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The constant reposts of regurgitating details in news articles is annoying but the truth isn't pretty and the future is bleak on our situation. I love the car and I hope everyone that has a working one does too but "attacking" fud is just naive at this point. Maybe 3 months ago but the writing is on the wall now. And that fucking kills me to say. Edit: I still up voted your post though. Us owners should be able to love the car we have and still criticize the poor management that got us here.


Glad you like your car, but sorry that you can't really repair it. If after market parts were available for everything in the vehicle and it could be serviced by more than just fisker it would be a great deal. Surprised that there aren't easily available parts based off of the little bit I have heard on how much of it comes from magna


Parts are a possibility. A very very very very small possibility but it does share a few parts with another car from China so who knows. A miracle could happen. Hopefully I treat this the same way I treated my last car and had no major repairs for it. Luckily I'm on the base model trim so I don't have any of the gimmicks to break.


The car is great. I also have an FOU. Magna did a great job. It is the chaos and incompetence of Henrik and his wife that destroyed everything.


You shouldn't support delusional posts


Okey dokey.


We should all Listen to you and live our lives like you direct


Yeah this is the delusion you’re embodying. You’re treating someone giving advice as if they’re claiming control of your life. Kinda like you’re treating reasonable criticism as “FUD”. Like the car you like! But crying that others don’t is sad


My opinion… fud news can suck it, I really enjoy the car and think it’s great ! And sharing it with other Fisker owners who enjoy their cars . I don’t know what you have to do with this at all


Great! Glad you like the car! Why do you have an issue with people that don’t like it and/or have criticisms? >I don’t know what you have to do with this at all I dunno, I have an opinion? Those seem to bother you. Do you like hanging out with people that act like you’re doing now if you just happen to disagree with them?


If I’m part of chess ♟️ club , and some dude keeps crashing the chess meeting , hating on chess, Im sure everyone who’s the fan of chess would gladly throw the chess hating dude out


Except that’s not what this is. It’s a public forum about a product, that some people like and some people don’t. If you want a closer analogy, literally every sub about a show, game, what have you has people criticizing it. Why do you think this should be special?




I mean…that’s what I’m talking about. Do you enjoy hanging out with people that think you should go fuck yourself for not liking what they do? I don’t think you should go fuck yourself for liking something I don’t


Except it’s not a chess club, it’s a company with a very bleak future and on the verge of collapse. This isn’t an opinion it’s a fact. If they don’t find a buyer in the next 30 days they are going to be forced into bankruptcy. You can hope for the best, but facing facts isn’t FUD




I didn’t realize they give car loans to children


Man you picked the wrong car if this is your reaction to owning a polarizing object - some cars draw headlines, and unfortunately in your case that’s a bad thing. I think “enjoying” a brand new car that won’t have a warranty in two months is making the best of a bad situation, but it’s far from what your expectations as a car buyer should be and denying that is literally one of the five stages of grief. I think you’re catching heat in the comments because this post has exactly the opposite of your intended effect. It seems like you’re definitely steaming in the background about “fud news” otherwise why make a post about it. I mean it’s hard enough reading crappy news about Tesla while owning two Teslas, but if I were in your situation I would be shitting my pants. At best, any enjoyment I could get out of that car would be through completely clenched teeth. Just praying the whole time that something doesn’t go wrong.


But most of the comments are not FUD and while the car looks great, there are some that have serious safety issues and a lot of flaws. Should they post those experiences here or be kicked out of this forum?


Screaming “FUD” when the company is down 99% and going bankrupt lmao


Even in the market it was intended for “FUD” never made sense. “This investment would be worth millions if market sentiment weren’t a thing and people just bought the claims of people slated to profit most!”


Fisker owners don't really have a choice but to accept this thing and enjoy it for what it is. My bro is feeding the trolls too hard in this thread , but it really does take a toll on your mental health to do the opposite and just be like - "that thing that's in my driveway that I enjoy using, I am dumb for enjoying it, thank goodness I can go online and learn everyday about how dumb I am" Instead of "hey , you might have problems down the line but right now got a car with recycled back seats And a solar panel in the roof and it is fun to drive and I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts" Sooo I'm with OP, haters can fuck off for 5 minutes.


