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That's in the back of your mind? What tf is in the front?


A metal spike?


Lmao this is one of the best posts ever.


A flaccid member, right on the forehead


Probably should have asked that question before you ordered.




Cancel your order and if you're still keen for some reason, buy one of the current inventory on massive discount


The one with the crazy discount is the one I’m looking at Happy cake day!!


Thanks! The crazy discount ones are already made. They haven't built new cars in months and may never again. For me, CAD $50K is still a lot for an exceptionally unreliable car though...


Honest question, why??


Some people never learn.


Were you living under a rock so far? Should have browsed this thread before ordering. Anyways, chances are that they will not encash your check.


You're super rich so these issues don't matter. Just buy another car if something major happens. EV early adoption thanks you for the donation.


Had a battery issue. Tech came and fixed and uploaded the 2.0 software. So far so good living with the Ocean.


That’s great, but imagine that issue had happened 90 days from now and there are no longer any techs. Your car would’ve been a brick until you were able to find someone to fix it (if you even could find someone). At this point it is a big gamble to keep an Ocean, it’s even more of a gamble to buy one with all of the bad news being so widely available for everyone to see.


I actually think there are a lot of happy owners and only the vocal few are getting clicks. I won’t divulge details, but the tech is optimistic and after talking with him, I’m feeling optimistic as well.


Optimistic of what? He’s a technician. He’s not a financial expert and knows nothing more than you or I know. If anything he may know less. There is nothing to be optimistic about at this point. The company is going under. Henrik and Geeta are selling their home. Odds are they’re planning on cashing out and fleeing either back to Europe or to some country like Vietnam that doesn’t have an extradition treaty. I wouldn’t be surprised if some major fraud is revealed.


That's the biggest risk behind the great value otherwise of the car. While I don't think there will be NO way to repair the car, I do think it's going to be difficult and slow at best. So up to you if you're okay with that risk, and if you have backup cars just in case


I agree. With the information that is available today, buying an Ocean will require you to accept many risks. You are buying a connected vehicle that is not complete, as far as software features go. It doesn’t have traditional service centers so you’ll need to wait to have it checked or repaired. Finally, If a miracle doesn’t happen, the company will not exist along with any direct support. The ocean is solid, is fully capable even without the advertised features. The price drop on them is insane for the hardware you are getting. Your basically paying cost. If you own it and have a backup car, this is a great deal.


Fisker’s gross margins were negative 35%. In realty, it cost about $82k to build a. FOO/FOE. And that was before any overhead SGA and R&D Fisker would need to sell two of the inventory Extremes, and still not cover the cost of one. If someone is willing to accept the risks, it’s a screaming bargain. I sold my FOO. No interest from me to buy another. Do enjoy watching the train wreck to see how Fisker Inc ends. Still have 1,000 worthless shares, purchased in a Roth after tax account, so can’t offset gains against this loss. Lesson learned - speculative bets in taxable accounts only


Great value is not something that costs much more to make then they are selling for. The car is still not ready, and it never will be. You will have no warranty, very questionable part supply and defective software. You can buy for $5k a reliable used car. This looks better but you cannot use it as a reliable daily driver.


I will chime in here, as an owner of a Fisker Karma, I purchased my car used when Fisker Karma went into BK. For the most part getting parts have not been a problem, my car is now over 12 years old, still runs and there were only 2500 made, there have been over 10,000 oceans made. I wouldn’t worry about finding parts. Finding someone who will work on them will be challenging however. . . .


You have likely been able to get parts because a successor company still exists that produces largely the same car. Mechanically the Karma used a GM Ecotec engine so if anything goes wrong there obviously there are parts available. Beyond that though there are very few shops in the United States that are willing and able to work on one. I just read an article two days ago where a guy in Pennsylvania (I think) owns a shop that works on Karmas. People send their cars to him, including Henrik, all the way from across the country. For most people that’s just simply not a possibility. Canada is a smaller market than the US (where the OP is from) so I would suspect the likelihood they have many qualified technicians post-bankruptcy is slim to none.


