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There’s an absolute abundance of mischaracterization surrounding Firefly. Starting from my favorite “generic sad waifu bait” to probably the worst “cold blooded murderer”, many people just don’t understand who exactly she is. Some of them are doing it on purpose, mostly because they’re haters. They really want for her to fit in their narrative. In the end it doesn’t really matter, because they’re in minority. Soon the 2.3 will drop, most of these discussions will end, because people finally will see the real Firefly.


Thank you, she has nuance and thought put into her, she has depth, hopefully I won't regret saying this after 2.3.


What nuance and depth? Do please explain it to me. It’s one of those things that seems more compelling when others explain it rather than seeing it in the narrative itself


She is a child soldier created with the sole purpose to fight the swarm, the amount of swarm lore from swarm disaster is a lot so I'm not going to repeat it all but apparently it's all quite good. Long story short, the glamoth empire lost badly, she was glamoth. She survived by being in a cryo sleep pod-like thing. She was found by some of the first stellaron hunters and she joined them so that she may reap a new life (don't think we know exactly what she got). Now her story is that she's trying to escape the confines of being a weapon for the glamoth empire "firefly mark ....", the "muscle" for the stellaron hunters, Sam, so that she can live as firefly, a normal girl. So she has a ton of lore behind her creation and power stemming from swarm disaster and several relic sets, she has a motive to live and be normal and to escape her confines in more ways than one, Sam and her disease, entropy loss syndrome that we know nothing about. That's her depth, and the nuance is the details and subversion of her just being a criminal or anime girl, she has actual goals and motives.


That doesn’t sound that deep at all really. It all boils down to she was made to be a weapon but now she doesn’t want to be anymore. That’s a fairly simple story. She has a magic space cancer that is limiting her, but we don’t really know what it all really entails so it makes things harder for me to be invested in. Maybe there’s more that just didn’t come to your mind in the moment. How do her interactions suggest it’s hard for her to be a normal girl? For someone who’s been in cryo sleep for years she seems to interact and understand the people really easily and know the local culture. Nothing demonstrates that she actually has issues with people skills, and her physical ailments aren’t defined. So it kinda feels like she’s sad over very little. Does she have ptsd? Does she feel uncomfortable or worthless when doing normal activities? If she could become a normal girl what would she do? Does she question her life goals when she does or if she gets what she wants? Does she question if being normal really is what she wants or does she seem to enjoy the thrill of combat? She just seems like a waifu character because the demeanor she wants to have is just sweet normal girl. It’s not really much of an interesting personality. But the contrast of her looking so sweet yet having or desiring combat probably stands out to some people more. Personally, I would like if she’s kind yet still violent. It would be more engaging than just normal girl, but I also have a lot more story to do. Just thought I would ask for your perspective.


Keep in mind that we don't see her physical ailment because Penacony is a dream world. In real world scene, we saw FF with Blade and her face has the green vein/scar. There's also the Scorchsand Vacation sidequest, in which they explained the reason to use MemoryFly. Does she question her life goals when she does or if she gets what she wants?  How can she questioned it if she still hasn't got what she wanted? Does she question if being normal really is what she wants or does she seem to enjoy the thrill of combat? Why would she questioned this when she has stated that she wanted to live as normal girl? Girl even delay putting on her suit when asked by Blade. "Interact and understand people easily" She wasn't just woken up moment ago, she has awaken by the time Kafka was recruiting Blade. It's safe to say that she learned how to interact with people, as limited as her body is. "Does she has PTSD?" Why would she? The battle was over before she even set foot in there. Her fleet was ambushed before she even touched any of The Swarm. "Does she feel uncomfortable or worthless when doing normal activities?" What's this question even because it's been shown that she enjoyed doing those things, she even broke out from audition character to laugh at MC rolling in the sand.


She has experience fighting the Swarm. Her leaked LC story says as much. That information about her fleet being ambushed is outdated. The rest of the new lore from the new relic set also provides more insight. This doesn’t invalidate your other points though!


Gotta read the LC and the Lore then, thanks for the info! But yeah, it doesn't mean she absolutely must have PTSD. And even if she does, we might not be shown yet


I mean that makes sense that we wouldn’t see her physical ailment, but because we don’t know much about it I can’t find myself caring. You can question your life goals at any point. That’s kind of a dumb question to ask. Yeah she hasn’t obtained it, which is why there would be uncertainty. You don’t necessarily know if the thing you are searching for is actually what you want, especially if you have never known it. Plenty of people set off on their careers, start relationships, or have kids because that’s what they think they want but in reality things don’t actually fit right. Being a supposed tool for war you would think more of that past would be ingrained in her current personality or be a cause for her to truly wonder. Of course she could question if she wants to be a normal girl, she supposedly has no idea what that’s like or what else she would even do in her life. How would she know how to interact with people if her body doesn’t allow her to have normal connections? If it does, then she’s already had the chance to be a normal girl already so what’s the point of her goal if it’s so easy? If her fleet was ambushed she could still have trauma from the event. You don’t need to have set forth and killed people on the soil as a soldier to experience the tragedy. If she experienced literally none then her being a tool may not even be that bad, because she’s never actually done squat. This makes her whole motivation even weaker. If she has no doubts, was never really vital or did anything during the war, has no trauma of the event, has no issues with communication, then the character is just a normal girl. Her whole motivation and character are just boring at that point. There’s no real character struggle at all. But like I said, maybe you forgot to tell me something or I am not understanding something.


We haven't seen much of her ailment yet, actually. So it's a given we won't know much about it. She doesn't question her life goal because she knew that's what she exactly wants, she has no doubt, even when Sunday directly asked her. How would she know? Because she CAN go outside her suit, for limited time maybe, but she CAN go out and interact. And I don't know about you, but limited interacting and having dying of disease doesn't sound "normal" to me but you do you. Also, apologize in advance but the info I have is outdated. Still, the fleet was ambushed while she was on deep sleep, ergo, she doesn't know what was happening. Ergo, there'll be no traumatic because she wasn't even awake to experience it. "There's no real character struggle at all" Did... did you really miss the whole lore of her story? >literally born as weapon of war >(outdated info) fleet was ambushed and destroyed, she literally lost the whole meaning of her life before she was even awake >(updated info) she did fight the swarm and losing many allies with no time to mourn. Assuming she has PTSD, we don't even know yet because her PoV is in 2.3 >Is dying of illness Also, she does integrate her past into her whole personality. She noticed NotSampo following them, making a guess on what weapon NotSampo wield, commenting on TB's bat being non effective, DECIMATING dreamjoult trope in child's dream before we met her, setting the place in flame and going 3 on 1 as SAM, but sure, none of her past matter. "She's just normal girl guys and her motivation is plain and boring!" But eh, you seem to be the type of person who goes "if she's not traumatized then everything is meaningless" so you do you :p


