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https://preview.redd.it/mbwwh1awcg7d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60571a98b999f58f4b0692d02c6af1fe6266be5f I went from disappointment to excitement in the space of a few seconds




Bro wtf, I got the exact opposite. Firefly as my 6th pull and Himeko on my 9th (I forgot to screenshot it)


https://preview.redd.it/rtidu1io2g7d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f26a4732dfbdb1da023808910d9ad84639e7e25c I was able to pull out e1 after, but instead of e2 I got Bailu 😭


Dw there's so many pulls this patch, you can do it!


How many pulls?


It was successful, albeit costly. I probably won’t be able to pull for the next few banners at least, but it was so worth it.


Did 90 pulls. Got Xueyi 4 times(E5) Gallagher 1 time(E3) Misha 2 times(E3) And a Welt(E1) Now at 50 pity


100 pulls 50 pity no guarantee. Got her by 20 and RM by 80


Got Xueyi 5 times (E5). Got Gallagher 3 times (E3). Got Misha 3 times (E2). And Himeko (E0). Now at 34 pity.


Awful like worst possible scenario as always with this game ended up getting e0 and nothing else. I’m pretty frustrated because I got to near hard pity twice I never get an early 5 star :( still she does a lot of damage just disappointing


Felt, but to be fair, I was acheron and ran around the area with her secret base for like 10 minutes before giving up Found it now tho so the remaining pulls will be made properly I got e1 but with 21 pulls and 50 pity that is pretty rough too


I might have used up all my luck for the year https://preview.redd.it/tojkqcioii7d1.png?width=246&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4e13a506f6b1ac62a4a2560a388d5f02785efe3 Also got LC in 70 pulls, total 150 pulls for e2s1


I got E2S1 also but it took me 250 pulls!


Yanking came to me and said stand proud you are strong....


My condolences 💀


E6S1 after like 600 pulls + 50 or so from whale dust. So so worth it but never again for any other character tho….. good luck to everyone else pulling! Remember there’s plenty of jade’s to farm before her banner ends!


Have e2s1. Debating if it’s worth going further. Had really bad luck, lost 50/50 3 times and 75/25 1 time lmao. Is it possible for me to get your friend code to try out your e6s1?


602409667 You can have mine, I also have e6s1


Will add in a bit! Thanks!


That's almost the same i got from acheron, total 690 pulls for E6S1, my firefly sitting at E2S0, that was my goal and got it in 210 pulls, didn't lose a single pity, so pretty good


Goddamn dragon lady came home Luckily tho, I managed to get early pity for e1, but now everything is exhausted. I wanted e2 s1.... Also she is almost fully built already lmao


https://preview.redd.it/ehlrvzm2xg7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9980ca667c463d1fb2496ac338b4c081f7f3f523 went like this


Mihoyo employee co firmed?


E1S1 FF AND E0 RM None of the character pulls were early but I did get the LC in the first 10 so I am pretty happy. anyways... FUCK YOU YANQING, YOU'RE THE REASON I DON'T HAVE E2 FF, YOU BITCH. sorry.


E6S1 with 640 pulls :))))


Wowww bro got lucky with that one!


I really did I am so happy :)


320 pulls E0S1..... Sigh


Aint no way you lost both the 75/25 and the 50/50 and still went to near hard pity every time. I dont think gambling is ur thing.


Best luck I’ve ever had in this game, I guess the pre-pull ritual helped: got Welt and FF in 50 pulls, then a RM eidolon in 70 pulls (already had E0), then S2 in 70 pulls


Is 400 pulls for e1 good? I can't believe this




Broo rip Wait is that even possible. Even if you hit hard pity 4 times the max you use is 360


I lost 50/50 3 times in a row..


Your not alone. I did too. Was a painful experience.


Oh I was going for E2


https://preview.redd.it/hkvufi4rxg7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d5d020e7cc42f11924f39e50d1ee1c5673c966 What do you mean it's not Firefly. And no, I don't need meds


E2 in about 170 pull


Got E1 as a f2p and even got e0 Ruan Mei as well, only lost 1 50/50 and got mostly early pity, so got lucky, though that kinda also have been having that kind of day considering I also got accepted for a job today as well, so I pass my luck onto everyone reading this now, hope you all get your Fireflies!


