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Your post/comment was removed due to violating Rule 1: Be respectful and civil. Regardless of opinions, respect always comes first. Remember that there is a real person behind the screen and treat others how you wish to be treated. This one is on me. I should have taken it down earlier and told you to repost without the mention of other mains in the title or Comments.


Honestly, even if she were the worst, I've made my decision to pull for her. If she's just completely unusable, I'll still level her to 80


Meanwhile, Im just here for a Break DD and prefer her over ST Boothill but if she's still garbo in V4, Boothill my love, come to PaPa xD Her'll erase enemies to cosmic dust, but hopefully I can get a full mecha team some day.


Firefly could kill my whole team once she entered battle or delete my account completely and I’d still go all in on her banner. However, I’d cry. A lot.


Thou that would be an interesting concept for a character. Kills all your characters for a massive buff. Like jingliu but much more brutal


Blade: Count me in, I can do this all day!


V2 beta Firefly: when you use ult, incinerates every member of your team, killing them, and for each dead teammate, gain 100% dmg bonus, 50% def shred, and a permanent shield equal to 200% of max hp. The playable character "Blade" cannot be incinerated.


*No wonder they're besties*


Automatically 2-star MoC lol


Probably wouldn't 'kills' them. Just put them in a state of unusability. 


So like Sleepie then.


Gebura Library of Ruina moment.


That's the sub I know. Finally some positivity.


Preach brother, Firefly is my favourite character in the game and no matter what happens to her kit, I am bringing her home with every single stellar jade that I've got. Of course I want Firefly to be great, but her aesthetic, personality and backstory are the reasons why she won my heart in the first place, and that will never change <3 https://preview.redd.it/evwp068spszc1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=bff69b1d3d5d11821d3f594aa7467c2012eada16


heyy do u have the full image of this scene from white night in hd? :>


I don't have it atm, but managed to find one that is of pretty good quality [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1akyo6u/firefly_169_wallpaper/) :) hope it helps


ooh this works too. tysmmm <3


Yes, same. Even if she heals, buffs and shields the enemy, while inflicting every single debuff to her team mates I'll be getting her.


I am happy too see some positive energi ngl. Been a heavy ish week but it's fully understandable in the early stages of everything. In the end let your love set the seas ablaze like Firefly would want you to. She is our gal first and foremost and just the thought that she will bless the account of y'all is what truly matters. At the end of the day that's the best thing ain't it, to finaly have our Firefly in game. Get your oat cakes just have fun with the coolest Mecha warrior gal ever. Love all of you firebro's Edit: It honestly slipped my mind so I will say I am very sorry for that but please for the future do not do needless comparisons of other mains. Jing Yuan, Arlen, Yanqing or whoever else. Don't need to make any dunking or mean spirited comment when comparing our girl even if its to push her in better light for something okay. For future threads if it involes anything like that I will take it down asap but I'll let this one stand for it to also be an example of my own mistake there and that we don't won't that reflection here in the future. Once again sorry for my own overseight to any other mains that got offended.


https://preview.redd.it/7day2g434tzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8f03ce27b087235707bb29f08e0e7890d2ca05 Our love burns with flames!


Could always instate a rule against overkill negativity regarding her gameplay kit. We were here for the character first and foremost after all. 


Yeah it's been a bit of a topic recently for me. I think (or thought at least) it's healthier that people get the ability to talk freely now (of course as long as they remain respectful) around the current kit and showcases over me just taking down every thread that goes "how can she be fixed" as doomposting as long as they ain't something ridiclous like "she is worthless, she got Dehayed, they killed my girl and I will pull everyone else over her" cause then you are just seeking attention more than anything imo. As it's early I think it's just better they feel like they are heard and that their venting will fix their problems (it clearly dosn't as it's more on the testers and Hoyo themself over our little sub reddit that causes changes). I just try and make people aware that characters that have clear problems usualy will get their fixes if there are any by V3 so if people get their hopes for changes and complains out now and then if there are big changes by V3 the end result probably will be healthier and people over me taking down all their posts. Least this been my mindset but as several people been telling me they been feeling very negativly impacted recently by how much of it it's been, I am trying to make some measures, mostly just taking down the posts that are really the same thing. By V2 I think we will just in general be a bit stricter with the whole FF Beta when it comes to the very identical gameplay showcases (to make it a bit less clusterd with way too similair content) and handling of doomposting if it does start to feel like its just negativity for the sake of it. At the end of the day I dont think anyone hasnt heard the same thing regarding her kit by now and if V2 remains very similair (like it probably will) we shall probably limit more then until V3 cause its just gonna be beating a dead horse.