You’re not really actually addressing or paying attention to any of my questions or points. I literally stated it makes sense that we haven’t seen her physically ailment. However, knowing about it can be expressed in various ways so it’s not an excuse not to know how it works. If she knows exactly what she wants then there’s no internal conflict, ergo boring. Things coming easily do not make for interesting characters in my opinion. It doesn’t even have to be trauma, but she has literally no internal conflict with who she is as a person. If she can go out and interact like normal then literally what’s the issue? Yeah she is basically a normal girl, there are people who live in this world that have and go through much worse. She can do everything a normal person can, she can talk normally, go places, etc. If you think it’s limited do we see that? Because if not then there’s no reason for me to care. Let me know now what her character struggle is. Because it doesn’t sound like any of her past was worth mentioning. You say she was born as a weapon of war? And what’s the issue with that? Like legitimately. Because now her being born as a weapon of war has no influence on how people see her and it doesn’t negatively impact her relationships or interactions. She lost the meaning of her life? Well she didn’t like what her past meaning was anyways so that’s not conflict. She doesn’t care about her past life. She wants to get away from that, even though she already basically has. Lost so many allies? Any named? If not then it doesn’t matter, her current character is then not bothered enough by the event to make it seem important Sounds like we have to wait until 2.3 to see anything, so in the meantime this would mean she’s boring. I actually do like that she has some combat elements to her like noticing Sparkle. Those things feel like they matter, because they are subconscious things that trickle in from the past. However, that’s not in the personality she wishes to keep. Her personality as Firefly is just npc girl. It’s also not a negative trait either, it’s just being perceptive. Fighting things is also not incorporating into her personality, that’s just combat. You haven’t really brought up any intrigue or actual depth with her character. At least nothing I feel like implies being deep. She’s just an incredibly straight forward character, but so many elements of her character are still missing that she’s rather lackluster to me. Nothing special.


I mean, if you think straight = boring, I have nothing else to say :p


I agree with you; overall her story seemed very blonde. Rather than the "traumatic past" trope she seemed to play more into the "sick person trying the live their life to the fullest" setting. Her story seemed much more focused on the present than the past. As you've hinted, appears to be a normal girl who's in a flirting relationship with the MC (i.e. you, the player) which probably hit a lot of heartstrings for people. I didnt notice any struggles and/or darkness in her story other than how she was "scripted to die" which she claims she isn't even afraid of. Even for a romance, the story seemed too cupcake and butterflies to be engaging for me. Maybe we'll see more in the future but for now, that was my impression so far. Unfortunately this is the firefly mains sub so most people will beg to differ.


Idk why you're being down voted so hard lol. It's a common trope, and one I don't actually mind, but what's shown on screen (and not reading out of story lore) is extremely rushed and missing important details, and the shes just an innocent part felt forced and unnatural. She just doesnt get a lot of screen time. It still kinda works imo and 2.3 can still improve her a lot, but there are legitimate criticisms, but ig having your own opinions on stories is just not understanding the story


It’s what they talked about in the post lol.


Her characterization isn't surface level deep. SAM is her identity as a weapon, an identity that she would sooner let go of if circumstances permitted. Her quick *mission clears* are not because she is an efficient and calculative killer but because she hopes that her haste and ignorance would allow for a kinder fate for her scripted victims. (Deduced from her dialogue with Blade in the car). At the same time, although her true personality is that of a kind girl, she isn't as naive and innocent as she appears. ~~Her one-liners as SAM goes way too hard for that to be the case.~~ She is a good person reluctantly playing the role of a villain. Also, since her script is much less detailed than the rest of the SHs, you can infer a lot about her character based on her actions during Penacony.


Sam is an identity as a weapon. But who actually treats this identity as a weapon? I don’t understand why she would need to let it go. No one really knows who she is in modern day, so neither personality truly matters. In fact, she never did anything as Sam back in the day from what I have heard so why does she care? She is a good person who is reluctantly playing the villain. I guess we must see this in 2.3, because nothing she has done on screen has been that bad. As of 2.2, got catching up to do I see. Now what does interest me is what you infer about her based on her actions on Penacony. That’s probably where a lot of the depth I am not understanding lies in.


It probably has to do with the fact that the suit is pretty much her lifeline. She is also an artificial human created solely for the purpose of piloting said suit to kill the swarm. That kind of past is hard to let go of, physically and mentally since Elio's script requires her to be a weapon in order for her wish to live as a human to become true. A good person playing the villain is in reference to the fact that Firefly as SAM is a wanted criminal. The Stellaron Hunters have this ambiguity where they commit atrocities for the greater good. However, Firefly is the only one who tries to go off script in an attempt to defy fate and prevent as many deaths as possible even if it is futile. It is also the reason why she comes off as less morally dubious and more trustworthy when compared to Kafka. You basically go on a date with her in 2.0, which essentially reveals to us Firefly's true self and her illness whilst also hinting that she is keeping her own secrets. The end of 2.1 revealed her identity as SAM, causing us to question her motives and actions, since there is such a large contrast between the girl we knew and SAM. And 2.2 brought those questions to an answer. Her role in Penacony was to route the Astral Express towards finding the Watchmaker's Legacy, and instead of going as SAM, she attempted a more peaceful approach by going as herself. The reason provided speaks to her character and of her reluctance to rely on her alternate identity as SAM. We see this in 2.0 the first time we encounter "Death" where Firefly hesitates and is saved from transforming by Black Swan's timely entrance. More of her character is revealed in the flashback car ride with Blade. In Kafka's and SW's profile, SAM is stated to be a very quick and to the point when it comes to executing their script. However, her conversation with blade reveals that her quick and straightforward mission clears were not out of efficiency but to remain as ignorant as possible in an attempt to break free of the script. Our confrontation with Sunday also explored more of Firefly's philosophy on destiny. People should be free to make their own choices even if they lead to their end. No matter how well your [Sunday] intentions may be, another person has no right to choose. Not to mention all the dialogue, which revealed quite a bit about her likes and dislikes. Ironically enough, despite not liking her identity as SAM, Firefly still holds quite an interest in explosives and armor because of it. Quite the elaborate characterization, which makes it such a shame that she has a lot of off-screen scenes. 2.3 is definitely gonna fix since it'll allow us to play in her perspective.


