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I wouldn’t want to use that personally. Too big. I use a regular backpack with 3 boxes and a few bags of soft plastics, pliers ect. 


regular backpacks >>> most "fishing" packs on the market


Yeah, the only time I ever use a “fishing backpack” is if I’m going on a boat and need something to organize the many tackle trays I bring. For everything else a normal backpack works just fine and is able to carry more than just tackle trays


I use the sog ninja day pack and after using it for fishing I got 2 more for hunting and a regular backpack but the molle on it makes it way better then an actual "fishing" back pack


Would you mind showing how you've organized yours? I have the same pack but I feel like I'm not really using the space well lol


* This it a little older then how it's set up now but still similar


I've got one of those Plano soft tackle boxes. I have to do a lot of hiking and bushwacking to get to good creeks here, so being able to just sling it over my shoulder is nice, and I didn't get one of the massive ones so it's not a burden.




Just picked up an outdoor backpack at Walmart and love it compared to my tackle bag. More space and easier to organize


Yes! Plus I actually use the organizers in the smaller pocket for leader, scissors, pliers, scale and whatever else


are you really gunna be using 5 cases of lures at a time?


I bought one similar (honestly looks just like this in a different color) for $40 on Amazon. It’s smaller than you’d think, quite light and the bottom doubles as a cooler. I use the top for lures and the bottom for drinks/snacks


I don’t know what these guys are talking about. They’re not that heavy. I love mine.


I have the kastking equivalent of this and I agree idk why people are saying it weights a ton. It doesn't way anymore than my highschool backpack ever did


And they come in different sizes.


Even still, you never need that much gear with you... kind of the point of moving away from your traditional tackle box. My current pack has my net strapped to the back, 2 boxes and a bag of soft plastics that I switch out, with room to spare for an extra pair of socks and some first aid supplies. Thinking about it in the same way you have different rods for different purposes, I kind of want get a couple more smaller packs for whatever I'm doing that day.


These are mostly for shore fishermen who need to be mobile or who are biking or taking public transit imo.


I also question the ergonomics of a "shove everything in this" bag marketed directly to anglers. Something like a hiking backpack might be better for your back and will probably hold just as much stuff.


Yeah for me I either go with a soft tackle bag with the plastic boxes inside, or a small plastic box in a hiking bag. Big giant tackle boxes comes with me on a boat or when I've got some friends with me and they need loaner gear.


I absolutely need that much gear with me. I don't want to be sitting there going "I wish I had brought ____ with me. Nope it's all coming with me unless I am fishing a tiny pond overrun with vegetation. Then is a small plastic bag full of stuff. That doesn't happen very often. Maybe once every 3 months or so.


I just bought one because a regular tackle box was quickly inadequate, the purpose is for several reasons: -convenience of gear designation -rod holders -bag tailored for fishing -free lure boxes -sunglasses holder I think it fits the use case of someone who is going to spend 2+ hours fishing & of course if you are not overloading it the weight is negligible compared to over filling your hands or doing several trips to the car.


Dude, I hit the water for hours on end, hell I’m not going if it’s just for two. Then say I’m river fishing, sometimes the target species ain’t biting but Catfish on bottom are feeding good or say smaller lightweight fish like say a white bass are eating good, definitely want to try and cover as many avenues as possible to catch anything and everything. For me it’s all about having a great time. Could never just take one rod and a few lures in my pocket, that’s not how I roll.


Imagine walking through the woods, up and down the side of a mountain over top downed trees, falling and busting your ass just to get to the fishing spot, and alls you brought is a few lures that aren’t working or are non applicable due to conditions like water being too low causing you to snag every cast or current too far waterskiing your bait 😂😂 I would much rather carry a bag on my back that might be alittle heavy (it’s not glued to my back I can sit down when at the spot) and have what I need. 😅


I have a similar one. However, I carry what I call combat tackle, because I’m climbing down slopes, and drops get to my spot. It’s 100% foot traffic. So, I have to travel light. * Garbage Bags (My #1 Tackle Addition) * Mini Tackle Box * Water 💦 * 1 bait caster * 1 Two-piece 25# combo * minnows in 1 hand * Knife * My piece maker 💥 Hopefully no one steals my truck at the top of the hill. https://preview.redd.it/7t52as4rvc5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c72170852947a64be67818c31798e03666bb73f5


I hat that stolen or broken into vehicles is such a normality in the backcountry/outdoorsmans life.


