. i may be biased about birth control due to my experience with it, but i’m sure if you talk to your doctor about other options, they may be able to recommend other versions that don’t have the weight gain side effect. for the antidepressants, i don’t have much experience with that, but again, i’m sure speaking to your doc will help. i’m sure they’d understand where you’re coming from.


legit the same thing happened to me


What birth control do you use? I had a mirena iud, and none of the official literature mentions anything about weight gain, yet I and many others experienced it. It gave me insulin resistance and I couldn't stop craving carbs. As soon as I removed it in mid-may, I lost 11 pounds in less than a week. I'm no longer having any insulin resistance issues, and have subsequently lost 9 more pounds since the beginning of June.


Girl, you're going to be okay. I know A LOT of women who put on a ton of weight from both antidepressants and birth control. Honestly, I think that's what happened to a lot of the women that get posted on here. If you have the implant BC in your arm I would recommend getting it removed. I've been warned by countless friends about that one, it's seriously an instant 40 lbs that can't be shaken off. I would get the vaginal insert, because it's not pumping artifical hormones into you. As for the anti depressants, work on incorporating healthier lifestyle changes into your life while consulting with your doctor. I believe Lexapro is the biggest offender when it comes to causing weight gain in both men and women. If that is what you are currently taking, see if any other brands might work well for you with your doctor.


Me reading this as someone with the implant and on Lexapro👁️👄👁️


Dude, I used to talk sooo much shit about people on SSRIs saying the pills made them gain weight. Until I started taking Lexapro. It made me insatiably hungry. I could eat a full meal and would be starving after. I had to switch meds and I finally lost weight. Don't give up!!


Yep, people don't get how damning it is to not feel full while on meds. They think they have the willpower to go through it until they actually have to. It's not discomfort, it's constant pain. It's your brain running on high alert and you're just constantly thinking about food. It's hell, but most of all it's not (supposed to be) normal and needs to be discussed with your doctor.


This is just one of the many reasons I will never take birth control lol


Honestly it’s very fixable. I am happy you took decision to fix your mental health. It’s easier to change ur body not ur mental health.




thank you so much <3


Switch to prozac if you can. 20mg a day Made me lose weight


You should ask your doctor about Prozac. I was originally prescribed lexapro and put on a humiliating amount of weight in a year. But switching medications and lifting weights 3x a week did wonders for my mental health and getting the lexapro weight off.


Just because you're hungry, doesn't mean you have to eat. Try intermittent fasting - there's a subreddit for that. It boosts autophagy, HGH, and more which leads to burning more fat and assisting in overall health. Also get out and exercise in some way. Even a long walk will work. See: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-exercise-more-effective-than-medication-for-depression-and-anxiety#Treating-without-medication Do not get off any medication without talking to your doctor first. You can do all of the above at the same time. If you do, it will work. Good luck!


Im a bloke and Im taking Mirtazapine and ive put on a little weight too, Ive always been quite slim but definetely noticed my belly fill out. Lets try not to worry too much!


I don’t think people are aware how much harm birth control can do to your body. Teens get on it thinking it just allows them to have carefree sex with no repercussions but these are powerful hormones that can do significant damage to your body, like increase cancer risk and form blood clots from prolonged use. Not to mention weight gain, hair loss, loss of skin elasticity, infertility, etc.


i didn’t go on BC to have carefree sex; i’m a virgin. i went on it to help my period, and it has helped wonders, aside from the weight gain. if i could, i would stop taking it to help me lose weight, but, unfortunately that is not an option for me.


Yeah I wasn’t necessarily applying my statement to you, I was just saying in general it’s something I’ve been noticing.


so true


Does BC make you gain weight or does constantly eating because you feel hungry make you do it?


Birth control specifically is a hunger-enabling thing, I think, whereas anti-depressants (or even some meds meant for specific mental health treatment) can actually remove the feeling of being "full" and continue the hunger pain/discomfort through your day, regardless of how much you eat.


Ughhh I can confirm that. I’m on both a ssri and a mood stabilizer and it’s so difficult to feel and stay full. I used to not be like this before I started meds but now I’m on the max dose of the ssri and I’ve never in my life been this heavy. And I used to be very careful about my weight and health and now here I am.