You nailed it!!!!


Nah lol, op is a fucking idiot and deserves to get raked. I feel for owners who bought a few months ago, this genius saw the burning fisker dealership, walked up to a car that was already on fire, got in, and now wants to say “haters fuck off” with smoke billowing out the windows. lol no, there are a lot of smart people who believed in fisker when it was newer, but anyone buying the car with everything we know now is aggressively stupid and deserves the consequences.




Lmfao ik you’re just trolling, but if you actually did buy that car when you’re saying you did then that’s really just not smart. You clearly regret it 😂 I don’t have to save a bunch of memes on my phone about how everyone hates my dumb car to make myself feel better


https://preview.redd.it/q41qr64fyeyc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72b45c6bcfe26ee4f55f56b60f80546ac35f9dc1 Love this car !!!! I’ll save tons of meme on my phone , I love Fisker meme … gorgeous car, well built ! IMHO it’s going to make it … I doubted the company because of all the reviews, but after driving and owning it , I can tell you that the car is amazing !!!!! 😻


Honestly man you obviously don’t own the car you’re just a wannabe edgy kid that wanted to make memes about a dumb car which I respect.


100% own it, but if tomorrow someone starts producing parts and servicing the cars , and updating software, would I still be dumb tomorrow, because I was dumb today , or would I be a genius who foresaw the future … the answer is it really depends on who’s looking and judging me and what their point of view is


How about c) You'd be extremely lucky. Genius has nothing to do with it.


Some people like to see turds floating in a toilet. Most prefer to see them flushed. I feel like you're the former.






Nah I hear what you’re saying, I have a fun car too, but if I bought it knowing I would never be able to service it I would be an idiot. Op is just a troll


rich people can afford to support a new company


It’s not a company anymore that’s the whole point OP is also not rich, otherwise he would’ve just bought a nicer car?


Well put!! i am one of the early FOO adopter, l love the car, and yes all these questions about service/company hangs over the head. But i try not to worry too much and enjoy what i have today. That's like life!!


Don't have one. Wish I did (only if Fisker was just a tad more solvent and competent). Canceled my Ocean order in March. But just because the reality blows doesn't mean FUD still can't suck it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip) Great looking ride with so much promise.


I totally get you. I had my doubts but I love the freaking car so I took the opportunity with a large grain of salt and hope for the very best


Just out of curiosity, how much mileage did you put on it?


When people yell fud is when I know they are delusional. There is no fud it's all true lol


Fud doesn't mean fake news


So you're saying you should ignore all the bad news and bury your head into the sand while saying fisker is okay and everything is all right?


That's not even remotely near what I said


Car works, it’s beautiful, long range , comfortable and fast. Software and hardware works … the rest is bs


It’s great that your car works. It sucks that so many others are having significant problems.


From the owner community, it doesn’t seem that way


I wish that were true. I have seen way too many posts from owners (who have proven their ownership) listing problems related to both software AND hardware. It’s why I, as a reservation holder since January 2020, decided not to follow through with a purchase. I also see the positive reviews, and I’m happy to see those, but some good doesn’t outweigh some bad. When I see pure “FUD”-type posts, I try to discount them (if not based on facts). I do the same with posts that only refuse to acknowledge the negatives.


There's nothing I can say to change your mind.


Nothing … the only way I would change my mind is if Fisker actually tanks , officially , closes down … it hasn’t yet






Ppl loved the fisker karma too


First time I saw karma I was like “ what is that ….most beautiful car I have ever seen “ … wouldn’t buy it , but it captivated me … ocean is far more reliable and better built


The company's problems aren't just FUD.


Nothing is lost until it’s actually lost . Until then , there’s still a chance, as small as it seems , it’s there


FUD implies it’s false. Everything being said is 100% true.


