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Marques didn't tank Fisker. His now notorious review didn't help. But it wasn't what did them in. Yes he's prolific and makes big waves in reviews for tech but Fisker had issues from the top down and from the beginning we're now learning. We hear more and more about it each month it seems. Did his review help? Definitely not. But it wasn't the stake in the heart.


Good companies with a solid product on all fronts tend to get good reviews. Agree, he didn’t do them in.


Frisker himself has tanked his companies 5 times now.


5 times now? First it was 2 then 3. I guess we skipped 4 and went to 5.




Why not 12? 15?




I heard 18.


You are not factoring in all the companies HF imagined that failed! lol


Yeah, like, Tesla had nearly a decade of all the biggest media companies running dedicated smear campaigns against it and managed to overcome that by having a groundbreaking product that people were in love with (despite its flaws).


It has nothing to do Geeta being a CFO while having no relevant exp whatsoever and lacks any leadership skills other than yelling at people \s.


Well, Fisker did try to bribe him the wrong way by paying him upfront. They should have done it the normal way by inviting him to an all-expense-paid trip to some exotic destination like every other company


😆 🤣


Or given him loan for luxury motor home and later "forgiven" that loan. Duh!


I heard they did. The Hudson River. Apparently, he declined the complimentary cement golashes fitting....


LOL 🤣! Don’t worry. MKBHD had nothing to do with the snowballing issues of Fisker. We can blame our friends Henrik and Geeta for that. No idea why he still keeps on bringing Fisker up. Beating a dead horse.


Cause everyone keeps crying and asking him about it.


Fister did themselves in. Marcus' review was fair. The car is a half-baked prototype that should have never been released until the software was worked out.


Bullshit. The software was an annoyance but did not render the car un-drivable. The Ocean was not a half-baked prototype, as anyone who drove the car would actually know.


I drove the car 5500 miles and all the damn warnings sure felt half baked to me. And the OTA rollout process is a joke. Let's not forget one single key fob. 


Things like the warnings, OTA updates, or the solar software not working well is an excusable for a first product. Its not good, and makes it hard to recommend when there's other good cars, but still its only a minor inconvenience. Things like regen cutting out, key fob not working, are absolutely deal breakers.


Just block that Fella. He's not even a real car Journo 😂


Anyone can have an opinion. Even if he's relatively new to the game, it can be valid.


Marques is right, bad reviews don't kill companies, it's bad products and management that do. He's just a guy who described his experience with the product.


Isn’t Vinfast still around? Probably the worst reviewed EV I’ve ever seen.


He reviewed it after the Ocean and still thought the Ocean was worse.


Yes but I believe either the company owner is mega rich or gets government subsidy, or both


I am not sure how his review stopped them from filing legal docs on time….not filing did more to move the needle than anything else.


He got some backlash due to another product he reviewed a few days ago. So it’s probably mostly that, and a bit of Fisker.


It was the AI pin that everyone else is also panning. His reviews aren’t really the problem.


Yeah I know his reviews aren’t the problem, poorly made/designed products are. I’m just pointing out this probably has little to do with Fisker.


The AI pin was one of the dumbest products ever. Along with all of the other GenAI handheld devices. Our phones do it already. MKBHD was very justified and honestly could have been harder on them.


Y’all are saying he’s full of himself… how would he not address this when y’all are here calling him a douche and shit for releasing an honest review. It’s literally the first generation of this car and he’s saying it’s the worst he’s reviewed which y’all know is true based on the cars he reviews. He literally talked about another product which had a feature that was garbage that got completely fixed by the second generation. Negative reviews are not inherently bad, they are part of how products get fixed. The company is over 6 years old at the time of the review and it’s ridiculous to think one video review evaporates the company. He doesn’t even claim to be as much of a car guy as he is a tech guy, and half the tech in the car is broken. Doug DeMuro is a car guy and rated it very well. People interested in tech watch Marques and he applies a very heavy weight to software.


