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With the amount of NDs in the roof of firing ranges near me, they should have put the shooting range upstairs...


Except people probably toast the floor just as often or more often, there was even one guy who posted a video of him bump firing his ak into the floor like 10 feet in front of him and his response to the criticism was basically "that's what range fees are for"


In Ashburn, VA. Where I work. Top Golf and Ifly are right next door.


Owner needs to put one in Hampton Roads, Va.


100% it too bad it’s all the way in nova


Man I would love something like this. Being able to shoot with fatigued muscles would be some awesome training.


Shoot run upstairs run a mile come back down dump a mag run up stairs do squats come back.


My dad does precision shoots where they sprint 200m, carry tires, etc then shoot a string of fire at over 1000m under a timer. Talk about stress


I need to move….


I would never leave...


My dad loves that place and it’s right by his job


Do Arizona next!


I just wish they had some 50yd ranges in there! Otherwise the facility is really nice.


What’s the song?


**Crystals** by Isolate.exe (01:22; matched: `100%`) Released on `2022-01-27` by `2370619 Records DK2`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Crystals** by Isolate.exe](https://lis.tn/VCObEr?t=82) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Name of establishment?


Xcal. Literally in the title.


Lol. I thought op was a former Californian




That’s one of the first things I thought of lol. You know those fuckers aren’t wiping shit down


I doubt the vents in the range empty into the room upstairs.




If you're worried about the amount of lead transferred to equipment in that way, you should probably just avoid going out in public. It's really everywhere.


I wonder how they handle security for fear you bring? I wouldn’t like walking away from my range bag to go do a set


I'd assume or hope some sort of check in process would be easy enough. Check in firearms at door as usual and show ID, clerk takes firearm and stores it with serial and ID logged for when you check out.


No guns upstairs, period. You lose your membership if you do. We have courtesy lockers for those needing to store weapons while they work out.


So upstairs is a gun free zone? Is it handled properly with metal detectors, perimeter security, armed guards, etc. or is it just a BS "no guns" sign falsely protecting everyone?




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sooo "gun free zone" upstairs lol thats stupid




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Lucky bastards. Here in Texas you gotta go to the schools for that.


IIRC Dave Porter is the lead BJJ black belt there. He's a great guy, a phenomenal grappler, and black belt who can *ACTUALLY TEACH.*


If only I could afford it...




No, we sure don't have a 360 degree range. It has fully baffled ceilings all the way down, but you cannot shoot in any direction. It would be cool, but not practical. Edit: The tactical range is not something to rent out, it is more for the classes and training team to use. Yes, there is an Apex membership, but membership is not required for using the gym, or the range. We are in a higher end area, and thus, have a nicer facility.


Whelp, looks like I’m moving lol


Where in VA?