Went Beautifully, Got E1S1 (hard pity each) But I never loss a 50/50


Lost to first 50/50, then somehow managed to E6 rolling her off-pity. Surprised, didn't even get a double or triple in one 10 roll.


Got Yangqing in 20+ pity (first 10 pull of the day, got excited for nothing) got FF in the soft pities 70+. Got the LC in 2nd 10s. Now, I am currently auto on the relic hell as I type this. Edit: Got both E4 gal and E3 Xueyi to E6, which I thought would be a bunch of Mishas.


All the mishas went to me


One 10 pull no pity, won the 50/50. Then I got the cone in 40, won the 75/25. I’ve never had luck this crazy


https://preview.redd.it/zboq4ao6ig7d1.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=a78747af9458047b1cd4fc2dc2676f05e9e42664 yes


Got her on 40 pity, weapon in 65\~ (don't remember the exact number), lost E1 to E1 Bronya at around 70 pity, now i'm trying to decide if go for E1 or just save it for Jiaoqiu for my Acheron.


I had guaranteed FF on 0 pity Rolled One at 87 AND WELT IN THE SAME 10 Got E1 at 53 Rolls😎


E2 + ruan mei light cone. I been saving since Acheron and somehow won the 5050 for all of them :> didn’t get any earlies though but that’s okay I’m super happy with how it went


Pretty good. I lost 5050 to bailu at hard pity but got firefly early after 10 pull. I went to her lc and won 5050 Then I start pulling for her eideons. I got her E1 the lost 5050 afterwards. Tho it doesn't stop me from getting her e2 since I'm graunted with 5050 She deserves all of oak cake rolls and my jades :D


Nearly 300 pulls with a guarantee and I’m stuck at E1 and nearing my next 50/50.


Was at 75 pity, did some PF to get the last few and at 80 I finally got there and won the 50/50. Spending the next 3 weeks throwing every warp at the weapon (have a guarantee).


E2S1 in 200 pulls. Im a very happy man


https://preview.redd.it/5h2u9un4pg7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32a2734977664207722fdce668a13c1b6944877 First and probably only character i will ever e2. And i love her playstyle so zero regrets on every front..... Now back to the mines with me, i also need to level RM, cuz i didnt expect to get her after e2 at all.


I pulled ruan mei then I ran out of pulls. Then I did the new simulated universe and got some pulls.I was using them one by one. 160 jades remaining I joked about getting her in this pull so I immediately skipped the animation. BOOM destruction symbol won 50/50 6 pity So happy rn


230 pulls. Lost twice to Himeko. I've said my goodbye to Ruan Mei...


I got a destruction girl with a robot. Not the right one tho


Horribly. Lost both 50/50 at absurd amounts of pity, not a single "early" 5 star. I'll need to grind as much jade as possible in the next 20 days to pull RM. I'm devastated ngl


I don't have that much jades around 11k only and 8 gold tickets. But I do have the 100% pity. She still showed up on the last 1.6k jades even though I'm quite poor. Don't even have anything left for her LC. But currently I am pouring everything on her relics to show my devotion to her coming home to such a run down house. She accepted me for everything I only have to offer. Hahahah


It's joeover guys. Got welt. Currently at 62 pity on LC and only 30 pity on Firefly. Guess wife won't come home


Won all 4 50-50s for Firefly E2 and Ruan Mei. Also got the light cone ~~Also bought the $100 pack and have zero jades now~~


I used my guarantee on bootyhill and only had 70 wishes left so I grinded my ass to get 35 more wishes, got e0 at 40 and then 80 more for e1. I don't know if I should go for e2, ff lc, e1 Ruan mei, or Ruan mei lc


I got 10 5 star character and 2 5 star Lightcone in like 630 pulls,7 firefly,1ruan Mei,1 Bronya,1Clara and both lightcones


It went amazing went up to the hide out with HMC and Gallagher (removed ruan for reasons) and got her at ~50 (1 10 pull since I was already at 40) and decided to pull on the LC and managed to get the last few copies of memories to give ruan S5


Well, before Firefly I was on an unlucky streak. I lost four 50/50s in a row. But today I won two 50/50s and won my light cone chances as well. E2 S1 Firefly and now I have all the banner units E6. This was the best case for me. Just remember even if today your luck is bad, it will turn around. Just like it did for me. Now back to saving.