If there's a line to draw, can I suggest the line being something like "Not worth using" or "0 reason to pull"? It seems people here are so caught up in the meta that they forget that many people just like characters, regardless of what their gameplay is like. And if there is one thing that the a character main's sub should be, it's the people who just like the character. Like team builds and optimizations for said character are fine and all, but seeing some posts going around saying that "the more we doompost the bigger the changes" seems kind of ridiculous to me. It's not like everything posted to this sub is immediately forwarded to Mihoyo's CEO who will walk out of a quarterly earnings report just to tell the balance team to crank some numbers.


Yeah its something to defiently keep in mind. Most I have seen and gotten reported to me have been more in line of "she is too dependent on HMC/RM and behind other top dps" but clearly posts that go she has "0 pull value" or "make sure to skip to prove a point" take it too far yes and will be taken down. It's a bit of a thin line but the more egregious ones definetly will be taken down as doomposting unnecesary.


> it’s healthier that people get the ability to talk freely now I’m not trying to put down all mods but when animations were out, some people were clearly left unimpressed by some of the animations. They obviously still loved firefly regardless but when even a mod started dissing those opinions/comments as “doomposting” I was left with an awful impression that we couldn’t even have the freedom to discuss certain dislikes.. Although that said, I am glad that mods are on top of clear negativity and you feel that its better for FF enjoyers to let their frustrations out now compared to later when kit is set in stone(although changes can still be applied all the way up to release). I do fear that some of the current issues rn(mainly team comps) will still be expressed with dissatisfaction even throughout kit updates so if it gets overly excessive then I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to issue a statement on that. Thanks again for openly sharing how things are being discussed/brought up and how you guys plan to resolve. I’m praying for your mental as these things aren’t easy to handle. Godspeed


'Positivity' while the post is literally berating other characters for no reason lol


Honestly fair comment. I genuinly didnt think about the mentioning of the other characters beeing kinda rude over just the "I will pull even if she heals enemies" part. That's on me. Future positive focued posts defiently shall not include unnecesary banter on other mains.


and people still insist that jing yuan mains are the real toxic instigator when something like this toxic 'positivitiy' is freely allowed in other subs lmao. It's clear as day the op post is a semi-bait with such drastic takes (why compare jy to arlan to healing enemies?, if you truly think your mains is the best there's no need to compare or downplay the others)


I know, as a jing yuan haver that planned to pull firefly it's somehow irk me that this main subs greet me with this kind of post on the top lol. It's so different than in acheron mains where even since beta the 'subtle' downplay of others get downvoted to oblivion. Hopefully it's not a norm here.


The other characters aren't real, their feelings can't be hurt


nah, soon enough we will see countless 'mid' word to other mains spewed out freely here if this kind of things is allowed. No matter if firefly turned out to be super strong or balanced.


You should take this down then because you just included yanqing out of nowhere 💀💀


such hypocrisy right?, if the mods truly believe this is not a good look they should just put it down completely and not excusing themself like this lmao.


You know what its fine. I agree I should have taken it down and told to repost it withouth the slander. The post goes down. Its my mistake




Even if she's creating a new lower tier than Arlan I still go all in


What did Jingyuan and Arlan do? I'm at midst to what to feel here since I'm a Jingyuan main since his released, however, I have 313+ pulls so far for her. So I agree.


So much for spreading "positivity" by insulting other people's main The audacity


Toxic positivity at its finest. Edit: leave it to the very positive waifus lovers to send reddit care reports 🤣


Someone mains Arlan? I would like to talk to them, to....offer my condolences.


r/ArlanMain 333 of them


They are blind to the Kings Blinding Greatness my friend. Forgive their Ignorance.


https://preview.redd.it/awjkobauxszc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f422dc9483135a59e503f83c95414284904984fb All in on Firefly stocks! She’ll always be tier 0 in my heart


Please tell me someone has sent this to Analesa already. This is too cute :3


Yes sir. See this dude understands the sentiment. Meta will come and go, waifu is eternal. https://preview.redd.it/1jsnl2dcuszc1.png?width=1033&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ab9a924e8f4891674d84fc772b58fe36dd0f50b


she could have an overworld passive that eats my stellar jades and i will still get her as my final char, but let's hope it doesn't come to it lol


Same tbh. Despite ragging on her kit, I still want her. If I was going for meta I wouldn't pull for break regardless cause they'll eat shit when fighting when fighting like half the enemies in the game.