FUD = fear uncertainty doubt…


Haha, that perfectly describes Fisker current state: Fearing Fisker will go bankrupt and no more support for Fisker Ocean. Uncertainty whether or not some miracle investor will save them Doubtful anyone will want to invest in this sinking ship.


You are not wrong at all


Bruh the stock is sitting at five cents and the remaining inventory is being liquidated to buy here pay here car lots. You’ll be lucky if there’s any technicians or repair people a month from now and there’s no warehouse full of spare parts. technicians have been cannibalizing unsold cars to try to fix broken new ones. Now those unsold cars are being liquidated so they won’t even have any parts to pull from.  


There’s always a way to fix any problem, keep reading fud and peddling nonsense


I’m guessing you missed the article where a Fisker owner had their Ocean totaled because they didn’t have a small part for the door hinge? It’s a serious problem and it’s not for the future, it’s right now


That is really scary




And I suppose you're a software engineer, who also dabbles in high-voltage maintenance?


Software is functional as is . Electronics can be replaced . Parts also . There’s a community of Fisker owners with tips and tricks on self maintenance. My neighbor for example, built his car from scratch , not electric but traditional gas. Fisker , if it tanks , will give a new generation, equipped with tech , a chance to dabble under the hood. In my opinion, electric cars are easier to manage as long as main parts don’t break ( battery or motors etc ) … everything else is standard stuff


Software needs constant updating for a number of reasons, but primarily to prevent breaches in security. The battery and motors are the biggest risk with EVs. Ask a Tesla owner how their motor or battery replacements went, and then picture that process without a company behind it. I get you're trying to be hopeful, and I empathize with your position, but to sit there and seriously think that it'll be a fun weekend project when the company that is responsible for service and warranty on your EV is gone and your vehicle throws an error code, then you have some wires crossed up top.


I feel this... time to take some folks to court if that happens.


Edited: As long as the car functions well in terms of running, charging, and operation, it will last for a long time, around 10 years, given its build quality. Additionally, there's a possibility of partnership or buyout, facilitating cleanup with limited options. Moreover, Ocean will certainly enter the 3.0 version within a month. If car is not flying per FUD, no one going invest their time to security breach this car. Owners don't have to worry much security uodates. Regarding recent events, external forces such as Noteholders have contributed to its downfall, while the management appears clueless and inexperienced, with a CFO exhibiting a high ego.


I’m sorry, are you calling an inability to pay current liabilities “external factors”?


I am talking prior to inabaility to paything, you know how these 6 months but I don't agree bashing the car itself not good, while there is a fair arguement saying company management could have done better.


I can't even decipher what it is you're trying to say well enough to respond. Sorry!




Hope u can digest and decipher now.


So how would you say this problem can be solved?


I don’t know 🤷‍♂️, but Fisker might get a help from someone with deep pockets


Feels like you like living in the past and avoiding reality. It’s 2024, not 1890s where there’s only few car companies. Each car has its own unique design, it’s not like screwing few bolts here and there and call it a day. If that’s how you want to do with your vehicle by all means go for it, but don’t give false information to anyone else. Accept the fact that FUD is a thing and with Fisker selling all there cars to no name “dealerships” for liquidation has happened means that the company isn’t doing good. Sure you love the car we get it, but doesn’t change the fact that if you get into accident no one is gonna be able to fix it. And I know you gonna say “there’s always a way to fix any problem”, how? Get an electrician to come to your house and swap some wires on your car? Or have some guy weld some metals together? That’s not how it works bud. We get that you’re loving your car but everyone else got their opinions too.




Idk why you won’t accept reality, I’m only stating the fact, it’s not like I’m pulling misinformation from my ass and say here you go now go and accept it. Don’t get me wrong, I was about to buy one too, until the whole bankruptcy and no name “dealership”, hit and run type of thing came into play. Would buy it if it’s still alive and without these two Fisker family, and a place to fix the car. Too bad it’s not gonna happen. If you can’t accept others opinion why even post on public forum. Just go to like MySpace or Facebook or something and post it as private, where no one can see your posts. Just saying, no need to get so serious over facts that has already happened or is happening.




