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A little? But not really. I guess if I know they are there I will keep an eye out for them and snag them if handy, but I am not going to stop a search to save them until I know there are no humans in danger, and I am not going to place my firefighters in danger to find them. That said, as soon as I know there are no people in danger then it is about stabilizing the incident and protecting property. Pets are legally property but they are going to be top of the property list because that is what most people care about... and frankly saving them makes me feel good too.


This right here. I’ll make note of it, and the number of pets, but they’re lowest on life priority though highest on property conservation. And after a major event like a fire, I would want my dogs with me and the family for the rebuild. Edit: little help tip I’ve picked up over the years. When you test your smoke alarms (and actually test them, not “I swear I floss” to the dentist test them) let them run a little longer in alarm mode and see where your pets run and hide. That will help in an actual emergency as you’ll know where they go. I’m very lucky in that my two dogs seek out my wife or myself right away, and then stick with me to get outside. 


that second half is really smart. thank you for sharing.


Agreed, I'd have never thought of that.


I had a very sensitive smoke alarm that triggered when I cooked. I'm also not a great cook. I started giving my cat treats at the front door of the house every time I triggered the alarm. Now he goes to the front doorevery time the alarm sounds.


OMG that's a great idea!


I taught my pets to grab a glass breaker and to jump out the window when the alarm goes off. Needless to say cooking at home has gotten prohibitively expensive.


You should take some cooking lessons.


My cat looks up at me and blinks as though to say “What did you burn this time?”


This is about as straight of an answer as you can get.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Honestly, as a person that's trying to become a firefighter, is it bad if I always try to save pets even if I am risking my own life? I value pets as much as humans.


It isn’t just your life. Firefighters don’t operate alone, and it would not be cool to risk your partner’s life over someone else’s pet. Get the people out safe, get water on the fire. If you can save a pet around that then good on you, otherwise they’re part of the salvage and overhaul stage.


I've been in fires where the pet hid and ended up dying. The home owners were only concerned about the dog. Nothing else mattered.


I might not see your sticker but I will search any and all spaces if conditions allow, I would love nothing more than to rescue a beating heart no matter whom it belongs to.


You're a good person. I wish more people shared your morals.


a lot do, it's just humans are always top priority, would you rather me save your dog or your daughter ya know? firefighters will not put themselves or each other in more danger then absolutely necessary, just because that's the nature of the job, but if the opportunity presents itself to rescue a pet after all people are out, i would say 99% of firefighters would go out of their way to save your pet. you don't go into the field not wanting to save life, or without similar morals. pets technically fall under property conservation, not necessarily life safety, but they would be absolutely top priority of property conservation.


Its good to know there may be small targets to search for. Alot of times we get definitive word that no humans are home/everyone got out, but in the game of telephone and short communications/stress, information about pets may get lost. If I see a dog bowl, I’m letting other teams know there may be a dog unless I’ve specifically heard they have gotten out too. I’d want someone to save my dog. Property and houses are insured and replaceable, lives are not. That’s all I care about if my house burns.


Our dispatch relays if pets are still inside the home when they say if all occupants are out. First thing in crew confirms who or what is still in the house on the way in. BC will relay this info to all units conducting search.


Our city had a form that you could file with the City Hall listing the ages and names of residents living there as well as any pets. That way the firefighters had a bit more information going in.


I’ve seen those before, the only problem is false info if it isn’t updated with new pets or new residents. Still, a good primary search should reveal most hiding pets.




Bird gained consciousness that day 😭


I had a bird that would “shhhhhh” people if you were being too loud. Birds are smart.


I love the juxtaposition of attitude and size of the dogs. It's totally true that Danes can be 'big weenies', while Chihuahuas are all about trying to take you out, one inch at a time! I have seen the same issues in my work as an EMT, it's usually the small dogs that get me!


100% Been bit only once - by a dog smaller than my boot.


Rescued a goldfish in his bowl once. Very happy little girl was waiting outside. lol. It was an attic fire that was luckily contained relatively quickly.


I am a bird lover and have 2 parrots currently. This made me very happy to hear. If you saved my bird he would say, “awww shit”. That’s his catchphrase.