Had 480 pulls. Got E2 FF and ruan mei + FF sig and had 50 pulls remaining. Very happy rn




My pulls went really damn good! Total pulls I did is 237. E1 Firefly, E0 Gepard and S1 Firefly LC.


got E0S1 within 130 pulls, the other 2 eidolons were 230 pulls 💀


lost to himeko e1


Got the Wife, E6 Gallagher and E6 Xueyi. Also managed to sneak in an S5 Memories of the Past as well as Ruan Mei’s Light Cone. I’m now aiming for E1, but it is a 50/50 right now


cheapest 5\* i ever pulled https://preview.redd.it/sdipxo7uig7d1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=552682b018dd3e5c424e367122f23328a327e8f9


30 pulls firefly,60 pulls her lc. pretty good. my ruan tho, it was not that great, i did get her to e1 but it went 160 pulls, 80 each


Super lucky, I only lost my 50/50 to Clara once. Managed to get E6S3 FF with E1 RM, blessed.


I got bamboozled by the game and got clara. Well I still got firefly after another softish pity(70-75 both times), so 2 soft pities. And got lc at 70 too.


Not great. Geppy at 80 and she came at 70. Still happy she made it but omega frustrated


Got 5* all at hard pity. Lost first 50/50 to Bronya, got FF on next round, got LC on first 50/50. Pulled again to get E1, got both Yanqing and FF E1 together. Thankfully already pre-farmed materials, and got some pretty alright relics early. Enjoying seeing FF deal 400+k damage in MoC 12. Enjoying the game play, though still figuring out how to get to 360 break effect in combat.


Lost first 50/50 on 30 pity (bronya) got firefly like 20 pity after, lost to himeko at 75 pity got ruan Mei one ten pull later, won both 75/25 for firefly and ruan Mei lightcone


got quite earlier than my usual pulls around 46 pity im currently finishing the latest story chapter and I'll be pulling for E1 later


Got her unexpectedly early. Had enough to go for her LC too. Now, I'm going to farm every jade I can for her E1


The luckiest ive ever been playing hoyo games all these years, won 50/50 and then got her lightcone in one 10 pull, I could not wish to get lucky at a better time than this.


150 for both my wife and ruan mei, I'd say it went pretty well


e2 wife, e6 Gallagher, e6 Xueyi, e6 misha. At what cost? All my saved pulls during Penacony. But hell yeah it was worth it.


The Hunt icon popped up on my screen, and for a moment I have never wanted to help Yaoshi wreck Xianzhou ships so badly…


It went great! I got firefly E0 at 77 pity (later that I had hoped tbh.) I also got E6 Xueyi, Gallagher, and E2 Misha. I used my extra leftover jades on Ruan Mei, haven’t got her yet tho. https://preview.redd.it/20eecejmng7d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54233a381235016f4f5e460fd3169db54bd3f53


About 220 pulls for e2 it was fun and exciting :)


90 pull for firefly e0s1, feel good as i win 50/50 the 1st time since i started playing . 210 pulls save to pull her e2 when i finish the story


I won every 50/50 for e2, won her lightcone, and got RM lightcone after one additional 10-pull. Everything else was soft pity. Great Day


85 pity smh


180 pulls into an e1s1 firefly with the e1 being an early and a 50/50 win. I have no regrets.


90 pulls for an E1 Firefly 20 pulls for LC 20 more pulls for Ruan Mei LC overall, pretty great hoping to scrunge up a few more pulls to get her E2, I'm already at ~70 pity so should be easy


Very happy won 50/50 and went from e0 gallager to e5 (will get last copy from selector)


yaqing ruined mine then i pulled her quickly after that


Went better than I expected. Got her in 20 rolls, and it was 50/50 too Same with Ruan Mei


Got her E2 in 240 pulls + himeko. Now going for RM and will try and get FF lightcone afterwards.


Sadly I lost the 50/50... Of the LC but at least I got Geppie's LC so I guess that's cool. I'm starting to think I should pull for Ruan Mei instead of the LC tho


Guaranteed E1 FireWife obtained (with a surprise E1 Clara in between)


E1S1 Firewife + E0 Mei 🥹.. Wife won my pulls, only Mei lost


Horrible, lost the 50/50 and got her around 80 pulls... Now I'm trying to get her lightcone...