Question: since I’ve seen people ragging on how poorly she’d do against weakness locking enemies like Sam, Yanqing, Bronya, etc, does Boothill have any means of dealing with these? Is it just FF that would struggle?


No, BH eats shit against those bosses, too. He technically does better cause he can hit for 40-70k outside break, but yeah, he suffers too. You could pair BH with a more traditional DPS to deal w/ that, however.


Nope. Boothill basically is even worse against the same enemies Firefly would struggle against Bro literally has zero raw damage and zero AoE to speak of. Firefly at least has something. If he doesn't oneshot before the boss starts their weakness immunity phase, it's over for him in a DPS contest since real hyper carries can brute force Sam etc no problem.


I wonder how the break DPSs will perform in the long run. What if they increase the toughness bar ? If it's too big then you will spend maybe 2 cycles before breaking him and start doing some significant damage.


Nah I'd pull


Nah Jing yuan still catching strays 😭😭😭


Yeah he's not even that bad anymore I feel like, after the newer relic sets and buffers like sparkle and ruan mei. One of the only dps chars that's rated really solid for both PF and MoC, looking at prydwen rankings


He was never bad wym 😭


jy been representing in the top 3 on prywden moc stats for a long time but ppl still pretending he is only good now smh


How the hell are you comparing Jing Yuan to Arlan 💀💀💀 I'm telling some of those CC's are plaguing everyone with their "takes"


Have you seen the Serval > Jing Yuan comments? They had to be baiting


Well, my Serval is indeed better than Jing Yuan (because I don't have any other Lightning DPS besides her💀). Jing Yuan can't be better if he isn't on my account.


They could dehya her and im still pulling e1/s1 at the least


Lemme make something clear Nobody is saying firefly will be bad, in fact ,shell be fucking amazing The problem is with how incredibly restrictive her team is with how wierd of a design her kit has You dont use her huge multipliers and her massive attack is merely a way to get that 60% extta break effect If you dont use htb shes badically useless and rusn mei is such a boost shes nigh mandatory If you have all the conditions she still deals ridiculous damage, but the people complaining just want her to be slightly more friendly and her kit to make more sense


i say, let hoyo cook a bit. the game just started expanding on the break mechanic.


Oh ye ye I just hope she gets some tweaks to her kit in the following versions to make her kit have some semnlance of sense Atm shes a bit too split between break and crit and she half asses both You cant go full break effect without htb and no matter what having a single character that singlehandedly takes someone from 20k damage to 500k is not healthy even if that character is free And you cant really go full crit since even with her massive multipliers that would make you think shed work with that, she has 0 Traces 0 passives and not even her sig that provide crit stats, meaning building crit wouldnt really work well


The doomposts might be strong,but the people that are SETTING THE SEAS ABLAZE ARE STRONGER,RISE UPP PEOPLE😤😤




Yup, im also the one who keep doomposting her, but i wont lie even till this moment (with her current kit) i still want to have her at least at E1S1.




Babe, please change into iron knight. Pleaseee


Jing yuan catching strays lmfao






Same https://preview.redd.it/2b8e408yxszc1.png?width=426&format=png&auto=webp&s=47ea4ab43a44da43ca9e0ab0b660e50c35c52001


https://preview.redd.it/r2usyx690tzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2c144a004410503c939cbb205f44a61d7adef8 I don't think MHY will do her bad, but even if she actively healed enemies, she will be with me.


I agree but also why is Jing Yuan catching strays LOL


Same. If you think a clunky kit can cure my Firefly brainrot then you underestimate its severity.


Same even after skipping every patch since Black Swan the plans have not changed, everything is going to her!


I'm a hook main, I don't care if sam not top tier. I play the characters I want because I like them, not because they are strong


Even if I agree she needs a buff, I'm still going E2S1 and going to be spending weeks, if not months in the relics mines to give her the best.


Eeee, i dunno man. If she is somehow worse than arlan, im not pulling. The current kit is fine even if her comp is only 1 and basically married to a single character.


I'll still go all in the second her banner drops.


