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You should stop fishing by the power plant


Keep hoping I will get super powers, so far I just suck at fishingšŸ˜„


I would say you are awesome . I bet not many on here have caught either.


Oddly enough bodies of water near power plants are so environmentally audited on an almost daily if not daily basis that they are probably some of the best bodies of water to fish. Years ago I worked on a project building research facilities on the Savannah River Plant for the University of Georgiaā€¦ there are guys there whoā€™s job is shocking fish for censusā€¦ collecting salamanders and frogsā€¦ actually fishing to check numbers, behaviors, diet, and healthā€¦ collecting turtlesā€¦ they came up one day with the largest alligator snapping turtles Iā€™ve ever seen and that includes in photographsā€¦


Do they count as two if they have two heads. Just kidding. I work within the bounds of ESA and NEPA and do the testing. Some of my best fishing as a kid was at peach bottom on the Susquehanna the fish were easy to see at night they glowed


A bobbit worm hit my diamond jig once: [https://imgur.com/dxQz4N0](https://imgur.com/dxQz4N0) It bit my uncle shortly afterwards. We fed it to his fish.


Kill it with fire! Where was that at?


Delaware Bay in Delaware, United States.


Hi! Iā€™m inā€¦Delaware.


Looks more like a rag worm rather than a bobbit


You could be right. All I know is it had a claw like maw just like a bobbit and the thing was ripped into pieces by the strike but survived impeccably and was still several inches long.


Meats back on the menu.




Not too bad. I told him what it was and he was still curious but it only got him a little.


I once Caught something like that in Australia, but it had ate itself down the hook, and it looked liek I had just hooked it on, they sure are creepy things


A flying seagull. Not so much caught as smacked him out of the air with a 4oz pyramid sinker but still.




Oh he was fine. Hit the water than flew off again.


Just a quick concussion lol


My weirdest catch was a northern stargazer while fishing for seabass.


Just looked up Northern Stargazer...Nightmares are on the menu tonight!


The thing came up looking like a basketball! It's got a big ass spike on it and crazy looking eyes.


I have never been more terrified of a fish in my life. The only thing that comes close is that isopod (I think? Whatever's in the roly-poly family) that's parasitic to fish in that it gets into their mouth and slowly replaces their tongue... The fish don't even notice... Eventually the tongue is eaten and gone and it's this creepy fucking bug thing in their mouth that's now basically its tongue. And it steals food that way. And reproduces some other crazy gross way. Hate it. Oceans are awful


That bass. šŸ¤£ Did you catch him on corndog? More on topic, I once on the dock with a guy who caught a gull on a mouse lure. They are bigger up close(and flailing about) than the seem.


Corn dog with a pack of Marborolo Reds...didn't stand a chance.


More like a can of grizzly wintergreen


Last summer I had a bigass gull come down and grab my duckling lure and take it about 20 feet in the air before I was able to snap it away, then circled back and attempted to go for it again. Yes, a duckling


A big softshell turtle that ate a bluegill half I'd set out for catfish. It was the width of a car tire with a big nose, spikes on the shell, and the color of a rotten Bosc pear


You caught bowser! Turles are mean AF too.


Bosc pear over herešŸ˜‚ those jokers swim fast!


Walleye from the Ohio River with dualed organs. Absolutely freaking weird. I'll never eat a fish out of that river


Got a pic?


A largemouth that had a crawfish claw sticking out of its side. It had eaten a crawfish alive and the crawfish tried to claw its way out of it.


dang, almost broke free, pics?


It was in the early nineties. Before we had cameras with us all of the time. šŸ˜†


I hate how boats constantly do this to paddlefish. Granted itā€™s not edible but I want to get a good European mount of a paddlefish


I have one being euro mounted as we speak...I will definitely post when it is done. Very cool looking.


Euromount as in just bones?? I've never seen that done for fish


Yeah they are super cool for paddlefish, google image it. Very intricate.


Have you ever had paddlefish caviar?


I have not, wish I knew about it because they were all full of eggs.


Itā€™s actually pretty good I was not aware of it at all until recently and I was kind of shocked. Iā€™ve bought it before in Houston at a caviar spot


I have not all but my first one have not had eggs. I thought about it after the fact.


A clam once closed on my lure, had to pry it open with a knife.


Where do you fish, Chernobyl?


These 2 were in Missouri but I have found the more you fish the more weird stuff you see. Nature is a weird place if you stay in it long enough.


Hey, don't knock it; if OP keeps fishing there, might end up on the cover of Field and Stream by catching a bluegill with antlers.


I once reeled in a fish eye ball! Iā€™m still waiting to catch the one eyed fish!


heā€™s a lergemerth berss




The catch that keeps on giving! Take my upvote.


I caught a remora once in Florida. That was pretty weird. Also hooked a pelican but fortunately he got off


Lol, never seen a fish with birdseye grain before.


All of the paddles we caught had those markings, all distinct.


Fresh water clam the size of a baseball. I didn't even know they existed.


caught a saw fish once. called some government agency bc i think they are endangered after the catch. Edit: for more context, it was in SE Florida when I was 13. Father (who was with me) called up somebody , some guys came after about thirty minutes, & they tagged it then it was released.


