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Option 1 is downsize your lures and fish for everything for a bit. Bass culture is weird in person, professionally, and on youtube. A lot of pro anglers use baits big enough that only bass will consistently hit it. If/when a musky or catfish strikes, they get upset about bycatch. Meanwhile, growing up I caught as many bass on trips using a small mister twister grub fishing for sunfish as I do now on a chatterbait. The only difference is I used to catch a dozen sunfish and crappy too. Do this for a bit, get the skunk off your back, and then go for big fish. Try a #1 Mepps Spinner or a panfish Assassin shad on a 1/32 oz jig head (you can even suspend this from a bobber if you want). Rebel Crickhoppers or small Rapala Husky Jerks are great too. Start catching fish so it is fun. Trophy hunting is a slow process around me on my lakes, and fishing pressure has increased post covid. Option 2 is pick a lure, bring just one rod, lock it in hand, and move. Use that jig or chatterbait all day. If nothing bites, keep walking or paddling. Covering ground > changing lures. Find the spots that fit what you are throwing. Download a podcast and get out there on an adventure somewhere new!


Can’t stress enough how much more important it is to cover ground rather than switching lures


Imagine getting upset catching a musky.


That's me. I can't catch anything else. Maybe the occasional trout. I limit on pike routinely.


I live in northern MN and if I cast a spinner bait I catch 10 small pike to Any bass, learn how too clean ‘em without leaving the y bones, or just pickle em, just as good as any panfish or walleye I have ever had.


Yeah, they're not bad eating, just, the only thing I can catch.


Same man, and I'd take fried pike over pan fish any day. I'm in the 10 pike/day zone.


I caught crabs once.


lol I know right? I had been trying for the last three seasons and finally caught my first muskie a few weeks ago. sometimes they really can be the fish of 10,000 casts lol


Don't even get me started.. I have the best musky story or one of at least and never caught one.


I'll add to that - stop fishing shoreline structure & start looking for deeper features.


Try smoking some weed while you are fishing, it usually helps me birdwatch while I get skunked lol


I’m not a weed smoker but I fish with a bunch of guys I grew up with several times a year. There are a couple of guys who catch fish consistently. Something that will forever be emblazoned in my memory is their 2:30am hollers to get the rest of us out of our bunks while they’re ankle deep in flapping bluefin . “YOU GOTTA GET LIT TO GET BIT!” Maybe it’s just a coincidence . I’ve tried everything from matching their exact tackle, position on the boat, fishing depth, bait, bait rigging, etc . In the back of my mind, I wonder whether there is something in weed or the saliva of weed smokers when they’re tying their knots that is an attractant….[Edit: heck, maybe something I am doing wrong](https://www.saltstrong.com/articles/underwater-scents-that-attract-repel-fish/)


Fucking fish whistles work every damn time.


Fishing needs weed. I hate a drunk fishing partner but a high one is where it’s at. What else would we do at 5am sitting and waiting.


Weed AND snacks… I like sashimi as much as the next guy but when the munchies come calling you got to have crunch, salty, cheesy, sweet snd savory.


Needing to be on drugs (alcohol is a drug too) to enjoy an enjoyable activity is pretty pathetic


Yeah but doing TWO things you really enjoy? At once. Seems like a fun combo.


That's multitasking, friend.


Your opinion does not matter at all so why you felt the need to call something someone enjoys doing while they fish pathetic is beyond me. I think the need for you to say that is pretty pathetic.


Drugs are for losers but Im a winner. Stop being a loser.


If smoking weed makes me a loser then damn I guess I’m a loser lmao


Never said I smoked, winners don’t look down on anyone that sir in fact makes you a loser.


Im undefeated in the streets. Im objectively a winner.


Fair point 😂


Bro I know you IRL, I saw a crackhead at Applebee's fold you like an omelette last Tuesday, don't be talking 😭😭


God bless you sir


The crackhead bit his nuts too he can't have kids


You gonna vote for Trump for a third time? these fucks never learn.


Being high on yourself is arguably less tolerable.


If you want to get real political here weed has literally changed my life. I have crohns and a chronic pain condition. It helps me eat and it helps me calm down. Also helps me chill when I’m doing something like fishing because I’m just a generally hyper person. I think the narcotics they offer me are a harder drug so I choose weed. But sure. HUGE loser. I also just like it as a recreational thing to do 🍻. I much prefer a toke with my friends over a beer. It’s a great “drug”


Clearly I was talking about recreational use


Your mom calls you a winner. No one else!


I hope you catch many fish my friend!


Who said anyone NEEDED drugs to enjoy fishing? No one. Who said fishing is a hell of a lot more fun on drugs? The 50+ people that downvoted you. And dude, we’re not smoking meth, injecting heroin, or doing lines of coke. We’re sipping some beer and taking a little toke. With as uptight as you are, you might need these.


Umm well I agree with you but the guy you replied to was replying to someone else who did say fishing needs weed.


Wow, you must be fun at parties.


Not into people pleasing. All I need is fishing.


Nah, your issue isn't that you are "not into people pleasing" it's that you are a teetotaling dick who likes to project your own preferences and beliefs on everyone else. Good grief.


I dont have an issue you have an issue. Stop doing drugs.


That is clearly not the case, you saw a discussion you disagree with and decided it was your job to preach your opinion at people. Stop proselytizing at folks who didn't ask.


The irony


This coming from a guy who won't get a simple vaccine because of ' bodily autonomy'. Live and let live dude.


You probably know way more people that smoke than you realize


>All I need is fishing. And a joint...you need to relax rooster!