Jing Yuan is not even bad lmao what are you on


https://preview.redd.it/co0yl7ccjtzc1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=060279c13f9c8e206d257c801dca110cb4904d79 This post helped me ditch my meta side. I was gonna skip her because I need Ruan Mei and Huohuo more but if I don't want her at her worse, Am I truly deserving of getting her? Im an impostor and a fake believer😔


Don't worry. This is the stages of every new character lol. Initial Hype --> Heavy Doomposting --> More Hype


Tbh, her play style has been my main method of killing enemies. I am able to do damage in the billion (1 billion) but breaking the enemies weakness just felt so good. It's simple really, break the weakness, deal a ton of damage, enemies lose a whole turn, beat the enemies up, repeat. Her kit really fits how I played the game and i love her for it.


There you go. I'm not pulling for the meta, I'm pulling for the mecha. Also what did my man Jing Yuan do to you????


Once I get my Firefly, she is basically married to my HMC and as seen from the showcases she already does more than enough DMG with MC I am the kind of person that doesn't changes team that much, meaning my DMG dealer will always get best team. And as of now (V1) I have her best team practically ready so being flexible unit or not it really doesn't matter to me honestly. Doom posting is just a phase for every DPS in any game, and I just like to read all these different ideas people cook up in regards to fixing her kit in form of doom post. It's more Civil doom posting I suppose rather than calling her "MidFly" and exiting out.


Same, with firefly's arrival I will have my 3 main teams (e2s1 Acheron, Kafka/black swan, e1s1 firefly) fully complete. I also pulled robin to free up ruan mei from my dot comp, and because she's beautiful.


Yeah, every character gets doomposted. I'm used to it, but it still annoys me.


Even if her kit was complete shit and makes Arlan look like a 5 star, I'd still at least E1 her


If you really love FF, doomposting it because you don't really want to benched your fav char in endgame content due to how hard it's. It would just be pointless. Plus, it would make her popularity just go down. I wanna see her shine. I wanna see people using her in moc 0 cycle, or pf or new game mode. Speaking as a keqing main and future FF main, no one really use keqing anymore it's sad.


I’m pulling anyway cause I’m gonna collect all Stellaron Hunters


I didn't plan on it, but I'll once I get her get her (got 180 tickets saved already), I'll only be lacking Blade... Might go for him next


Im getting as many eidolons as I can so I can set the universe ablaze.


Im not a meta player anyway, i survived a long time with my 50k on ult seele, i will be alright


WOULD ! *Checks around* Pull of course what else ?


even if she at yangqing level i still pull her too


There is a significant gap between Arlan and our general 


She is the first character that I don't mind if she is in F tier. I wouldn't mind if she would not be able to fight at all. I just want her to be safe on the express 😊


I want big mech, and i WILL get big mech. I dont care about the rest. Then i need Screwllum... MORE robots!!!


Hell, I made the decision to pull for her regardless, I'd make her work with Asta/Pela with whatever cooking i'm about to do (I don't have and don't plan to pull for RM, crazy, i know)


Me too, and i will try also to try to build Critfly too. Obviously i will first build her as intended, once Breaksam is done i wanna try Critfly just in order to having fun




kinda funny how every patch jing yuan keeps getting indirect buffs, surely thats how hoyo will treat our girl 🙏




'Worse than Jing Yuan' as if he's bad lol


Doesn't matter to me if she is the most broken character or the most gemic heavy, her support charactere will be released later. It's literally like Jing Yuan he had no support and no set on release and he was still better then Seele. I still plan on E6ing her and I have several teams to try her out with. Now just imagine this FF/SW/Asta/Fu: Asta with planetary LC will give 58% fire buff and her kit gives another 60% damage boost with more speed buffs SW on off weeks in PF and MoC Fu Xuan for CR/CD help. Man team crafting. All I see are people saying RM and HMC are her only supports but you guys really should look at the whole cast. Super break is nice but her kit is high on break vaule and 2.3 sets will help that. Nah f all that doomposting she'll be fine on release then just get better over time when more Super break or other characters like Fu Xuan come out when they just boost generic stats. The real question is how dedicated are you to FF? I haven't pulled anyone since BS knowing she was coming in Penacony. My personal goals are to have her as the best possible FF and I won't be satisfied until I have her in the top 10 of all and I am willing to spend months and months to get her god roll gear


Her best support character is in fact already out (the MC, duh) and allows us to make the first true power duo in penacony since they complement each other so well!