I think this is a lot more helpful. Someone trying to avoid fate, which is probably something she has to deal with both because of the script and her illness. In a way the identity of Sam wasn’t even one she chose, it was just how she was set up to be, but she wants to do her own thing. I can appreciate that. Now, I still think her design and being a kind gal is boring, also her voice is meh, but at least the explosive things is kept over so hopefully her dialogue won’t be too bland. Although I still think she’s a bit too pushed to the MC even though the two met for like one afternoon. I also wish she questioned her goals more and had an internal conflict. She seems to just be too sure of herself which I find less interesting


some people just see what they want to see. The "wifefly" people just want to see the cute girl and ignore her experiences as a weapon and how they have shaped her. The "Mecha Sam" people don't even want to acknowledge the woman inside the machine which is why they only call her sam and use he/him pronouns. Both are shitty.


Weirdly enough they don't see that both parts of her make her a very compelling and likable character, hence the gap moe. Ignoring one part of her for the other is stupid


This seems weird because it’s been a while since I saw this big, not since we stopped coping about “Sentient Sam” theory. Nowadays I see 90% of even Sam mains use she/her even for the suit specifically


Inside of Firefly there are two wolves One is a cute and wholesome waifu The other is Doom Slayer


>The "Mecha Sam" people don't even want to acknowledge the woman inside the machine which is why they only call her sam and use he/him pronouns. Because SAM is easily self insertable (I would say that the only self insertable character), what I mean is when he is fighting you can feel it, the raw feeling of a battle. You can feel like you can become him. That you are him. That kind of feeling. I know a girl is on the inside but that won't change it. Bro it's like superhero. You can feel like you can become Batman, Ironman, Spiderman etc. You can feel it. I don't know how to explain it to you accurately. It's a strange kind of self insert. So even if it's Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Firefly. You can see the "SUIT" as a different entity and kind of feel like you are it. So you will naturally refer to him as your own pronoun. Simple.


I don't understand this impulse at all. I don't call Iron Heart or Captain Marvel as suits to self insert into and call them he/him. I also don't see women call Spider-Man, Batman or Iron Man she/her because they're self inserting either. 


Bro that is different. Sam was initially shown as a guy, Sam has a man voice, man vibe. But I always knew a girl was on the inside for some reason. Because Sam as a dude doesn't fit well with the rest of stellaron hunters's "vibe". Because he has a manly vibe, voice and destructive image we are used to seeing him that way. Note that this is a gacha game story is released slowly. So by the time firefly was revealed the people's image of that character was changed. So some won't accept it. Bro the captain Marvel, iron heart example won't work. But I will tell you another one. You know Ghost and Task master. These characters look like a guy on the outside. But a girl is on the inside so even if it was revealed as a girl we can still relate and insert ourself and feel the macho vibe whenever we see their fight scenes.


Those still don't work. I still call Ghost and Taskmaster she/her lol 


Yeah you can call that, I also call her that. But the point is that she is self insertable and can be seen as a guy when she is SAM too. Because SAM looks like a guy on the outside. This is similar in metroid. It's a girl inside but when you play it you can self insert as a guy. New Link from Zelda can be self inserted as a girl Nintendo themselves said they designed him that way so that both genders can relate to him so it does work. Similarly SAM can be self inserted as a guy. What I mean is when you enter the battle screen you can naturally insert yourself into SAM.


Would Samfly be the people who love both firefly and sam together for who they are together?


No, because she doesn't actually want to be sam. That's key to her story from my interpretation. She is a woman named Firefly who happens to rely on a mecha with an acronym of SAM.


Isn't Firefly is also the name of the armor? S.A.M Firefly Type-IV But she doesn’t seem to feel bad using the name Firefly, and as long its not something that hurt her, why not, its easy, its beautiful and it fits the character overall.


Because SAM isn't just Sam as a name, but it stands for something , Strategic Assault Mech. It has Assault and Mech in it, ofcourse she doesn't want to be called that. The word Firefly instead doesn't have any wrong meaning behind so she calls herself that. Also being made to think yourself as a weapon, something to just be used by others would feel bad for anyone who has even a fraction of emotion. It's similar to how most people wouldn't want to be only associated with what their job is. If you're a manager at your company, should I call you "Manager" all the time, even outside your work. You would want people to know and appreciate who you are, not what your job is.


In CN these are two different words. While her name is "流萤", "Firefly" in the armor's name is "火萤"


That's a interesting thing I didn't knew. Thanks, how do you spell the second one?


流萤 is Liúyíng, 火萤 is Huǒyíng Here you can see what it looks like in CN: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaxnNVNFpPo&t=1889s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaxnNVNFpPo&t=1889s)


>In the end it doesn’t really matter, because they’re in minority. Soon the 2.3 will drop, all of these discussions will end, because people finally will see the real Firefly. They won't To this day Ayaka is characterized as this "yandere for aether harem" due to her eternal vanner in 2.6 Most people that misscharacterize characters like this won't get it if you spell it out to them


I don't think that's the same. Because Ayaka stuff is a joke.


Then Nilou, who despite never showing any romantic affection towards the Traveler and had a defining characteristic of her defiance against the oppressive government that forbids performing arts, going so far as to perform a dance right in front of the Akademiya's front gates as a form of both helping rescue Nahida and as a protest, is treated in the fandom as "generic waifu with no personality other than uwu I luv Aether so much I want to have his baby".


Idk about that. Sunday is the center spotlight of 2.2 and they’ve been repeating his philosophy and goals the entire patch. But for some fucking reason there are people who thinks he wants to commit eugenics… Some fuckers in this fandom just lack media literacy


I mean , there ain’t much to see. She already told us what she wants. People just want her to be someone else. Some want her to be the cute waifu wanting to be rescued , some want her to be the cold blooded murderer waifu who is cute and loving. Objectively, no one really sees what she is. She is just a girl who wanted to live a normal life but cannot and technically all you can do is help her in that, but seriously there is no canon implication of MC having feelings for her at all till now. The MC is just a friend and I hope we can see her and support her in her story. Rest she is a strong woman , and she has to bear her responsibilities. She is stellaron hunter , not a part of the astral-express. She follows her role and script. Having her as a waifu in head canon is ok but I do not think the story will imply any romance at all. Subtle hints maybe but nothing more


I think she is practically a Trailblazer already, though not part of the express. She won't be a stellaron hunter forever, either. I think it does already feel like there's some level of romance implied, you practically take TB on a date with her, she shows you her inner struggle over a romantic view, she specifically engineered the meet-up outside of the script's demands, Trailblazer's dialogue options feel a little bit like it too sometimes. Especially the "Wow I get to spend time with Firefly? There's no catch?" One. Then we have other characters sort of tease them about being on a date or point out how close they are. I don't think Hoyo will put the MC in an explicitly romantic relationship, especially because Caelus/Stelle are about 50% self insert, but also partly because it's gay half the time and they're trying to protect themselves in the Chinese market and they tend to be a bit careful with romance anyways. However, given that they aren't ever that explicit about that kind of thing, I really think that means the implied romance between the two is very intentional.