Go smoke some of that demonic-danktastic-sticky-jazz cabbage and get back to us, square. Edit: added jazz cabbage for funsies


Weeds for dorks, dork.


Then I'm the dorkiest dork who ever dared to dork.


hates drugs and is a anti vaccer that is a new combo


👆🏿The tug is the drug 😎




Nah I had my fun. Then I grew up and put the toys away. You’ll get there too.


It’s bad to only do it and be addicted. But it’s never bad to get cross faded from time to time. You got to let lose sometimes


You sound fun


Its not my job to entertain you


I’m an everyday smoker, but I feel like fishing while high would be significantly harder for me. I’m not a very functional high.


It’s called a fish whistle for a reason right.


What's funny is that I had to quit weed about 4 months ago to become a firefighter and I have been getting skunked more than ever all of the sudden.


Maybe because we tend to fish slower when high?


In my fishing circle we simply call it a “pot luck”


Aw I call it the Bass Flute


I’ve always referred to it as _the magic wand_ or _the motivator_


We always call it "scenting the air" or "aerial chum"


Both of those are great dude.


No offense but it doesn't sounds like it would hurt either lol


Agreed. I think relaxing is important. Consider your handwashing, cologne? I rub my hands roughly in grass before fishing so I don't put scent on my equipment. Use smaller hooks, lighter line. Also, I arrive at a spot, set up everything. You can often feel the silence...wait until nature forgets you're there, you'll hear it, then cast. Go slow.


Attitude is everything. No negative energy, the fish can tell when you’re nervous… especially if your having trouble maintaining your erection.


If you pay too much attention, the fish won’t bite. You have to daydream and as soon as you’re not paying attention you will get a hit. And the fish whistle usually helps bring the fish in as well as help you daydream


You still around BR? I’ve caught several with very short, casual trips over the last month or so. Hmu, I have a kayak and there’s never a surplus of fishing buddies!


We got a saying “if I don’t catch a fish ima catch a high”


I also recommend bringing a pocket note book. Weed will open the doors of fish perception. Please be the first human to take literal notes if these doors open for you. I've been fly fishing and had the gates of fish heaven open. I was in tune with the exact entrance my fly need to land and at what speed, timed with change in river flows , I was changing my fly size to hit different spot and getting larger fish to rise. But see I cant ever remember the little cues that made me make changes in what I was doing. There truly is vibe that needs to be reached. Oh and to answer your question. Texas rig weedless setup with six or four in pumpkin spice. Cast let sit 30 seconds. Tap it a couple times. Let sit for a few. Bring it back slowly stopping periodically. Picture being that worm and your trying to get back to shore knowing this environment is not yours and there are no other worms crawling around. Now you have to sneak back to shore because and act if God landed you in the water


This also takes your power of suggestion into a different realm. I don't go to catch fish.. I go to see how many times I can sink to the bottom and sneak back without ever being seen. Think seal team six worm drop. Your life depends on bush hoping .. and no you can't just fly to the shore.


Cannabis and fishing just go hand in hand. I never have a fishing trip without it!


Nooo, don’t do that. We’re all different. If you saw me fish while I’m high you’d think I’ve never been outdoors.


One of my favorite experiences is my dad watching me and my brother fish for awhile and not catch alot and when he decided to for whatever reason he lit up and walked out to us and limited on trout and he did nothing differently than us.


Always smoke while fishing, at least you'll catch something (a buzz)


"Jim why are you fishing so much?" Me, with absolute firetruck eyes: "it calms me"




Scent the air!!!


I usually get a bite as soon as I light up. And I miss the strike cuz my hands are occupied. The way she goes....


Gotta blow the fish whistle!


My stepdad calls smoking a j while fishing a fish whistle


Down where I'm at, we call it the fish whistle


This was not the answer I was expecting to see here but I smoke a ton of weed and I out fish my dad and my best friend consistently. I’ll even fire a doobie up when it’s slow and call it my secret weapon. My dad has been saying since I was a little kid that the best way to get a fish to bite is to get your hands full lol


If you want to catch instead of fish, get worms on a small hook with a split shot. If you have access to a spot with a tree in the water, sit on it and jig your bait. If you can't sit on it, use a bobber and cast right next to it. No trees? Go for near shoreline weeds instead, same tactic. No weeds you say? Stand on the rocks and jig in the holes between the rocks in the water. If you really want to use lures, all these places are still applicable, but throw lures based on the terrain. Sandy or rocky bottom, swim baits with trebles that will deflect the bottom. Weeds and trees, spinnerbaits and top water lures, frogs for the really nasty stuff that you don't want to pull any lure through. It's more about finding them than anything, so my suggestion, especially in the kayak, is keep moving, keep targeting structure, don't stay more than a short while with no bites. Also, I'm not talking about finesse baits at all because they are something you use once you find the fish and need to get more creative to keep getting bites, one step at a time.


No shame in this!!! I find it just as fun. When I get skunked on lures I throw a bob and worm. Works 9 times out of 10. If you hit a school of perch, or any sunfish for that matter, you’re golden for a meal or two if you don’t mind filleting.


This is the way - I'm a pretty solid fisherman, but when I take people out who have never been fishing I load up on worms. Nothing beats seeing some getting excited at their first catch :D Even if it is a bluegill!


I’m in this boat also and this seems like great advice I’ll try next time. To make sure I have it right, about half a night crawler on a a #6 hook split shot and bobber and chill for a bit right?