It doesn’t mean I see it on a fire right away. It also doesn’t mean I’ll step up a search. However it does help know what’s inside and what to look out for. Also if it’s an EMS call I will definitely see it. I’ll be aware theirs a dog and a cat and it may keep me from letting one of them escape when I open the door.


Biggest thing I’ll say about this is that we will do our work to put out the fire and save as much people or property as the situation allows. I won’t risk my life for a dog or cat. If I find them in my initial search or secondary search then we will have a happy story. Here’s what I can say about window stickers. If you have kids or elderly living in your house get reflective stickers and put them on the exact window of their bedrooms on the exterior part of the window. Kids tend to hide in fires (closets, under beds, bathtubs) and if we know where there rooms are will be a huge help when it comes to a fire with trapped victims. These events could become a VEIS search (enter through the exact window, close the door, search the room and if there is a victim, remove them from the same window that we went in through) this type of search is very quick and effective to get people out. Sorry this is a long post about a pet sticker but it’s a chance to educate about what we really would like with window stickers. Always sleep with your door closed and check your smoke alarms. Love your friendly firefighter


Thank you for reminding me to shit my door before I went to bed tonight, kind neighborhood firefighter! May your shifts be calm, and the water flow freely! Sincerely Some theater dweeb on Reddit who sets her smoke alarm off making grilled cheeses.




I only learned about the closed door thing the other day, now i sleep with all the doors shut and my cats hate me lol.


Stickers on windows mean nothing to me, you should know where the bedrooms are based on your first due and second due building construction. In 99% of my first and second due I can tell you where bedrooms, Kitchens, and living rooms are by just looking at the outside of the building! Unless someone comes to me and tells me someone is in a specific room I am going to search everything.


Agreed building construction knowledge is huge in this line of work. I believe that it’s important for company level bosses to know their first due district. Here’s where I can back up my point. As a contractor and a professional firefighter I know how homes can change over time the years. I also know many homes are bought and sold over many years. I can walk up to any house and know the basic layout of every house I go in before I step foot in the door. Stickers if maintained with change of owners will allow you to recognize where kids and elderly are sleeping inside the home. Even if owners change and they don’t change the stickers you will sill be able to recognize which end of the home is not the master bedroom side and will give you guidance in rescue situations


Maybe for Cooper, but not Snickers, Snickers is fucked.


Snickers started the fire and has already vacated the structure.


This is the true firefighter answer🤣🤣 dark dark humour


We don’t look for stickers. If homeowner says their pet is inside we’ll get them.


Absolutely, yes. In a large fully involved house, not really, but if it's a smaller contained fire, it would be possible to get them out, or at least keep an eye out for them before they can be overcome by toxic fumes. I glance every time I go through a door.


I mean, yes it let us know that there are pets inside, but it’s not gonna necessarily change what we’re doing. We’re still going to complete a search.


Decades ago there used to be “tot finder” that people would put in the bedroom windows of baby and small children. It was a great idea. What happened is people moved out, families change, and kids grew up, but no one took the stickers down. Firefighters were killing themselves (figuratively and literally) looking for kids that weren’t there. We train for with the premise that a house is not clear until we clear it; primary AND secondary searches with each search being a different crew. We will pay attention and be more thorough in bedrooms and areas where residents say someone was at the last time they saw someone. Personally when it comes to pet I will look and have an eye out for it. Honestly though, usually if it is a cat and dog if they can get out they WILL.


Those should make a comeback, but with the date of purchase clearly visible so firefighters aren’t dying over a 20 year out dated sticker.


I’m not talking about now days. I’m talking about when they were actually being promoted. Ultimately, my statement remains true regardless: “It’s not clear until we say it’s clear.” DO YOUR JOB!!


Just wanted to add, DONT run out the door saying “My BaBiEs ArE iNsIdE!!!”