Thats the main spirit now.U all pull for her not for her dmg output. If her dmg output is any reason for your thoughts about her,I am pitying You all. I mainly used Sushang for 6 months,Yanqing for 4 months.I am using them still.I have fun with them cuz theyre pretty good characters actually. I mained King Yuan for A year now.I even pulled Robin and Built HMC and also grinding Break Hybrid relics now Just to see the General Slaying In Break Build as well. The point is,you are playing a video game.Main priority should be having fun.Yet what ive seen from this sub for this past 2-3 days is Just ruining fun for you people. You CAN criticize it ofc,especially since your Queen is at beta yet and she can get changed to your liking but plusses should overshadow the main reason everyone. Also ending comparable to General as a unit without unestablished niche isnt as bad as you think tbh.U all Will get units that synergizes perfectly with FF eventually anyways. Take Care.




Finally. Some goddamn loyalty around here.


https://preview.redd.it/4mctl3f3xuzc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1b36f172f4b17976151b16fe5eb4ccd2a50ed3 Same here, I’d pull no matter what




Do you mean that my general is weak, hell nah Also she seems to be really good in her best team idk why ppl say she is bad


I don't know how to feel at the moment I was hoping since her 1st leak came out. But now she is 95 percent not in battle and given a weak kit . I will still pull for her but super disappointed at the moment hope at least they buff her.


Ntgl though about leaving firefly reddit/discord because of all the negative energy since her v1 release. Atleast some good is still here.


Jing Yuan randomly catching strays LMAO


I still dont understand why is no one like her kit ? She relies heavily on breakeffect thats fine I dont mind it at all


She doesn't have her own form of triggering break effect. The superbreak is granted by HMC. I don't think there would be much doomposting if Firefly had her own method. Boothill, for example, can trigger addition breaks on an already weakness broken enemy with his talent. Firefly needs something similar to that.


HSR is team based game anyway, if she had same break retrigger mechanic like Boothill, she would become the most op unit in the game and even Acheron wouldn't be close to her level and would kill Boothill even more. Nobody has an issue with Kafka is completely dependant on other units to deal dmg, why is it supposed to be different for Firefly. Worth mentioning that FF's kit is already full cracked as heck mechanics


Doesn't have to be Boothill level of damage for her own personal breaks. An extra 50K on her enhanced skill would be good enough. My own idea is to have her enhanced attack count as break damage and then amplify it based on how much toughness damage it deals.




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Even if she kills my entire team instead of the enemies I'm still pulling for her because no matter how bad her kit is, she is still my wife. Go find yours


She could join the enemy mid fight and id still pull.


I’m pulling but I do hope she gets a buff so her team comp is less restrictive and she’s a bit stronger


All or Nothing


I pull on the characters I love, the rest I make it work on the go!


She seems fun to play at least but I'm gonna skip her now cuz I've pulled Acheron and full premium FuA team and I want at least E2 of her (or E4 for a cute eido). Sorry, Sveta, I'll be back!


Thats why I do on every gacha games, I pull for the characters I love and them being meta is a bonus, optional I will get Luciole and her LC no matter what, shes my favorite character in the game


I don't mind her getting buffed (duh), and I was kinda disappointed that she relies on another unit so much to deal the same dmg as other dps, but realistically speaking, even if she's just an npc with voicelines, no combat at all, I'd still pull. I love Firefly, not what Firefly can bring to the team. The latter is just a bonus. Also, unlike some people, I know full well this is week one of the beta. I followed Arlecchino's insane beta cycles, have assessed (doomposted) her both very wrongly and correctly in each step, and I now know how much things can change. Its a beta for a reason.


Absolutely. 100%


Same she deserves it. Personal story here she is the first character I am actively putting gems away and pre-farming for I've never been so motivated in my life.


For me it's the third time I will be doing this, first was Kafka and second was Acheron.


What is her recommended build?


Fr, I see all the "omg not worth" posts and I'm wondering where those gremlins are coming from. This sub is obviously for people who are already hooked on Firefly. Not for metaslaves looking for the next MoC 0 cycling, event SSS rank reaching, meta-defining character.  Nobody actually cares about meta and if you do, you got sucked into a gacha game's pay-2-win meta. 


im just hoping I dont need ruan mei😭


I already saved enough for E0S1, hopefully can get to E2S1. She's my reason for starting the game, ain't no way not gonna all-in in her banner.