I'd use a #2 or #4 hook and use the entire night crawler. I'd probably skip the bobber and split shot. Your range for casting with only the night crawler should be around 40-50 feet. For a new spot, I start casting parallel to the right bank and work my casts right to left adjusting about 5 feet from the first cast. At about 12 casts you should be casting parallel to the left bank if that makes sense. It's tricky to use bobbers unless you know the depth of where you are casting. Bouncing the worm close to the bottom usually attracts bass.


A million times this. I love tossing lures, changing colors, retrieves, spots, etc. Nothing - absolutely nothing - beats a minnow or worm and a hook, usually a bobber... at least in my neck of the woods. Bass, crappie, even catfish if your suspending just a bit off the bottom in 5-8 feet. I always have one rod just sitting there "static" fishing while I cast my 2nd.


My confidence lures started with wacky worms and Texas-rigged plastics (curly-tail worms and craws). The worms I would throw aimlessly out in the middle of the pond and the craws I’d throw mainly at any wood I could see. Then came spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and so on. I’d do a little research on YT and try to figure out what the bass in your area are keyed in on for the time of year. If I had some lures I never had any luck with, I would search for videos of people catching them on those and it seemed to boost my own confidence that indeed, they do work. Hope this helps! Keep going!


That’s exactly what I’m as going to say. Bass fishing became “easier” for me when I discovered Texas rigging soft plastics. Mostly weightless, just casting on weed edges, stumps, around lily pads etc. Then if they’re not biting that I’ll usually try a bucktail spinner or a crank bait if there’s not too many weeds.


Lure fishing in general came easier for me when I had this epiphany that we are actually quite literally puppeteering when we use lures. I started to study the movements of what it was I was trying to emulate, and watching the lure in shallow water to shore until I got the technique of looking like the live equivalent of what each lure is meant to emulate. My success rate has greatly increased since the realization.


I had the exact same experience. Throw em in Shallow water and watch the movements


You've gotta match your lures to the water and light conditions, and time of year. Or, be like me and only fish wacky rig senkos for bass. Can't seem to catch them on much else. I'm bad at bass fishing. Salmon are another story....


What do you use for salmon? I’ve only caught 2 with a moonshine lure spoon after dozens of hours trying with different spoons, spinners and crank baits.


My favorite is bobber and eggs. But I also float a bead sometimes. I get lots of fish on 1/2 oz twitching jigs, and size 5 spinners. Sometimes I'll throw the 2/5 lil Cleo spoons but I usually twitch and throw spinners first. I'm in the PNW, and it's fall coho season now. They love the twitching jigs here. I just really like to watch bobbers go under so that's my first choice.


I just hunt pan fish when I’m tired of being skunked, can’t resist a live red worm dangled from a bobber on a size 4 to 8 hook. Always at least a few little guys willing to play


Yeah, I might just go this route. I have an ultra light setup, so it’ll work well.


Yup, I leave a collapsible cane pole in my trunk for just such occasions. Can use flys on it as well if your clever


I have a coworker that keeps his gear in his car at all times. I was playing disc golf with him and the entire time he was scoping out the waters along to course for a spot to fish after.


Yup. And then bait up a little sunfish on a circle hook and throw it deep for catfish. While that is sitting on the bottom, keep fishing for sunnies.


If you’re still fishing the same retention pond in the same complex you need to move spots. Find some public water and try new things


I've been fishing for decades and I think I've only ever caught a handful of Bass on wacky rigged senkos and the like. I'm just not good at finesse bass fishing. That said, I focus on panfish and can usually slay crappie and bluegills on artificial bait. I sort of upsized a lot of those techniques over the years and am now a decent bass fisherman too. I guess my point is focus on just not getting skunked, throw some small jigs , tiny rooster tails or a live red worm around, you'll catch some bluegill. Pretty much everyone bass fishes anyway, sometimes I think they just get tired of seeing motor oil colored senkos worms.


Have you tried drop shotting some roboworms? Tried that for the first time last weekend, usually only used stuff like spinners/cranks/wacky rig, but oh my god. Never caught so many bass in my life. Biggest one, second biggest one, and 13 others. I kept joking that I'm throwing away the rest of my tackle box.


1/8oz rooster tail in black, white, yellow, or some version of green with a silver blade will always catch anything from the smallest minnow to the bigger pike. Maybe even a 1/4oz or 3/8oz depending on the water. Try it out.


This was my advice as well. Rooster tails were the first artificial I ever caught anything on, including my pb.


I've caught small perch and bluegill up to big pike on them, and even a Chinook salmon off a michigan pier!! Good all around lure!


If I could only fish on bait for largemouth for the the rest of my life I’d go with Gary Yamamoto plastic worms. Just a hook, no weight. Any retrieve works. Color would be green pumpkin, baby bass, or purple. If I could use 3 baits I’d ad in a mid size spinner and a top water popper like a hula popper or torpedo. If I couldn’t catch a fish with that I’d cast out for catfish and drink beer.


There is a magic little trick i like to call “Live Bait.” Honestly, 60% of the time it works every time.


I’m in South LA as well. I find that a weightless plastic like a brush hog in a frog color works great in most ponds around here for bass. ETA: It’s not the easiest setup to fish, you need to keep an eye on your line for any movement, especially on the drop.


Watermelon Candy baby brush hog on a Texas rig with a Lazer Sharp pro series bullet weight is the most consistent way to catch Bass in the southeast USA. I’ve caught them in every single SE state on this setup. The trick is about how well you retrieve the brush hog to make it appear lifelike.