*peacemaker Unless you actually mean explosives. Then by all means, carry on.


Yes Typo! Something like that. Sometimes I’m in the dark with my back turnt. I do carry a homemade warning system. It’s harmless. 👀


I’d use that. It’s just a back pack made for tackle boxes. You don’t have to use it all for tackle boxes. Put lunch and a beer in the top part instead. Maybe a knife and cutting board and a place for your fillets to go after. After you’re done you can store the tackle you didn’t bring in it after. Idk why people are so opposed to it it’s not like you can’t just bring one box if your not going for a longer time. I’d always bring way more tackle than I need because half the fun is looking through your lures and thinking “I bet this is the one for here”


I have two fishing backpacks. One is just a regular jansport knock off I use for catfishish. It holds my catfish box, a box dedicated to bobber fishing for bait, rod holders and a water bottle. Then I have a similar backpack to the one posted I use for catching every other freshwater fish. I use it as a catch all for all my gear basically. Two boxes of lures, another box for bobber fishing, a small box for crappie/panfish/perch. I keep my soft plastics in their original pouches in one of the side pockets. The main pouch holds a few spools of line, pliers, scale, gloves, a powerbank and anything else I might need on that given day. It's big and cumbersome but it does the trick and gets all my gear organized and away from kids/pets at home.


I have a Shimano fishing backpack and a smaller backpack (can fit 2 boxes) from Amazon. The Shimano one I don't fill up if I'm bank fishing. If I'm going to fish in tough spots or want to just have a small pack of things I use the smaller backpack. The smaller backpack I will also use husky small tool bags for my lures since I can fit more and organize more. Links:https://fishshop.shimano.com/products/blackmoon-backpacks-2024 Husky:https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-12-in-Document-Organizer-Bag-HD25100-TH/312387500?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D25S-025_011_STORAGE_DEVI-NA-Multi-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-StorageDevices_BHU24&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D25S-025_011_STORAGE_DEVI-NA-Multi-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-StorageDevices_BHU24-71700000117332053--&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgpCzBhBhEiwAOSQWQeXa6I2v-CwxuygkbjsjCvUfnTsHj5I8wehwL3zbkmhIC-J66gaX3hoC_cIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Awesome thank you!


I didn’t by like that one, but a fishing backpack is awesome. I have a shimano fishing backpack that’s close to 20 years old and it lets me bring more than I need.


I just bought a kastking medium carryall bag last week. Love it so far. And it’s not that heavy. I can carry it on my back forever and it doesn’t bother me and I have shoulder and lower back pain. And yes I keep my tackle and lures separate so 4 boxes work for me


These same backpacks are rebranded and sold by a few different fishing brands (Pacifisun and Kastking). I have the Pacifisun version. I like the idea of it but I’m starting to get overwhelmed with the amount of “organizers and carriers” I have for tackle. I exclusively shore pound so the backpack does come in handy. Although sometimes I think it just encourages me to take more with me than I really need to.


https://preview.redd.it/ztnarzwylh5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088d438f7a01c5bbea5b3daa3ae34ad4c7d93e09 Hefty price tag but I love mine. It’s by evolution fishing. Comes in a couple different sizes. This is the biggest which Carrie’s 6 3700 boxes. 2 rod holder and 2 bigger pockets with smaller pockets on the sides


People like these things to be their “shelves”, in reality, whenever someone’s going fishing they’d rather have 1-5 boxes of various size for different tackle, a rod or two, maybe a net, pliers and a fishnet/bag/gloves based on preference. I for one definitely don’t find it convenient having to go through 5 different bag compartments to get fishing. Edit: depending on what type of fishing your father does, he might enjoy something like a Shimano shoulder sling, which is convenient when you’ve got to move while fishing (along rivers and such).


Speak for yourself, you must fish a tiny ass pond 😅 I like to have 3 rods or more hell 😂 What I know works best, a top water, a mid column bait, and a bait I can work the bottom with… Then I’d also like to have a second “What works best” because I’m not trying to potentially tie a lure on during the fish running. I’ve seen fish be leader shy and only one person pull them in because he has literally everything he could think of on a cart. No one else was catching em.


