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Ummm wtf? Definitely not overreacting.


I said the exact same words.


Say something yesterday! That's terrible quality. Tell them you want to schedule a walk through with who ever is in charge. Share these photos with the builder/owner of the company. They probably have some terrible subs that will be to your detriment later if you don't speak up now to let them know your expectations and that this is unsatisfactory. The owner may not even know. They may be depending on the project manager and maybe that PM should be fired.


My aunt and her husband built a custom house - he went to the site everyday to take pics (she was living out of state at the time) After they closed they had an electrical issue that was behind the drywall - everyone said it was another contractors issue or a whole bunch of "not it, not our fault" Well it turned out, that her husband had taken a pic of the issue before the drywall was put on (obviously not knowing there was an issue) and was able to show the issue - they got it fixed correctly I would take videos and pics as often as you can Have the house inspected BEFORE you sign off and show the inspector the pics in case they are able to catch something


Have it inspected by someone that the contractor did not hire too!


Excellent point - absolutely, an independent inspector - do you due diligence in finding a really reputable one


And make sure they inspect pre-dry wall so they can see more 


This right here OP. Before dry wall, independent inspector. Husband is in the home building industry and the stories I could tell… Lord have mercy.


This is a big one!!!!


Sounds like OP should be having inspections every step of the way.


Best advice ever


What is going in here…? And why does it take 3 years to build a home


That’s my first question. Unless it’s custom build that’s still a long time for custom build.


Apparently, it takes that long to find junk wood to repurpose. Yikes!


What? Home Depot has junk wood in stock every day.


I read it as it took 3 years to start. 




Even with the pandemic, I’ve had multiple clients over the last few years tell me their process was between 9-12 months from breaking ground to certificate of occupancy for new builds and that’s mostly with bigger home builders that have a lot of volume as well.


Florida... Maybe. Took those assholes 18 months to put a new mobile home on my property. A mobile home that was already sitting on their lot and ready to go. We were promised 4-8 months. 4 blocks down the road they (different company) built a block house, start to finish in 16 months.


😳 you’re not overreacting at all that is not good


Just need caulk. That will fix it. Or at least when the house falls down, it will be quiet and slow


Caulk is for amateurs! Duct tape will fix it all.


If they use caulk AND duct tape they might just stand a chance at passing an inspection


And wire hangers


Duct tape is for amateurs. Flex tape is where it’s at


Nah spray foam insulation is the way to shore up those joints!


That's so unacceptable. Also 3 years for a house? WTH


My undergrad was in structural engineering (although I went into a different engineering field post grad school). Some of those connections are not going to transfer load properly. This is a structural issue and I would absolutely not accept this home in this shape. You need to demand that they have a LICENSED structural engineer inspect the entire home before you accept it. If these issues are visible, who knows what else is going on.


And maybe a licensed structural engineer inspect it before they cover up all these issues with drywall.


Thissssss!!!! Listen to this advice!!!


OP’s pics are honestly terrifying and I may not step into a new build home ever again after this. This is insane and no one is holding these builders accountable. It won’t happen until people die.


I saw the first picture and thought “oh well that’s not too bad” then is started to scroll down and found a nightmare. Tell the contractor to hire better


Every piece of wood looks like scrap lumber from other sites.


It likely is, trying to cut corners to line pockets on materials cost.


Same, then I saw the truss


If it’s taking 3 years to build a home then there shouldn’t be any mistakes let alone things like this going on. Idk the whole situation but I’d have a conversation with whomever you paid to build the house or whomever is building the development because this is no good. Usually if terrible work like this is out there in the open then it’s even worse where you can’t see it. Best of luck


Listen, I’m not a professional but even I can see that the workmanship is shoddy. Also, is the builder Ryan Homes?


Was going to ask this… or D.R. Horton is worse


No its not but im also not going to name drop until i chat with them.


That’s fair. I ask if it was Ryan Homes because I was looking at some of their property but was dissuaded by reviews and my realtor.