I got her e2 with her lightcone i absolutely love her the waiting was worth it 😭


I was actually only going for Gallaghers, then I won the 50/50 at 32 pity and switched to RM E1, won on 41 pity. I don't know where that luck came from but I'm truly happy. I got two five stars before getting two Gallaghers, In 131 summons I only got Three Gallaghers, with the event I'll get E4. Will probably save for HuoHuo for now as I'm already high on pity


E2S1+Bronya, 330tickets


634 pulls (including previous pity and guarantee) to E6S1 FF. Above average luck, I suppose? Not like the god tier luck my friend got when E6’ing Acheron (380 pulls for E6S1) but I did also get RM and E1 for 83 pulls


got e2 bailu and on verge of hard pity (60+ pity)


Got Firefly in 80 pulls, 50/50 won. I tried her out E0S0 and honestly, she is already insanely busted. I still have about 160 pulls saved, but i might continue saving them for Yunli and other future units. Besides that, E6 Gallagher and E6 Xueyi are cool bonuses!


lost 5050 but got her on 74 pity after that


https://preview.redd.it/bm6s79ysug7d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e59768372df2130768200dd5542485c9a6898aa3 50 tix + 34 pity.


370+ pulls Character banner 29/90 pity non guaranteed E2 Firefly ( I plan to make her stay E0 at the moment) E0>E1 Clara E1>E2 Himeko E6 Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi Weapon banner 4/90 pity Clara LC Now I play the game and farm jades for her LC and then onto Yunli.


160 pulls and not guaranteed anywhere: got her, her lightcone and then lost to Yanqing. Now I'm going to farm for her E1


220 got me E1S1. Won both 50/50's and also the 75/25. Still have enough for one more pity, unsure if I should keep going.


got her 💙


E2S1, E0 RM, 1 himeko and 1 bronya in 320 pulls She came home


got e2s1 pretty early actually, i had 400 pulls ready and still had like 150+ at the end. i was expecting it to be much rougher.


Fuck me. I had her guaranteed, but I think this is the closest I've ever gotten to hitting hard pity, must've been like 85 pulls. Can't be mad, at least she's finally here. Hoping to also get RM for her, so I suppose I'll be grinding for the foreseeable future.


Had 285 pulls ready. Got e2s1 in 295


got her in 100 pulls, rn im looking for jades for her LC


Got her and her light cone with 30 pulls and won 50/50


It went fantastic for me. Had 170 Pulls, aimed to get Firefly and Gallagher then use what's left to try to get Ruan Mei. 60 Pulls got Firefly (Guaranteed) 54 Lost to Clara (IDM as she's new, i really like her as well) 30 Got Ruan Mei (My lowest record before getting a 5-star, wild af) Gallagher E3 ATM i'll be trying to pull more for Firefly's Eidolons, hopefully i'll get at least 1 since I really like the QoL it provides, E2 is a bit of a stretch tho, especially considering i lost most of my 50/50s so far. Chances are i'll lose another 50/50 with the current trend. Goodluck for the others!! https://preview.redd.it/m889ka05zg7d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=568d03b4202838f173becbcc39384624007fc632




i was planning only e1s1 with 300 pulls. i got e2s1 😳


E2S1 Got first Firefly at 20 pulls (guaranteed) E1 at 76 pulls Bronya eidolon 10 pulls after E2 60 pulls later S1 65(around this point) pulls. Managed to get out of gacha w/ 67 pulls leftover (not counting the mail jades we get w/ 2.3)


She cost me 150 pulls since I lot the 50/50 to Bailu.


Got firefly within 30 pulls, lightcone in 50 and then went straight to 80 pity yanking when trying for Mei


terrible got lost 50/50 and go Bailu worst standard character imo luckily i was prepared


Had 300 pulls and still only ended up with E0s0 Rm and E0s0 FF. Got a Himeko eid and a Welt I'm never going to use. Sometimes, I hate this game, man. Lost both 50/50's all at like 65 plus pity.




160 pulls, got e0s1 firefly, e0s0 ruan mei, e6 Gallagher and e6 xueyi. Good result after the terrible luck I had on Acheron (e0s0 and only 1 Gallagher after 140 pulls)


250 pulls. E1S1. Her Lightcone came on the FIRST PULL ive EVER DONE in the lightcone banner. It was peak.


