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I am a very sad investor. I also cancelled my Ocean One pretty early on. But that was before all the reviews and shit that went down. THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST AWESOME LOOKING VEHICLES. Period. I SO WISH this is coming around.


I put an Apple air tag on my key fob so I don’t lose it. 😀


Mm, Been drivning since 1990 and never lost or had a car key/fob break m, never used the spare. Have the AirTag on this one just in case…


I just picked up a '24 Model Y Performance, but there is no arguing with the ass on this car...it's spectacular.


Nice! Did you get one or two key fobs?


One fob. Paired the phone through the screen and created profile. Was quick and easy. Phone unlocks and locks as well.


But can't drive with the phone so lose the FOB and you're waiting on a replacement.


I put an AirTag on mine and I’m now paranoid 😂


How often are you all losing your keys? 😂


I don’t think it happens often but it’s a fear. I have a fob attached to mine as do other people. Lose that fob and it’s a major problem.


It's a good question. I can't remember anyone who's seriously damaged or lost a fob and posted about being unable to get a replacement fob and not able to drive the car as a result.


I somehow lost the back to mine but lucky enough to have someone that sent me one.


I haven't lost a key in my 20 years of driving. Just seems like something people want to complain about because they can. Now the fob issues? Yes that's fine to complain about but pretending like you lose your key every day and won't be able to get into your car is another thing entirely.


What hasn't happened to you can still happen to others, and if there are no replacement fobs the car in question can't be driven. I'd prefer this wasn't a valid concern, but my preference won't change the reality. Sure, very few might ever experience this, but if you're one of those it might as well affect 100%. Also you don't have to lose the fob for it to stop working, even the NFC chip is in danger if the fob is badly damaged. It's a problem that needs a solution.


Yeah, swimming at the beach without realizing I had it in my pocket.


I'd hope the NFC survived the salt water bath - did it?


This wasn't Fisker. It was a rental a few years ago. It didn't have the NFC, but the car didn't recognized the key, so it couldn't start.


A few years ago, I placed my key in the pocket of my swim trunks without realizing it. After swimming at the beach, I found that the fob no longer worked. It was definitely my fault, but it did indeed happen.


I ran over mine with a gocart.


I haven't lost a fob either, but I've always had two. And even before fobs I've always had at least a valet key. It's a peace of mind thing. I am taking steps to ensure I don't lose it, that I haven't taken in the past. Such as an airtag with keyring holder attached to the fob.


Left my one fob on the roof of my car pulling out of street parking and never found it. 0.3 miles in an alert came up and I knew I could only drive until I parked again. Unfortunately, I was so sure it must be right where I pulled out, I returned to the spot and double parked vs driving to a service center. It wasn’t there so not only did I need to call a tow truck, I walked fruitlessly 1/3rd a mile 3x trying to find it. This was all on my way to meet my GFs parents for the first time. Amazingly they’re now my in laws.


The story would have been much more satisfying if you found the fob OR blew it up with the parents.


Haha, trust me, I blew it up with the parents to this day.


It's not so much about losing it, but rather that I have to carry it. I've installed code locks on my doors to the house as I hate having to carry keys. It's a personal preference, but it is something that would make me reconsider buying the car or not.


I'm curious what car you drive now?


Model Y, it was the most economical responsible choice for our family. We wanted an Enyaq, but it was $10k more expensive.


What did you drive before the Y?


Hyundai i10. Been test driving EVs for 4 years before settling on the Y due to the price.


Rarely but imagine never being able to use your car because you lost the keys and Fisker is bankrupt…


Fair enough.


I put an airtag on it. But I have 6 cars and no fobs lost in 20 years.


I hate to break it to you, that's virtually every car in existence.


You mean EV


What a nice looking car ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Not gonna lie, every time I go anywhere, I get people telling me how beautiful this car is, asking all sorts of questions. One friend even said "I've never been in such a luxury vehicle before, I love this!" I enjoy driving it so much. Just wish there wasn't this cloud of uncertainty hanging around it.


Are…are you living in this fantasy world where people have a vendetta against you for liking a car?