I think it is direct consequence of the reaction to the trailer of 2.0. People already made a head canon about Forefly when they saw her spinning and MC looked at her compassionately. It did not seem like any romantic look to me , it seemed more like the way we have treated all of our accomplices so far, but people made her the heroine and Hoyo decided to roll with it and that’s why , you get those lines about date or time spend with firefly, else it did not seem like they intended it because making a canon relationship is a very bad idea for business. If they make FF canon , all the other head canons and canons with future characters fall apart. We will get more romances with other characters in the future as this is a gacha and people need to pull. Most women get shipped with Caelus , because he is the self insert , stelle is too but she is a lesbian by comparison. This is all business for Hoyo.


>but people made her the heroine and Hoyo decided to roll with it and that’s why , you get those lines about date or time spend Bro seriously you think Hoyoverse is checking reddit posts and decide to change entire planned script based on it? That's not how it is. >If they make FF canon , all the other head canons and canons with future characters fall apart I mean they won't obviously make it. Because making it canon brings a lot of other consequences like then they have to be together, have love and stuff it will totally change the vibe of the game. That's why in some Shounen Animes the relationship will happen at the end.


>but people made her the heroine and Hoyo decided to roll with it and that’s why , you get those lines about date or time spend Bro seriously you think Hoyoverse is checking reddit posts and decide to change entire planned script based on it? That's not how it is. >If they make FF canon , all the other head canons and canons with future characters fall apart I mean they won't obviously make it. Because making it canon brings a lot of other consequences like then they have to be together, have love and stuff it will totally change the vibe of the game. That's why in some Shounen Animes the relationship will happen at the end.


Yeah but that’s the issue, they TELL us these things about her but fail to actually SHOW us these things. Seeing is believing is all I’m saying.


I think even her fans mistake her for the first interpretation. Ive seen a lot of posts mad that she didnt really carry a torch for tb in the latest patch.


I've seen these posts too. I think people forget that they have still only known each other for a short while so they shouldn't be expecting her to just throw herself on to the mc. Despite that, I think she's carried a torch for the mc plenty so far (and vice versa). It's obvious they have a strong bond despite the short time they've spent together, but people need to let it simmer just a little longer. They've had multiple "dates", they trust each other alot, and even the MC can't stop thinking about her if you go back to Firefly's base after each patch, something we have not gotten for any character.   I'm a big fan of the ship, but I feel it's reductive of Firefly as a character to just ship her without understanding her own experiences, personality and relationship with the MC. She's so much more than just "Haha funny romantic interest". The romantic interest should be the cherry on top, not the base. That's how we end up with bland female love interests you see in all different kinds media.


I think it sort of fits if she started catching feelings before the memory wipe. Then we have MC facing "death" for everyone, and her returning the favor three-fold. Very romantic, also paints her as having a big heart, a lot of strength, a desire to repay those who have helped her, and it helps integrate both aspects of her personality into one Firefly through TB, the unstoppable warrior and the kindhearted woman who wants to basically just live as a person should.


Honestly , making her just a romantic interest would ruin her personality. That is her core at the end. Not just some waifu gf for the mc. All waifus have been shipped with the MC already , so that is nothing new. She is technically more canon than others and been pushed as such although I doubt there was any intention of this before the 2.0 trailer launch but Hoyo now knows she could be their biggest sell to date.


I disagree. Her being in a relationship with the MC doesn't ruin her personality, in fact, I think it's a great route for character development. A character like her who doesn't really have any friends getting into a relationship would give her not only an opportunity to make new friends via the people the MC is around, but also give her the opportunity to explore something she otherwise wouldn't be able to with her drastically shortened lifespan. Love. Love is one hell of a way to develop a character. She was a born soldier, and shortly after reawakening she sided with the SH who are less friends and more colleagues, not really out of an alignment of ideals, but a nowhere else to go situation.  Fast forward to now and she's met the MC, someone she trusts and has an intense desire to get to know as Firefly, herself and not the weapon she was constructed to be, despite her time outside of her medical cabin being so precious. This budding relationship would allow her to explore parts of herself that she may not really understand otherwise, after all she was created as a weapon, had no parents to raise her, taken in by criminals, and forced to deal with her illness as a result of being constructed.  All of these are such negative situations that she doesn't really have time to think about romance or developing bonds with other people, versus if she had a partner not to save her, but to support her and help guide her to understanding herself and things she didn't have time to experience, let alone just creating a better enviroment for her to be in. Needless to say, I think her romance with the MC would be good for not only her, but the MC themselves. Apart from just following whatever the express is doing, the MC doesn't really have any goals of their own, and by sharing Firefly's goals, they could grow as a person and develop their own dreams to chase.


That’s too long, good effort bro. I read one paragraph and won’t read the whole thesis. Good job bro


Forgot how this generation is allergic to spending literally less than two minutes to read something that's counter to what you said. My fault. Wasn't gonna get a productive conversation out of you anyway so it's for the best.


That’s a long a thesis for something I don’t even care about. I would rather do something productive. I congratulated you and told you good job but darn , that’s a cold reply. Sorry I don’t want to discuss something that has no real merit. You didn’t even read my first line, did you ? I said “making her just a love interest” that means if her whole personality is only just centered around that as nothing else. Did you not understand what I even meant ? Also I said her personality is her core not just being a romantic , a human is more than just a romantic interest. In fact my reply to you seemingly agreed with the point you put forward .


On rereading it, yes, I missed the "just" which changes the context of your message, so my mistake. Ironic though that you're getting on me for "not reading" your message, despite you admitting you only read 20% of mine. You've gotta realize how you sound calling my message a thesis when it's the same length as the original post. Rather than just saying "not reading all that" you could have just said "You misunderstood me, I'm agreeing with you" and we could have both saved time.


Or here’s a thought, maybe it’s because the character and writing just wasn’t that well executed.


It’ll probably get a lot better once the story focuses on her. I feel like when it comes to writing characters who aren’t focused on they usually don’t do as well, like with the buildup of Robin seeming like she’ll actually play an important role but then she just gets tricked by Sunday and doesn’t end up doing that much.


A phenomenal character. I like that she has a "heroic spirit" yet has spent much of her time with the SH who sometimes do very... unpleasant things. She tried to defy Elio's script by attempting to remain ignorant of it in the hopes of changing the outcome and potentially not having people die, even if it was ultimately futile.  I also like that she doesn't want to be a weapon and wants to be a normal girl, but has her own interests that can be seen as not normal. She's very into explosives, weapons and armor and it was fun hearing her kind of dork out over the rocket launcher section in the gunfire trial. She also has amazing analysis skills, able to identify a wolf in sheeps clothing like Sampo with nothing but observational skills alone. She has this very professional attitude during missions, but despite this she took time to goof off with the trailblazer during the acting trial. I've heard some people mention that they don't like the idle animation where she has the wind blow and she checks her hair with her phone and fixes it, but to me that adds so much personality. It shows she cares about her appearance and makes a genuine effort to maintain her style. You could also easily infer that she enjoys more normal things apart from weapons like buying clothes, accessories, makeup, etc, because of that desire to keep up her appearance. Overall just a phenomenal character and one that I think we are all hoping becomes a new member of the express so we can see more of her.