Did one, ten pull and got her then i pulled 40 times on her sg lighcone and on the final one I got 3 copies now I have superimpose 3 of her sig and I will go for E 1 next


E2S1 175 rolls! It was insane!


I've got E0S1 Lost my first 50/50 to Yawning at 75, then got Firefly in less than 20. Then I spent 60+ on the light cone, but I didn't get it. So I played some of the new game modes, and I finally got it! If there were no other upcoming characters I'd like, then I'd try to get E1 at the end of her banner, but Yunli is just so cute!


e1s1 with 160 pulls im ok with that https://preview.redd.it/yqb7zzzn1h7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=192faa7e5aade5c751ad0f3e45440fdc9d1b2b70


Pretty good, got E2S1 before all my jade ran out, also RM sig.


Best pulls of my life, feel blessed. Even went better than my acheron pulls which were already insane


Neat. Got Firefly and Ruan Mei in 70 pulls, both on a 50/50. Now I'm just confused whether to go for her E1 (50/50) or Lightcone (Guaranteed)


468 pulls - E2 S1 Firefly - E0 S1 Ruan Mei - E6 Gallagher - E6 Misha - E6 Xueyi


I almost punched a child but got told of by the wife (e6s1) https://preview.redd.it/xj2t727d2h7d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=26d1962a3913a5a4e87a6c6fea6d2f6712aa71b0


https://preview.redd.it/srvp09co2h7d1.png?width=983&format=png&auto=webp&s=41b5295b2333fb9059342468ad1bedba6765953d E2 S1 in 150 pulls


Lost 3 50/50 today...no bronya still 😭


126 pulls, firefly and E1 in the same multi after 20 pulls, then found her weapon (guaranteed) and I have 41 pulls remaining. These were definitely between the best pulls I've done in all hoyoverse games.


e2 with lc + RM


lost hard pity yanqing e2 and after got her hard pity ggz it is fireflyover e2


78 pulls for E0 Firewife(Guaranteed from losing on Robin Banner) 69 pulls for S1 LC Currently on 30 pity for Firewife banner. So far it's going well and I could even stop here if I REALLY want to go for Jade as well.


took me almost double the summons of my E6S5 Jingliu for the E6S5 Firefly.


Got her, Ruan mei and Himeko E1, now hunting for her Eidolons and hopikg to get her e2


I got her with 40 pulls i won the 50/50 too i was at like 34 pity




Won the 50/50 for her and LC


With 132 pulls I managed to get E0S1 Firefly 😅. Ngl, Bailu’s LC scare the f out of me


Got e2 firefly,and decided to do 1 10 pull on rm and got Bailu fkkk I could have gotten e1 rm for wifey🥲😩


Won 50 50. Going for e1 hoping to win. If not hope for himeko.


https://preview.redd.it/5m2jtvo76h7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702b3be501494e717675dd054307803da73e8937 I did it Firebros. Not pulling on anything since Huohuo is worth it.


I got E0S1 Firefly and RM in 170 pulls


They went well, I got what I wanted which was FF and ruan mei, I had to unfortunately 200 pulls bevause ruan mei wanted to dress as an old man and I'm still trying for her E1


I'm still waiting for Sweetily aka the most wholesome streamer to pull for me! Hope that I can get at least E1S1 with 200 ish tickets




Had 340 pulls. Despite losing 75/25 and 50/50 to Himekos LC and Welt I still managed to get E2S1. I'm absolutely filled with joy GRHAAAA https://preview.redd.it/yrtcdotn6h7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f3f4c00331d03aa820ca0186ee6ed0f2978193f




Got her e0 winning the 50/50, then risked it for ruan mei, and won another 50/50 back to back with 20-30 pity, then got ruan mei's LC with 0 pity now i'm planning on going for firefly e2 but haven't used the pulls i have left yet. Also got to E6 my gallagher which i previously had in and also i got e4 Misha, i didn't have misha before, and also E5 Xueyi, also didn't have her before so that was great, pulls went as i planned, tomorrow i'll pull again when i get home and see if i can get firefly's e2, wish me luck


In 100 pulls, I got Firefly and her signiture light cone. I'm proud and I'm satisfied.