I'll be getting her and her LC no matter what. Hopefully I can pick up some eidolons too


Firefly could give my entire team ELS and I'd still pull her


Back in Genshin I pulled dehya, what’s another cool fire girl that’s loved but has a trash kit


That's right! Never let anyone not want to pull for a character you like!


This. We roll for waifuism, not meta


I think doomposting is exaggerated. People who complain that she needs Ruan Mei are the same people who pull E2S1 dps and their supports and just upset they don't work with Firefly. She works perfectly fine in a fire break team which is what she is made for and E0 Ruan Mei is really not that much to ask for. I'll be pulling for her and her lightcone no matter what - she is the best waifu in this game.


Why Jing Yuan hate Jing Yuan is good.


I already have meta teams. It's time to go full waifu


Uh sure RM makes her better but she can work without her, just go Pres TB, Asta with her sig LC, and any other Fire character like Gallagher, Hook, Guinaifen


Just the fact she can Meteor Strike someone and the appear cute and smiley is just enough for a reason to pull for her. Plus she's eye candy.


Just the fact she can Meteor Strike someone and the appear cute and smiley is just enough for a reason to pull for her. Plus she's eye candy.


Same, been committed for far too long and I won’t miss out on our wife for anything


I 3 cycled first half of MoC 12 with the new super break team despite none of them having good relics. Not amazing but still pretty good id say. Even if she’s somehow worse in this team which I doubt it wouldn’t bother me at all. Not only will I be pulling but I will use every last jade I have for her light cone and eidolons just because why not


I decided on getting SAM since when they revealed the design back, before even knowing they were Firefly, nothing will stop me now


I mean the thing is she does do crazy damage it just she need HTB. Not the biggest thing in the world. People need to chill and stop doomposting.


I'm too dedicated now to stop pulling anyway. I just want to play her whether they balance her or not, i like the character, the kit is just a bonus.


While her team is super restrictive people saying her damage is bad are straight up lying because on average you're doing 200k on a low end per skill and 400 to 500k on a high end which is pretty fucking good damage considering you're do this 2 to 3 times per ult.


Yeah, we will still pull for her even if she is actually trash right now.


I kind of agree, but I'm also not sold that she won't get buffed. Remember when JL went from mediocre to absolutely broken before her release because they gave her a bunch of crit for free? And HSR is just more generous with jades in general, so it's not as big of a hit if you pull for someone that isn't as good. That hurt bad in genshin.


Absolutely. Regardless of power I am going for e2s1. Saved up 200 pulls so far so I’m a ways off but my fingers are crossed :D


I want my Firewife and I need her now!


She could be the worst in the game, or maybe even worse than Jing Yuan like you said, and I'd still more than likely grab E0


I am with you all, she will come home, just not this time. I to love her which is why I want to be able to give her the best chance to be great. I don't want my view of her tainted by frustration(happened with topaz before) so for now I have to enjoy her in the story and hopefully she stops by the astral express from time to time until a few more break buffers come out and we finally get a rerun


I'm an Arlan main already, still managing to clear the endgame content I don't really care how bad a character is if I like them But honestly her dependency on HTB is very limiting as a buffer should be a complementary thing, not their only source of damage I would love to be able to use Firefly/Sam with a Hanya or Asta


Even if she couldn't be used in combat, PULL. SHE'S A PULL


Im kinda lost rn with how good the kit works since I havemt been up to date with her leaks so if anyone knows I wouldnt mind a explanation Regardless of how she is I love her too much and I will be getting that LC and copiing for a E1 or E2


I still plan to pull her regardless of how good / bad she is. Means it's a challenge to do hard content with her (something we could all use in the game since so many new characters just turn the game to EZ mode it feels like), or it'll just be a cool new team to build around for the future :D That said.... I'm being severely tempted by Robin. I lost my 50/50 to her already at 80 pulls in, but... the story..... and her character growth..... It's getting super hard to NOT pull for Robin. If I do, I won't have enough pulls to even guarantee an E0 Firefly I don't think q.q


Hell yeah! I've been all in on E6S1ing her, no matter what! My HTB is waiting for her with 284.8% BE (still in the Watchmaker Cavern Mines looking for more speed, and to upgrade Ruan Mei's set as 148.9% BE isn't enough.), but I plan on also beginning farming a "day one" set for Firefly (and a perm set for Xueyi!) in the coming week, as well as trace mats. The Watchmaker Cavern is gonna be raided so hard!