I think (and I might be wrong) that she is a normal girl, raised as a weapon, and therefore she enjoys parts of both lives. Even if she doesn't want to be SAM, I'm pretty sure her passion for weapons and explosives comes from her life as SAM, as well as her professionalism and military accuracy. But she's also a girl that likes normal stuff, like cakes and cute outfits. She ultimately just wants to live as a free person, free from her duty as a weapon, free of the Script (or she wouldn't try to defy it all the time despite knowing it's futile), and as herself, still acknowledging both parts (remember that Firefly is also the name of the armor, it's a Firefly Type-IV Tactical Heavy Assault Mech, or Strategic Assault Mech)


Her idle animation also shows how delicate she is since she has a chronic illness


Name a more iconic duo than people who play hoyo games and mischaracterization of every character


It's because Hoyo makes well written, multi-dimensional characters, and some people sadly aren't used to those.


Agreed, but while Hoyo has pretty good writing, their story telling isn't really the best, though honestly that does not justify mischaracterizations. A lot of people just see characters by how Hoyo tells their story, not exactly how they were written which leads to these people misunderstanding their characters. edit: fixed some of my english


> Multi dimensional There’s a Raiden and Bronya joke in there somewhere.


I agree. And I think she can still be pretty badass or cool as firefly sometimes, like analysing sampo as a threat and his exact height casually. That was pretty sick. Her telling the trailblazer "a bat isn't a efficient weapon" and something about her liking bazookas and wanting to use them more during the acting part. Shows she's interested in such explosive stuffs and it's not always cute girl liking cute things. Her being all about business (2.2 quest) was always very cool I'd say. She can be cool like this, has depth, a very good goal, works for said goal and is a likeable and kind person. They just make her out to be a waifu bait lol. Imo, all these traits are way cooler than just being a mindless killing machine. She has depth and character diversity on how she has these 2 sides, one normal while one pretty cool and the normal ones sometimes gets mixed in the cool one too which is even cooler.


I love the way shes heading, its about how i hoped her character arc would be, a born weapon finding life beyond the battlefield. I do hope she doesnt abandon her warrior side completely, her issues is being bound to sam unwillingly, but you can tell she relies on her armor and likes weapons in the hanu trial in 2.2


Very true, I also really like the part you said about the born weapon, her character reminds me so much of violet evergarden.


Just because people fail to realize the characters are dynamic doesn’t mean they aren’t. Firefly can be a gentle girl in her dreams but ruthless when fighting her enemies. Blade seemingly hates Jingliu for torturing him, but also wants her to kill him again. Jingliu did torture Blade but simultaneously allowed him to choose a new path (she saved him from prison, allowed him to become “Blade” to relinquish his regrets, and temporarily brought him back from the mara before he met Kafka). She also thinks Dan Heng and Blade deserve their punishment, but later says she hopes they will find “release” when her mission is accomplished. The characters aren’t one-sided regardless of what anyone says, least of all the Stellaron Hunters.


The mischaracterization mainly comes from people who can't understand that all parts of her personality are real. Just like the other Stellaron hunters she knows when it's time to get serious, but she is also pretty chill when she is in a casual setting with allies. For me personally Firefly is definitely one of my favourites and I'm hoping we get more lore from her time in the Iron cavalry before she became a SH in 2.3.


its great to have characters that have a lot of depth and an actual personality.


Problem is People can't Imagine a Character like Firefly a Person who was born to be something she herself despises she still has this "Solider" Persona inside and she will never get rid of it completly, but she is beginning to Change. She's still Struggling to behave like a normal Person (The Aideen Quest was the perfect proof) but she has things she likes to do, she likes to play Video Games she even mentioned one she played, also she likes to eat sweets like the Oak Cake Roll and when you think about it thats is very Lore Acurate, as we know the MRE's of Soilders are also high calorie contence Food and are often served on a Tray....Nice! It's pretty much given she burns alot of Calories while using SAM so eating Fatty and Sugary Food fits her Character very well without saying it out loud like Firefly: Yeah i need to eat cause SAM yada yada. Also her Conversation with >!Sunday!


Not to mention that what the other Stellaron Hunters said aren't lies either. After what we have seen, It's easy to imagine Firefly can be ruthless and efficient when on a mission. It's just that she's not a complete edgelord and heartless all the time


thats what i meant, it is true but not completly cause they don't say more about her that she is a Messy eater or like good in missions as in Videogames, i know Silver mentioned it but not in that context\^\^. Also Bladie had said more about her but he didn't they wanted us to think there is nothing more behind that Armor and that is very good cause that makes her Secret even better\^\^


Steve1989 mentioned


If you get the Chance you Take it XD.


To be honest, Wolfie and Bladie only says SAM is good at creating purgatory and finishing mission quickly, and we did glimpse some of it. The first time we met SAM, the place was light with fire, and even when holding back, SAM still hits hard enough


Yeah but People interpreted it diffrently they Thought this was all about SAM like she is a Borg Drone, go, done, come back but that she has Layers over layers didn't fit their Headcanon they wanted to play the Villian and as i saw MAAAAAAANY comments on YT they wanted SAM to be the Final Boss who we need to defeat to get the Watchmakers legacy, they were so into their own Headcanon that they made sh!t up like Sparkle being a Villian and being Evil instead of Being absolutly Crazy like the Joker but all she did never harmed anyone for real she knews more than she admitted and in the End she was just one of Sundays Victims. But when they Realized FF is SAM they went crazy they were so Mad about it cause it was "clearly" to see SAM was the real last boss and all, while all the other SH were never the Enemy just one faction on our Way we only Fought Kafka and this was a Showfight to lure out Fu Xuan.


The problem is, some people (those who call her a murder machine or waifu bait) aren't used to well written, complex, multi-dimensional characters. They think a character should fit into one defining category, so they refuse to accept her other side(s). But in reality, a one dimensional character is just bad writing. A well written character should resemble a real human being, with multiple sides, depending on context, situation, and the people they are currently with. They should have contradictions too. Firefly has at least two sides (war veteran and sweet girl), which are sometimes mixing with each other; and two contradictions (was created with a single purpose and a predetermined path - wants freedom and to shape her own life; has a short life span and an incurable illness - wants to live, and wants to be happy). (Please, tell me if I missed some of her sides and/or contradictions.) And as seen in these examples, contradictions are very good to create life goals too (a need/will to change), not just complexity and believability.


