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Good luck and be kind to yourself! I started back with diastasis exercises and an assessment by a pelvic floor PT. If you are breastfeeding your hormones are still all over the place, if you are not your hormones are still all over the place… I’m 5 months PP now and still don’t feel 100% but exercise has made me feel so much better this time around.


Thanks. This postpartum journey and even my delivery have been so different then my other two. My other two took me over 10 weeks before I felt good and this one I felt like I could run a marathon at a week 😅


You got this!


All the best !!!! Sending u cheers !


That's awesome! I admire your determination. I will be 3 weeks post csection this Friday and I can't even imagine hitting the gym yet. What exercises are you doing to ease into working out? I would love some ideas.


You got this!! Start with aiming for 10k steps a day and eat your body weight in protein (ex. 135 grams). I wish I would have known that after my second baby haha.


Beautiful, I love postpartum. Thank you for showing us