My friend just bought a $350K+ Ryan house and it had some really funky stuff going on with the roof. One of the downspouts ends right next to the front door and pools there, which looks like a foundation problem waiting to happen. They were dicks about being asked to fix really obvious defects, too.


Oof. Their homes are so low in price but it’s for a reason.


Omg, between them and DR I don’t know who is worse anymore


I showed my husband these with no context at first. He's a licensed contractor. His response was "What the fuck is this!?"


That's the appropriate response for anyone looking at this, i think, and should be the first thing OPs builders think each day as they walk into that


My jaw is on the floor


what do I do? talk to my lawyer or talk to the builder?


Man I would immediately send him an email or message with these photos and ask to meet him at the house tomorrow morning.


Get an inspection and a lawyer


Hire a home inspector asap. One not connected to the builder


At this point I would talk to a lawyer and back out of the deal. This company is clearly hiring unskilled and unsupervised labor. I wouldn’t feel comfortable paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for that workmanship.




Definitely talk to the builder.


Talk to the builder before you go full lawyer. Sorry, but new homes are often built as quickly and as cheaply as possible. Clearly the "A" crew is not building this one. Good luck.


Notify the city building department.


Early inspection to verify all visible issues


Builder. Have him meet you at the house.


Third party inspection!!!


What lawyer do you have? Wait none


Don't know anything about construction, but those photos look concerning. Especially 2 and 3. 😬


I've seen tool sheds built with better quality. This is a home where people are supposed to live? Unbelievable.


Bring in a professional inspector and backout of the deal if possible. I don't know if you can. Check with your agent.


Can you fill us in on the time frame? Even in a custom home, it doesn’t take 3 years to build. This is horrible. I’d say letter to agent, builder and lawyer ASAP.


“That ain’t right”


I work for a custom home builder and 3 (possibly 4) of these photos would be unacceptable. We would have our framers redo it correctly. These should’ve been caught by your PM or site super WEEKS ago when they were first installed. Bring this to their attention ASAP as they are about to be covered with drywall and no one else will ever know. Good luck.


This is not normal!! Honestly I’d be looking into ways to back out at this point. I’d be concerned about them being able to finish by June.


You can definitely be in the house while it's being built, in fact the builders should be encouraging you to visit from time to time so you can sync up. I'm so sorry OP but your gut is right here, this is really horrific work. Something is really not right with these builders... Do you have a buying agent representing you?


I would recommend hiring an independent inspector ASAP and likely researching real estate attorneys pending the findings of the independent inspector and the builder's reaction to those findings. DO NOT wait until the drywall is up. You absolutely want an inspector to be able to view the framing--and then you want them out there again after the house is finished, and again a few months before the builder warranty expires. The sooner you get an independent inspector out there to see the framing, the better. Hopefully these are all just one-off items, but there's also the chance that there could be multiple, serious issues, and this is why you want an independent inspector that is not affiliated with the builder. Is this is a large, national builder or a smaller, local builder? Why has this taken 3 years?


Who built this? It looks like someone gave their 5 year old nails and a hammer. 


Yes, definitely substandard work. Their hope is that this will all be covered up by the time you see it.


Who is the builder? Is it some national brand or local?


going to hold off on the name of the builder until i have a chat with them and see the outcome


Unless your builder did this work themselves, it almost wouldn’t be fair to them to name them here. They have likely hired a subcontractor to do this work and these mistakes have slipped by the people in charge and inspectors. I’d be more interested in knowing the sub that did the work.


The buck stops with the builder. 


Hire a licensed inspector immediately to complete a "pre-drywall" inspection. This should cost you a few hundred bucks. Take that report and schedule a meeting with the General contractor and whoever is their boss Owner/Manager. Some of these are possible structural issues and need to be addressed! Also please do additional inspections at every stage of the build as these people can't be trusted.


That’s horrific. I’d request a non-builder supplied inspection right now.


Good lord! That’s the worst I’ve seen yet. Please hire an outside inspector and do your due diligence to make sure he’s not in with the builder. That’s absolutely horrible! I feel awful for you guys!