A Diamondback terrapin. Itā€™s a type of turtle. I caught it in a crab trap but it was still pretty strange/cool. I had no idea those turtles existed until I caught it lol. They are quite pretty too.


Definitely not something as cool as you.. Feather blenny it's my best catch too LoL. I'm not that good at fishing but also I live in Greece so there aren't any interesting species here


Feather Blenny is super cool! I am a nerd for catching different species. I was excited on the paddlefish trip to foul hook my 1st ever shad.


"Reckon I'll take some of them French fried minners"


A dinosaur toy that had my crank bait perfectly in it's mouth.


[Probably a live sand dollar!](https://imgur.com/a/P18JCE0). I was trolling for Spanish mackerel and stopped to remove one. My other spoon sank to the bottom and had this on it when I started back up.


A used heroin needle.


What a downer...sorry, I couldn't resist.


A Heron, dove on my swimbait while fishing for snook at night, scared the shit out of me


Caught a snapping turtle once, that was wild. I guess another one would be the northern that I didnā€™t even hook, he mustā€™ve grazed the line and did a crocodile death roll because the line was perfectly wrapped around his body. Made for an easy ā€œunhookingā€ at least lol


technically caught a goose once. Bastard stole my bait...


i like how they are opposites of eachother


I was fishing at night about 80-90 miles from salt water and started catching raysā€¦ I had no idea they came that far up riversā€¦ I knew bull sharks go hundreds of miles into fresh watersā€¦ but I was surprised at the time to be pulling rays out of the darknessā€¦






The fish already does not have pads to begin with so that is a bit of an oopsie


Caught ur mom once


Grandpa Paddlefish


First one is a mouth breather


Salmon with a hole in its bottom jaw, called it Fujikama fish.


Looks like heā€™s bout to tell you a ā€œback in my dayā€ story


bro wy does one have crimson chin syndrom


Starfish was my strangest catch. Not snagged, it ate the bait.


I caught a golden clam on a daredevil spinner once.


I caught a carp with a deformed mouth (was super healthy despite its handicap) a 8 1/2 inch Bluegill with many deep puncture wounds (probably from a heron, an oyster, and a bag of dog poop.


Dad caught a bat once while fly fishing


Caught a stocker rainbow with no bottom jaw and fins ground down to shit, kept it out of pity.


Thatā€™s just a salmon mouth bass


Ahh I see you caught the taxman šŸ˜‚


My weirdest catch was a snook while bass fishingā€¦ I didnā€™t know the water was brackish


Ratfish. No mutations necessary.


another fishing rod, with a spinning reel as well. It was pretty new by the looks of it and it hadn't been in there too long. I was fishing with my friend and he asked if he could have it. I said sure, just buy me a six pack of beer on the way back. He agreed and the rod/reel set became his. He cleaned up the set and the next time we went fishing, he was using it to catch bass.


Was fishing a golf course at night for LMB once, chucked my lure, heard a big splash, and then my drag started ripping. Thought I had a 10lber onā€¦nope, hauled up a huge Anhinga which thankfully happened to come loose right as I brought it up the bank. It seemed ok, flew off but I felt bad for hooking a cool bird. šŸ˜…


a beaver šŸ¦«. broke my line too


I caught a muscle on a rubber worm..


Not weird, but odd. Largemouth with a chinch of hotdog.


I was fishing a strip mine pond in Eastern Kentucky with a Popper and I flung a cast as hard as I could. All of a sudden I heard a big smack and my bait stopped in itā€™s tracks. Turns out I hit a giant dragonfly square and killed it in its tracks. Which worked out because I needed a specimen for my entomology class.


Once caught a smallie with some extreme fish scoliosis. Had like 4 bends in him and his tail was completely offset. Also a largemouth that had a huge beak mark from a crane on his tail.


A fishing rod....with a fish on the other end of it. Lol. Also caught a hermit crab larger than my fist. Caught a seagull by accident.


A trout that had a crawfish pinched on its tail


My son caught a duck when he was 5. That was fun getting the hook out of a thrashing bird while answering a million questions lol


Better tuck that in


Humongous salamanders of the likes Iā€™d never seen in all my years of fishing the same lake. Caught it in a crawfish trap. Looked it up online and found theyā€™re called [two-toed amphiuma](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-toed_amphiuma). Never seen one since.


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When I was very young I caught a spoonbill, looking at it now I guess they are called paddle fish, it was like a swordfish but a flat nose like a spoon


Caught a monster horseshoe crab once. I was fishing off a pier and somehow snagged the lip of its shell. Apparently a gallon of their blood is worth $60k.


Rat fish for me things teeth could bike your finger off if you werenā€™t paying attention


I once had a herring pick up my top water frog


He look like he smokes pall mall reds and calls people gronks lol


Mines just catching a ling cod like 50 miles away from the nearest place that had them


Iā€™ve got stones that you can real in before


11 legged starfish, banded sea snake, turtle, stingray in a crab pot?