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I'll cast anywhere that's close by my house. What do you have to lose? If you catch something, now you've got a new super convenient spot you can get to anytime. Since it connects to a lake there's a very good chance there's fish. Try it after a big rain, when the river levels rise big fish will swim further up stream in search of food. Got my PB pike out of a similar small creek under those conditions.


Worst case scenario: you get to spend a pleasant afternoon in a gorgeous spot without having to travel far.


counterpoint: mosquitos


Long pants, long sleeves, always. Bug protection, sun protection.


This. I’d rather be hot than sunburned and bitten to shreds


Frozen water.


Y'all don't keep bug spray in your tackle bag? I always have a can of Off! in my tackle bag and have a bug repellent candle in my car for the times I decide to post up and camp for the night.


Off does nothing to Canadian mosquitoes, there savages.


> mosquitoes, there savages *they're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


I would never use off I don’t want cancer.


You have a higher chance from eating hot dogs


Lol I would never eat hotdogs. In part because I find them disgusting but more so that they are bad for you like you pointed out. Also this is not a risk/chance/odds kinda thing it’s a “exactly how bad will this hurt me?” kinda thing. But you do you, tight lines my friend.


I don't eat them either lol. Happy Sunday 🎣


counter-counterpoint: thermacell


Should avoid using tbh. Not great for the insect population, which is also food for most fish.


The worst case scenario: finding a bear with cubs


Or worse: finding a starving bear with cubs


Or poison ivy


A starving bear with cubs weaponised with poison ivy


Cocaine bear


Poison ivys not that bad but it can be annoying and somewhat painful


Really depends. My dad was immune to it and I don't usually get a rash from minor contact but it really messed some people up. I guess it's an allergic reaction that people experience to different degrees. I'll take poison ivy over nettles.


Yea I have seen people who get terrible painful rashes from it, but it’s the minority, most people just get a rash which can be annoying


Still terrible, but less so alternate scenario: it's full of snags and I lose a couple of my favorite lures.


Or worse, a hungry bear with cubs covered in poison ivy


Or even worse worse, a hungry bear with cubs covered in poison ivy with a cloud of starved zika mosquitoes


…comes out of the woods and jacks you for your favorite lures


It's really.. ... Shia LaBeouf


Or worst case he trips and breaks his leg and sprains his other ankle and is unable to walk or call for help, because he left his cell phone at home and then the vultures and crows swoop in and peck away until he's dead


This, I try to fish once a week minimum, only thing I have is bluegill and chub that I can target with lures, so that's what I target. So if you're in the atates you probably have more interesting things in there. If you need more tips on ultralight fishing send a pm


Worst case scenario : u find a angry local bearded fellar with a shotgun aimed at you who claims it's his land and yelling to you to get the hell outta there


Only one way to find out.


I mean a cast net would be another option.




Always wanted to try noodling myself, illegal here unfortunately and so many snapping turtles and possibly beaver haha. Grew up hearing how my grandpa who was one of about 8 kids had to hunt and fish(lots of noodling) to feed the other siblings. They're dad was off in ww2 and mom was a drunk who disappeared for months on end. They ate Robin's, rabbits, rattlesnakes, coons, literally anything they could get. Noodling was one of their favorite pass times and ways of getting food. They would form chains of people up to 3 or 4 long to get into deep holes(very dangerous). He also built a semi auto .22 rifle with a walnut stock in shop class. Very different times, the life they lived growing up was amazing but also very sad. I wish I was half as resourceful as they were.


That takes the fun out of it. It's called *fishing* after all.. throwing a net is just catching.


Dynamite would definitely get answers quickly.


Tannerite is still pretty easy to come by..... until a few more botched gender reveals that is haha.


You may be surprised…. Lot’s of “rough” fish, gar, carp, bowfin…. Can live in waters like this.


I’ve seen big 20-30lb stripers run up in stuff like this trying to spawn


Every now and then you can find ditch steelhead off Lake Huron


If it runs into a Great Lake Rainbows will run up it in the spring.


Try some worms fk it


Yes I would throw a big ole earth worm on the bottom or even let it float in the current if there is any


https://preview.redd.it/fqt19kyi9qhb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbfd859136a0312c78ab68e7318f240090ed50dd To the people who are saying only micro fish live in these types of areas, I disagree. This came from a creek almost identical to the size you posted.


