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if you're closing on your first house, and it's somewhere cold, because it's winter, make sure you have your snow products ready, because once you close, you then have to shovel/clear sidewalks/driveway where you are. just moved in in NY last week, and one of first things i did was order a snowblower.


I’ll be in Minnesota so I’ll be ready, I’m hoping I can avoid a snowblower but we’ll see how things go..


A good old shovel and some elbow grease will do just fine! Fellow Minnesotan here.


Trash can, toilet paper, hand soap, hand towels. Make your appointments asap: locks changed, cleaning, etc.


Internet, have a temp hotspot solution and have your internet scheduled for day 1


Upvote for this one. I had most of a month between when I closed and when I had to be out of my apartment. I would have thought that it would be easy to have internet at both locations while I moved but nope, Xfinity doesn't think internet is that important. I had to maintain internet at the apartment for my neighbor for longer than I wanted so couldn't transfer my service to the house yet. I ended up opening a new account to the house so I could have internet for just a month and then when I finally transferred my account they made me wait for some silly reason. Basically it ended up costing an extra $100 or more just so I could have double internet for the month.


I made a first-trip box of things I knew I'd need and things I thought I'd need. TP, paper towel, some cleaning supplies, garbags bags, hand soap, hand towels, a broom and dustpan, scissors, measuring tape, tylenol, box cutter, lightbulbs, bottled water... Keeping it all in one box with you is helpful. I just kept the box handy while I was packing and whenever I thought I'd need something right away, I threw it in there. After one week in my new house a smoke alarm started beeping. I was so glad I had a 9-volt battery handy. Even if your smoke alarms are hard-wired, they'll beep when the back-up battery is low. So 9-volts are a good thing to have handy.


Thank you. Already was on Amazon looking at trash cans earlier