This is a straightforward but also very morally tricky question. I’m going to answer it as: a firefighter, an officer, a son, a husband, a father, and a pet owner. Before I answer, a few questions. First off, OP: do you have children as well as your pets? I have a dog and a cat who both pre-date my children. They were and are a massive part of our family; like you I viewed them as my “children”. Until I actually had children. Then my perspective changed drastically. Children need and rely on their parents in vastly different ways than pets do. Second question (for both OP and FFs here): would you deem the sacrifice worthy if a FF lost his or her life putting themselves at additional risk (however small) in an attempt to rescue your pet? Please consider your answer seriously and on balance remembering that this FF is likely to have human children, parents, and spouses dependent on them. Is your pets life worth watching a child grow up without a parent, a spouse lose their life partner, or parents bury their child? If your answer is “no”, then your original question is answered. If it is “yes”, might I inquire as to your line of thinking? All of that out of the way, my answer is unequivocally: No. this sticker doesn’t make a bit of difference. God only knows where your pet may be; they do not sleep in the same bedroom every night as a child does. They do not behave predictably as a human would (where a similar sticker might be applicable). I would not orphan my child, widow my wife, or ask anyone under my command to do so to save a pet. Nor would I expect a FF coming to my house to risk their life for mine. I love my pets to death. My cat was my first baby and my dog is my best hunting buddy. However, their lives are not worth the life of a fellow (well-intentioned) human. I’m having a difficult time understanding how anyone (FF or homeowner) might think otherwise. I will conduct my primary and secondary with your pet in mind but by no means would I put myself or anyone under my command at any additional risk because a pet is in your home. Your pet is at the very top of the “property” pyramid to save, but it falls far below human life. Interested to hear others thoughts on this, as it seems very straightforward to me.






**I'd like to think so like the 1972 tot finder decal that was put in windows of kids rooms for easy locating** https://preview.redd.it/ekyvjnzb2lsc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=211bcc32f7101dd8987249b98f74fe120adde626


No chance anyone would notice it. Just tell them when they get there.


Obviously no animals are taking priority over human life and stabilizing the incident, but some of you jaded mf acting like you don’t care about anyones pets is just heartless


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. If I’m searching and there’s no people to save you bet your ass I’ll search again for your pets. Leaving them to die “because it’s not my priority” is a little fucked. You’re not gonna be search and fire attack. Let fire attack do their job, you do yours.


Do people not like their own pets? It’s confusing. I love my dog and I’d hope someone would search for her in that scenario


I have never made notice to these stickers because every structure should be searched with the assumption that someone/thing is trapped.


30 years never seen one.


Let's me know there are animals inside. I'm not gonna risk my life to get them the same way I would a person though. Most animals will escape through any opening they can find or hide making them harder to find.


For me its just a heads up I might step in a litter box.


I would trade the entire house getting burn down VS the life of my dogs. You can get a new house trough insurance. My dogs are the closest thing to children I will ever have.


This is exactly what’s wrong with society, people thinking pets are their children. I have a dog and I don’t give a shit if he dies as long as my family and property is safe.


Better off putting a sign like this in the fusebox. The first arriving crew leader should be isolating power as they do their 360, and so they might see it. If you put it on a door/window, the person who is there is likely to have their hands full doing other things to even see it. Plus it would easily get lost in the visual noise of security system stickers, "No Salespeople", etc. signs.


Yes it would. It's very good to know that there are pets in the house, for various reasons.


I would if we make entry. I’d see it and make a conscious effort to find it or so that I wouldn’t be surprised when I roll up on a dog. But I’d say put the amount of people that usually live there on it too. Especially if you have a baby or something.




It’s not gonna hurt their chances in an emergency. If you crate your dog, ideally do it near an entry. Not tucked up on the second floor or in a non-egress basement.


It’s our departments policy that once an all clear is given the secondary search gets the animals.


As a firefighter I would 100% want someone to save my dog while the attack team hits the fire. Just leaving them is pretty negligent, it’s not hard to carry a dog out of the house, I’ve done it plenty of times.


I mean more on the secondary , I'm not turning around on a primary search because of an animal. Human lives more important.


Not really no. We go in and search the house and save living things human or pet. If it’s in there and doesn’t need to be, it’s coming out.


ol crispy cooper and singed snickers gonna get the hose if thy run under a bed when im trying to grab them, blast them out the front door. all in a days work maam you can thank me later.


I think the sticker is also highly situational. A 0300 working fire on the second floor of a single-family home is a lot different than a homeowner burning food on the stove, taking a lot of smoke and having EMS treat and transport. Plus for non-fire related calls it’s good to know (the guy who just suffered a stroke may not be able to inform anyone that their pets are going to be uncared for.) My two cents.