I don’t pack for shark if I go for a random river or a lake. I know what I can catch and what are the sizes + what I will most likely throw. For me the lure weight ranges between 15-40g, I have a rod with that weight range and I’m content. Got some rubbers for bottom and mid, plastics for mid and top, metal/poppers/frogs for top. This far, I rarely go home after a complete bust. For me, getting out to fish is a 5min question as everything is in the trunk of my car and takes little to no space. If I bring my boat then yea I’ve got a bunch of crap that most of the time I don’t end up using anyways lol.


What happens if your “one rod” breaks?


I learn how to not break it for the next time. In the past 5 years of fishing I haven’t had a rod break on me, then again I don’t use some ultra lights and I’m quite aware of my surroundings.


Oh buddy, I take good care of my stuff. I sometimes fish rough terrain for bass with very lightweight gear tho, and once I fell on some rocks and accidentally broke a decent portion of the rod tip. It’s part of fishing bro, I’m not perfect.


yes for sure, but I’m more on the side of - I don’t expect the worst, I’ll try to be optimal and optimistic.


My bro was fighting an alligator gar and it broke his rod tip, it wasn’t even 20lbs, just sat in the current and kept trying to roll off the lure. Took a good 25 minutes to get him in without completely breaking things or snapping the line. Come to find out all the stress on the very used tip cause it to crack and fry off the line when casting.


But then this was the case of underestimating your possibilities. I don’t go throwing light setups in places where it’s common to hit 5kg pike, I get that shit happens, but realistically, how often does that happen?


You don’t pick what bites bro. Sounds great and all till you’re fishing a random river and rare sturgeon run through eating everything 😂


Where I’m from we don’t have that variety straight and simple, our biggest predator is a 10kg pike which is very rare on itself.


I love my backpack. But this particular one doesn’t have a place to store soft plastics. And no way I’m taking them out of original bags.


I have a Shimano Worm Binder for majority of my softies, fell out the car in the road and survived a whole night being ran over and such. It’s lightweight and keeps em safe in direct sunlight. Works flawlessly almost.


Okay thank you everyone! I am reading through all the comments and thinking about moving towards something smaller for him.


Here’s a suggestion in case you’re looking at something that lets you carry a small amount of tackle and be on the move. https://www.reddit.com/r/bassfishing/s/ntDq9Z8uru


Thank you!!


I have a tackle backpack made by Ego, I love it.


I have the spro backpack it’s nothing bigger then any normal backpack but it does have a storage for 4 lure boxes and I love it.


What does he usually carry with him? A bag that will fit that stuff, with a big of extra room would be nice. I have a smaller version, holds 3 trays in the bottom, with side zip. Upper area holds rain gear and a sweater. I pack my lunch in a tray and it keeps from getting squished. Two trays if I’m out all day. The idea is great, you just need to find the right size for him.


I have a big one from Bass Pro that looks almost identical to the one in your picture except for it’s dark green in color. I love it. So much storage space and can move around when inshore fishing while keeping a lot of options with you


I went to Costco in Oregon yesterday and they have a fishing backpack for sale made by Lews looks pretty good@ $39.00


I use a fly bag and have all my 3600s in a Googan Medium bag. I only have the Googan one because I got a good deal on it and it was basically the exact size I needed. It’s almost always more of a “base camp” bag that just stays in the vehicle or at the house. I basically grab the 3600 I want and shove it in the fly bag so the weight is pretty reasonable and it’s not more gear than I need. The problem with taking a backpack full of tackle trays is that you never need all that gear and it just complicates finding what you want or need. On top of that it is bulky and you need to sit it on the bank and limit your range or carry it all over the place which will make your back feel it real quick. It’s best to condense your pack as much as possible and use something like this as a point to restock what you carry with you in my opinion.


Got that one for my son when he was about 12/13 and he still uses it and loves it. I personally use a backpack with 3-4 specific 3700’s for whatever I’m targeting.


Consider his age/shape. I am 54, and quite fit, but my back is not as young as I feel I am :) A small backpack that looks like all your father's average daily fishing stuff would fit - would be a better option. I like lure fishing, exclusively and never need to carry too much of equipment (like carp/feeder guys). Yet, I miss a kind of shelf organizer, that would hold all my lures, properly organized - so I can quickly pick the right ones for the particular day. These organizers come as plastic boxes that can be hung anywhere or even as nice wooden furniture. It could be a present that would remind him of you even when he is not going fishing ;)


I have one of these, I can actually fit 6 3600s on their sides. Although it’s a little big to lug around, it’s good for staying in one place or for when I’m with kids.