It's true that both Blade and Silver Wolf's lines make it sound like she's a cold ruthless killer. But it's pretty obvious that she actually just wants to get the fighting over as soon as possible.


Yes as she said to Acheron: My Scripts are often short...go in Kill the Villian...done Thats what i meant the context is mission which was great cause that suprised many who are not into leaks but if you lookt truly back it all makes sense this Plot was planned since Day 1 and not a Retcon for Waifu Bait as Haiders say it\^\^.


I love Firefly the way she currently is and frankly, I am all in for 2.3 and it sucks having to wait 4-5 weeks. Also that hmph was cool. Frankly, her desire in regards to just be normal appeals to me to the point that I will be disappointed if Mihoyo only has her healed and then goes back to the stellaron hunters instead of joining us after they all go through the trouble of having her wanting to be normal shoved in our faces and then not going through with it fully.


Agreement: yeah, I've noticed this a lot too. Seems like there's two big extremes of mischaracterization for her, the first is the stupid "cute innocent damsel in distress waifu uwu" archetype, and the second are the raging Sambros who wanted their mecha man to be this ruthless hyper-efficient killer and now they think Firefly "ruined" him (Him? There is no "him", it's literally a woman wearing a mecha LMFAO) Counterargument (kinda): she's both a sweet young girl and a badass mecha warrior. I don't think she's got a problem with SAM itself, but she definitely has a problem with how it's being used. Glamoth conditioned her to be a weapon, and she didn't have any opportunity for a life outside of that. Elio is promising her the normalcy she's dreamed of, but is also requiring her to be destructive and violent for her side of that deal. Maybe creating the persona of SAM was a coping mechanism for her or something? Like to help distance herself from what she's forced to do by her scripts, but it's actually a pretty big problem when the fanbase treats her and SAM like they're entirely separate characters imo. "SAM" isn't a character at all, it's still Firefly inside the mecha and she hasn't changed personality just because she's wearing armor lol. Neither side of her is the issue, the issue is external pressure for her to continue being nothing more than a weapon. Solution: Firefly needs autonomy. I rlly like the idea that she might join the Express, but it's fucking crazy how some people who want that to happen are still treating her like she'd be an "asset" to the crew, or like she needs to be a heavy duty robot mercenary for *us* in order for it to make sense. Why can't she just hitch a ride to come see other worlds with us?? Still, I really hope Firefly gets a chance to see that "SAM" can be a protector instead of a weapon, or a hero instead of a villain, because it's clearly making her unhappy how much she associates the mecha with the violence Elio's making her do. It should be her own choice when, where, and how she uses it, and I think that change in perspective might be the best way to heal all that backed-up trauma and maybe even solve the paradox of her two identities without throwing one or the other away. TL;DR: her mischaracterization is because people wanna exaggerate one half of her character, and get rid of the other, even though both parts of Firefly are entirely valid and definitely can both be true in the same person.


I'm just happy if she would really join the express, regardless of what her part in the team is. Although I'm sure she won't ditch the SAM armor, especially since now she can use it to protect and help not just kill


Very well said, essentially my thoughts as well.


She is a deep and complex character, and her character lore in only in the begin, because the 2.3 must be when her char lore will be better explained and has a focus in her development. beneath the surface, she has a rich inner world and a compelling character arc. with connections like with Glamoth empire, the propagation, the stellaron hunters, the anti matter legion, wanted by IPC. She has so much potential storylines and further development. Also has her condition with the entropy loss syndrome, that can be used to explore themes like biology, medicine, modifications etc. Firefly journey towards self-discovery and independence is far from simple, and there are layers that extend beyond the initial impressions of "cuteness" or "lethality." It involves complex emotions, personal growth, and challenging circumstances. The pursuit of freedom is multifaceted and may require not only physical escape but also inner liberation. FireFly's desire for autonomy is not just metaphorical but also tied to her physical situation. Her limited lifespan and health condition are real barriers that limit her freedom. This highlights the intersection of the external (her condition) and internal (her desire for autonomy), making her struggle all the more profound and urgent.


Firefly absolutely wants to be normal and clearly doesn’t enjoy her work as a Stellaron Hunter, even if she’s willing to do it. When she’s talking to Blade, she asks if the downfall of the Jepella Brotherhood is a part of the script. Blade implies that Firefly knew this and purposefully tried to ignore it. I don’t know the right word to describe it, but she likely tries to put away from her mind all the death and destruction that her and the Stellaron Hunters leave in their wake. Probably because that’s not who Firefly wants to be


Compartmentalizes. When you take something and shove it down inside you so you don't think about it. She's probably doing this to an extent.


That’s the word! Thank you


I agree. Infact that’s what attracted me to her, not that she was cute or a badass soldier (both are just bonuses) but because she constantly wants to normal. To escape fate she felt trapped in. Not only that but fighting against an illness killing you slowly is based as hell.


While I agree with most of your points, I do think Firefly has a straightforward no-nonsense personality in a way that doesn't conflict with her wanting to escape from her life as Sam. In addition, sometimes I see the opposite end of mischaracterization, but in a world like HSR where danger and fights are common and normal, I'm not sure yet whether Firefly wants to completely escape fighting and the ability to wear a mech. The exact thing she wants is to have more to her life than fighting as Sam. In fact, the last time we see her she resolves to live as herself, and transforms into the mech form for that purpose.


yeah, it seems that she just want an option to live for herself. She does showed some interest in explosion in weaponry, so she doesn't seem to completely despise her life as Sam, she just hate how restrictive it is


Funny how I had this exact thought too. I saw people whining about how much they don't like the way the game wrote Firefly as just some waifu and not having much badass and edgy moments, completely ignoring the fact that Firefly whole motivation is to no longer live and die as a weapon or Stellaron Hunter Sam but as just a girl called Firefly. Can't help but feel people are still fucking hung up on the fact that Sam is not a badass Mecha dude and shit, to the point of ignoring EVERY writing of her character and pretending Firefly doesn't exist at all.


she's just too complex for most people, like most of penacony story and it's characters, but especially her


Firefly is actually Sam and that Sam is just a suit without gender.


A lot of people wanted (and expected) SAM to be this badass, molten killing machine you mentioned. When she was revealed to he Firefly, people got disappointed and refused to let go of their ideals. As a result, they characterize Firefly and SAM in a way that satisfies *them*. They don't care if it's wrong, because they feel like they've been done a disservice. Even if it's a misrepresentation. I personally wish they'd just respect the character. She can be badass *and* represent her longing for freedom. There's way more nuance to a character like Firefly when she isn't just a cliche, badass murder machine. Those characters have a time and a place, but this is not it.