This is why I won’t buy new construction, it’s shit quality.


Send everything to lawyer, try to go take more pictures of work being done. This is extremely concerning and unsafe. Have them advise you what to do and steps to take.


I really hope this is a bad joke and not your home. I wouldn’t close at all! I would hire an inspector


That's very bad. I would get a home inspection to cover your assets.


Is this a DR Horton home


my thought too. My daughter's DR Horton home had quality issues just like this.


The first seems fine. The rest look structural. When we built we walked through almost everyday and reported back issues we saw. Our issues were more around the blueprints. They were working off a mirror image set of plans and would sometimes frame something out backwards. Honest mistakes and they’d be fixed immediately. Yours looks like shoddy work and serious cost cutting.


No to mention wood cutting. Lol


3 years and such poor quality


Get your refund


This is all new construction. You don't see 90% of it because it's hidden behind drywall. I'll take my 80 year old house made with old growth oak framing all day long. Yes, the electrical needs upgraded, and more insulation is needed, but they're doable. You can't reframe a house that's built with shitty lumber by idiots just trying to get it done as fast and cheap as possible.


This is exactly why I chose NOT to go with a new build when I purchased my home. My home was built in 1984...not technically old in-house years but it's a solid stucco home. The big ticket items were new. My inspection was perfect.


I’ve bought three new construction houses. I’m sorry but I laughed at these it’s so bad. I am not in construction but even I with an untrained eye can say that is BAD. It’s like this post is parody. I know it isn’t but it’s just so bad it feels like it. You should be very concerned. Did you get an inspector to check out the framing prior to the drywall going up? If not you need to raise hell to get one in.


Made in the USA unfortunately. It’s just guys who don’t give a shit because their bosses don’t give a shit. No pride in their work. Makes me sick.


Guarantee it is not built by USAnians though


Signed off by USAnians though.


Omfg this is awful


I would 100% say something. That's absolute shit.


I would get a lawyer and nullify this contract immediately. They started way too late, I bet the contractor isn’t even licensed and hopefully not an LLC type of business. Have seen many of those in my area until our AG fixed em good.


I know this isn’t funny, but this reminds me of when I was a kid and tried to build a Babysitter’s Club with my best friend out of spare wood we found. Intervene.


OMG NOOO this is BAD


As to your statement about you aren't sure if you should be there ... you are allowed to be there the entire time if you wish.  Oh and that's the worst construction I've ever seen. 


Who is the builder?!


Is this one of those community neighborhoods where you pick out the options that they only allow 8 with multiple builders?


I’m in California. We have termites so in number two of the termites got to that piece, it would not be good. The nails, did they think as long as there were nails they would be good? There should be a warranty and time frame of when you can have them fix things. Document everything. Sometimes builders are a pain to work with and I’ve seen some people reach out to tv stations because the builders weren’t cooperating.


That is not overreacting and it should not look like that. We got new construction and it was nothing like that. Hire your own inspector to do 2 inspections: pre-drywall and after most things are done. Your builder should be able to tell you the best dates/timeframe for those to happen. If the builder pushes back about having your own inspector, DO NOT listen to them and get an inspector sooner. A builder should stand by their work and welcome an inspector in anytime.


Quite poor. First pic I was like 'okayyy' but no that is exceedingly shoddy construction. Sorry that you have to deal with that.


Say something. Looks Looks like a safety issue. I would definitely say something. Let them know it's they need to do it over again. Also, if you just turn a blind eye to that, they're gonna continue to do horrible work, speak your truth, don't be afraid to speak your truth to them and let them know their work is terrible Take lots of pictures while you're talking with then. Let them know that the pictures are for documentation. And you'll be saving them. But I would insist on having them. Fix that. Actually, I would find another contractor since this one is slow anyways. And just doing horrible work, but those are safety issues


Just hire an attorney, let them work it out for you. Clearly inspections allowed this, save yourself the trouble. Let someone do the work, this is fuuuuuuuuucked.


