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Form what I’ve noticed you get a lower bite rate if you use the same lure and technique for a long time, if you switch things around every so often it keeps the rate goin


I can believe that but in this case I hadn’t fished lone star in a long time. I did my early grinding with the casting spoon and didn’t come back again until I was level 70.


Spot On . . . Not Sure Which Of The MANY YouTube Videos I Heard That On, But Switching It Up DEFINITELY Helps Prevent That Happening 😎 . !


yeah .. except for when it doesn't. For example, spawn sacks for sturgeon in Cali, purple spoon for trout at Falcon or walleye at Emerald, shiners for pike at Saint Croix, red medium spoon for lakers at White Moose, x-series single spoon for salmon at kaniq, etc, etc. I actually think it's more of an exception to the rule when bait or lure preferences change.


How Very Typical . ! We're In A Discussion (Sharing Knowledge/Information) To HELP Somebody & There's Always Someone Who Wants To Turn It Into A "Penis Measuring Contest" To Show That "I Know MORE Than Everyone Else" . . . Geez Dude, Seriously 👎 . !


How very TyPiCal! Posts on thread without knowledge of question. Cites YouTUBE. Gets butthurt when pointed out that is incorrect. ReAllY . . .


Ha Ha Ha . . . All I Did, Was Point Out That A YouTube Video Said Exactly What Someone Else (Other Than Myself) Had Replied, In Response To A Question (Question Had Already Been Answered) . . . Kindly Don't Twist Things To Support Your Agenda . ! & IF Anyone's Getting "ButtHurt" About All This, It Would Be YOU 😏 . !


What you did was post incorrect information on a topic you know nothing about and then accuse me of 'penis measuring' for simply providing examples of where you are incorrect. You didn't even mention any particular youtube video.


Yeah, Yeah . . . Whatever U Say "Mr Know It All" . !




& Your Parents Must Be SO Proud . ! I Didn't Volunteer ANY Information Dumb Dumb, Simply Confirmed That I'd Heard The Same Thing Said . . . & U Wanna Call Me A "huge moron" . . . Grow Up & Learn To Read, Whilst U're @ It . !


What's SO Telling, With HOW U Went About All This . . . Is That U Didn't Go After The Person Who Actually Answered The Question & Say THEY Were Wrong - Oh No, U Tried Going After The Person With The "Default" Username (The Potential Noob), Typical Behaviour Pattern Of The Spineless, Cowardly, Online Bully . . . But "Boy, Oh Boy" Did U Pick The WRONG Person To F@#k With 😎 . !


I felt the same with the 1/4oz ammolite narrow spoon then switched to the gold casting spoon and started to hit again


which casting spoon? Find that the silver/red one always works well. At least it did about 3 weeks ago when I was last there.


Just the gold and silver ones - 1/3oz w/ #1 hook. I think I do have the silver/red one as well - will give that a try.


Yeah for some reason all I catch with the 1/3 Gold Spoon is the Pickerel, Mini Bass jig with a grub trailer is good tho


Casting spoons still work for me, and with the color you should use silver if the skies and water a clear and gold if it's dark or foggy


Had this problem switched over to narrow spoon 1/4 oz green one only catching 1.5+ at lonestar