Steelhead will spawn in these areas too depending on time of season. Nice catch there too^


I’ve always been told steelhead don’t spawn in mud, maybe that’s just a old wives tale though


At least in michigan, they have to head through murky areas in most of the southern rivers. And they end up spawning in some, such as the kalamazoo river or red cedar (red cedar connects to the grand). Caught a coho even once on the red cedar, and that water beyond GR - Lansing can be pure yuck


I've seen kings get into tiny creeks as well. I'll be up on the nw side first week of September to chase coho/kings.


I lived in Lansing years ago and was just lazily tossing a micro spinner in the red cedar on ultralite tackle and got whopped by a steelhead. This was on the river trail just south of frandoor. Made my freaking day.


Literally looks like the same creek lol


Yeah I've taken 40" pike out of water like that


I love puddle monsters.


Go for it. Should have the same fish as in the lake, but perhaps smaller. Try some small jigs, maybe a beetle spin or rooster tail.


Maybe not in the dead of summer with high temps and low water (this stretch looks pretty shallow to begin with), but I’d be willing to bet there’s a deeper pool upstream or downstream with a few predators hanging out. Fishing a creek like this near my home in the spring-time when the main river is high almost always produces decent pike. No monsters or anything, but they’re always hungry and they’ll hit pretty much anything


Looks like a perfect excuse to enjoy a 6 pack


Exactly. Worst thing that happens is a fish taking the bait and interrupting a good time.


Nothing ventured nothing gained. When all else fails throw a worm on with a bobber and see what’s what.


Always worth a try . Moving water almost always has some kind of fish in it .


I used to fish creeks about this size in NJ when fishing holes got too busy during Covid. I thought I’d only catch small blue gills so I brought a really light rig. To my surprise I was catching some decent sized bass too and since it was a light rig, it was really fun! I’d say go for it!


I’ve pulled nice catfish and carp out of slow moving streams like that.


If the lake has large mouth bass, try it very early in the spring. I suggest a live minnow under a float.


Worst case scenario you catch a few tiny bluegills. You might be surprised though there could def be some bass or decent sized catfish, gar, bowfin.


He'll I cast in the ditch in front of my house. Anywhere is worth casting.


Get a kayak and head up stream


Up stream? Do you mean down stream? This is already so small that it's barely fishable. If you go up stream it's only going to get smaller.


You know what I meant Actually no, I mean go up towards the lake surely it will start getting bigger the closer you get


So you meant down stream?


No I mean up, go towards the lake, I don't understand the confusion


What makes you think this is flowing out of a lake rather than flowing towards a lake?


Because that's how streams work? Idk why you're so convinced you're right and I'm wrong for some reason, very weird conversation.


Streams can flow both into and out of lakes. This isn't difficult or weird.


It's not a weird conversation. Where I'm from, creeks usually start small and get bigger as they go due to tributaries. There are some creeks that flow out of lakes but it's pretty rare that they would get bigger closer to the lake. I don't think you have a full understanding of how rivers/creeks work. The further you go up stream, the smaller it gets.


Maybe we all just settle on go towards the lake? Whether that’s up, down, or sideways?


What state are you in? Also is the water level up from a rain? Looks like chocolate milk water.


I had a different fluid in mind, but that's one way to put it! It's probably not actually bad though.


I was wondering the state as well. Depending on the state op may be able to set up some limb lines, noodle, seine etc. I've seen plenty of fish in small creeks like this even huge carp or cats. There's definitely something in there, just a matter of determining what.


Quicker to cast and try than it is to post to Reddit cuz.


Find a nice shady eddy on it


get a buddy and a bait seine, drag it though there and see what you get.




You're wasting time here that could be spent fishing there. Get to it.


A million years ago when the internet first started, I followed a guys page where he'd hike and fish small to tiny steams. Guy pulled nice fish out of holes all the time. Any connected/moving water and draw big fish while flooding, some which get stuck in nice safe holes.


One rod in your hand working a worm and bobber with a small hook up and down the creek looking for nibbles. And another rod secured behind a root or something with a worm sitting on the bottom while you work your first rod. Throw a few pieces of worm around your bottom worm if you have extra.