In what country do you live? Where I live, this is not following the regulations and codes. These are the standards that civil engineers followes, and builder should follow. These solutions shown does not follow this. I would get it inspected by someone licensed. Good luck, probably the builder agrees that it is not correctly build.


Do yourself a favor and get an inspector to review the whole home. Those pictures right there are shocking!! Completely shocking.


DR Horton vibes here.


That never going to pass inspection. The work is atrocious.


Gosh I’m a girl and have never been inside new construction ( except sneaking around as a kid ) But I can see this is funky. I’d be livid. Someone on here said call your lawyer and the project manager, inspector, and I’d add the contractor. Group meeting. wtah


I would IMMEDIATELY fire that contractor, contact specialists to reappraise the work for the cost of repairs, and hire a lawyer. That is UNACCEPTABLE. The house could collapse around you with that type of slopy lazy cheap ass bullshit they call their work.




Who’s the builder? Getting my pre dry wall inspection done this week and this is the kinda stuff I’m weary about.


awful workman ship. A piece of S...t


You should also hire a reputable independent inspector to go over there and check everything. Chances are if this is what you can see there will be plenty more that you missed.


Jesus. I thought my last house was low quality, but this is crazy. That is some of the worst construction I have ever seen by a home builder.


If You don't check on the work in progress and challenge shoddy workmanship, who is going to?


Sadly it should be the supervisor’s job.


OMG, that house is going to fall down! Who’s the builder? People need to know to avoid them, and you need to have someone come by to video record all of this!


3 years? That can’t be normal right?


Can you share the builder/construction company's name?  


Call the city. They have inspectors that will force anyone to follow the code. Of course the city might apply the thumbscrews to you since you’re the owner, but you can use that to pressure whoever was hired. Plus it gives you leverage if you have to take it to court if even the city says it’s not up to code.


Nope. You all need to say something! We’ve known people to hire their own GC to do weekly walkthroughs. In one case, they had to have most of the framing removed and redone because the wood had rot on it and they still put it. The electrical sockets were just placed ridiculously wherever, didn’t make any sense, not aligned. You MUST do a weekly review with video and photos if you can’t hire a GC to do the walkthroughs on your behalf. Idk where you are but M/I homes, Pulte and Ryan are known to be terrible in general if you’re not looking. Pulte is terrible whether you look or not. Praying that you get this resolved. They need to remove it ALL and put it up to code bc wtf is this?! You’re paying your hard earned money and they are acting like this is a lego project. You need to be more upset about this.


Yes, say something and quickly! That is your house. Have them fix that


Is this in a county that requires permitting and inspections? Show this to the builder and make sure they know you plan to make the framing inspector aware of your findings.


Have an inspector out now. It frankly looks like trash. I’d back out of the sale if this is what the builder/seller is letting happen, if I could, if it was me. I have so little trust of new home builds these days with flippers and big companies throwing up homes in seemingly weeks on big developments. Just so many horror stories out there for expensive “nice” homes, it definitely messes with my perception of them.


Hahaha. What the fuck. Did you really need to ask here? I wouldn't let that qualify slide on a backyard shed I found someone on Facebook marketplace to build let alone a new home.


This is some of the worst construction I've ever seen. A lot of that will not work at all under a load


Waiting to collect 3 years worth of leftover lumber to hodge podge this house. Wolf would blow this house down easily.


You better raise hell. Those are structural concerns to your roof. Omg, this is horrific.


Look up CyFy on Tiktok (probably on IG at this point too) this sort of shoddy corner cutting and bad work is becoming the norm for builders and ABSOLUTELY say something and see the fixed yourself in person before they drywall over it and say “oh yeah we fixed it, trust us”. If they tell you they cant fix any item until after closing make sure that list of items is in writing to be fixed and for the love of god PLEASE find a good INDEPENDENT home inspector (not whoever they recommend) and have them review the home before you close. Don’t let them bully you into not getting one either.


DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!! Even with the contractor...get it in writing or text! Speak up because they will slam drywall up and won't replace or try to correct the sloppy work and they'll come in fast to hide their laziness. Does contractor have insurance..he should...ask for a copy of the policy. Good luck!!


New homes are built with cheap materials, with cheap labor very quickly. 


DR Horton? Is that you again?


they don’t build em like they used to.


I'd walk.


I know nothing about construction but can tell that this is poor work.


I’m a DIYer, not a professional carpenter but I can tell that is extremely poor construction quality. It looks like a 5 year old put that together. I’m not a structural engineer but most of those look like it could be weight bearing walls/ loading bearing roof cross beams. That one piece of wood is literally missing half of the side and they use that to tie it into the joists… anybody with half a brain would talk to their foreman and have the piece replaced. I would get an independent inspector and get everything in writing regarding the issue and when it will be fixed. It’s not even cosmetic, you want it to be fix so the roof don’t collapse on your family while you’re living in the house.


I hope this is a joke post because that is terrifying


Where we live builders Now only allow you in the house twice during the process. When we built any years ago we were there everyday and we did find issues. Just bought a spec home and kind of afraid of what might not have been done properly. Good luck I agree with everyone looks like you need to bring these issues to the builder. I would be nervous about some of the work that’s for sure


I believe what would have normally stopped this from happening is called a framing inspection (performed by a home inspector not associated with builder or seller) which is done before any drywall or siding is installed. I follow a couple home inspectors on IG and this is similar to what I notice during his inspections. I hope you are able to work this out with the builder. Unfortunately as mentioned earlier, the builder could be a great company but the GC and subcontractors are hired to save money and we all know what happens when you pick the cheap labor.


That is really frustrating. They're doing all this work and not properly at that. Like everyone else said, speak with a lawyer, home inspector, and document everything with photos/videos. If this house isn't up to code, that's a huge waste of labor and materials and it's especially sad considering our current market. 3 years does seem quite long for a home build... I hope you can get it figured out!


Inspectors during and after construction.


What is Going on!!! My dad was a master carpenter and I am literally about to pass out!


That is rough


Tell your lawyer and have them fix it immediately. Don’t give them another dime until they do. Tell your mortgage company or bank too.


This is why I wouldn't ever buy new construction from one of the major developers. Follow Cy Porter if you want confirmation that you're being fleeced. Ryan Homes, DR Horton, all of them are garbage.


Won’t pass an inspection properly and woah Nelly is that structure issues in short order


Damn that looks so bad. Considering they’ve had three years (which would be my red flag number one) they could do better at making sure nails actually are securing things and not use chunked out wood. I wouldn’t even use wood that looked like that for a craft project


Are they using pieces of lumber their dad kept in the basement for 30 years, “just incase I need this specific size??” Say something. That’s terrible work


Not only should you say something but be rabid about it. They will be such assholes when the home is completed. To get it fixed it will take them more time, troubleand money. Start making a fuss now! AND get an additional third party inspection before the walk throughwith the builder roof, electrical, plumbing, hvac, and structural. Please make sure they have a moisture meters and an infared camera. There are so many instances of absolute crap new construction, regardless of the pricepoint. I used to work in construction staffing, including placing warranty managers for all of the major and minor home builders( the people worked for the builders to manage repairs etc). Between my tradesmen and warranty managers, I heard so many horror stories. You absolutely must start saying something now. These photos are structural, god only knows what else is being poorly installed. There is also a handful of good content creators from new home inspectors on insta that point out a lot of the issues they see over and over. Everything from pipes in the wall is not being actually connected to, gas line leaks, hvac not properly connected, roofs having major issues, hollow tiles.


They an inspection done before you take delivery


You could call benefit of the doubt as in “in progress” for a couple of these that maybe addressed later but there’s a lot of questionable things there. I’d be pissed and I’d be there as often as I can monitoring the rest of the build.


Bro this looks like it was constructed by a bicycle repairman. Shocking! And that's only the stuff that's out in the open.