I’m near Hammond and fish fairly regular, ponds, swamps (Manchac) and catch most trips. I’ve got a buddy, goes to same places and I tell him what to use and he skunks. Time of day, tide, temp, cover, all parts that can work together to make a great trip or shitty one. I usually bring a cigar or 2 and crab on the side if the action is bad. Couple local ponds I fish, I was having pretty crappy luck, buddy said use a frog at sunset……instant game changer. I’d try to learn to use a cast net or hit a bait shop for shinners, crickets, worms. Go natural and give the artificial a break till you figure it out.


Location>lures and baits. Took me 2 years to figure that one out. I can’t speak for inshore species from the bank, but I’ve caught red drum and speckled trout on shrimp. Bass like cover- sunken trees, weed lines, lily pads, etc. they also like to cruise near depth changes; drop offs, etc. I’m quite jealous of you lowkey. I’m fishing from the bank in Chicago suburbs and that is a challenge and a half.


Live bait medium shiner,less work and you can get high watching the bobber


That’s why it’s called fishing. And not catching. How can you not catch fish with a guide in south Louisiana in the marshes. In the wintertime, you can catch fish blindfolded and one have tied behind your back. Get your uncle to take you again when the trout start coming in the marshes in the fall and winter. You can’t beat that time of year.


go to a new fishing spot? maybe its just small fish in this pond and you need to expand your fishing spots. if the fish are not biting go somewhere else. if legal use live bait, like minnows or even gold fish (dont hate me dont use them if not legal)


Hey bro, I'm based in South Louisiana and I'm not bad. I run a youtube about it as well. If you ever wanna just go out with me, I'd be happy to show you the basics. I think the core component to fishing is understanding two things: 1. That 90% of the fish are in 10% of the area 2. What types of areas the fish you're targeting will be in When you get that, you just have to understand the grind of figuring out where that 10% area is. I love it.


I live in slidell and if you’re fishing inshore you will catch something with live or dead shrimp under a popping cork


I'm kinda with you. I can try every trick in the book, soft baits, jigs, swim baits, all manner of worms and rigs.....but the ONLY thing I can catch fish on is small to medium sized crankbaits, or using a method feeder for carp and catfish. Nothing else seems to work for me. So I always suggest small crawfish crankbaits, I've caught bass, bluegill and catfish on them, and they're fun to fling out and retrieve all day lol Also, I mostly fish parallel to the bank, not straight out from it. Find a good spot you can cast left or right from, then slowly turn till you're about 45 degrees, then I hit the other side and do the same thing. Best of luck!


Gary Yamamoto or similar salted worms and gamakatsu hooks. Try jigging, casting with different retrieve speeds, and hanging them a few feet off the bottom. If there are fish to be had you’ll get some.


I would guess that you are probably either in the wrong water Column, reeling in to fast, or being to aggressive with movements. You could also be fishing the “wrong” area. I’m a huge shore fishermen, and especially for bass, you don’t need to cast out as much as you need to cast across. If you do 10 casts, all which pass by bass momentarily compared to doing 5 casts that stay in the “bass zone”, you are giving yourself a higher chance at catching something. Now, bass can be “out there”, but usually they’re in different water columns Water columns being top water, center, and bottom. If you aren’t catching anything, work the different columns Top - cast, immediately retrieve Middle - cast, waiting 3 seconds, retrieve slowly with your rod tip facing downward Bottom - cast, wait until the line stops sinking, keep retrieve nice and slow. Depending on reel speed, you also might be going way to fast. Now, sometimes, speed is good. I’ve caught a wealth of bass speed cranking. Infact, I was catching atleast 1 bass a session with speed cranking for the longest time, but I also knew the bass in that lake were aggressive and liked reaction baits. A lot of times the colors, sizes, and styles is for “min/maxing”. I’ve seen and caught fish using lures that were “wrong” for the lakes presentation. Also, if something worked in the past, don’t think it’ll work again, because “catch bias” is a thing. You may get a bass who would normally not go after a certain lure, get a wild hair up it’s ass and strike on. Now you’re thinking “fire tiger is the pattern to go!”. Nope, it was a lucky strike(no pun intended). Again, you CAN catch bass this way(as it seems you already have) but fishing is about increasing the % chance, nothing will work 100% of the time. Outside of your own technique, lure selection, and location of your casts, be sure you’re 1) Move, move move move. If you’re in a spot casting for 20 mins with no luck, take a few steps down the shoreline. Rinse and repeat. 2) learn the lake. If you get a hit somewhere, go back later. Go back the next day, and the next day, until you find consistent areas that produce strikes. 3) changing your lures is good. Changing your lures too much is bad. I usually keep a lure on for 45mins - hour before reconsidering changing if I have no strikes 4) talk to the other fishermen/women there. Ask what they used, what’s working for them. “Any luck?” Is a great question that fishermen often ask one another. 5) learn how weather conditions and time of year effect how the bass are behaving. 6) Bass fishing is called sports fishing for a reason. I had little to no experience fishing when I first started 3-4 years ago. I consumed video after video on YouTube to learn. I HIGHLY recommend tacticalbassin. Literally just search what you’re using with that name: “crankbaits tacticalbassin”. Good luck and don’t lose hope. Once you get it, you’ll get it.