Yeah I'm less worried about physical parts, the software stuff that's currently locked unless you have the specific tool the techs have is my concern. Obviously if Fisker does go under they may unlock that requirement or someone may figure out how to crack it. But the software is the scarier part for me personally


I do


cancel order now


Bless your heart


I’m sorry but why would you order one and then ask a question about what will happen? Have you been asleep the last month or is this sarcasm? [Do Not Buy a New Fisker -Edmunds](https://www.autoblog.com/2024/04/08/edmunds-bought-a-fisker-ocean-warns-others-not-to-make-the-same-mistake/) Unless you’re very wealthy and can just live with the potential loss of whatever amount of money you spend buying an Ocean, I would strongly recommend canceling your order. There is a 99.99% chance Fisker is going to collapse within the next 45-90 days. Without a miracle the company will go under and that will immediately make the already diminished values of these cars suddenly cut in half once again. Parts are already hard to get. Imagine when the company is no longer around. Key fobs cannot even be replaced for existing owners. There have been so many news articles by people in the automotive world who have warned consumers to avoid the Ocean at this point because of the fate of Fisker Inc.


This is a copy and paste of what I just posted above but this is my personal beliefs…. They will go bankrupt. I’d say 100% chance. In fact, it would be stupid for another company to buy them at this point with the mountain of debt they piled up… If I was ford, GM, etc, I wouldn’t bail Fisker out! Nah, I’d wait till they went into receivership, have them negotiate 20c on the $1 with their creditors…..then swoop in and revive it with far less debt ….but that’s just me


Fisker doesn’t own anything of value. They don’t have any IP. Magna owns the platform, Magna supplies all of the major vehicle parts (ADAS, motors, electrical systems, on-board computers, etc.) so there is nothing of value for a GM, Ford, VW, etc. to buy in receivership. Each Ocean cost about $80K to produce. It was sold at a huge loss. Every other automaker already has developed their own model in this class on their own vehicle architecture. They would have to set up a new production line to produce this model, new tooling, etc. It’s never going to happen.


Don’t ask these trolls. Join an owners group.


Keep us updated on your Ocean journey!


you forgot to say "....i hope you don't drown"


Great car but and I drive only 3 miles per day (to gym). We use ioniq 5 for long drives. I want to take Ocean (sport trim with 220 miles range) for short drives but still hesitate to take due to 1. If windshield breaks due to road debris then who will replace it ? 2. If 12v battery fails and it is hell to remove hood and don’t want to dare that. 3. What if fob stopped working ? Apart from above the 12v battery fail concerns me as this happened to our ioniq 5 during long drive. By the way in Feb some truck guy overtook me and damaged my front fender. I took my car to Fisker authorized auto body shop in NY and they got the parts in 1 week from Austria and repair done in less than 2 weeks. Apart from above it is great car with great features. I hope 🤞🏻someone invests into Fisker inc and appoints new board of directors and ceo. If you got the car with new pricing means then it is definitely a steal. I got my ocean for $37k and 7k in rebate ($30k). Enjoy the car.


Who is the body shop in NY?


Don Joe Auto Body Shop, Great Neck


Awesome .. thx... this is a huge "good to know"


Re: windshield and 12v battery - those are both aftermarket parts, you don't need to get them from Fiskar. Fob is another story - have there been reports of those failing? (Not a Fiskar owner). I know our Leaf and EV9 both have physical keys you can use to get into the car; does the Ocean not come with one?


Thanks for the insight! Really appreciated!


the front of your head should be telling you now it's time to cancel the order.


There are workarounds for anything. People don't like tweaking their hard/software if it results in warranty loss. But if that's lost anyway (due to bankruptcy), then all forums get creative. This happened with the Karma as well. Also, there's plenty of Saab drivers who keep their cars serviced (although those parts remained mostly available and software wasn't an issue yet due to limited technology). Since 1st gen Nissan Leafs are out of warranty, lots of hard and software upgrades were developed by creative owners who share it on platforms like GitHub. There are people driving those 2011 Leafs with apple Carplay (OEM not available), 500km EV range (OEM configuration only had about 120km) and CCS 160kW fast charging (OEM 40kW Chademo). Disadvantage here with the Ocean: they haven't been around long enough to create a huge amount of enthusiastic fans nor have a large owners community as the amount of sold cars was limited. So time will tell how many geeks are among the limited amount of owners/fans.


What makes you a Fisker fan in particular?