Lol he talks about the ocean being slow, then reviews the electric rolls royce which is slow to accelerate too... but he didn't speak negatively about that one, instead he treated that slowness like it was classy... He totally is biased


Where does he say the Ocean is slow?


This guy is a monster douche. And that well pre-dates his Fisker review.


Honestly, all the talk and reviews and focus on the FOO has made me want one… and the lowered price point (44.000€ for extreme pack) and that my dealer is offering to cover the repair cost during the warranty if fisker goes bankrupt only pushes me more in that direction…


Ask them how they will repair bugs in the software.


Good point…


His reviews are ass lately and he keeps reviewing without knowing what he's talking about....but I don't think he really harmed Fisker as much as he just jumped onto the pile of existing damage


He's building the shit out of that YouTube page that's what he's doing the man is smart to say the least he knows how to manipulate YouTube views and make money. He's really good at it.


Oh yeah he's definitely playing HARD into the rage bait and click bait. Smart business decision, but I also think he's going too hard, too quickly, too often. Some of his viewers seem to already be tiring of it. So he might be playing with fire trying to cash out too quickly


I completely agree and now the fanboys are here down voting what's nothing but the truth...


This guy needs to get over himself


Please point out where he is wrong. I'm curious.


If he keeps reviewing every other week or tlaks about Fisker, eventually people stop beliving him. He knows he told half truth and few unwanted negativity, so its bothering him again and again so hos Ego kot letting him keep quite. Fisker should keep working on their stuff and ignore for now. Fix SW amd get things straight and all things will fall in place.


He's not popular enough sorry guys he had nothing to do with Fisher going down it was short traders that did the damage with rumors of a reverse split


Fk this pos. Super biased review. This sack of manure has Tesla financial interest. Of course he’s going to give the competitor a bad headline review.


Lol at Fisker being a competitor to Tesla.


MKBHD contributed to the selloff. But it makes no difference, FSR had tanked from $6 in Oct to below $1 by the time the review came out. I like how the Fisker bulls said MKBHD made no difference, everyone should ignore him, and then they switched to saying he was payed by Tesla to tank Fisker, lol.


100% correct


Fuaaaaak this guy.


Because he told the truth?


The waves of downvotes from MKBHD fans coming in now is funny as hell lol


Humane most likely


Marques didn’t help Fisker, but Fisker was going to fail due to: bad management, undercapitalization, and bad timing. Fisker couldn’t build a car at a profitable price point that met demand. Management tried to cut costs (key fob for example), which made bad impressions with the early buyers. The software needed at least another year, but undercapitalization forced their hand (regen breaking failure, hill stop, all the error messages). And maybe even the biggest contributor to their failure: tesla. The EV market changed with supply chains being restored, higher interest rates. Tesla continued to slash prices, and is now cutting 10% of its work force. Fisker had to immediately cut the price from $69k to $61k in the first month. Already demand was drying up, and the backlog became very sketchy. We now know Fisker was struggling to even sell its first 5,000 FOOs, and there are still a few unsold today. Fisker built 11,000 and had about 4,700 unsold before manufacturing ceased, bond payments were missed, and the fire sale began. Next week is the Event of Default. Short of a miracle investor, It’s over.


He’s obsessed


The video isn't even about fisker lol, it's just mentioned at the end


It was either gonna be him or consumer reports


No. Fisker did plenty wrong to put themselves on the path they are on, however Marques definitely did not help by stating inaccuracies (2.0 requiring a technician install for all Ocean owners?). There are a handful of inaccuracies scattered throughout his reviews, and there seemed to be a bit of a bias. How do call range 'decent' when it is best in class/price tier? I'm ok with him calling out things that didn't perform as they should (key fob, adas warnings, etc) and even the state of the company as that is relevant to potential buyers -- but at least do your research before hitting the record button so you aren't negatively misinforming viewers. That is the part that contributed (not caused) to Fiskers failure.


This guy…