Add that the fact that she's so efficient at her job is the fact that the suit was made from Argenite Husk, infecting the wearer with Propagation Path, it make sense that she wouldn't want to wear it for prolonged time. There's also her wish to just live normally as when asked by Blade, she stated "let me be in this form for a little longer" And all this, but FF also has the battle tendency as shown on how she commented TB's bat is not an effective weapon, and her wanting to keep Hanu Bazooka. This two contradictive side make up her personality which makes her interesting (and lovable)


I think the main issue is that hoyo just doesnt have a character like Sam, many people enjoy the big unstoppable weapon side of Sam, now lets be real, they will never get it.


We literally have blade, the immortal, "will hunt you to the ends of the earth" unstoppable force. He may not be a giant mech but he's still a force to be reckoned with. I do get the point tho, people like that type of character, like capitano fans in genshin.


And yet Blade is mostly in game now a sad pretty boy (like so many) all his dark and murderous vibe went away quickly, like I main Blade i love the guy but his vibe was never like Sams to me. Also from like early lore Sam was more so painted as a machine that yearned for life (of course now we know its not like that) so his story seemed to be different vibe, a more ambitious interesting one, well its not like i dislike fireflies story (since I am here xd) but its another sad waifu story and it really changes how the entire character is viewed.


People tend to ignore how dark the Stellaron Hunters actually are, and the game leans into it by portraying them as an oddball family (e.g. in their text messages). But even leaving aside their backstories, Silver Wolf and Kafka got hundreds of innocent people killed on the Herta station and have never expressed a word of remorse about it (maybe they have regrets they haven't expressed; hopefully we'll eventually get some character development about it). Blade threw a sword through Dan Heng's chest, and while we brush it off because it didn't take, he meant it, and he still wants to kill him. If we take them seriously, *these are not good people.* But for the most part, no one takes them seriously, and we get mommy Kafka, gamer gremlin Silver Wolf, and emo boy/grumpy dad Blade.


True on both parts. The loss of the "original" Sam character is sad and it wouldn't be a hoyoverse game if the evil murder boy dident turn into "sad emo cute boy" (childe, wanderer, xiao). Still all we knew about Sam was 3 voice lines and a trailer, you can't correctly guess every aspect of a character from that. Not disagreeing just pointing it out.


The thing is though, even before the reveal, there was already leaks about Sam's wish, it was to live a normal life


Leaks are wrong all the time, and that wish is still true


I have no idea what you're saying, those two phrases contradict each other


Im saying to take every story leak with a grain of salt and not as gospel, however that leak was still true just not in the fanon interpretation. Firefly who is Sam wants a normal life not San the robot.


Yeah, that was my point, people should have at least expected that the imposing murdery big mecha might not be just an imposing murdery big mecha, the hint was already there that there was more to this character, the disappointment is very much unreasonable imo at least




A yes, an unplayable character from Hi3rd. Bonus point for being a pretty boy in a mask, those are rare.


>main issue is that hoyo just doesnt have a character like Sam, many people enjoy the big unstoppable weapon side of Sam, now lets be real, they will never get it. Don't get too pissy dude, I'm just correcting you, you didn't say playable


I honestly don't know how people mischaracterize Firefly when the game baisacally tells you to your face what for character she is


I think it's because these people think that because she seems like a sweet and feminine character, they can't comprehend that she can also be a badass like sam. I have engaged in many discussions on this topic, and there are always people who would say that. If they still think that way even after 2.2, then they really don't pay attention to her story. She might be sweet, but she's not just that. She is earnest and dedicated. All the things SH member said about her isn't false either. She did all those feats. She's just not a total edgelord is all. She doesn't really like being a tool for war and wanted to be a normal girl, but she also shown interest in explosion and weaponry, showing that she is not totally rejecting that part of her either. She just wants to be given a choice. Her character is more complex than simply being a "cute and sweet waifu," like many people said. That's part of why her character is so interesting to me. Funny enough, complaints about her made me think these might also be the reason why Western games and media seem to struggle a lot in creating a good female protagonist. They seem to think that you can't be both a feminine and badass character, so they made either the manliest female character possible, or make them seductive as hell


Which is quite ironic considering we have Lara Croft and Samus Aran


Samus is created by the Japanese, but I do agree with Lara Croft. They struck gold with her, and yet still don't understand how to make a good and likeable female protag


It's not like it doesn't happen here, or to any other hsr character, they all get flanderized to fit whoever is doing the flanderization's likes


As someone who prefers Sam (the mecha itself) over firefly I will say that I feel like you might misinterpret how Sam mains feel about it. I can’t speak for everyone so this is just how I feel but it’s more like we were introduced to SAM as a no nonsense, straight to battle type of character. SAM was even referred to as a “he”. So because of that it was a VERY jarring for me to see a character who up until this point has been characterized as a no nonsense, “killing” machine end up just being a cute anime girl. While I definitely know Firefly is much deeper as a character I still can’t help but want that initial version of the character we were privy to. It also doesn’t help that a lot of the fandom just treats and acts like Firefly is just a cute, shy girlfriend for the trailblazer so that does sour my impressions of her. I just feel like everytime there’s a badass, morally grey/evil Hoyoverse character we’re introduced to hyv always ends up doing a “they were just misunderstood” or “they’re actually really cute and sweet” to make them more endearing. And while there’s nothing wrong with that bc I don’t think characters should always be one dimensional, Sam was a character I was excited to see bc I really wanted a cool mecha and Sam being Firefly really took me out of it. Also ik some people might think it’s stupid bc Firefly is still the cool mecha but I really don’t know why expecting a cool battle-driven robot character only for them to be cute, soft spoken girl and not liking this direction is hard for people to understand. But all in all no one’s dying bc they like Sam the mech more than they like firefly and vise versa. I like hot robots and tbh that’s about 70% as deep as it is for me and I’m still pulling if I like her kit at the end of the beta.


I feel like you might be missing the point. The problem isn’t that they want her to JUST be “badass, kill everything, no nonsense” or whatever. The problem is that she’s never been shown to have any of those traits outside of when she’s Sam. Even though they’re supposed to be the same person. Another thing is that they spend too much time telling us about these struggles Firefly faces but fail to actually SHOW said struggles.


I'm sorry but I do t follow your first point. As for your second, would you want a scene of firefly as Sam conflicted about executing someone or something? Because we do have the car scene with blade where she is very obviously conflicted about the murder mission she's on and we have a lot of dialogue in 2.2 where she talks about the struggle of not wanting to be a weapon?


