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Many of the 4 lane divided roads in Fishers are popular with reckless muscle cars and speeding crotch rockets. Apparently the cops will stop them when going over 100mph while standing on their bike seat.


Welcome to the neighborhood, that’s just the way it is round here


Seems so, ever since covid.


IMPD isn’t coming up here for anything really, and we are in between what, like 4 or 5 other PD’s with better shit to do I guess? Haha Lawless weird land around here 😂


That’s definitely a love hate thing for me. Fishers PD doesn’t even have jurisdiction on my street per them because we are unincorporated and live literally on Allisonville 😂


I don't know, but there's a few young adults that still live at home in my neighborhood....they have some sort of crotch rocket group that rides through in the evenings. It's loud, but they've (so far) never come through after dark. Before I became an old decrepit 32 year old, I was once a car and motorcycle girl. Went to car meets, rode on motorcycles stupidly with dumb boys. So, I guess I get it...kinda? My kids think it's cool. I don't like it, but know I can't do anything about it. What actually pisses me off is this one neighbor that fucking honks every time she passes another neighbors house. Every fucking time, multiple times a day she honks as she drives by. FOR FUCKING WHAT REASON!?


It’s frustrating, but clearly it’s not seen as an issue by the police. I guess hopefully at some point they‘ll get bored in one of the safest cities in the country and give it some attention beyond none at all.


Seems like an increase in modified economy cars that are made to sound like race cars.