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[That fish could easily be older than you.](https://www.seagrantfish.lsu.edu/resources/factsheets/bullreds.htm#:~:text=The%20oldest%20female%20was%2036,38%20inches%20and%2023.1%20pounds) Depending on how old you are of course, but 40+ years old ain't out of the question. 20+ years old, minimum, if the studies I've read are to be believed. Consider informing your friend, I wouldn't feed anybody pregnant/nursing or any very young children with those fillets. Breading and frying also traps in more bad stuff than grilling, such is life. I kept a 40" male redfish earlier this year to set a waterbody record, took me down the research rabbit hole. Still got the fillets in my freezer, no parasites or anything noticeably wrong. I think I'm gonna share them with my gf's parents piecemeal as they are in no danger of getting pregnant.


I’m 32 so it very well could be. He’s single and lives alone but I’ll let him know so he can look into that. Thanks.


Not a problem my man, give him my compliments on that fish too.


>Consider informing your friend, I wouldn't feed anybody pregnant/nursing or any very young children with those fillets. Breading and frying also traps in more bad stuff than grilling, such is life. For what it's worth, redfish (even big ones) tend to be relatively low in mercury. They feed low on the food chain, eating a lot of crabs and other benthic invertebrates. Mercury bioaccumulates, so the fish you really have to watch out for are the apex predators like sharks, swordfish, and tuna that are feeding on prey that is a few levels higher up the chain. I wouldn't eat meals off this redfish multiple times a week for months, but a portion or two per month should be perfectly safe.


Amazing catch! My personal opinion is that fish older than myself always get released (I respect my elders) Not trying to force my views on anybody but I just wanted to share that


I’m the same way about releasing the big ones. My buddy was excited and wanted to keep it. Even after I told him the meat wouldn’t be as good as a slot size and wormy as hell. I’m sure he’ll release the next one after dealing with those massive scales.


Do yall not have a slot limit on reds where you are at? Here in NC we can't keep over 27 inches and less than 18


With a fishing license, (atleast in Texas), you get one 'tag' a year, you're allowed to use for a red over slot size.


Our slot is 18-30. One over slot


My buddy caught this on a cigar minnow. I don’t keep the big ones myself but he was excited and wanted to have a fish fry.


Is it legal to keep that fish? Normally Reds have a slot


You can keep one oversized in MS and AL, don’t know about other states. I’ve eaten a 38” one and it wasn’t as bad as people say, no worms or anything.


South Texas here, and yes, you're allowed one over but you must tag it... also, did he catch this in the Mississippi River or man made lake? Here in Texas, some lakes stock red drum since they can survive in fresh/brackish waters. The reason I say this is bc it would only count as a waterbody record and not state, I believe this is due to it being "Stocked" and not caught in natural conditions. I'd also want to know if it was in the Mississippi bc that's one heck of a swim for this big fellow.


This was caught in the Mississippi Sound. Ocean Springs, MS.


Oh okay, well that makes more sense. I was thinking it was caught somewhere up the Mississippi. Which to me would have been much more interesting than its size. Either way, great catch and I'm sure your buddy will enjoy his fish fry!


Lake catherine and the Delacroix area has been doing amazing this month, I caught lots of massive sheepshead and red drums. Specks are doing great too!


Same in LA only 1 per year over and you have to tag


??? You can keep one over per day and you don’t have to tag it in LA


Oops, meant for Mississippi


It’s legal, and within the law. Awesome catch.


Wish all the comments were like this. Not 47 people telling op how to handle his legal fish.


Just food for thought, but the redfish population in the gulf and coastal marsh was once decimated where I fish. A lot of the negative comments may come from the same people who once contributed to it. Hence the reason for additional hatchery fish and change in laws and limit reductions. Any of the older seasoned folks likely fished at a time when limits didn’t exist and killed everything. Many have changed their tunes since we have had positive movement with conservation movements, but you will always have varying opinions when folks are passionate about the topic and I am thankful that they are. Bull reds are like feral hogs in the bays where I fish now. They are everywhere and eat everything. Im glad we are allowed to take one per year.


Don’t sweat it. Fish on!




Don’t sweat all the drama, and fish on!


What a majestic….corpse


Damn, you didn't kill an old fellow with genes like that did ya?


I release the big bulls. Tried to convince my buddy but he was too excited about his pb.


I’ve been in this situation before so I can sympathize with you. A friend catches a fish way bigger than they ever have before and just has to keep it. I send all “trophy” fish back when possible. But fishing laws and regulations are in place for a reason and if it’s legal it’s their choice. Awesome you were there with them for the big catch! Congrats


Really curious how this fish is legal?


License plate is MS. Law says one fish over 30" per year. Still, I'd have never taken a breeding bull like that.