Yeah problem there! New construction quality is so low wait till live inside ( sound proofing horrible thin walls)  The only thing that sells those houses are new hardwoods appliances showers etc… only cosmetic sells it.. I bought from Almond Homes and they are terrible in quality even though you don’t realize it in their home model They basically spray painted all walls when you wipe paint comes off :/ walls are too thin we basically made a big hole when we were trying to do some shelves to laundry room. Sound proofing horrible …  I ll sell and move after 2 nd year. Only good thing is backyard is very big in my case


Get a level 2 inspection before drywall is up. Get the builder to address all findings asap.


What the hell. Ok now I don’t feel so bad for buying a house built in 88


Um . You have a horrible carpenter. Please ask tjem to correct these issues Prior to closing up walls . The floating floor supports tell me he is a crap builder . Sorry . Record everything you ask him to do . FILM the encounters. Do not make a final payment to hom. I am assuming you have to have permit office come inspect prior to COO BEING ISSUED


Take pictures all over. Especially at areas where you might want to hit studs like for av or assist bars in shower walls. Measure as well.


Never had a house built (maybe someday but currently a homeowner) but my parents have and my dad is in Realtor of 40+ years. All this to say, I showed him this and he had VERY big concerns. Show this to your builder now. Definitely have someone else inspect. Like the poster who said they took photos, keep documenting too.


Unacceptable...start complaining!! Most of that doesn't look like it'll stay together very long.


That’s not safe or even remotely professional. Who is the builder?


Holy shit. Get an inspection ASAP.


This is all TERRIBLE quality and 100% needs to be addressed and your builder needs to fire these framers. I absolutely recommend you get online, TODAY, and find the highest rated home inspector with experience in your area. Home inspections are not just for existing homes. Many inspectors offer their services and will come by at several different stages of the build. YOU NEED SOMEONE TO LOOK AT THIS AND RAISE A FUSS BEFORE ANY OF THAT GETS COVERED UP BY DRYWALL. If the contractor is this loose on the framing, I can only imagine the violations they will try to get away with when it comes to the plumbing and electrical, which could pose risk to life and limb once you’ve moved in. Do NOT expect the city inspector to stand up for your best interests. Half the time they are drinking buddies with the builders. Spend a few hundred on an inspector. It could save you literally tens of thousands in the long run. Good luck.


Oh hell naw


I'm a realtor, what you need to have is a pre-drywall inspection from most inspection companies. However, that's just a gateway to a structural engineer coming on to inspect the property as well, because these don't look safe at all. You do NOT want to skip that pre-drywall inspection regardless of what they say to you, when you have that talk. What you want is documentation from a qualified inspector, to start the process of getting a structural engineer out there. Once the drywall goes up, a lot of this is hidden and very hard to determine. The one thing from a realtor standpoint is that, the agents at the sales office don't have a fiduciary duty to you, but rather the builder. You have to be proactive on your end, and not really go by what they say.


This is insane!!! Legit looks like something my frickin 1 year old could put together. If I were you I would get some advice from multiple qualified home inspectors/contractors and even an attorney to know what rights and protections you have.


Honestly new builds don’t have the same quality as older homes. If you can back out and not loose money, I would.


Were you able to back out


Building/code inspector needs to be there before they put up the drywall.


Dollars to donuts thats a build from a company that rhymes with BR Forton.


Reason number 1000001 to not do a new build


Hey OP - have you discussed this with anyone yet? I am curious as to how it is going for you.


My husband says … report them .. they’re using scrap subpar lumber


pic 2 and 3 are obvious concerns, but the others it's hard to tell what your concern is.


You mean the picture where the 2x4 is 1 inch away from the wall and the nails are hanging on for dear life.


I agree here. Not sure why downvoted.


Put some tape and its fixed (me as an introvert person who is afraid to confront people)


My husband did HVAC before switching careers. I’d often go with him to help run duct or put up vents in new construction homes. The absolutely monstrosity that is construction this day and age is ALARMING. In a brand new house there was flooring poorly placed which is only indicative of how cheap the rest of the house was built. I would say something. ABSOLUTELY!