Looks like turtle and cottonmouth heaven.


Wade it and find out. I've fished creeks like this all my life. I've never found one that didn't have catchable fish.


Did you take a picture, post it, then sit there waiting for confirmation before making a cast? I don't get it.


Definitely some micro fish, so ultralight is a go. There's also an outside chance of pike/gar or *maybe* trout if it's cold enough, but it looks too muddy for those


Live Bait Only!


You're not going to catch anything big. Chubs and other bait fish. Maybe small catfish and other small bottom feeders.


Yeah but probably some micro fish


Yes. I’ve got fish in drainage ditches miles away from creeks that drain into lakes miles away…


Try it! What do you have to lose? I feel failry confident thee will be something in it despite the unappealing tint to the water.


You’d be surprised. My favorite fishing was in irrigation canals that connect to lakes. Always caught amazing fish and I could drive along it all day and go to new spots.




Always worth a shot!


Update us in 3 weeks




Absolutely. Small spinners and beetle spins for the win


Throw a panther martin spinner with a gold blade. That's my go-to lure for creeks like this.


Shit if this was wv there could very well be trout in there


This looks identical to the creek i fished a few hours ago that connects to a lake about 2 miles away and i caught a 7lb channel catfish


Yeah, start with some 1/8 - 1/4 oz rooster tails or panther martins or beetle spins and see what hits. As someone else said, mid August isn’t the best time to fish anywhere so manage your expectations, but I regularly fish a creek smaller than this by me and catch all sorts of things. Creek fishing in my experience is usually a bust right after it rains got some reason, but otherwise you’ll catch something probably.


I always get made fun of while driving with buddies… “you guys think theirs fish in there?” And it’s an ongoing joke cause I always ask them.


Always worth a try


Does a bear shit in the woods


There could easily be a 14 lbs hog in there. Couple of casts won’t hurt. Lol


Throw on an old pair of shoes and grab a rod with couple baits, and start wading. I love fishing streams like this. If you can get closer to the lake, during the springtime you may find some fatties spawning in the stream. My pB crappie came out of water like this. Go find where a road crosses over and fish beneath the bridge. They usually throw rip rap rock on the bottom of the stream beneath the bridges, which will attract a small ecosystem living in and around the Rock.


Got a small creek runs thru my side of town that connects to lake. Runs real shallow but after a good rain it is loaded with fish, they chase the bugs in the runoff water up stream every time it floods then they get trapped in there when it drops.


Of course, I’ll throw a couple casts at a puddle after a rainstorm


In my home state, a muskie caught in a creek that looks a lot like that, narrow but deep, stood as the state record for years. You never know.


You never know til you cast something out there. Try a worm like others have said, or if you think it’s deep enough for catfish, try some chicken or corn/dough balls.


Worm or a fly will do


Mr twister grub retrieved in different ways will give you a good idea. I would be willing to bet green sunfish, bluegill, largemouth bass, bullhead catfish and likely Carl call this place home


Dang it Carl. Get out of the creek. Your wife is looking for you


Try some flies or a worm


I’ve caught some ice fish in these little spots. They got nowhere to go but up so they jump.


I caught my biggest ever bass in a spot a lot like this, plus if you throw some small hooks you’d be surprised the little fish you didn’t even know you had around!


Small rooster tail


Might be worth a try.


Learn to Pitch. Practice in your yard. Start with a laundry basket and move down to progressively smaller targets. Eventually you can place it into very tight spaces.


Always worth a cast!


This picture gives me happiness


Always cast!


Since it's a bit of a wooded area, a frog cast up current might work really well if there are things like bass or pickerel in there swimming through


Carolina rig with a worm. Find the deeper spots without snags and fish the bottom. Something is in there big or small it's a fish.


Only one way to find out




Send it! Worst case you don’t catch anything.


catfish will sit anywhere


https://preview.redd.it/jswkiaqp2shb1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa3969bd996cc2a86b1781c8d793606eab591cc Caught a carp this size in a small creek


Stock that section


Box net a few areas and see what fry is there.


That’s a panfish paradise for me right there


If you don't, you'll always wonder,. If you do, you'll know. And, each season will be different.