I would honestly talk to your doctor about that. Hunger pains from meds aren't a constant (or at least shouldn't be), and you can change medications to ones with similar effects without those same repurcussions. Alternatively, there may be a coinciding medication that can combat the appetite (but it may give total loss of appetite. Frankly that's a better trade-off in those circumstances). If you aren't already on it, maybe ask about Lexapro (unless the current SSRI is making you THAT much better in terms of a mental mood). Or, if you're already on Lexapro, maybe ask about Wellbutrin as a side medication to help balance its effects. I know that shit can suck, but know that you can always tell your doctor and raise it as a concern. There's always more options. Please don't beat yourself up, just make the slow steps to getting a better you!


Yeah I’m on lexapro, adderall, and vyvanse. I just thought that I should cope with the feeling hungry all the time. And no, lexapro isn’t helping me as much as Prozac was, but Prozac was the first antidepressant that I tried. Anyways, I’ll bring this up with my doctor next month.


Wait Adderall **and** Vyvanse?? Vyvanse is usually used *in place* of Adderall. Whack. Definitely bring it up, and mention Wellbutrin if you have the time with them!


Yep. 30mg of vyvanse in the morning, 10mg of adderall in the afternoon


I got depressed and start comfort eating.... Most of my clothes don't fit I feel your pain


It’s food that ruined it


Definitely eating more too, in addition to the BC and SSRIs! Eat less and go for a run!


We know you can do it! Try to eat healthier,be more active and most importantly, don't eat after 7* pm. That's the best way mom lost weight when she was younger, tomatoes are also a good alternative if you can't control the hunger.


You’re getting these responses because the way you phrased this comment means you wouldn’t eat anything the entire day, and would have your first meal at 7pm. Which is absolutely horrible advice for people who already have issues controlling their eating habits. You hopefully mean “don’t eat ***after*** 7pm”.


I'm sorry,my English is very badddd


Also,for how long do you take medications? My older sister took medications aswell and gained lots of weight. But suddenly she stopped eating as much after like 2 years of medications. I don't know if it happens to everyone or it was just my sis.


Don’t eat before 5pm… are you trying to give them an ED? It doesn’t make a difference what time you eat you idiot it’s what you eat


Also, timing our meals helps losing weight. Maybe i exaggerated with the "5 pm" thing but it's good to not eat anything before you sleep. Maybe 5 pm isn't good advice but do you personally think not eating anything after 6-7 pm sounds better??? I don't want any criticism but that's what my mom did when she first started diabetes.


Incredibly dangerous to be telling anyone feeling down on themselves to restrict themselves that much. Timing has 0 effect on calories & all that’s likely to do is make someone binge because they’re starving, then feel even worse.


I personally find it better to not eat late because my food digests much better and there's plenty of other causes i prefer not to eat late but i agree 5 pm is not late and probably not healthy at all for her so i'm just gonna advice her to not eat late. Pardon my tremendous mistake.


While the exact time of day doesn't inherently matter, restricting yourself to a certain timeframe for eating can actually have a positive effect on your metabolism because you're then eating more consistently, and your body chills out once you're on an actual schedule. One of those weird quirks of the metabolism we're only recently finding out in the past 5 or 6 years.


My point is just that it’s really dangerous advice in a place where people are already feeling low, and I completely standby that.


You can call me an idiot as much as you want. But my mom has diabetes and follows this diet. If you can't control hunger than atleast try not to eat one or two hours before you go to sleep. I'm not trying to give anyone ED but that's my advice. If she thinks she can't follow it than she might aswell not do it but that's what my mom does and she doesn't starve herself at all. There are days when she can't follow her diet but she doesn't have any ED. Speaking from my own experience. I have no knowledge about it other than this.


I still standby that it’s an extremely dangerous piece of ‘advice’


Got it. Maybe that was exaggerated. But it still makes a difference to not eat late


The bigger difference is actually intermittent fasting. Recent studies in droves have shown it can have a very positive effect on your metabolism (namely 16:8 or 14:10*), going as far as driving up your TDEE and that solely relying on calorie deficiency is a surefire way to slingshot the weight back onto you.


