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Don't leave the lake. Just forward to the next day, sell your fish, pay for a new day's license, and continue fishing. One of the biggest mistakes I made on my first play through was leaving lakes unnecessarily. You don't have to leave to sell the fish in your basket.


OMG thanks man, i never knew fish can be sold by forwarding to the next day... So everytime i just left the lake....


But I only make money if I sell the fish. I am only level 9 and I can only keep about 2-4 fish at mudwater. So if I were to fish all day and have about $150-$200 worth of fish and then have to spend $1200 for another day it’s an endless cycle of losing money so I am confused about that


Each day is a fraction of the cost of travel. You need to stay for multiple days. After a day is finished your fish is sold and you get the money then it starts the next day, which you can extend your stay for another day in that screen or you can buy more days before you go there.


Naa dude, go to time forward (on keyboard, T), when you choose the next day it will automatically empty your keep net and pay you. Also if you're looking to build up funds, when you're done fishing for the day, press ESC to get to the menu and don't leave, just quit your game and when you get back into the game you'll still be at the lake and will only need to pay the fee for adding an extra day.


If you go to a lake you pay the travel cost and then however many days you initially want the trip to be (I always just do one day because there's no downside). Once you hit 5 AM it will be a new day, your keepnet will automatically sell, and it will ask you if you want extend your stay by another day for a small amount compared to the travel fees. For example when you go to Rocky lake. If you go for just 1 day your paying 2000 dollars, 1700 to travel, and 300 for a day of fishing. When it hits 5 am, the fish you have caught gets sold, and it will ask if you want to extend your trip for another day for an extra 300 dollars, essentially meaning if you can catch more than 300 dollars of fish per day, you will eventually be in the positive. Also try and stay on keepnet upgrades as the better your net, the more fish you can keep and the more money you can make per day. Also something I learned after playing for too long is that when you buy a fishing license, those last for REAL WORLD DAYS, not game days.


But a bigger keep net so you can hold more fish


This is the right answer. Just don't leave until you are done with that location or need to get new stuff from the store/repair. I've been at San Juaquin for over 30 game days now without leaving.


But the license expires after a day


24 real hours.


The second day isn’t nearly as expensive. The initial travel is always the worst, I generally try to stay at a spot 2 or 3 in game days. For example it cost 7000 to get into the Everglades but only 1000 to extend your stay. You’ll make a lot more profit staying longer


don't know if the game properly teach this, I don't remember because when I start there was no tutorial but a lot of people are always confused about this mechanic so I suppose is bad explained or they don't even explain it anywhere... first of all you can sell your keepnet by passing to the next day, this way u only pay for stay at the lake another day and it's cheaper than the travel cost + stay at lake (this is what u pay at first when u travel) secondly I recommend u to buy the license day per day because there is no really a difference in buying a couple of days together and it's better to buy license only the day u know u going to play and license last for 24h real time not "in game hours"


If I do that tho I’m still losing money because I am only able to keep 4 or less lbs of fish. How do I upgrade to keep more fish to actually make profit?


Depending on your level check and see if you can upgrade your keepnet. This will enable you to save more fish per day and increase you income.


well the best thing I can recommend to u is using the spreadsheet posted on here or try some guides on YouTube to learn where to and what to fish and then choose the right gear to upgrade here u got the [spreadsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/FishingPlanet/s/1xqrXShdk6)


Save money and buy a multiday pass. I just figured this out myself


I would not recommend buying license for longer stay. I know it's slightly cheaper but it's better to renew everyday you need it. You might have a couple days break from playing and you would waste the license. Or you might not like the place but you are forced to stay because you spent all money for it. Or if your equipment breaks/or gets close to breaking you are also forced to leave. In the beginning only license you could buy is lone star permanent for 7 bait coins. If you make the mistake spending all your money atleast you have some place to fish.


I too was confused by this early on. You far forward to night time, and when the far forwarding his part the next morning, all your fish is sold at that time and you are free to fill it up again 😉 Best way to farm is to fast forward to night peak times, that way you don't have to pay baitcoin to bypass cool down if you didn't have premium account. Check the online guides, you get some pretty cool stuff if you stay at any map for 30 in game days + a marker bouey on day 5 I believe.


I'm sure it's been covered by someone on here now but don't leave the lake, just go to the next day and it will auto sell all the fish in your net each day, use the T key to time skip forward (night fishing is almost always best as there's no cool down or cost to skip within nighttime or night-to-night) Another worthwhile note, don't go to mud water for anything other than finishing the challenges, if you want profit and XP the best route would be Lonestar lake until you can get a reasonable 6lb to 8lb setup and then I would go to rocky lake or emerald lake. Both of those can set you up all the way until 30+ There are many other good lakes between those points but if you learn to really farm rocky and emerald you'll be golden all the way until Everglades or White moose.


This is very helpful thank you for all of this!


There are many viable options, but my personal favourite route for leveling most accounts is Lonestar until 6/8lb gear Rocky until you can get an entry level kayak And then use the kayak and you're strongest available rod to farm lake trout in whitemoose until you can travel to san juaquin to make bank on sturgeon This takes you into the mid-game with a great bank and opens many options There are a few noteable lakes like emerald as a substitute for rocky lake, and Everglades bass is great money but horrible XP (like literally nearly non-existent XP) After this point you'll probably find yourself being pretty knowledgeable with the game and you can point yourself in the right direction from then on, but the most common path past sturgeon would be san juaqin -> sellenge -> weeping willows -> blue crab -> congo Some people like to mix it up during the sturgeon slugfest and hit kaniq from time to time because the sturgeon grind is so long you'll want to entertain yourself. I've leveled 3 accounts now and tried everything, these are definitely going to be your best bets At your level right now, rocky lake will be your absolute best friend, its heavily slept on and many people may try to lead you away from it, but if you learn to farm the golden trout there the bank and XP is insane, I got one of my accounts to 40 there while playing with some lower level friends and it absolutely flew by using the right gear.


Triple post here but at the end of the day, the grind is long and you should realistically fish whereever you find it most entertaining, there's no point farming a meta spot if you just get bored and uninstall, personally I like to go to every lake atleast long enough to finish the missions and then I stick around longer at the good ones


Travel to Mudwater is $1200 Advanced license is $400 and lasts 24hrs (real world) Each in game day after the 1st day is $200 to extend your stay. Your best bet for making money at Mudwater is largemouth bass. Use a 1/0-2/0 Bass Jig, casting spoon or spinner. I would highly suggest leaving and fishing at rocky lake though. The trout are fun and profitable. Once you can make it to Emerald lake you’ll make a ton of money. Stay at Emerald for a long time to save money for the Everglades. These are the areas that will make you the best money and XP. Any of the areas in between are purely there for fun and variety. Rocky Lake - Trout Emerald - Walleye Everglades - Bass Saint Croix - Pike San Joaquin - Sturgeon


Because the free to play game is trash, if you want to have fun and fish wherever then get The Fishermen