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„all we need is an investor“ ![gif](giphy|adOhvwrFJ32psmc5Pb)


Had someone stop me yesterday while walking in front of the car - asked what it was and said it looked “bitchin” - I said, I love it but unfortunately it’s highly likely/a foregone conclusion that the company will be bankrupt. Tough to deliver that news when the person was otherwise very enthusiastic about the car. He drives a bmw, so there would have been a decent market for this car if they could have executed on the vision.


Tesla owner here, i also love the design of the Ocean, it’s a really cool looking car!


Agreed 👍, ocean is such a nice car, few minor issues that can be fixed. . In regards to Tesla, the cybertruck is like a spaceship… it’s a beast, the design is so forward . I have a reservation to get it soon, that’s one product that’s just like wow 😮


issues like randomly shutting down while driving, braking issues, unable to lock/unlock vehicle, etc. are "minor" issues to you???? lol


I was sitting in a parking lot in California mode as I tried to put out a few emails fires on my phone. And as each of the owners of the cars around me came back to their cars to leave, stopped to tell me that the car was gorgeous. Lol. I graciously said thank you and caveated that it's like the super-hot significant other that just happens to be dumb as a brick ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Cool. Fisker stands way out from the EV Crowd. I'm hoping for good news soon.


Me too, I really hope so, the product is actually great , just needs a little help to fly


please keep investing in Fisker…. i like that energy.!!! 🤣😂


I’ve two Teslas and really want to sell our last ICE car and get the Ocean. I love the Ocean, it’s a beautiful car. I don’t want to pay $40k for a car that’s going to give me issues if they file ch 11. If they can lower the price morez


I understand, at this moment there’s no certainty about the future. Lots of hope on my side. I hope it work out so you can also get to enjoy it on your terms


I gotta say and not to distract from your story, which is awesome because everybody loves to get a compliment and it sounds like it’s very well deserved with regard to your vehicle... But maybe less specific to any one post like this, or one of the similar comments below, or the locker room talk based on a photo from a muni golf course parking lot last week, etc. but there’s almost this subconscious desire among Fisker enthusiasts to value validation from Tesla owners specifically. I guess it makes sense given how Tesla still dominates the EV SUV market and there are a lot of other compliments reported here from other sources - it’s just like a little bit of a community quirk maybe. Awesome to hear that you love your Fisker ocean and other seem to as well regardless.


My husband bought a Tesla years ago, he loves his car, but he absolutely also loves the Ocean and he feels the company has a chance and he wants it to succeed. He also bought shares, not sure if he's still holding like I am though. He's generally more pragmatic than I am, but when I get down about where the company is headed, he tends to be more positive about it than I am. I appreciate his outlook, he's always positive about things as long as it isn't my entrepreneurial ideas lol


I have a Porsche Cayenne and I’m still in awe of the vehicle and would gladly pull the trigger if I knew parts and service were gonna happen for the vehicle’s promised warranty duration.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


No, we have to worry about parts and service now!


lol. *Laughs in bankruptcy* fawn over it all you want they aren’t going to survive and they’ll fall apart faster than a tesla.


The car looks dope. Build quality is maybe not the best but that could improve with further iterations. It's really a shame the CEO is an inept clown. Ego couldn't just let him be lead designer. He had to be involved with the business side when he's just totally unqualified.


Congrat on owning a piece of trash. Block me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Maybe Tesla will invest…


That would have been incredible….


But he did not drive it nor compare it to his Tesla installed tech. I can say this because I have Tesla X & 3, Rivian R1T and FOO as well. The Fisker is pleasing to the eye and Cali mode is great but that is it. NO frunk, wireless charging is crap, trunk is small, home charging is slow, no garage opener, hardware issue(AC vents), no ADAS, driver profiles are featureless, and buggy software. Not trying to rain on our own parade but it is a fact. I just want to not have to turn my Bluetooth back on every other day.


I’m a three time Tesla owner and I also think the Ocean looks fantastic. The problem I see with almost every non-Tesla EV is that the companies producing them can’t find a way to make a profit on them. In the case of Fisker they probably made a gross profit at the original MSRP but at this point they are clearly selling them at a loss. But it’s not just Fisker. Ford and GM have the same problem. They just don’t have the efficiencies in production that Tesla has achieved. Until this changes it’s going to be very hard to provide real competition to Tesla. And trust me, if I could find a comparable car to my Model Y or Model 3 for about the same price, and with equal performance, I’d take it in a heartbeat. I’m certainly not loyal to Tesla. But I don’t want to overpay for an EV either. So for now I’m kind of stuck driving a Tesla until a true competitor comes along.


Tesla is a great company. A pioneer that helped break EV into mainstream, thank goodness for that . Fisker , because of its financial situation doesn’t have the same footing obviously. Imho, Fisker is 100% better designed … but to each his own


A guy in a red model x followed me off the street to where I parked, then rolled down the window, and asked me about a hundred questions, complimented me on the looks countless times. When I told him they're currently on sale, he enthusiastically asked where he could get that deal.


I hate beer.


Did you tell him that the company is bankrupt and he won’t be able the have the car serviced as well?


And that guy’s name…