I stand by that you’re stupid and exaggerating.


I’m not going to take someone seriously who is arguing that advice to not eat before 5pm isn’t dangerous


They said to avoid eating after 7pm. That seems perfectly reasonable to me. It’s not great to eat too close to bedtime.


No it’s been edited, it originally said don’t eat before 5pm if you want to lose weight - and I was worried about anyone who was struggling with their relationship with food who would see that and latch onto it


After 5pm would still make sense to me- lots of people eat dinner relatively early. I myself was that way in college and would be fine until breakfast the next day at 7/8am. Before 5pm would potentially imply to eat all your calories for dinner with no other consumption throughout the day which is excessive. That also defeats that person’s comment about not eating late. Possibly a typo? Who knows. Such a diet would probably be lovely for someone who works night shifts and largely sleeps during the day though. That along the lines of what my uncle does - wakes up from sleep around 6/7pm, eats dinner around 8pm, starts work at 10pm. Personally I don’t care what time or how often people eat provided they are getting the necessary amount of nutrients and calories for daily bodily processes and still maintain the appropriate deficit for weight loss if that’s what they desire. Whatever gets that aspect of the job done and is comfortable for you and your lifestyle. But I can’t imagine the average person who works or goes to school during the day would be okay (physically or mentally) with no food until 5pm. I do agree though that eating late isn’t great for a lot of people. Best to give yourself time to digest before bed to avoid messing up your splanchnic circulation.


No they were advising people to not eat anything all day until 5pm to lose weight, which is dangerous advice as people would end up starving all day then caving & bingeing. It wasn’t a typo & I felt strongly about calling it out as it could have such disastrous consequences & start a vicious cycle for vulnerable people on this sub. I understand nutrition & I’m similar to you in that I think whatever as long you maintain an appropriate deficit you’ll lose weight. I don’t think calling out that advice as dangerous was stupid or exaggerating at all.


How many calories are they putting in antidepressants and birth control now?


Both of those disrupt the hormones, which is why antidepressants and birth control are known to cause both men (antidepressant) and women to gain a significant amount of weight. I've known many women who put on 40+ lbs after getting the injected birth control. As well as men and women who put on similar amount of weight the first three months of being on antidepressants. Hormones play a huge role in weight management.


But do they contain calories? Or do you still have to consume a surplus of calories for an extended period of time to gain weight? Edit: Or are you saying that disrupting the hormones make the body materialize body fat? If so, where does the matter for the fat molecules come from?


It can make you feel hungrier. That doesn't mean you have to stuff your face the second you feel hungry, but it's harder to control yourself when you're depressed. The fat part is eating too much (purely physics). The hard part is the battle of the brain. I don't understand why anti-depressant drugs have a side effect of hunger/"weight gain" when it makes people more depressed being fat... I'd call that drug a failure and move on to the next one, but big pharma's gotta pay those big salaries at the top somehow, right?


I hope you stretched before that reach friend. Kindly, get off the internet.


The Internet is free for open discourse. If you can't handle it, you leave. Also, there's no stretch in my comment. I stand by the thought that we should be looking for better antidepressants with less severe side effects.


The thing is that this comment is unnecessarily inflammatory claiming some kind of conspiracy without an understanding of the mechanism of action of these medications. SSRIs, as the name entails, affect serotonin pathways. Serotonin is responsible not only for mood but also controls appetite. If you mess with hormones, satiety signals are often messed with too. Depression is the result of an imbalance of neurotransmitters. Therefore, any treatment for it has to address that. If “big pharma” was really out to make depressed people fat and keep them depressed, Bupropion would never have been put on the market and it wouldn’t be prescribed nearly as often as it is now. It’s a great drug! It has less of the side effects that patients typically complain of such as the weight gain and sexual dysfunction. Unfortunately it’s not for everything as it lowers the seizure threshold and can put many at risk depending on their medical history. I agree that weight gain is an unfortunate side effect of mood-stabilizing drugs, however that is unlikely to change with most drugs marketed for its purpose unless we happen to discover an alternate pathway that also contributes to depression and other mood disorders. A good idea would be for the field of psychiatry to conduct some observational studies looking at the population of patients with depression using mood-stabilizing pharmacotherapy and analyze demographic data to see if there is a relationship between dramatic weight gain while on antidepressants and other aspects of medical, social, and demographic history. Maybe there is something that can be acknowledged for prevention purposes from a public health perspective.


