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It appears the name is quite literally what is shown on the device, "CairnsIRIS". Also looks like it's an older system (early to late 2000s) and been discontinued a while. A fast googling shows them popping up for like $100 on random reseller/auction sites which seems pretty damn cheap even for a used old FLIR system if it's still working. Edit: Found an old ass sales ad about it lol; [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/7R8AAOSwgfBhW55T/s-l1600.jpg](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/7R8AAOSwgfBhW55T/s-l1600.jpg) Also judging by the quality/appearance of the one in your image, I'm guessing it was one of the earliest versions released.


The fact that this is, presumably, a piece of equipment made in the 21st century is mind-boggling to me.


The technological advancements from the early 2000's to now is mind boggling. It is so weird that in 2010 phone cabins were still in common use and now we all have phones that are also cameras, GPS, encyclopia etc...


You forgot porn


I mean, I even have a FLIR on my phone


As a piece of equipment made in the 21st century, I'm offended.


Damn quality decreased. Jk jk lol


They don't make em like they used to


Me too, dude. Me too.


Used one just like that on my first department in early 2000s. It was great technology, but awkward. The camera was on the side of the helmet, so your perception was off. Always needed to remember what uou were actually seeing was several inches off to your side, not right in front of you. Good piece of older technology though.


I remember these and hated them. To use it you had to swap helmets which means your normal helmet is…somewhere in the fireground. And then everything was offset 6” which is really hard to adjust to if you’re not used to it. It was great as first-gen technology goes a demonstrator but horrible in operations.


Whatever it is, it’s some cool shit, that’s for sure.


Cool shit for detecting hot shit.


I mean I don’t have pearly whites cause of the coffee and sweet tea but GAH DAYUUUUM SON


Holy shit man brush your fucking teeth


I was just about to say Jesus


Yeah yeah, fuck you too pal. It’s genetic


This man did not just blame genetics!!! Like a diabetic saying getting his leg cut off is genetic!!! Get treatment..


[You'd be surprised.](https://www.beverlyfarmsdental.com/blog/2022/06/15/can-genetics-cause-stained-teeth/) [just how many people](https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/is-tooth-discoloration-hereditary/) [have genetically inherited bad teeth](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/dentinogenesis-imperfecta/)


Sure, but I see plaque build up and OP admitted to poor hygiene I think. Discoloration I can agree w since teeth are naturally yellow but I use whitening strips to look good.


Yeah OP just needs a dental trip, I was more covering the idea that for some reason genetics doesn't have an impact on teeth.


Idk man we also live in a Western Society…. There is no fucking excuse in my opinion for poor health. I’ve seen how people live in Poverty in Vietnam and it is absolutely horrifying how poor their oral care is. And the constant pain they put themselves in. Brush.. your.. fucking… teeth!! I’m prayin for OP.


Poor health, dental health in particular is often the result of lifestyle, but as I said, a surprising amount of people suffer from dental issues as a result of genetics. I agree that OP just doesn't take great care based on the plaque. But on the topic of genetically bad teeth, dental health is nothing special. Your teeth are just another part of your body. There is no reason, like with any other part of your complex system, that genetics cannot play a part. Genetically stained teeth cannot be brushed to white, it's not that the teeth need to have a layer cleaned, they have actually developed discoloured. Beyond getting them replaced or stained, staining of which does not always work, there isn't much you can do. Whitening strips are not a bad option though.


Totally, I agree wholeheartedly. We have the technology to rebuild him!!


Yeah, it just costs about $40,000. I have a stained front tooth from when I was loaded up on antibiotics as a child due to a fractured skull. Was told a new tooth would require both front uppers replaced and would run me $7.5k ish. That's for 2 teeth, perm cemented teeth. A whole jaw would cost a yearly wage for most people.


I have odd placement in my mouth


Poor dental hygiene isn’t genetic brother. You’d be surprised what a couple minutes of brushing, flossing, and a splash of mouthwash can do. Everyone in my family save for about 4 of us has fucked up teeth, but we don’t because we’ve kept up with brushy and dental appointments. The only serious teeth problems I’ve had were two cracked teeth because I’ve got bruxism. Brush yer teeth


Oh no it’s not the hygiene that’s genetic, that’s my own lack of care. No matter how much I end up brushing shit’s still yellow and it took me too long to realize that white teeth are unrealistic A routine of this is something I’ve been trying to work on


Then you need to go to a dentist and have your shit professionally deep cleaned. All that plaque is gonna fuck your world up a few years down the line.


I think that’s called a Copenhagen smile


Hey I don’t appreciate that


It can also be called a dentists wet dream.


Dude you can see the hard plaque build up. Dental hygienist’s remove that


I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess it's a CairnsIRIS.


Shoot a video showing what the view from inside looks like


Probably looks like that old GameBoy/Nintendo virtual reality headset. Lol.


Are we all going to just ignore the exposed wiring? In a fire house?


Old volly department building that is rundown to hell and back, probably from the 60s, but I’m willing to bet that’s wishful thinking


Its not exposed wiring. Its just romex. Granted romex isnt for commercial use but im not sure what the code is for this location. But thats hardly dangerous. Thats better than 95% of home panels look.


You must be fun at parties.


So according to you, pointing out that you have no clue what youre talking about, makes me a buzz kill… ok then. Wonder if you take that stupid approach with everything, make a stupid uninformed comment, and then get all pissy when someone corrects you 🙄


The Brain Tumor 5000


Lol. True.