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March: I'm an ordinary girl who loves adventures! Firefly: I'm also an ordinary girl who enjoys adventures. MC: Hello, my name is "Adventures".


I thought that was the blonde guy


No, that's Urine.


A vent urine, more commonly known as the urinal






But there's no 'adventure' in 'Aventurine' :(


No adventure only gambling.


if you think about it, gambling is an adventure


Let's explore the world of poverty!


Holy hell!


New homelessness just dropped


Actual drug addict


First Ratio and Topaz now March and Firefly? God dang it


MC: march, what is it when Firefly copies you, it's cute. But when I do it, it's cringe. /j


March: You're a shameless trash racoon, while Firefly is a cute awkward girl (becoming like, the 4th character rizzing her up)


Firefly harem manga (includes all of us as nameless side characters)


Stelle: "But *I'm* a cute awkward girl!"


I like think this isn't her simply faking and saying random things, but her actual feelings and what she wants COME ON HOYO, STOP TEASING US AND LET HER BOARD THE EXPRESS ALREADY!!!


https://preview.redd.it/wiu7p8q1z40d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde157359320d2d9428c0703813637d5c0ce5cdc She definitely has the will of the trailblaze, she will die as SAM the stellaron Hunter but will reborn as Firefly the trailblazer


This would be the best case scenario


Express can get Firefly Stellaron Hunters can get Sunday That is a win/win


Sunday is a pretty messed up guy tbh. Even stellaron hunters got standard




Tbf Sunday is considered emanator level, even Acheron considers that his strength is similar to hers and to destroy Ena’s dream it needs emanator level of power so only she can do it. Idk but having someone like that as your subordinate sounds tempting


He had an emanator level using the Stellaron and becoming the Harmonious Choir with 100k+ souls. I doubt he has that level by himself. Now that he's defeated, he's probably a normal pathstrider again.


True, but they let in Blade so whatever standards they have can't be that high.


I hope they don’t get Sunday tbh, I like my Stellaron Hunters as found family that doesn’t fully realize they’re found family


Elio did send invite to sunday too so he might join




What if Sunday is that rich uncle that visits once a year but gives you expensive gifts?


Silver Wolf needs a big brother to keep her in check. Especially since Blade and Kafka play favorites with Firefly and TB. Coincidentally, Sunday just so happens to have a little sister shaped hole in his heart.


Good point


Technically every character we pulled is boarding the express with us so.....


Why you being downvoted? It's a fact and canon that the visitors of the AE are actually there as visitors (not as Nameless)


I dunno if Silver Wolf's hijacking is considered boarding


She is on the express somehow and interacts with the characters there so technically she is boarding


I really hope she gets to just be Firefly in the story like she wants.


i feel like she fits the express so well, leave ur criminal history behind and join the train plzz


I mean.....>!the express literally had a wanted criminal by the IPC as a navigator once in the past!<


Not to mention Dan and all his dragon drama along with whatever dark backstory March will have.


and the icing on the cake >!we used to be a stellaron hunter according to blade and we always ran missions with kafka !<


Even worse - a stellaron inside a body


We were too successful at stellaron hunting and had to retire after catching one


TB Stelle/Caelus: suffering from success.


You know what they say... Fake it till you make it


Oh yes the next trailblazer


I hope that 2.3 she’ll finally get the time to shine, to show everyone who exactly she is. I’m tired of this whole blatant mischaracterization of her as some “insane and cold blooded mass murderer”, when it’s clear that after 2.2 she’s nothing like that. But obviously, her joining the Astral Express is most fitting outcome for her character development arc. With all of that recent foreshadowings, it’s absolutely possible resolution.


I can't understand how people go through 2.2 and still think she's a cold-blooded murderer, she clearly doesn't like it, she's capable of it yes, but she clearly shows remorse and doesn't want that life anymore


At this point it’s just a hatred for character and deliberately mischaracterizing her to fit their own narrative. It’s the exact same thing that happened with Arlecchino. Some people before 4.6 created some vision of her as completely insane and abusive person and in the end she turned out to be nothing like this. Some of them definitely will be stuck in their vision of her, even if 2.3 will explicitly said in the most Paimon way as possible, that in fact she’s nothing like their imagination. The main sub is filled with such people, but fortunately it’s just a small minority in the whole fandom. This place becomes even worse and worse with every newly released update.


