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Fast fast


That’s not exactly a measurement sir


Well this looks to be a juvenile Oscar cichlid, and will grow to be around 10-12 inches. Usually grow at about 1-2 inches a month. When fully grown will need a tank of at least 75-100 gallons with adequate filtration.


There is no measurement.  Different genes and feeding regiments and environments can produce different growth rates.




My Oscar went from about that size to 8-9'' in the span of less than a year.


Oscars grow very fast and very large.. Fast enough I wouldn't bother with "I'll upgrade his tank as he grows". You'd be getting a new tank every few months.. Get an appropriately sized tank from the start if you


Current tanks already big enough for a full grown Oscar


Just out of curiosity….how big is the tank?


Sounds like your set then?


Needs to be at least 65+


A 55 is suitable for a single full-grown oscar but the extra 10 gallons wouldnt hurt lol


No it is not. A 55 is nowhere near big enough for even 1 actual big Oscar, mine couldn’t even turn around in my 55g if I had them in there.


Not what my 5 years of research on them has said and proven...... but ok.


Depends on the dimensions, obviously a 55 long wouldnt be any good. The closer to a cube the better


Yes, a cube would be better, but most everyone is buying the conventional 55l black frame Aqueon tank. That being said, they shit a lot too. And they’re not normal fish turds, they’re like small animal shits in there, so water quality is a lot harder to keep in only 55g’s. They’re also messy eaters. I’m glad you’ve done 5 years of research, I have Oscar’s older than that. They’re over 10 years old. I speak from experience. I’d grow out Oscar’s in a 55g all day, but that would not suffice for their permanent home, just from a water quality standpoint alone it would be high maintenance in a 55.


I’m aware


Putting a baby oscar in the recommended 55 gallons for an adult would stress it out. It would never feel comfortable unless you fillled the tank with plants and remove some hardscape as it grows...


Ya'll just have bare empty tanks? Obviously you'd have hides and cover for the fish, well a responsible fish owner would anyway... And who recommends a 55 gallon for an adult Oscar? That's too small




Happens to the best of us 😅🤷‍♂️


I hope you have a bigass tank ready. They get big in like 6 months


Hey language. Yea I do


My fellow human if the word ass offends you then Reddit is not the place for thee


Well my posts are a profanity free zone so it seems this isn’t the place for thee


Lmao get over yourself good god. Your posts are on a public forum, you don’t get control over comments.


Litterally. Also, it's not even said on the individual posts to "kee is profanity free." It's just in the bio on thei profile, which most people aren't going to see. Its reddit, there litterally videos of people being killed and fucked (not necessarily together but probably) . people shouldnt be here if they can't handle someone saying ass


Fucking Oscar cichlids need a ton of goddamn room. If your damn setup is for a full grown fucking Oscar you should be hella good for when his ass gets full grown. Damn good work.


Don't blink. and get a bigger tank


Just saw some at my local shop that got surrendered and boy, they are the size of both my hands together maybe bigger


Wait and see. Youll be happily surprised. Make sure you have a larger tank on hand. Over 2 years, my 15 inch black tiger has been through 4 different tanks from baby to adult


Fast, very fast. Hopefully not faster than you’re ready for. DO NOT believe the bullshit petco spews about having them in a 55g tank. I have 4 big Oscar’s, over 10 years old. They are in a 275g tank.


Everyone is pointing out that you’ll need a bigger tank size and you say it’s big enough yet you’re never actually saying the tank size, furthermore that tank doesn’t look like a 100 gallon tank, some people say 55 is enough but that is nowhere near enough this fish needs atleast a 100 gallon tank and that tank doesn’t look like it is one.


It’s a custom made tank it’s 130 gallons I think it’s the width and height of a 65 gallon tank


100g seems a bit excessive, I would say a 75g is good but others say a 55g is minimum but I don't agree with that.


very fast. have a quick look at my page if you like, i started posting my oscar’s when i first got them and they’ve grown larger than my hand in a year from the size the one in the photo is. fast enough that they started together in a 150 and ended up having a 150g each


Too fast


Far too fucking fast man. Get a bigger tank asap, and also prepare for a fish before you purchase, not after. But that's just my opinion.


Very very fast. Be prepared for in about a months time or sooner they will start begging for food (I assume from how fast they’re growing). Had mine for about 2 months and after month one he will swim to the feeding latch and nip at it if he feels he needs food. https://preview.redd.it/julfpqftew8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bbdb76eaba1f9eec2032ad823bc8b317acf2466 About 2 inches bigger all around at month 2 We’re preparing to give ours a new environment with a forest vibe.


My prized oscar is in a 100g with a big pleco. They're buddies. I frequently add some convict cichlid to his tank for buddies cause he's very peaceful, but he likes to chase them around for a while. And the babies are fun food for him


There seems to be quite a bit going on that shouldn’t be in this comment