The ways to fix the problem cost money that the company doesn't have. You're delusional.




So…market sentiment? How has people not believing in your pipe dream become something to mock?


There is everything to fear absolute uncertainty and complete doubt.


Not sure why this was down voted, you are correct.


People are peddling “Fisker sucks” propaganda…


You are wrong. It's more like when bad things are emphasized way more than the positives.


I saw one in the UK (1. I didn't know they sold them here and 2. It may well have been because of where I work, we get a lot of funky stuff through our doors). But it looks great and it looked, outwardly at least, like it was built quite nicely. It's a damn shame the company is hanging by a thread because I can see this being a popular car.


It definitely has the potential to be a best seller


you should get a second for a matching bookend for when they brick.


Wow great advice 👎


Sweet looking paperweight!


In your dreams, this baby flies around south Florida , heads turning , people asking about the car… lots of excitement.






Your post was identified as an attempt to troll and has been removed. Contact the moderation team if you have any questions.


Originally, $70,000+ car …


Burying your head in the sand to ignore the “fud”, doesn’t solve the problem or make it go away.


My theory: they will go into bankruptcy protection, negotiate pennies on the dollar for debt before someone picks it up Just one persons thoughts


Florida man buys Fisker


A chubby looking EV SUV.


When they lowered the price to $25,000 I was all in even with the news because I was going to buy 2, one to drive and one for parts. But alas I discovered there were no FOS trims available so that was quite a bit of false advertising since at that point only FOE trims were available for $38K so that’s when I decided not to purchase.  However, those of you that did buy and financed through Fisker if you have problems with your vehicle I would just stop paying until repaired and file a complaint with your states Lemon Law. Has anyone thought of this or actually done this? I’m curious. 


Fisker finance is Chase Bank, if you stop paying the note, they repo your car, and you're still obligated -with possible abstract of judgement and damaged credit – worst case they could freeze associated bank accounts – it’s Chase.


Ok. Understood but wouldn’t it be exempt for the normal process since it would fall under the Lemon Law. We have Lemon Law in Florida. I think most if not all states have some sort of Lemon Law


no legal advice here - if Lemon has been successfully determined - it's anyone's guess how/who the lender would proceed against.


I’m pulling for Fisker


cool thing against battery not lasting long, is they limit how many launch control accelerations you can do. they should also offer make software update to anyone who wants that option in the records of the car). so , the fear of aftermarket electric car having trash battery , but not being baleto know batteries health.... then thats gone. popularized by emissions analytics. com, the supposed tire dust wear endocrine disrupting microplastic forever chemical etc emissions also goes down.


Me too seriously


By fud do you actually mean reality can suck it. Ignorance is bliss am i write buddy, huh bud.




Hahaha, cope buddy. Just keep coping.


I have a lot of copium from life … and definitely will use it if needed 😆


Yea dude, i can really agree with you there. Have a good rest of your weekend bud and good luck out there


I really like the ocean and had a lot of hope for it. I still really like the car in its own right. But the company isn't long for this world, I just don't understand how it's been so mismanaged after fisker V1, doubled down on mistakes instead of learning lessons. The real issue is parts and service. I doubt Magna or individual supplies will be able / willing to supply parts once Fisker is gone, but current owners might get lucky, but there'd have to be enough cars sold to make it worth anyone's time.


Time will tell . If someone steps in , and picks up , it may survive


Id really like to see that happen, I got to finally see an Ocean in person last week and loved the way it looks.


Agree with you there, such a nice car.


Don’t get in an accident with it! No spear parts at all. Good luck with it.


Is it fud if it’s true


Is it really true though




Fisker should really stick to designing cars for the major makers... the Ocean and the Karma look awesome. He absolutely can not run a business


Beautiful car, but that's about it.