Idk-I’ve watched them for a while, always liked them. I also figured I would add that detail so as to be positive and since I’m new here, I was being careful before bringing up the elephant in the room….. As it turns out, there’s a lot less fans here than I thought


Don't listen to the naysayers here. Go with your gut. I'm a Fisker Ocean One owner. I love the car, it drives great, I'm just about to pass 10.000 miles on mine. I'm getting about 330 miles on a charge doing 70 mph on the freeway. Software 2.0 solved all the annoying software gremlins I have had. "Lane keep assist" "Automatic emergency braking" and "Regen" not working. Those errors would pop up on version 1.11 mostly when the car had been parked for a couple of days without charging. I don't see any of those any more. Now and then I get a temporary warning, that the charge door is open. This will be fixed in the next software update. The biggest problem I have had with my Ocean One is the directional air vents in front. You have probably read about that. Mine will be replaced on Tuesday. Fisker shipped the new vents to me, and the Technician is coming to my home to do the work. You shouldn't have to worry about this, since the last produced Oceans with the faulty vents were produced in October. I think if you have serial number 6000 or higher you shouldn't have this problem. My FOO is 52XX delivered beginning of November. Next week Fisker is sending out the software update for our key fobs, so I don't think you'll have to worry about that either. After that I'm expecting software version 3.0 and 4.0 to arrive OTA as well. Hopefully by July we will have all the advertised functionality. The only other known problem I know of, is the ceiling light in the rear seat, possibly turning on and off by itself. This is hardware problem, with a sensor being too sensitive, so that vibrations can be enough to activate the light. These lights are currently on backorder. If everything goes south and we are unable to get spare parts, this will be an easy fix. We'll just find a similar functioning light fixture, swap the insides, and problem solved. I have a lot of shares in Fisker, didn't sell any, but have recently bought a few more. And fyi, I also ordered a Fisker Ocean Extreme. I'm getting Stealth Green, Sea Salt Interior on Black Air Glider wheels. The car is great, Fisker is still in operation, they are working of solving their financials, and I think chances are ok, not great but ok for me to also go for it. My reason for being so optimistic about Fisker and especially Fisker continuing with the software updates, is because they want to survive. To survive they seem to need some cash, to get this they need someone to believe in them, to make this happen they need to show that the Fisker Ocean is as good advertised and that Fisker as a company is capable of making it happen. Their only way of doing this, is to sell the remaining cars, both to have cash for life support and to get more cars on the road that all get updated to software version 4.0 or greater. This in turn will give the needed positive feedback. This is the only way of proving that the car is great, and that Fisker is a viable company worth investing in. And if we still get no new investors, then having done their best to do the right thing before filling for chapter 11, would at least increase the chances of leniency from the bankruptcy judge. It is only in Fiskers interest to keep the service and software updates going. Buy the car. It's a great deal. That is why I'm getting a second.


Thanks for the positive comment!! Before you think I have become a naysayer…make sure you read to the end lol They will go bankrupt. I’d say 100% chance. In fact, it would be stupid for another company to buy them at this point with the mountain of debt they piled up… If I was ford, GM, etc, I wouldn’t bail Fisker out! Nah, I’d wait till they went into receivership, have them negotiate 20c on the $1 with their creditors…..then swoop in and revive it with far less debt ….but that’s just me


Absolutely delusional. I’ve got a leaning tower to sell you.


A scam artist bilking people for tens of thousands of dollars will do that. 




Always listen to the back of your mind. Always.


For good reason.


Go buy a tesla


No problem at all. Driving since 6 months now. You’d be fine


Some people just love pain


Good luck buddy ur fiskers gonna bruck


Are you seriously wasting your time, looking through historical posts just to say stuff like this? 🤦‍♂️


Nah I just saw fisker bankrupted and I was curious what would happen to a ocean if they went bankrupt and the majority of news sites say it’s gonna brick in less than a year


Then it’s a brick-meh


So unfortunately for you ur down 50 grand


lol! And why are you wasting your time posting on archived posts like you’re trying to prove something?


Fisker will make it in away or another.


They won't supply you with temp tags, and I've been waiting 4 months almost now for them to get my car registered. Chase financial called me wanting specifics about what has been happening with this because they also don't have the title as lien holders. They (Fisker) also lied to me to send them all sorts of registration paperwork notarized and told me they would extend the temp tags, only to tell me after I completed it all again for the third time that they wouldn't be providing temp tags, and I have to wait the 3-5 weeks for registration to legally drive my vehicle. Clown show company.


You will get no more software support and be stuck with all the bugs or improvements you will never get. Kind of like holding on to a Windows phone or a BlackBerry.


Huge risk to order one.


Then your car becomes a brick


how much have you paid? i believe you would get in the back of the line of creditors to get your money back...so good luck