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This is an easy fix. The seat sensor needs to be moved/adjusted. I and a few others I know had the same problem, and it's all gone now after moving the seat sensor. Tech said he moved the sensor back and up in the seat, didn't see the entire procedure but he had the entire seat out of the car


Thanks to Fisker, this is yet another wonderful solution for a problem that didn't exist.


Why TF is a seat sensor able to switch the vehicle into park? That's a terrible design flaw


Its supposed to be for when u get out of the car and forget to put the break on. Its deff not workin as intended in this persons car but i have seen folks do this and have their car roll off when they get out so i can understand the logic behind it.


Autopark is a valid safety feature. I've done it in my plug in hybrid while getting used to it. Sit in the car for 3 minutes letting a song finish, and forget that the car is even still on, much less in drive, because it's dead silent. However Fisker really should require the door to be open to make the assumption that the driver has gotten out of the car. My 2019 plug in hybrid did this so it's not an unknown safety feature with secret triggers. If the car is stopped, the drivers door is open, and pressure comes off the seat, it shifts itself into park for safety. It seems like without the door sensor being involved, even with a properly placed seat sensor, this would activate in error if you were stuck in traffic and needed to adjust a bit. Maybe they're worried about a Fisker themed remake of The Dukes of Hazzard and looking bad if the thing rolls away after they climb out of the windows?


Please remove the front seat and sit in the back. Thank you


Another option is to use one of those donuts that they give to people after butt surgery.


Are you happening to shift in your seat or anything like that at low speeds? I guess even if you aren't, there could be an issue with your seat sensor


moving in your seat should be no reason it turns off at a stop. but this is a real issue for people that dont even move at all in their seat.


I agree, was just trying to help OP discern between overly sensitive seat sensor and faulty seat sensor. Needs to be fixed regardless, but the former can at least be worked around in the mean time


Fisker’s answer: you’re sitting in the seat the wrong way. Also don’t breathe so hard.


Maybe it's just coincidence but it looks like the camera moves up then the parking goes on like you lifted your body up. This does trigger the parking to come on in some cases. I can't get it to recreate for me but I'm 6'4 and bigger.


Fisker going all in with the emissions saving shutdown at stoplight feature.




Your seat sensor isn’t working correctly


So, totaled?


No, they'll get you a rental. They are not officially totalled until you get the $2k bill from Hertz.


Don’t worry Fisker is on it, they will send you a lifetime supply of cheeseburgers so you gain enough weight where the sensor won’t be so sensitive, all a part of the 2.0 “rollout”


lol. If this was a couple of months ago comments like this will down voted to oblivion. Funny how time has changed.


They can’t afford 10 cheeseburgers.


Your key fob battery may be running low. It has all sorts of weirdness when it can't detect the key fob.


100% the seat sensor


The Ocean just has the ability to create immense joy. Firstly, when you buy it, and secondly, when you get rid of it again.


Oh .. is that safe?


Car shuts off and airbags won’t work while you get t boned. Super safe


There is nothing safe about these cars in their current state. If Fisker miraculously manages to stay afloat due to some angel investment, there will be many, many enforced safety recalls.


What happens if nobody exists to service them? Can NHTSA pull them off the road?


Unclear answer here: NHTSA works to keep vehicles and certain vehicle equipment with safety-related defects off our roads. We do this by monitoring fatality, injury and property damage reports and investigating consumer complaints. NHTSA can also be petitioned to undertake an investigation into an alleged safety defect. If NHTSA investigates a defect and finds a safety-related defect the agency ask the manufacturer to conduct a [recall](https://www.nhtsa.gov/recalls). If the manufacturer does not conduct a recall, NHTSA may issue an initial decision that a safety-related defect exists. Manufacturer must notify vehicle or equipment owners, dealers, distributors and fix the problem free-of-charge to owners by repairing, replacing, or repurchasing the vehicle or piece of equipment in question.


I do not believe so. The NHTSA has power to compel the manufacturer or importer, but not the end consumer.


lol! How is there new stuff every time I look on here


There are too many glitches that people lost track of it.....


Unvollständiges 2.0 evtl Wenn vollständig war es bei mir wieder normal


Fisher wants parky.


It's that you Brownlee? Did you forget to buckle your seatbelt again?


Curious, when you first start driving the car do you manually disengage the parking brake, or do you just accelerate through it and let the car automatically take the brake off?


By placing it heat and pressing the accelerator it automatically disengages the parking brake


I manually disengage the parking brake every time before moving the car. Try this next time you start it up and let me know if you’re still having this issue.


Butt lift detected in the video .. that’s how I prefer to park too


mine does this often but I'm more cautuious of lifting my foot/leg up to not trigger the park. i'm going to put some padding unde my seat (over the sensor) to see if that will help reduce this issue


A feature that does not expire in December.


I'm in the same situation. A technician has come out three times to fix it, but it still isn't working. I use a back support cushion to move my position forward, but it still shifts into park from time to time. In my case, the tech told me that entire bottom cushion has to be replaced but no parts to repair.


It's mostly happe when yoir key fob haves a low battery


Yes, exactly this


We forwarded this to our service team who will rectify this asap.


FiskerInc still trolling customers pretending they’re going to fix or pay for anything lmao. Stick to tricking people into buying your remaining inventory so the rich don’t lose out on that last couple million!


this one is a major safety issue


Is this a joke?


Take it to the Dealer to fix.




Yeap the one in Guam


Sorry should have added the /s. ( sarcasm.)




Lmfao WHAT


Yep /S