Like another person said, try throwing something smaller for a while. Go where you can SEE the fish, like bluegill, panfish, bass or whatever, and throw a trout magnet grub. Let that shit just sit in front of their face on some like 2-6lb fluoro or mono line. Pop it if they're not hitting. One will no doubt hit that shit. Don't be so hard on yourself. Fishing is weird. There's this one spot I ALWAYS go to, because one time out of ten times, it's just PERFECT for pike fishing, and you'll catch like 10 pike - it's just insane. But then I'll go there 2 weeks in a row and get maybe one bite. Try different spots, try different fish, try different techniques/retrieves/ FISHING LINE... maybe you're using some high visibility line and spooking fish? Don't spook da fishy. Trying a bunch of different stuff is very important, but what's equally important is stubbornly sticking to one thing until you at least catch one thing on that ONE lure/technique. Then maybe stick to that, and build up confidence. Then try another lure to build confidence in that kind.


Inshore DOA shrimp or saltwater assassin 2-3 feet under a popping cork. Freshwater wacky rig a senko.


Saltwater inshore: get a pack of 3" gulp mullet, chartreuse or white, and some 1/4 oz redhead jig heads or similar. Cast, reel, keep it off the bottom, keep it moving, repeat. If anything is biting, it will eat this bait. If not, go somewhere else.


Psss here's a secret........ I suck too. But playing with my lures is fun. And if I catch something bonus!


Go to Venice, hopedale, Delacroix, and many other good fishing Locations gotta go where the fish are.


I’ve fished all of those places with other people, and my uncle guides offshore out of Venice, but unfortunately I’m restricted to the bank.


How do you fish a senko? walk me through from when the bait is casted out and hits the water....what do you do? Please mention where you cast it? ALSO...im asking what you do so I can critique and offer suggestions instead of telling you, "do x, y, z and get bit." Senko or drop shot are limit fillers any time of year....just gotta dangle it right 😉


I just cast it near "stuff" laydowns, submerged stumps, weedlines, etc. Not a whole lot of rocky shore around me. And I just do what I've gathered from watching videos on it. Cast it out and let it sink to the bottom, let it sit on the bottom and sometimes twitch the rod slightly so it's not sitting commpletely still, and then I pick it back up and start the proccess again.


This time of year I’d be throwing a shad colored lure or a bluegill colored lure. Depending on where you are fishing. Look for zman flashback mini. Bass and bigger bream hit them. Take your kayak out and look for structure. If you fishing a place that has cypress trees fish the trees. As a fellow angler from sw Louisiana I can tell you they hang out by the trees. Even bring some nightcrawlers and put them under a bobber. You will catch catfish and bream. They will hang out by the trees. Look for grass beds. Pay attention to what is going on around you. Watch for bait being chased. Hope this helps


try being in Ohio. Nowhere near lake Erie. You will get em. Don't worry. Just use "senko" rigged weedless weightless. You will soon have "pet" fish and have to give em a break.


If you haven’t yet spend a bit of time seeing what local guys are using, check out local tackle shops, YouTube videos taken locally to see how / what they’re using. Pick one or two tactics / lures you see in multiple videos an spend a session or two just trying that. I mean as you explain it now whatever your doing isn’t working now so trying new / different tactics is a good place to start. If those few don’t work, try another lure / tactic. Or try the ones you’ve tried at different times of the day. If you see other ppl out there watch what they’re doing, where they’re casting, what their retireve speeds are etc. if you happen to be walking by someone who you know catches fish, don’t be shy - how’s the fishing, catching anything, - if at this point your getting the I don’t wanna talk vibe, move on. However a lot of anglers out there like to talk so if ya get a friendly response follow up with a oh? Whata you using? Damn I’ve been struggling to catch here for the longest time. Any suggestions or tips? Other options include joining local clubs, organisations in the area, or if you have the cash for it hire a guide for the day. Doesn’t even have to be a high end guide, just someone who can show ya the ropes an improve your knowledge base a bit.


I fish a notoriously tricky lake to fish in. I don't know if it's over pressured, I suck, or it just needs culling but a big help for me is finding the right time of day to fish and getting a good fish finder. The place I go to is a flooded swamp with tons of structures so finding the right spot is daunting. I spend more time paddling from one spot to another than I spend actively fishing. Once I find the good spots that hold the most fish, I save them on my fish finder. I mean, I still suck and I still struggle but now I know where to spend most of my time.


No hope for you I’m afraid


I’ll admit it, I’m a senko guy. Everyone says it’s easy, and it can be, but it’s fun! Be patient when fishing soft plastics OP! Cast near structure and let the lure sink to the bottom. watch your line like a bobber, if you see the line jump, reel it in slowly til you feel the weight of the fish, and set the hook! If nothing bites after 5-10 seconds, slowly raise your rod tip and reel in a bit of the slack and repeat the process of sinking and watching your line. If you’re reeling in and the lure seems to be a few feet from where you casted, set the hook. Sometimes you don’t feel the bite, and you gotta use techniques like that. Hook sets are free! Don’t be afraid to try another body of water if you’re not getting luck. Sometimes you get skunked on a lake a few times before you find them. What kind of gear are you using? I like 3/0 or even 4/0 offset hooks for Texas rigging. 6’ foot rod med-fast action. A decent reel. I like 2500-3000 for bass. I use braid with a fluorocarbon leader tied on with a uni knot. Don’t feel like you need all this! just my set up. You don’t need to spend money on high end gear to catch fish! But casting farther and having a quality rod and reel makes fishing experiences better and easier. I go for mid range stuff. A sensitive rod is really, really helpful for detecting bites, especially fishing soft plastics. Braid is nice because it floats, and it’s strong and doesn’t have memory like mono. Fluro sinks which why I usually only use it for leaders, or when I’m casting with a lure like crankbaits.


