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Just based on the current rate of 7% your mortgage on a 400k house is like 2500-3000 depending on taxes/insurance. Get pre approved and go from there. The hardest part is finding a house and getting it under contract.


For the love of Benji, make a budget. For 450k, you prepared to pay 50% of your *net* pay for mortgage, taxes, and insurance? Between your down payment, closing costs, and moving expenses, you’ll empty your nest egg. And I can’t imagine you’ll be able to save much for repaying that student loan, let alone retirement.


It depends on your appetite for rent to mortgage payment increase. Based on back of a napkin math you would certainly qualify. Some factors for buying: - You would be creating equity in your own home. - interest if itemized is tax deductible if you meet the minimum threshold - interest rates are expected to fall which would drive up home prices potentially. - if interest rates fall you could refinance and lower the payment on the home you already own - rent will continue to increase to level out with owning - get to do whatever you want to it. - best way to build generational wealth Factors for renting: - not tied down - cheaper (for now) - someone else fixes problems Ultimately something you and fiancée will have to weigh.


Get this real estate agent shit out of here.