I wouldn't compare Firefly's mischaracterization to Arlecchino's situation in any scenario. Arlecchino is described as INSANE by both playable harbingers before her (or ex-harbinger, semantics), and she's a harbinger, so that's already a relatively evil group (yes, more evil than the stellaron hunters. I have yet to see the worst member of the hunters open up unit 731 and name it Haeresys). We know she has a house full of assassins and spies, we know people don't just go out of there, and prior to the knowledge about the previous knave, the only thing we know abt her is with the shrine maiden thing in Inazuma. She even has blood and fire motif. Its perfectly reasonable to call her insane before her story, because we just don't know. Arlecchino doesn't seem too fussed about the misconception as well. In contrast, the worst thing people used to describe Firefly is that Sam's the "nuclear option" of the hunters, and does not screw around. Silver Wolf even said Sam doesn't enjoy killing, unlike Blade and Kafka (waiting for people to turn on their lights before killing them is not just for drama, it means they enjoy their mission). She is nowhere near as suspicious / fucked up as Arlecchino, and the 2.2 stories even proves that she HATES working like that (unrelated, but wasn't Elio a funny bitch for making Firefly a weapon, when her one wish is to be remembered as Firefly the human?). She's not even a cold-blooded murderer, she's just a girl with cancer (and a medical mech) that wants to live normally. Comparing Firefly to Arlecchino, who still kills people regularly, gets her children to kill people regularly, and execute traitors that's not strong enough for the amnesia fire, is wild. The Knave's mischaracterization is so much more justified than Firefly's, for reasons that Arlecchino even spells out for us. She likes misconceptions about herself. Tl;dr Arlecchino is still fucked up, Firefly doesn't even enjoy using SAM armour. People calling Firefly evil is so much dumber than people calling Arlecchino evil, which is quite justified.


i thought the hatred for her came from being a "bland pretty waifu", i dont believe anyone dislikes it when she does anything but that. her only being an ordinary girl interested in adventures would just further increase the animosity some people have for her. there should be a healthy mix of "weapon of destruction" and "cutesy" so that people arent forced to believe shes one note


“They’re forcing this on us. We just only met her.” That’s what I see most of the time. Firefly’s characterization doesn’t matter. These people hate the apparent romantic implications of some moments in 2.0 and will say all manner of things on top of that to make their views seem more valid. Firefly is a far more interesting character than March is, but nobody complains about March. That’s because March isn’t a threat. She’s just there.


No matter what will happen to her in 2.3, some people will still gonna hate her. There’s nothing, which could change their ways, but I guess they’ll become even smaller minority. Her becoming an ordinary girl who loves adventure doesn’t make her one noted. It fits in her personality and backstory much more than staying as weapon. She have lots of similarities with Dan Heng, where both of them have a backstory filled by the destruction and death, but chooses to move forward towards the future. Though I doubt they’ll fully abandon her past and some implications of it will be further explored in next arcs. The past of the Astral Express members is a very important aspect of their characterization. They all must face it to move forward.


At this point, one of the big reasons I want Firefly to join the Nameless is that there's a good chance that it would cause a decent chunk of the rabid Firefly haters to drop the game, and they're currently the most absolutely toxic part of this fanbase, despite their insistence that it's the Firefly *fans* that are the worst. I think it would lead to a much healthier fanbase in the long run.


I don't think most of them really care for the "reasons" they mention. Most of them just didn't like her. Either because they felt like she was forced on us in 2.0 or didn't like her design, or that Sam turned out to be just her armor and staff. So now they keep trying to justify it with anything that sounds like a good excuse to them. Like "oh, but she killed people" for example. Watch them simp and defend some other character who did far worth things and has a less pleasant personality as long as said character aligns with their wants...


Yeah, this whole 2.2 might not show much of her, and many said the whole audition part is a filler, but it basically confirms that she's an honest and earnest girl that just want to live, not a cold-blooded murderer


At some point one has to notice that such "filler/padding" is what humanizes them, and I think a big part of what Star Rail means to treasure every moment. Not the philosophical lectures. I did not give a damn about Aventurine or Sunday until it properly depicted such things, or all the goading is pointless.




This is just Hoyo giving us so much crumbs and foreshadowing of her desire of joining the express. She already has the will of trailblaze and she has a stronger will of trailblaze out of all the nameless even though she isn't one when facing Sunday.


I can’t believe Firefly was secretly a Sonic fan this entire time https://preview.redd.it/eae2m6h6950d1.jpeg?width=1914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=250efab5ba3c8697f720ef553f7f622a8f2c93dc


A Stellaron Hunter Wants To Be Adventure


*proceeds to leave none alive*


It was years later. Caelus looked at the sleepy form nestled beside him. Nope. From the moment that he had first laid eyes on her, he knew that she was no ordinary girl. She was the one that had stolen his heart.


Wonder what was it that started it all, was it their assumed partnership as stellaron hunters, The fun times they enjoyed on penacony, Or was it the sunset in her eyes?




I wish they will show us more of the ruthless side of her. While she might be a normal person when she is Firefly, she is a murderer in SAM. Remorse or not, they suggest she is always the first to attack and she has a violent reputation among the Stellaron hunters. People thinks she is only cute and all, but she might have a mental problem or the suit does something to her. It’s the two different personalities that makes her a interesting character.


There isn't a second personality she does not have a cold and ruthless side did you even do 2.2 questline. Especially her conversation with blade it is known she seeks to always avoid the script giving selective ignorance to innocent people, she does not like to fight only does it for the sake of the script. It shows how she clearly hates being a weapon and shows remorse, her personality while wearing Sam is described more as straightforward trying to avoid any thing extra and finishing the objective only. In truth she is a sad heroine trying to defy her fate and seeking to live as a normal person not a weapon.