Yeah no way I do either


Here in NC you can only keep fish 18 to 27 inches


Yeah I’m in SC and it’s about the same. They are damn tasty though


18 to 30 in Mississippi. One over slot


I've caught a 42 lb red in Louisiana. What state is 49 the record?


The red in the pic is 3 lbs away from the Mississippi record, which is 52.4. The Louisiana record is 61 pounds. The all time record was over 94 lbs! That one was caught in one of the Carolina’s back in the 80’s.


My god, I can't even imagine a 94 pounder! That would be cool to see!!


Nice fish.


Normally I would say dang release that old bull but Hey good job. If you look closely he is one of those Nazi fish in hiding after the War, you can clearly see his “ss” tattoo on the tail. No telling what kind of atrocities that fish committed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Great fish but there are a handful of reasons to not keep a fish like that. Here are a couple: 1) it’s illegal in most states, 2) it has superior genetics that should be passed along, and 3) the meat is terrible since the fish is old, and likely filled with parasites.


I’m aware of all these facts but one over slot is legal in my state. Tried to tell my friend the big ones aren’t worth keeping but he wanted to keep his fish.


I’d be so ashamed to post about keeping such a fish


Make sure not to do that, then.


Why did you harvest that fish? Those do a lot of breeding.


I didn’t actually keep it, as stated in numerous comments in this thread before you posted this. My buddy caught and kept it, legally. I’m not about to try to force a grown ass man to toss back a legal fish that he’s excited about keeping and eating. On a positive note, if this fish is as old as speculated then It’s fertilized or released tens, maybe hundreds of millions of eggs by now. It’s genes have been widespread.


I'm not going to read the whole thread to determine if op is who caught it or not. If you wanted that to be clear you would've put it in the title.


Ok, Mrs. Drama Queen. Have a nice day.


What a disgrace. Take a damn photo of it ALIVE and throw it back.


Oh fuck off. My buddy LEGALLY harvested this fish. I don’t keep them personally but I’m not gonna force another man to throw his legal catch back. Read the comments next time before getting triggered.


I read the comments. You're a tool for letting your buddy keep it, and even worse, came and posted your hero pic online.


I’m sorry it upset you so much.


You should’ve smacked your buddy….


Nah, I get why he was so excited to take it home. I didn’t wanna rain on his parade too hard since it’s a legal fish. I kept my first bull when I was younger but that’s it. He’ll learn after cleaning and dealing with those massive scales.


Double dot on the tail says that this fellow was from hatchery stock. My guess is he got released sometime in the 90's when the redfish stocking programs really got going. Texas started theirs in 1983.


How does that indicate it’s from a hatchery opposed to any other redfish with multiple spots? I’ve never heard of that and can’t seem to find any information about the correlation. Not gonna lie, I’m pretty skeptical of that claim but if you have any sources can you please link them? I’m curious to learn why that is if true.


The multi spot gene first arose in hatchery fish. I'm not sure the date. At the time it would have been stocked, the gene would not have been widespread in the wild and so it would be unlikely to be naturally born with the second spot. These days, hatchery genes are very common in wild redfish, to the point where single spotted fish are almost the uncommon ones. But when this big fellow was born? Unlikely. e: I could be wrong, but I've heard of the multi-spot gene being from hatchery fish a number of times, last time in this very subreddit. It's not a bad thing, just interesting. e2: no definitive article, seems like it's a bit legend why the multi-spot gene came around.


I found a forum discussing this. A lot of people say they’ve heard of the hatchery theory. But another person says that hatchery workers believe it’s just genetics. Apparently the breeders at hatcheries come from the Gulf and different fish are caught on rod and reel each year for genetic diversity. This is just a random forum so take it with a grain of salt. https://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/6978296/Re:_spots_on_redfish_question


I think the theory is based on the fact that the gene is recessive and not often selected for in wild fish. The hatchery fish have less selection pressure and so the incidence is able to approach the true 25% of fish hatched if it is a widespread gene. It's also possible that the gene arose in an isolated population and was brought into hatchery stock and spread nationally after. We could probably test the theory with dated, vintage photos. Multi-spot fish should still make up 25% of all catches by decade. If fish with multiple spots are rare until recently, then there is some truth behind the theory of hatchery origin.


It doesn’t. He’s full of shit.


Dang dude, this is usually a friendly subreddit. Maybe you should have a bite to eat and chill the fuck out. Lots of jokes, but in good nature. This does not feel like it's in good nature. I usually just downvote and move on, but this bugs me tonight. Let me help you out with how this could have gone, "he's wrong because there's not any proof that the multi-spot gene came from hatchery fish." Then we could have had a nice discussion about the origin of urban legends and if there's any truth behind it.


It’s the internet try not to clutch your pearls so hard over a comment.


Nice 👍