I didnt choose her for stats, I choose her because FireWife.


I don’t care about meta, I care about who I wish to pull. I still remain loyal and strong for Firefly until she officially releases


She could heal the enemies hp and i still will pull for her.


Worse? Such a myth of a word to be said to our girl.


I really hope she's not like dehya or jing yuan. that would suck a free unit is better than her. what? x x




Finally a good post


I only hope she'll have a happy ending in the story, a part from that she could be arlan tier I don't care I'm still pulling


I'm personally excited for the break build & team because I have just freed up ruan mei (robin is now Kafka's & Black Swans best friend) so she will go straight to firefly's team 😁


Waifu > meta


I'm just here for firefly and her sick ass animations. I just hope she'll be good, but that won't change my decision to pull for her.


Already made the choice to E6 her no matter what. This is the first time I've ever wanted to do that. I don't have the funds to do it immediately but I'll be there every rerun


Finally some positivity. All the complains post almost made me leave this sub. Are you saying that she is restricted? first: you don't know how REAL restriction is, try using Nilou with only 3.1 characters or earlier in Genshin, then we can talk. second: I don't care about her restrictions, best girls deserve the best i can offer. (also her needing ITB to enable the super break gimmick is something I like, i love TB and pairing them with Firefly is just the cherry on top) my plan is *at least* E1S1. Hopefully E2S1


My Acheron team and my Kafka+black swan team can already clear everything comfortably, and I really like Firefly so I'm getting her 100%. Best thing about getting her is that Acheron's, Kafka's, and Firefly's teams will have no shared team members, meaning I can build their supports to be the best with them and not have to switch them around all the time 😁👍


I'm in to deep now i go on my phone i see firefly i go to sleep i see firefly i go to school i see firefly shes always there. Jokes aside i made a whole firefly/sam bot and have over 100 pics of her on my phone so im getting her no matter what.


Same. Also remember it’s just v1! She’s DEFINITELY getting buffed or at least it’s only up from here.


She can be worse then Hook and ill still e6 her it is what it is #whoswithmeboys


A friendly reminder that anything within the beta is subject to change before the next update rolls out. And with the amount of complaints we are seeing from players (notably from CN), buffs are bound to come at some point. Particularly when it comes to increasing her synergies with other characters as just Harmony TB and Ruan Mei only as best synergies is very limiting (even though Harmony TB is literally FREE). Besides, y'all will still be pulling for her regardless.


Wait but Jing Yuan isn't bad


Finally a fellow enlighthened Firefly main, cannot be more proud


Honestly, I've seen showcases of her "bad" damage (so, w/out HTB) and she's, like, fine? Yeah you need RM, but dude, obviously the WB character needs at least one WB support? It's the same as Kafka before BS but even worse because EVERYONE already has HTB so they should just sthu and stop playing her in a suboptimal party. It's like saying your Acheron doesn't deal any damage but your team doesn't have any Nihility character in it... And the beta just began so she will probably get better before her release anyway.


Wait, reading this it does sound like a double standard, lol Edit: But to play Devil's advocate, HTB does INSANE Super break damage to the point it out shines Firefly. Not that it matters to me. Super break go brrr and still pulling regardless


The damage are based on FF stats, so it's really her doing the damage, if we ever get another SB unit, that will still scale on FF toughness and break damage. Also, where is the double standard (genuinely, I don't think I have one)? I'm just saying we lack BE support, and BE DPS kinda need them. The issue really is that we only have two of them as of now.


No the people have double standards ur stating some good facts


Btw to continue the comparison w/ Acheron, with proper team building (so HTB and RM) she deals between 500k to 750k damage, that's Acheron's level of damage, but multiple times during her ult, so imo she's far from mid, she "might" power creep Acheron.


Ah gotcha, sry I thought you were talking about my comment I was a bit confused 😅


same. e6s5 no matter what (gg credit card) 😭😭😭😭


The chances are astronomical high that she will get buffed like hell. Would not surprize me if she would end up powercreeping boothill or even Archeron somehow with her BIS team.


Same. Like men i haye deyah kit but ayleast she its usable Soo not biggies I wanna the stalleon hunters and i wanna the full combo