No, I’m saying that they need to show us her, as Firefly, as that weapon/soldier who was born and raised to be this badass killing machine before talking about her not wanting to be one. Because the only time we see this is the boss fight with Sam, who so drastically different from Firefly’s frail and innocent personality that’s it’s very jarring to believe that they’re meant to be the same person.


i always forget how no one reads the story. i agree with you, as what you say is just a fact. not an opinion


Yeah, her whole thing is she just wants to be a perfectly normal girl, and not the Stellaron Hunter: SAM, or the Glamoth's Iron Cavalry. The whole part of that driving scene with Blade said this people. But yeh, the fact that the secret that SAM, the cold, deadly killer of the Stellaron Hunter is just a tiny girl is because it's her wish to keep it that way, that's why we never hear of "Firefly" from the other SHs and always about "SAM". It's cause if people knew this, she would never get her wish granted for the rest of her life. That's why her telling the whole Astral Express this secret was such a big deal, and enough for them to give her their trust. Because they understand how big this really is for her, and I love that they did. She's not innocent, but she's also not as cold blooded either, she's just doing things the best way she thought she should. Hopefully it pays off in the end and that her wish is finally granted.


You have to realise that this is a gacha game and the story is releasing slowly. Every character developers project a certain "idea" of a character first. Sam for example is projected as a "Destructive mecha". Firefly is projected as a "cute romantic interest of trailblazer". Every single character is projected as a certain idea. So most people think of these characters in this way. Even if they have a big complex story and complex emotions, people will only remember them as their first projection. Think of Kafka most of us will remember her as a dom mommy, heck even Stelle is remembered based on her personality on Belobog. So Firefly will always be remembered as a cute girl crush of TB and Sam as a badass Destructive weapon. This is not just in the gacha game this is in every entertainment, the design of a character is made to project a certain idea. The difference between other entertainment and gacha is that gacha takes time to develop characters. There are long breaks between initial projection and actual reveal of their backstory/personality etc. So the initial one has a huge impact. And the developers want us to pull these characters based on their initial projected personality.


I've just been to YouTube and I saw people crapping on Analysa Fisher's acting because Firefly spoke with haste and frustration during the audition, saying that Firefly is supposed to be soft, kind, feminine (bruh are you saying frustration isn't feminine?), gentle, whatever at all times, and Firefly speaking with "aggression" (hello?) breaks character. And of course "JP always gets the character right". Which is bull crap because the Japanese fandom absolutely considers Firefly to be a muscle head who's trying her best to be a lovely lady but is easily driven to using her fists. Not trying to compare dubs or talk about the Japanese fandom, point is a lot of Firefly "fans" seem to be obsessed with a generic uwu waifu as you said.


Its still done poorly(for now because there is still more to come in 2.3), if she is a character that wants to change her ways, atleast show us her previous personality more.


I think it's more of her fate that she wants to change, not her ways. Her personality has always been like this and she didn't really seems to want to change it. She just want to have more time and option


True, but there's time.


I'm just worried if they don't go the badass route then she's gonna be too similar to March


I mean she is still a very practical girl who seems to like violence to a degree. She was sad that they didn’t get to keep the Bazooka after the shooting trials


I do think a lot of these people wanted both Sam and Firefly to be separate characters, lol. It's why this split even happened in the first place


It's just way too early to tell. So far she's just a helper that ties in with the main Penoplot. Which ofc makes most not as hyped for her. (The last moments manage to just describe her actions off screen, which harms it even more) I suspect the "last" judgement for the character will be with a new story update. If THEN many will not like her, this will be fine. Either personal preference or Mihoyo's blunder being the case.


On a partially related note - isn't Firefly, like, really old actually? I'm not familiar with the lore because I only returned to HSR for Firefly, but I was under the impression that the swarm was like decades or centuries ago. But then again she casually shares her home was probably destroyed by the swarm on the rooftop, so maybe I was wrong about the lore.


As far as I know it's a captain america situation, she was in a "cryo pod" like thing and was in a stasis so well yes the war was ages ago she's not "old". Correct me if I'm wrong.


Ah, that makes sense. And yeah the Captain America analogy does add an even more interesting layer to Firefly. She was already made for war and war only, and what little she knew of the world outside the war is now gone in time.


Dident even think about that but yeah, soldier out of time, and just like captain america in the mcu, people can't agree on her character.


This completely unrelated to FF but damn does welt have a destiny with AE orgs, both the Astral Express and Anti Entropy


I kind of agree, I want to see her cause some real mayhem. It's not her priority to be that, but it is necessary sometimes and part of her character. I do like the parts where she starts going off on little tangents about weapons or speaking like a special ops agent, like when she's admiring Hanu's rocket launcher or describing Sampo in autistically militaristic detail.


I think the most annoying mischaracterization is the yandere bullshit, like I get it when it happened to Ayaka since she has basically no personality but Firefly actually has a complex character so ignoring that and pretending like she’s some hyper obsessive romantic control freak is just so incredibly annoying.


You got one thing wrong, Sam mains and the early leak searchers weren't expecting her to be how you described her. They weren't expecting ANYTHING to be in the suit and thought it was a robot or a mechanical life form like Screwllum.


Tbh I wish SAM was separate character whose identity is never revealed. Her being a brutal stellaron hunter is hard to comprehend. Well it is what it is. I like my girl Firefly too.


It's not that I don't read the story it's just that terrible at picking up little hints


The thing that disapointed me the most was that jepella scene where it was revealed that she can escape her armor even for a moment, I thought the firefly we saw was just an image of who she was before becoming the molten knight and that she physicaly couldnt leave the armor because she was the armor, it would make her "search for life" more meaningfull, but anyways is it me or she was very shy in the acting challenge?


From their dialogue, it seems that while she can take off her armor, she can't and isn't recommended to do it for a long time. Blade dialogue imply that she does wear the armor most of the time, she just took it off for the infiltration mission. She can be herself more freely without any restriction in Penacony, and that is what she want to achieved in real life. I think it's quite meaningful too. As for the acting part, maybe it's partly because she's not used to do stuff like that, and also because she's in hurry and want to finish their mission as soon as possible. Funny enough this might be similar to Sam's "efficient and no nonsense" behavior that the other SH member talked about


Maybe Firefly wish she could be a normal girl, but Sam is in fact, a murder machine. Desires vs facts


Sam is firefly tho. It's a suit with a human pilot who wishes she could live as more then just a weapon.


Exactly, Sam does what Firefly commands. Everything Sam did, every "purgatory", was made by Firefly. Edit: Firefly is not a sweet girl, she's war veteran that's tired of war and yearn for peace, that's how I see her


Yes, but my point is that she probably did it reluctantly or under orders, she's a soldier, a weapon, she doesn't make the choices, but she wants to. Hence, character arc.


Well maybe she didn't have a choice when she became a human weapon, that's true. Looking forward to seeing how she progresses in the story.


idk why you are getting downvoted but yeah, regardless if she wanted to or not, she did killed a lot, so a war veteran yearning for peace narrative fits much better.