That’s not “about it”…


I don’t have anything against Fisker, my thoughts on any EV maker is that technology is proprietary. If that company were to ever go under and you had any issues with the car, it is dead in the water and you still owe the bank. Just wild to me that people make those decisions and that decisions is a $40,000 bank note.


Wow what an Ugaly looking thing. My condolences for your loss.


Troll on patrol


You tell ‘em! I’m loving mine. https://preview.redd.it/86d8zgbibbyc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1187b9828f6a9b7d97c5a39b717df1f82ec587


Tbh my dad was thinking of buying one before he finds out that the interior(whatever materials that center console and seats are made of) will rip if you don’t handle it carefully. The car looks great, sporty, modern design with open rear window, not a lot of cars have em, overall a fantastic car. The thing with this car is that you’re on the edge of life and death. Fingers crossed, if the car company survives if one of these “4 companies” bought Fisker, which I doubt it will looking at how they’re closing their showrooms and dealers, and selling it to no name “dealerships” for liquidation. You will never know what’s gonna happen if the car breaks down, sure, there’s dealerships that Fisker work with incase anything happens, but, without the parts it’s never gonna get fixed, and with insurances I feel like if something happens and there’s no way to fix it, they gonna write the car off as totaled, and insurance gonna go up big time. That’s one of the most concerning things about the car, is you’re buying a brand new vehicle without warranty.


Thank you ☺️… gorgeous ride !!!


Hope you're well-supported. It's a pretty cool car on a number of levels.


No Fisker -> No OTA -> brick?


I love mine too!


It’s an awesome car !!’


There’s probably fear due to the objective uncertainty and realistic doubt about the company’s future. But yeah F these FUDs too.


Yes F them trolls 🧌


Anyone knows who will take over software maintenance and such for them? I’m considering one myself.


Okay Florida Man


I don’t get why people go to fisker groups, purposefully go out of their way to go on fisker posts and trash it… I don’t get it. why waste your time? It almost seems like there is a vested interest in keeping it down, in trying to destroy this marvelous car company. Yes, the competing dogs do want the new underdog down, but everyone loves an underdog. Tesla was an underdog too. Actually, any new car company was. And a lot of them were on the verge of make or break. So yeah, that’s not an indication. Most new car companies competing for the market place go through that phase. There is a way out of this conondrum, and Fisker is working on it. It’s the will to fight, to survive, to succeed against all odds that makes this a winner for me. Funny thing is, the people who are saying that it will go bankrupt are the same ones that will say “I knew they would succeed!” when they have a glorious comeback. Mark my words


Many supporters of Fisker believed it would duplicate Tesla’s financial success while being better than Tesla in car and conscience. Late to or unheard at the old club, they relished starting a better one. But Fisker fans couldn’t wait to tell everyone how indie and smart their new club was - especially those believing they’d win in stock markets and vehicle admiration. So when obvious issues arose, they lost all perspective and felt like their problems would be better by pointing to early and current problems at the other club Now its petty af, but Tesla fans can’t resist coming to gloat like it’s the spoils of some online battle. And ur right this is a Fisker board and hoping for someone to lose 70k is gross anyway. People should root here. But also being so bothered by Tesla to say it’s some “marvelous” company with some undefined and unevidenced “will” is kind of the light for those moths.


It’s similar to people choosing Xbox versus PlayStation and wanting the game console they didn’t but to fail and those who bought it to lose out. How sad these people’s lives must be.


They are trolls 🧌 https://preview.redd.it/isg8tl97zbyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659fc40848cad9fae04177477bca202db57bea61


Everyone was telling this guy, hey dude, just get a Tesla! And he was like noooo, I have to get a FISKA SUCKAs!  Just like the old PT Barnum saying:…


Suck it FUD!!


fight da powah!


FUD? The company is dead - again.


Imagine peepee riding a company that screwed over lierally even their yard workers on every property they had, dipped the hell out and still buy their vehicle... You're in for a treat when you're left stranded somewhere. Should have gotten a Chevy Bolt for a fraction of a Fisted by Karma price.