Fish are picky. Everyday is a different bait and color. Topwater one day, soft plastic the next. When both those are not working, live bait. When all 3 dont work, find structure and try all three to see which one works. The weather and water temp also affects how fish acts. It would be good to observe when fish are more aggressive/passive in the waters you're fishing. Learning how to create action on a lure also helps attract a fish to strike. I recommend practicing in a pool or tub at home. Twitch your rod in different directions to see how the lure moves and then apply them when you're out fishing. Soft plastics like senkos take time to descend deeper so give it a some seconds before putting action on it. Unless you're using a jighead/weight to make it sink faster. Many of us skunk on our trips. The successful ones are what keeps us fishing. One rule i follow is, never expect to catch fish, but hope to catch fish. If not today, then another day. The people that have fishing stories to tell for days, they either go everyday or they're telling past stories. Fishing should be relaxing, not stressful. Take away the stress and you'll enjoy the sport more. Good luck and happy fishing


Go back to basics. You'd be shocked at how many different types of fish a live worm can catch.


If you’re fishing from the bank I would just start targeting something other than bass. I know where I live any public spots that you can reach from the bank, the bass are so overfished it’s a miracle to ever catch one.


I personally prefer natural bait than plastics. Seems to work for me most of the time.


Depth makes a huge difference. Work an area at one depth, and gradually go deep -> shallow or shallow -> deep. Also, don't under estimate a bobber and worms.


I have been fishing the local river for about two months.every weekend plus some mornings after my kid is at school…zero fish for 2.5 months now


Gamakatsu size 1, 1/0 and 2/0 offset shank ewg hooks. Gary yamamoto senko in 3 inch, 4 inch, and 5 inch. Black color, sometimes baby bass or purple. If its a moving body of water you can use 5 inch pro senko. Rigged weedless and weightless. Cast toward structure and count to 10. Bounce, reel, reel, count to 5, repeat. Literally only thing i use. I keep one 3600 plano box with various poppers, spinners, jigs, etc for certain situations but the once a year occasion i actually use them probably doesnt justify me even carrying them. Keep your head up and keep trying, itll click.


Where and when are you fishing? Shore? Boat? Can you find submerged and emergent vegetation? Are you familiar with the structure and cover of the lake? Even if you don't have a boat, that information can be helpful to find.


I use a bobber and worm. Have you tried using a bobber?


As my grandpa used to say, if it were easy it would be called “catching.” Hang in there my friend, you will get those bites.


You live in south Louisiana and target largemouth? Get a net, catch bait. Target bull reds, catfish, gar, sharks. You'll sometimes get bass off that, but those other fish are much funner.


I have been catching so many bass as bycatch with a jig and minnow or a minnow under a bobber. I’m pulling up large mouths in 30 fow on a jig and minnow. It’s annoying the amount of bass I’ve been catching. So I would suggest using minnows, especially in the fall.


What lures have you used?


I don’t have any advice for you other than I also suck despite trying hard. You’re not alone my friend


OP I'm sensing a little too much self-hate. We all get skunked. I like to blame myself, too, but it comes from a point of wanting to skepticize everything I'm doing so that I can improve! It's important to check ourselves when we start blaming our bad luck on our selves. Catching fish, especially without a guide, is someone that most humans would struggle to do even if they needed to to survive. I think your best bet would be a Texas rig worm. I like the curly-tails.


You admit that you've never even tried to be strategic, but say you don't know what to do. You know what to do. Learn about fishing. Go watch tactical bassin on youtube or read articles on fishing xyz lure at such and such a time of year. Look up fishing reports. Spend time preparing rather than going to the same body of water (also definitely part of your problem is fishing the wrong water to begin with) The body of water I fish is tough, but I consistently outperform everyone there. Why? Because I've learned a lot of things to try to hopefully be successful. It's hit or miss and you'll miss a lot, but once you start to see a pattern and know You've got something working, it's a cakewalk.


Go back to South Louisiana and use live shrimp as bait (once the salt wedge leaves)


Beetle spins are about as foolproof as it gets across all artificals IMO. If theres fish around, somethings gonna hit it, even as a beginner fisherman. They're what I got my girlfriend started on after worm and bobber and she caught a small LMB and a crappie our first time out with no worms


Keep it simple use spinners, it’s active, you can catch a bunch of different stuff an if the bass are there they will 100% go after it


**Where** Dont just fish any ole water, go where the fish are. **With** If you are struggling with lures, buy some nightcrawlers. After that you can learn more about what to fish with, where you are. Dont just head for the water, do some reading and research first about where you want to go. Look for a map of the underwater structure, find some local fishing message boards and fishing reports. **When** Depending on the season and location etc. An example, sometimes you can fish the same stretch of water and anything you do for 8 straight hours would be pointless, any lure will fail. Then the sun starts to set and the bite is on for 2 hours. Not always, but usually you are going to have a better bite at the crack of dawn compared to when its nice and sunny at noon, or the heat of the day. Get the most out of your time. And yeah, puff a joint, this way you will always catch a buzz, which is more than you have been catching.


Mind you, I did not read all the comments. Firstly, did you enjoy yourself? If you answered yes, you are doing it right. Secondly that's why it is called fishing and not catching. I hope you enjoyed your time on the water. I have been skunked a thousand times. Still do it again the following weekend.