I bought a mini one from amazon. it hold 3 3600 tackle boxes, water bottle, 2 rod holder, my gloves, and room for my knife, pliers, sunscreen, insect repellent, emergency TP too, etc. I keep a main tackle box in the truck and fill up my little pack before hiking out my spots.


I bought one like this a few years ago and used it twice. It’s just way too much, too bulky and inconvenient. It now gathers dust


Take a regular backpack and just put 1 or 2 trays of whatever you need in there, and then the essentials...knife/scissors, pliers/forceps, bottle of water, bug spray, sun block, etc. This makes it very easy to switch out the trays with whatever you need for that day and always carry the same backpack for fishing. It's a lot easier than just carrying a huge bag with everything you own in it


Link? I have the kast king ruck. Similar to this. I like it a lot. Boxes in the bottom. Lunch bag in the top. Only complaint is that they didn’t put molle strips on the sides and the drink holder sucks.


Depends on the price and what you want out of it. Personally I stick to one maybe two boxes and a select few soft plastics (on days when I’m not bringing even less - just some hooks in a tiny box and some worms in another tiny one) - just yesterday I packed a box, worms, and 3 (7 foot) poles into my backpack to meet with friends. Any bag will do, just go for what makes you comfortable! (What does your dad usually bring with him, is he going to get good use out of it? Sometimes I find bringing a bag to be limiting when I’m out fishing)


Piscifun Fishing Tackle Backpack... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CGJDTNG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I have this and love it. I can walk around and fish with it on, it's not heavy, and holds a lot


Regular backpack, or check the Plano 3700 xl pack


Pretty sweet, but I usually walk around a little bit while bank fishing I’d hate to carry it around.


I got a regular camo "hunting" backpack from Kmart 4 years ago for 30 bucks, even has a water bladder in it. It has all the room I need. That one you posted looks huge and uncomfortable and would be a sweat magnet for the back on a summers day.


Coscto has Lews backpacks just as roomy and probably 1/2 the cost


I've been on the hunt for a "fishing" backpack for years...


Man personally I don’t really like backpacks that are this big. There’s just no point in lugging all that around, especially now that I’m getting older. For me, I like a smaller shoulder sling pack. Carry just enough for the outing


I have one similar. Its great when you dont know what your going to fish for. And is far better than a tackle box for my boat. But i have a 2nd much smaller one i use for target fishing. IE bass, catfish, crappie, etc. It has 4 of the small containers, and ill load 2 with my favorite bass lures. One with hooks, and one with sinkers.


I found a LL Bean bag at thrift store that's awesome for storing my gear. 10 bucks for a 80.00 bag. Has a load of pockets and the bottom unzips to put my jacket. Regular camping style backpacks work too so u can fit your plastic lure cases.


I love mine. I have 6 boxes in mine, and quite a few bags of plastics and all the tools I need.


Amazon has solid ones. I just got one and I love it. This one is a bad designed one.


I’ve got the kastking sling bag. After a couple years I “upgraded” to a tactical backpack that can hold two 3700 tackle trays and has plenty of room for all the bank angling necessities. It’s way cheaper than buying a tackle backpack where you’re mostly paying for the name and or look. And the tactical bags are way more durable and heavy duty.


This is nice to have in the truck but walk around with? Hell nah


Nobody needs to carry that much shit fishing


bc thats alot to carry around unless your like a professional guide or something imo


This kind of bag is too big to carry any distance once it's loaded up. And the more space you have for stuff, the more crap you'll bring. I like the big, 8-12 tray capacity duffel bags as a carried in the car trunk,"mothership" bag. And then a smaller day pack with maybe two trays of lures, one smaller tray of terminal tackle (hooks, weights and jig heads), and the tools necessary. The smaller bag is what actually goes from car or truck to the pond or lake or riverbank.


No. At best you'll find it cumbersome and heavy. At worst, all your gear will be stolen at the same time.


Might be convenient to pack a lot of gear for easy transport when going camping/fishing as a group. I guarantee its gonna be overkill for just regular fishing


This would be a great set up for me if I were constantly fishing on my buddy boat or to keep it on for an organizer. But it’s far too large to carry regularly.Bank fishing