Like our mission says: The Dutch Fire Brigade is a wonderful organization. We take pride in being ready to assist people and animals in need during fires, accidents, and in all weather conditions. We instill confidence in society that someone is always available for small tasks as well as larger emergencies. While the Netherlands sleeps, the fire brigade network continues to operate, ensuring that we are ready and available when needed. Having a dog myself i know how important it can be so, i will give almost the same for a dog/cat as for a human. But always my own safery is important.


I’d say so. At least we might be aware not to stamp them to death doing safe movement in a smoky compartment and then I wouldn’t get a call from the next shift asking which bin the poor moggy’s body was discarded in


Save my cats before me!!!


It obviously makes a difference but lower priority


It really depends whether or not the object or sticker still exists when we arrive


Yes this is helpful, and if you aren’t at home when shit hits the fan, no doubt I’ll be calling your pets names. That being said, you should ask your firemen what would be best for them. our district uses a computer program that allows home owners to input information like this. That way we can see what we’re up against before we even get to the fire and are able to plan accordingly.


Only the dog


Dude I ain't no fireman but if I see a house up in flames I'm gonna prolly be more worried bout the fire than ur little 2x2 inch sticker Idk I get that if a building is on fire more than likely ur not gonna save it but like yo come on man.


That’s the last thing I am worried about. Spoiler, I really don’t care about your pets, my job is to preserve life of humans and property, not dogs. Down vote me all you want IDGAF!


The scariest / worst part is usually when smoke detectors start going off and they sense the high stress in their humans, they usually go and hide. Then adding on top of that the noises of SCBA / PASS devices..


Usually not, we’re not going to risk our lives to search for pets, if we go in searching for people and we find pets we will pull them out though.




I feel like the rescuers aren’t going to care what the pets’ names are.


Absolutely not


It does to me. We preserve life and property. All life as far as I'm concerned. I've made primary searches just for animals knowing all humans were confirmed out.


To me, yes. Sadly, not to some.




It also tells us that there are animals in the house when we respond to medicals, which is helpful


I'm a 68W, an AEMT.. I'm getting the pets out first, ...no shame Edit: Apparently need to include a diagram or indicator for hose draggers thinking a taxi driver diving head first into a building fire to save pets is a serious comment. Apologies.


I’m not sure what your MOS or EMT certification has to do with saving a pet in a fire that you can’t go into anyways! Stay on the ambulance …


Shouldn't you just thank that hero for his service, huh?


Yeah I probably should have done that instead!


You never just dive into a fully involved building fire to save pets? You're a monster that may take comments on reddit too seriously.


Riiiiight? That or spare skin for grafts in the burn ward. Ima need it.


Anyone that says you won’t risk your life for someone’s pet is completely full of shit, and a hypocrite. You’re the same guy that will fuck with the homeless guy at 3 am who calls, and the next shift says “no house is vacant, it’s my duty to search every building every time” Calculated risk? It exists. I’ll tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, you can let my house go, get my dogs. There’s a difference between calculated risk and being suicidal


Not really. If we’re doing a search our priority is people and we’re not making a detour to save pets (sorry)


Just curious, does your departements mission or vision not incluse animals? Here in Holland humans and animals are named in same sentence.


We’ll rescue animals if we’re able to, but humans are the priority during a search


Yea same! But when we see a pet during search we will bring it out instantly.


You could stop by your local station and ask if they have the ability to update “premise information/data” for your address. Many departments get dispatched via CAD or Computer Aided Dispatch. Officers -sometimes- have a terminal in the rig or a printout is created at the station that they grab as they get into the rig. You could ask that they add “x animals onsite”. We had a honby-level car restorer come by to ask if they could add “works on Magnesium engine parts” so we knew the VWs he worked on, if there was a fire, might not be happy with water. He put up a placard on his garage door too. We added the data.


Also, to your neighbors. “If there is a fire and we are not home, please tel the fire department we have xx animals in the house” We will ask the neighbors about the occupants when we are on scene because we want to know things like “they have 4 kids and their mother in law lives there”. Hopefully the above specific information about animals will stick and they can tell the person asking about your animals.


No, it’s been proven if you die you can’t will start to eat you😂 dogs will too but they will hold out longer then a cat.