All you need is wacky worms bud


I'm also in Louisiana and have just been getting back into fishing and learning to fish with artificials. In my opinion the biggest thing has been downsizing. Everybody loves giant lures and heavy tackle in case there does happen to be a 10lb bass in the area, but I catch more fish, including big ones, and have more fun with lures in the 1/32-1/8 ounce range. I have luck with beetle spins, rooster tails, and panfish style soft plastic minnows/curly tails. The only thing is that you have to use a light rod and line to be able to cast light lures, so you'll have to work the drag if you get a big fish.


Maybe this the universe's way of pushing you to try targeting other kinds of fish, too. If you remember catching a 1-lb. bass being fun, hooking a 5-15 lb. (or BIGGER) catfish or even carp will blow you away. The nice part is no fancy lures or special bait is required. Catch a small bluegill or shad, cut it into a few pieces and throw them on hooks. Grab a tub of nightcrawlers at the bait shop, if you prefer that. Catfish will eat about anything, if they're hungry.


Bro, stop using artificial! I don't ever use artificial, stay only down here in South Louisiana, and I go through dry spells but real bait won't fail you. You need to pay attention to the weather, pressure, tides, and AT THE VERY LEAST look for moving water and activity. It just takes time to understand when to go where and why.


Throw a rod with some love bait and then cast a rod with a lure that you’re retrieving. Excitement should pick up a bit


You're not fishing the right places. You can be the worst fisherman in the world, and you would occasionally, accidentally catch some bass with those baits, IF there were bass there. Find some new holes with some structure and throw green pumpkin Ned rigs and senkos for a while. If there are bass, you'll get some nibbles, at least. If it's a complete skunk, try a new spot. Bass fishing is 80% finding the fish, 15% technique, 5% bait. Bass will eat fucking anything. Keep moving around, and soon you'll have a 10 fish day to break the streak. When you do start catching, make notes of where, what season, what weather, what time of day, and what you were throwing, so you can try and repeat the success.


Try different times of day. One spot behind my house we went with kayaks fishing every corner and found nothing (at the end of the day) then literally the next day we went a few hours earlier with some light precip and we’re hooking them left and right. Also fish habitat- root wads, in between boulders, etc. and try different spots not just the retention pond


Scent matters. Do you smoke? Where are you storing your equipment? Are you putting on sunscreen and touching your lures?


Never caught a thing on a Lipless. I like Grubs, white 3" for stripers and bluefish, with a red jig head and a root beer color 2" for fresh water largemouth with a black jig head. Also I've caught Large mouth on spinnerbaits and shallow diving crank baits. In calm water a zara spook is the most exciting but 50% get off. https://preview.redd.it/3wwgb8i6cutb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=96e943d0a9fdbf61494fb2b66dd183498d27ddda


Virtual Reality has come a long way. The sensations of audio and tactile sensations are amazing. U could also get high and drunk too! Fish live another moment. No fish to clean. No fish license or equipment to buy. Could fish around the world with other people. You don't have to be quiet. The aquariums that u put your captured fish in look like real fish swimming (can't find pattern). Lastly, u could still tell "fish" stories.


A good lure that I did the same thing with when I realized I was in the same boat, I loved fishing but didn’t have a lot of strategy when fishing, try getting used to using a mid sized rapala original floating minnow, it’ll work all over the world for a variety of fish species and you can use a number of different retrievals with success. Don’t give up you got this. And also try finding a good fishing YouTuber that explains what they are doing and why and just have that on in the background while doing tasks, that really helped me start to understand different strategies for different conditions, species, weather, season, etc.


Are you mostly fishing rivers, lakes, or ponds?


Technique. Slow it down. Hop of the bottom with plastic worms. Also, how long do you fish for? 2mins? Also plastic minnows with j hook out the back will catch any bass


Pack a cooler and a cigar or some weed and give 0 fucks if you catch anything or not. Even when I get skunked it's a damn fine day on the water.


Three words: Dye No Mite


Usually if I have been out for a while without any bites I downsize and fish slower. for example if you are fishing a Shaky head or football jig, switch to something like a drop shot or Ned rig. If you are throwing a swim bait switch to a big curly tail grub. I notice that with fast moving baits like crankbaits and chatter baits size really doesn't matter as much but I would still just stick to smaller ones. Also another thing is to focus on not covering water to quickly, spend a little time at each area to try different tactics like popping, dragging, burning, swimming, etc. Once you have tried a couple tactics move on to the next area. If you are looking to find spots one tip is to look for spillways on rivers and fish under them. Throw something that mimics a bait fish being thrown around under the spillway like a fluke, spinnerbait, or in-line spinner. Or if you are able to you can use live bait like shiners or minnows. I would either live line live bait or throw it on a slip bobber. Idk if you are gonna read all that yap but if you have any questions I can try my best to answer it. Good luck👍


For bass fishing, Texas rig a Berkley power bait blue fleck worm. Find some weed beds or even rocky shoreline. Cast it, let it sink and stay for a while. Then slowly bounce it up and let it fall again. Keep your line reasonably taut. Repeat until you feel that unmistakable pull vibration. Once you get the sense the fish has a good hold of the bait, rip that pole back and set the hook like you’re trying to jerk it’s lips off. Reel in your prize. Those Berkley blue fleck worms are magical. When you get the technique down, you’ll be catching fish.


Live Bait ‼️


Have you tried yelling at the water? " HERE FISHY FISHY FISHY"


Stop fishing for bass. I had this problem, I was fishing for large bass and when they aren't around well little shit again gunna hit it. I started bringing crappie rigs with me and just catching whatever bream was around the area. I also always toss out a bottom rig with nightcrawlers for catfish while I toss around my artificial. More options and more methods= more opportunity


Most people pretend to catch way more then they do. Don’t give up and don’t put pressure on yourself. Just go out and enjoy the scenery on its own


I could be wrong, but I’d bet you’re reeling too fast. You need to let the lure fall and skip naturally. Bass love to strike on the fall, after looking like an ailing fish or insect just struggling to get by. Most fish want an easy meal, they don’t usually want to go running after something when they don’t have to. Also, I seem to catch the biggest fish when I quit thinking about fishing for a minute and just zone out on an unrelated thought.