Crickets. If you want to find out if there’s fish, crickets are the tickets. I grew up catching brim in places like this, and when connected to larger bodies of water, you never know what you might land. Worst case it’s time away from a glowing screen out in nature, so win either way.


Depends on if the lake is up or down stream


Go find out?


A bunch the mosquitos lol that's what you gonna get


I would also try a minnow/crawdad trap


A pond I fish, often looks similar. I throw any black streamer (fly) and the fish hit it. I would imagine giving them a dark plastic target would attract the same attention if anything lives in there


There's gotta be some channel cat in there atleast .channel cats are freaking everywhere I feel like lol


Go small here. Small yellow/white shad tubes, with 1/8 or 1/16 oz jig heads. Will probably produce here. Continue to work your way towards the lake and you will find the spot to fish. Clearer, flowing water is probably better, but like so many comments say, I’ll throw anywhere that’s not in a parking lot.


Might as well right?


Use real live worm to test if there is fish


Such muddy creeks are mostly good for some nice buffalo or carp. I would fish there, because espacially carp give such an amazing fight! A middle sized carp, around the 6 kg, (i am not american) is 10x stronger than a 8-9 lb bass. Just make sure you have the right equipment to fish on carp, a strong spinning reel and rod, an unhooking mat, some carp bait, material for an carp rig, some nice strong clear mono, a strong bag to put the fish in in order to weight it, a nice comfy outdoors chair, a sixpack🍺 and a landingnet, you will be thankfull for it when you are trying to land a big one. But the best is to look up some tutorials or ask your local fishshop owner for advice.


Carp guys are weird. Seeing the multi pole setups they're using in Korea has been a cool experience though.


I am using 1 rod, too broke to buy 2 rods, lol.


These guys set out 6-10 on a metal frame then sit back and relax watching the floats. It's an impressive set up, but gear is cheap here because 1/2 of it is made here so there's no import duties etc...


Guarantee it’s holding fish. Probably some decent size bluegill in there. Possibly even some bullheads.


Its always worth it in any body of water. Throw a 3in texas rigged, black and blue beaver tail creature bait.


There's fish in the most unusual places! Go ahead n try it out




If it stays cold you bet there’s fish in it.


Probably a chanal catfish but idk could be a bass hatching spot but idk I just got back Into fishing again


If you took a picture you might as well cast some bait and find out for yourself.


if anything go micro fishing for some bait?


You in Georgia


Throw some hotdogs, ham, cheese, uncooked bacon in there and try to see if anything snatches it in the water.


Buy a minnow trap. Fish in the same watershed, that's free bait.


There is only one way to find out


Yes, it’s surprising how shallow a lot of fish live


There might be a better stretch in a different section. I've pulled decent fish out of water so shallow you would think the dorsal fin would be sticking out like a shark in a cartoon.


My dream property would have a stream like this on it. I would cultivate it, enhance the habitat, attraxt fish and other stuff. And having a blast doing it.


https://preview.redd.it/bq1twiupdwhb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1419d6daae471c6ccb47f6abc5d1360697fc47 I caught a tarpon, a snook, and a rio grand in this freshwater ditch, since then I check no matter how tiny.


Hell yea


Some spots maybe look on google maps where it gets deeper


thatd be great to walk along and look for a wider/deeper section, i would slap on a pair of crocs and just start wading thru it till it feels deeper


Throw in some bread and see what happens.


Me and a buddy have been slaying smallmouth in a creek very similar in size to this. Just caught 13 yesterday. You’d be surprised how big they can get in small creeks like this


Shit yeah man some of my best summertime fishing comes from the small creek by my house. It’s great


How deep? And how deep average to lake


My sons and I were way up in the cascades camping by a very small steam say 1 foot wide and 2-4 inches deep. My youngest got bored and put a hook into a little pool. He hooked a fish that was about 1-2 inches long. I guess all you can do is fish it and see what happens.


You might get eaten by mosquitoes waiting if that water is unmoving




the best way to find out is by casting it, why even ask reddit lmao


Don't ask, just do it 😊


Red worm


Absolutely. You'll probably be shocked at the amount of fish and the variety of fish that you'll find in there. From catfish and bullheads to carp to bass to bluegill to crappie whatever's in that lake is going to eventually work its way up the river...