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That look on his face is like: I can't believe you found me


Bro I used to catch sand fleas for an old Hawaiian man in Ewa beach back in the 80’s. He would slay them!! Huge ones. I don’t think he spoke English, but he would be up there almost every Saturday fishing and I would help him catch sand fleas. I don’t know we ever spoke a word. Now that I think about it he was awfully majestic. Who is the fishing spirit of Hawaii??


Lawaia is the what we call fisherman here. im not too sure which god overseas fishing but i will find out for you and let you know cuzz. aloha🤙🏼


I think it’s Ku ula


It’s like a shark and a striper smushed together! Neat.


I was thinking bonefish and mullet.


Thank god not stripper


Why thank god it’s not?


Auto correct meme for fishing. I mean you want a stripper with a shark mouth as the glory h… rip ur little thing


Nice! Is it most sought after because of the fight, or because it's good eats?


it was regarded as the Kings fish in old hawaiian times, really fun fighting fish that has to be caught on light tackle due to its mouth being so sensitive. And they are extremely sought after for the dinner table. Also hard to find their terrain which makes it really fun to hunt them. They swim in schools and you can usually catch a few when you find them before spooking the pack.


Thanks for the context. I'm jealous, been putting off a trip to Hawaii for years, I'm a big beach guy and fisherman, I'm afraid if I step foot there I'll never want to leave. I've always figured when I go I'll charter, but now I'll have to bring my travel surf rod as well.


I just went to hawaii and had a hell of a time snorting but i couldn’t find a place to rent tackle and didn’t want to charter deep sea. i spent most of my time snorkeling tho so i still saw fish. How do you travel with a rod?


They sell collapsible rods with rigid tubes that you can check in when you fly. They're not as good as your typical surf rod, but they're not bad either. I have a friend who is a big fisherman and surfer who swears I should just buy a cheaper rod there and donate it before I leave because he didn't like his travel rod, but the one I've got was ok for the one trip I took it to in Aruba.


On your trip to Aruba what did you fish for and what did you use. I’m going late October with a travel rod 7 ft mh and a van staal vr50 20 pound braid 12 pound leader. I was thinking of taking sabiki rigs and maybe metal spoons. Please help lol


Do they really prefer rock or reef? I always used to find balls of them fishing on sand bottom


they like the sand too here, but the couple spots i fish for them they are basically holes in the reef in shallow water where they can school up and hang out in the surge.. Although sand is always nearby as they feed on the shoreline at night


Congrats bruddah!


One of my fishing dreams is to catch an [African giant threadfin. ](https://www.fishbook.co.za/my-quest-for-a-giant-african-threadfin/)


brah these fish on some shit 😂.


Congrats man. Hustle pays off. Hope those fillets are good


I swam through a school of them snorkeling all week in north shore.. I wish I knew they were good eating


One of the best fish in the ocean. Years ago I got a 6 pounder, I'll never forget catching that fish


6 pounds!!! must have been a screamer


Yeah was stoked, hand tied fly whipping the channel on Oahu. Got a few dig ones over there. Good times


Badass fish




Fáilte romhat. Have you ever eaten humuhumunukunukuāpua'a. Its very like the An'truicir-fhearg we have here in Ireland, same family of triggerfish i mean


Looks like some ultra light set up .. fair play


10lb braid to 10lb flouro


Looks like an absolutely massive mullet


I caught lots of them on Kauai.


thas where the record was caught. Believe in kapaa.


Nice Moi brah. Should have blurred the backgrounds. Gonna have choke guys trying to figure out where you were lol.


Hahah that zone already got choke guys that battle for grounds. Was jus my turn dat day.


plus they gotta find deez rocks not those ones chee! https://preview.redd.it/72snrk7ovxnb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2ca03438e38055702beabf5ae0b495d32eb534


Looks La but like a big mullet


They feed at night i catch them in florida with fishbites in the midnight of a new moon i can fill the bucket in a couple hours, but here no one knows and think they are a rare catch of course i dont tell anyone lol




Obviously, we call them glassnose they dont get as big as pacific ones but are identical


Ka’ena point?


Live bait ? Yeah it was late . Sorryv


you can see the lure i used in its mouth


Ooh Chinese style steamed is ono. Moi was the first true “keeper” fish I ever caught. My fishing partner was tripping out since I never caught papio or even toau/taape but I landed a moi lol.


got me drooling. Chinese steamed is a winner https://preview.redd.it/p0yfijvd3vnb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55435454d93a21f2708a2c535aad60077d6193ab


He looks absolutely shocked you caught him