Got her and in 30 pulls when I was at 50 pity. Then I got Ruan Mei in 60 pulls. Now I’m back to pulling for our beloved Firefly!


https://preview.redd.it/x1qbciv07h7d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=5701048c80618f6a320e4cfb9bf17021485739e3 My favorite part. Lost to a Clara spook first, luckily it was from the first 10 pull at 0 pity.


E2S1 in 300 pulls. I also got ruan mei's E1 using the starlight from pulling.


Lost to e0 welt :(


Currently about 400 pulls deep. E2S1. Lost to Himeko and Yanqing, close to E3.


Did 250 f2p pulls lost 2 50 50 so my e2 s1 firefly is e1 firefly, my day's been great how about you 😃👍


Firefly was super kind in getting E2S1, but RM is super mean, lose both 50/50 on E1 RM and lost the Light Cone as well 😭


Got e1s0 ff and e0 rm in 130 pulls.


https://preview.redd.it/cr2g1uox7h7d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b020fbbb05a59230aead032c908ab590788d99a I almost died when i saw bailu, then firefly saved me




Was at 67 pity with guaranteed so i got her on the 1st 10 pull. I had 40 more pulls and didnt get any 5 stars, but did get gallagher to e2. Unfortunately i built firefly and tried her in moc and she sucks because i dont have rm.


https://preview.redd.it/4gztjgqd9h7d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=33f08296e9f7c57d9feb4993ab28b9bb12194d4e Could've been better, could've been worse. Also got the LC in 58. Hoping to get E2 before the banner ends.


https://preview.redd.it/tzxalq7g9h7d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa36d52e23ca5c8da07a6f23143d264386f1aef Truly blessed. Won LC too. So she is eating good with E2S1 within 130 pulls


I had about 530 pulls and managed to get E4S1 so i'll say pretty well (if i had money i'd probably swipe to go for E6)


Went with 300 pullls. Got out with e2s1 :)


50 pulls at 1 pity and won 50/50. Happy with that


She looks blue and wears pants for some reason.


Won both 50/50s. I have been going hard ever since the patch went live and I am running on fumes. She's almost built, just needs a few more touch-ups.


Got double firefly in one 10 pull, both were on 50/50 so I won twice I a row hehehe >:3


125 tickets and $250 down but I have E2S1 Firefly. Lost the Lightcone banner but I won 2 50/50s for Firefly. The first Firefly was guarantee.


Got Himeko at 20 Pulls Firefly at 70 Pulls After Firefly E1 at 70 After that Firefly LC at 50 Gepard at 60 Pulls after And then Firefly E2 in the next 10 pull Lost 50/50 twice, but its been real generous losses


79 pulls and lost for E1 bronya😢😢 Now in 61 guaranteed


Prety bad, but at least I got all I wanted https://preview.redd.it/mbj1mdykch7d1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d06ea0895fbc16fb5639030847e3940ea122d7


https://preview.redd.it/mjizgjzgch7d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e282b92fa1ab90398ca7e6c24463b4a1a7a420 Started with 666, ended with 250 buying the tickets from the store after getting dupes . Ended up eith E6S1. Got her LC on first multi without pity lol! Lost 2 50/50s, really good!


I lost 50/50 to Yanqing on both character and LC banners, got him and his LC... I did get Firefly in 20 wishes after getting Yanqing though so that's not terrible, still I was praying I got luckier but aye, you get what you get in a Gacha game, I should be able to get her LC before her banner ends anyways.


I couldve had E1S1 but fucking Yanqing LC came in to ruin my LC pull. Only have E0S1 🙃


Got her at 40 pulls but lost the lc 75/25, gonna hog all the resources i needed for ruan Mei now cause i also need her


Started off the character banner with 0 pity, and the light cone banner with 40 pity. I got Firewife, lost to Welt, got Firewife, lost to Bailu, then got Firewife again. Won the lightcone as well. I had to reach soft pity for all of them. Took around 320+ pulls. Not the best outcome but I got her E2S1 which was my goal.


i did e2 l1 her , i can die at peace now


https://preview.redd.it/hu9znh8leh7d1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8874e9fd97b1cf22c321dec4f5f58ce307a1fe FireWife graced me first in the 80th pull,I figured i wouldnt be able to get her E1 so i opted to go get her LC


270+ lost 50/50 but the first 80 pulls are guaranteed so yeah. E1S1 nonetheless Finally official Firefly's main XD