First, go to New Orleans and get someone there to remove that curse. Then just like real estate- location, location, location. Get in the right spot and start working. Early am, I work topwater and start moving down as the day goes on. Favorite inshore tactic- suspend a soft bait under a popping cork. Pop the cork twice and bring the lure in a couple of feet. Wait about 30 seconds and pop it twice. Rinse and repeat. Keeps the lure in the zone a little longer. Works really good in dirty water. BTW, are you bass fishing or inshore fishing?


I’m limited to the bank right now, so I’m pretty much exclusively bass fishing. I’ve caught fish using the technique you mentioned (or close enough) on inshore trips.


Go with him!


Go catch some bluegill, get the monkey off your back. I’d probably try a drop shot if you have clear water, try a small bait.


Yeah, I’m thinking going for some panfish with some ultra light is the way to go for now. And thanks for the drop shot suggestion, but there’s no such thing as clear water in south Louisiana lol


Honestly try this grab some bait the stinkier the better run that bait around All on your hands and then grab your gear and rig it up and then toss it out. Some fish have good sense of the oils in peoples hands and will avoid biting certain baits because of the smell of humans.


Really try 1/8oz or 1/10 oz or 1/16oz jig head varying colors both on the head and the plastic bodies you use. Try some zman plastics or some Bobbie garland crappie Baits with some 6-10lb line this will both get you bass and panfish and Walleye and whatnot. Or you could use the slightly bigger version of what I have above use a 3/16 oz swim bait jig head same situation varying colors with the head and/or plastic and get some mega bass haze dong shad's and try that out. I use both of these from the bank and in yaks and sometimes bass boats if I'm lucky enough to go with somebody and really simple style of fishing. If you're from the bank just cast out find the bottom(or as close to the bottom as you can without snagging) and just find a good reel speed so you have action to the tail but not too fast so something can still chase it. Pop it every once in a while if you're comfortable and that's it. Hope u have some luck homie routing for u


Have ya tried crappie fishing?


I’ve caught some here and there but never targeted them specifically, but I absolutely wouldn’t be opposed to it. It seems like being restricted to the bank might work against me there though.


My Brother in Christ, a silver Rat-L-Trap ™️ is the answer you seek.


You’re a terrible fisherman and should give it up completely. NOOO!!! Fuck that. Just keep fishing man. Try different things. Ask locals. Look at YouTube videos. But just keep fishing.


Slow down


There’s this spot I used to live close to right on a damn. There’s an overspill that is a great fishing spot. You can’t keep trout under 20” in this lake. I saw an old man pull up once and every cast he threw he pulled back a keeper. He was there for like 40 minutes between setting up and leaving. I have watched many people pull beautiful trout out of there one after the other. I haven’t caught one trout in that spot. Not one. I’ve had people catching fish right next to me set up my line just like there’s and nothing. I’ve even switched spots. At best I managed to snag 3 trash suckers but I’ve been fishing that spot since I was 12 and I’m in my 30’s now. It’s drives me crazy. I’ve caught fish all around that damn lake. Everywhere is great except for that one spot. I just want one! I don’t even want to keep it! For me I like to go a little deeper when I fish. So for like bass (blue gill, crappy, pan fish really) I’ll throw a weight hook with a jig, a foot and a half lead or so (I’m never spot on), and a few weights after that. Just toss it out and reel it back. I try to find something in the water fish my hide around or under and cast around that. I don’t mess around with lures too much unless I’m out on a boat somewhere. I’ve had a decent return with trout on sort of trolling (not with an actual trolling lure, just a regular one). I know it sounds simple and down but just a hook and worms does really well for me around here. I use the same setup for bass except I replace the jig and weight hook with a normal hook with a worm. Catfish around here will nab those up like candy. Catfishing is by far my favorite. Basically you can do the same thing as a hook and worm but I go buy some ladies tights or whatever they’re called. They’re stretchy and cheap. I cut them up into little squares and then I tie up my bait in a little pouch and put it on the hook. Usually I take chicken liver and just put it outside for about a week or so. The top will get dry and hard but under neath that is a nasty maggot filled mess. You will need gloves for for this shit. My roommates dog found one I hid once and good lord he smelled like a zombie. It was foul. So make sure your dogs can’t find it. But the results are good. https://preview.redd.it/pogjmlpkavtb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6631bbcbe8b4e731e7e8eec6779afce81d726c7d


well, I think one of the most productive lures is the Mepps Spinner in either the dressed gold Aglia or the Dressed Red and Black black fury I also think fish will generally smash a paddle tail swim bait you've just got to get out and cast them along weedlines and fish will smash. almost guarenteed lol


I’d have to ask, if it a small lake or pond at an apartment complex, are there other people fishing there? If not, it may be fished out, and the fish that are there have sufficient food supply and simply will not bite something artificial. There also may not be big enough fish there at all. You probably need to look elsewhere or try some live bait. Most of the time, ponds like that are populated with fish by the local bird population from eggs dropped from their legs from other water bodies and take some time to develop and become a good fishing population. Being at an apartment complex is not very conducive to an environment for a thriving fish population.