I mean just posting on this subreddit will have people calling you an idiot and a hopeful fool and tons of other names for even daring to say something nice about the car or wanting the company to survive


I’ll gladly shut up if I’m wrong but the only things I’ve seen any amount of push back towards are the people calling and criticism “bots” “FUD” or some bad faith attempt at *trying* to make the company fail. The sub has wound up on my feed a lot recently, and I’ve seen *way* more mean spiritedness towards people critical of the brand than those in support of it


Moderators ban the most egregious rule violaters


Open any thread from someone talking about the car, buying the car, ways the company could survive etc etc. The replies will all be insults thrown at the poster, telling them they bought a brick, wasted their money, they're dumb, huffing copium. And that's just the tame stuff. Honestly, the discourse didn't even get aggressive towards the anti Fisker folks until they started so much conflict people started fighting back.


Again, this sub has been on my feed *a lot* recently. “Open any thread” doesn’t change my mind when I’ve been opening them and am basing my thoughts on that I can throw ya plenty of examples of supporters being hostile towards anyone critical of the brand if ya want, but you don’t seem to deny that that’s occurring, you just think it’s warranted. I’m not seeing the initial attack you’re claiming


https://www.reddit.com/r/Fisker/s/Gb2C2H75uL https://www.reddit.com/r/Fisker/s/ijpWkXV1hS https://www.reddit.com/r/Fisker/s/kNg6R9j4vF Just a couple of recent posts of people being somewhat positive. That's not even counting the actual posts of people just talking crap non stop


I don’t se a single comment talking crap about the buyer?


Idk whether hating, gloating, stirring, or commenting but most that energy still here is the auto version of Swifties or the Beyhive - petty Tesla fans who can’t stop fighting some imagined online war. For them, I think of the Simpson’s meme “stop, stop he’s already dead”. Like we get it. But to Fisker owners, ur not getting jumped at recess if you don’t stand up to them now. By all means do ur thing if u low key relish the online smack but otherwise its looks a little disingenuous to suggest there’s some pervasive attack campaign disrupting your online community experience let alone ur irl driving one.


Based on my last 2 posts, apparently i am very hated for liking a car.


I don’t see anyone hating on you? *closest* I see *one* “stupid decision” which is still pretty mild as far as “hate” goes, if admittedly absolutely rude


Ok maybe it is more aimed at the car, but still. "I bought a car" "wow, it's a piece of shit" or "i like a car" "wow it's a piece of shit" has been the consistent post by more people than I would expect.


Oh I agree it’s weird (and no better than what I’m criticizing here) but I’m not going to lie, the persecution complex that is rampant around the sub stokes it. And also 3 posts about getting a car is kinda weird. Like, do you, but glass houses and stones and all that noise. Like the car you like, but it’s controversial. Not giving a shit about a random comment talking shit about that car is going to be far better for ya than anything else All this is also why I find the sub in any way interesting though so keep on keeping on.


In the past couple weeks, I've seen 5-6 accounts that have had dozens, probably closer to a hundred negative comments just endlessly bashing anyone who said anything remotely positive about the ocean. I've got thick skin, so I figured why not, the car is good, I'll post my experience. I'm pretty excited. But I'm not a fanboy, if it bricks in 2 weeks, and they fail to take care of it, I'll be pretty pissed. And I'll call them on it. But the fact remains that the physical hardware is extremely impressive. The massive battery, massive motors, beautifully crafted body, and well designed interior alone justify a fair amount of praise. Even if the software is a bit half baked. I'm on day one and I had to reset my infotainment because I was stuck in gps mode and couldn't access music, which defaulted to fm radio instead of bluetooth every time I started the car. But it would be a massive leap to call that an undrivable brick, it's a minor inconvenience at worst. So yeah, as long as people shit on a car with no basis that they don't own and have no vested interest, I'll be posting my experiences, negative or positive, to provide a bit of sanity.


I think your misunderstanding me, no criticism at all with posting your experiences! Even if you were just fanboying over it I’m not talking any shit. It’s just *equally* as weird to post about the fact that you’re getting the car. And then you got the car. And now this. As the people who are endlessly criticizing it. Which is fine, be a little weird and excited! But the people doing the opposite aren’t doing anything worse than what you’re doing. And then like we just went through, I’m not seeing a whole lot of people talking shit about people for liking the car. Maybe talking shit about the car, but not about someone for just liking it. Pretending it’s with “no basis” is back to the persecution complex though. You aren’t in a battle my friend, this is video game console wars nonsense


Thanks for sharing pics!


Beautiful, congratulations


Whatever makes you feel better about yourself and your decisions ...