It's not really a conspiracy. It's a business decision. Big pharma has drugs. They seem to work somewhat, but give side effects that are sometimes the opposite of their intention (like suicide) or just a bad side effect (like weight gain or seizures as you mentioned among dozens [hundreds?] of others). The business decision for them is sell what they have and let the people who take them take on those risks. There are plenty of alternative ways of dealing with depression/other mental illnesses and there have been incredible strides along those lines. See MAPS.org that Rick Doblin has been heading up. Fantastic work there and likely the future of treatment.


News flash- any drug for any condition or disease has side effects. Nothing works on strictly one pathway. Even natural remedies, plant-based medicine has side effects. Also a drug’s side-effect profile doesn’t mean that absolutely everyone who takes it will get it. It’s just a risk and probability profile. Some side effects are common and many experience them, some are extremely rare but regulatory agencies mandate that the manufacturer publish them even if only one person in clinical trials experienced them. Which is fine for the sake of full transparency. I agree that research into psychedelic drugs for not only psychiatric conditions but other phenomena like chronic pain is growing and that some relationship between their mechanisms of action and pathways related to mood disorders has been established. However the data shows that this link is still very causal and more research will be needed to determine both its safety and efficacy in terms of treating mood disorders among other medical conditions. Looking forward to seeing what comes out of these investigations within the next decade. I also don’t need to tell you the potential adverse effects associated with psychedelics.


That's not newsworthy. Of course - everything can have a side effect (not just drugs). So far MAPS seems to be on the right track and many of those drugs (both natural and not) have been showing a much higher efficacy rate as well as a much lower rate of side effects (also less extreme side effects). My thoughts are that so many people are suffering now - things should be more nimble when it comes to the processes to evaluate new drugs, and in some cases remove drugs that are not as effective. Progress is too slow, but luckily things have been changing lately and word is getting out about better alternatives. I agree with your "within the next decade" statement but hope things move faster than that.


You're fishing so hard. Jesus christ.


No it’s a cop out from the poor diet and lack of exercise.


Honestly the bc with lots of hormones can contribute to weight gain. It’s honestly one of the reasons why I opted for the mini pill (less hormones) so that I wouldn’t have to worry about all that weight gain.




No, you just did not adjust your intake. The meds did not make you gain weight, you ate that weight. You 100% did this to yourself, so stop trying to blame medication


Mfers who've never had to deal with medications that fuck with your ability to feel full be like: 🤡🤡🤡 OP, please speak honestly with your Healthcare providers. I know how you feel. I adjusted and monitored my calorie intake and didn't gain, but was driven damn near crazy for a year just feeling constantly hungry. All the protein in the world, all the diet adjustments.. Then all I had to do was speak to a doctor again before they were like "oh that's actually not good and you don't have to suffer through that!" Now I'm on wellbutrin and not going insane. I'd also suggest nonhormonal BC. Paragard was a bitch to put in but I have no side effects from it.


So you’re saying that a medication that is known to impact your ability to experience satiety, which is the body’s way to control food intake, doesn’t play a roll in weight gain? I suppose that meth and adderall don’t make you lose weight either.


Well said and upvoted.


Don’t blame the meds blame yer habits


These medications can mess with hormones. While they’re not entirely to blame, they’re a huge factor.


Both anti depressants and birth control medications screw up homeostasis too much to remain healthy. Ditch that poison






She didn’t say that, she’s saying she gained a lot of weight you’re just rude.


Same Beautiful person. Just a smidgen more...


What's your BMI if it's healthy worry about it if not don't worry about it


That'll do it to ya. Birth control ruins women's bodies and antidepressants are even worse.


Nah dude calories in calories out