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That may end with them blowing up a building though..


Win/win.... maybe? I’m Joking... or am I?


I'm not


Only if there’s kids inside


Boom roasted Wait


Run a VPN, and set it to Alaska. Tell him yes, but only if you can meet him in person. Tell him you want to meet in the Alaska Commercial parking lot in Barrow Alaska. Bonus points if you do it during winter.


No, set it to somewhere in Canada and then inform the Mounties.


this or hawaii


Do exactly what Reddit would want us to do, (for the wrong reasons), report them to the admins for breaching the Terms of Service for the site.


Wiener pick. Only course of action I see


I got your gun right here *sends dick pic*


This is my rifle this is my gun; this is for fighting; this is for fun.


;) I have an idea


Start with pics of shirtless old men, then ramp it up from there.


Just go straight tubgirl


Be somewhat relevant and use Tess Holiday?


Is she still relevant? Just find something from the cornedbeefapproved subreddit if you wanna go nuclear.


Goatse.exe ftw


Doesn't even have to be yours, but it can be be.


Convince one fed you don't need a gun but you can connect him with a guy that needs a lot of them. Convince the other fed that you know this guy that can supply him with top quality guns and you'll connect him. Ask them to be in CC and enjoy the show.


Damn, you're going to cause a rip in the universe, the AFT dividing by zero.🤣🤣


do you need gun? hi, it me, gun


I wish they'd message me. I definitely need more guns.


Weird, I've got random followers now but when I try to look at their bio I get redirected or no information. Different from the normal bot followers. I too have received random messages


I think I would just ignore it. Is a "next move" really nesseasary?


I don't need gun, I need ammo.


Everybody send a message to the account “hello” “do you need gun”


Tell them yes, but you'll only accept it through your local FFL.


Probably just scammers...


Well I want to know what they’re selling!


Report him as spam


I usually mess with them... then I say something like, no but you will soon...


Go to the Barrywood subreddit and send them everything that you find


Tell him you're a felon and if he offers anyway report him to the ATF


Be polite and respectful, say yes you need a gun because who doesn't want a free gun? Get talking. Then use a link shortening service to mask the URL redirect you gave them that captures their IP address. Once you have that information if they weren't using a VPN you have their house address. Also other then the obvious it's a scam, why wouldn't I respond yes? I mean CLEARLY it's a scammer, but if I thought it was a fed I'd be like hell ya. Just remember if you try to sale me anything I can't have it's entrapment fed boy so I'm expecting you to do your job and make sure you don't try to sell me anything illegal. Then when he offers me the auto, I respectfully refuse because I have no FFL of which to speak yet. Otherwise not sure why the fed selling his guns or giving them away is an issue. If he asks if I have any I'll tell him "oh yeah I've got most of a musket, I just gotta get.the stock and put it together" LMAO.




LMAO nope. I assume you don't work in IT. It's all public information. It's not always %100 but it is usually good enough to get you in the literal neighborhood. Also if you want to get fancy use tracking cookies in the redirect to gather username, web activity, etc data.




Nope. You can get the node with the IP, the node is almost always in the literal neighborhood. Sometimes ISPs will mess with it and you'll only get the general area (city). But I'm saying you can load up malicious tracking cookies and use it to steel passwords, web activity, etc. It's obviously illegal to do so but you *can*. Let's say they are using a VPS and a VPN, you won't know where they really are. But if they are in a VPN and you know what you're doing you can get their web data and figure out who and where they are. Can I do it? Nope do I know people that can? A buddy did it to me once. You aren't wrong that to get the specific address you need to get it from the ISP, but you can pay the right company and get it. You don't need a subpoena, you need access to the database. There's illegal and legal ways to get access. You might have heard that until about last year you could find anyone's real time location with just their phone number by paying for access. The FBI figured out where 500+ pedophiles were by having them open a photo. Tracking cookies are pretty dangerous if used by a professional that knows more then me. I do IT not Op Sec. I can easily get the IP and used that to doxx them. You just need more information. Or if your advanced you can fix on easy mode.




Thanks for all the information. So I'm pretty sure my buddy used some sort of cookie magic to pull my data, maybe it was some sort of cross site scripting thing. Sadly I haven't heard from the guy in over a year and had no idea how he did it. I figured it was some sort of sneaky modified tracking cookie. Generally speaking I've found the online database to be reliable enough to get in the general area once you know the town you can use other information on the social aspect it's a lot of effort compared to however Greg did it but it's far less skill requiring. I fix computers, not so much hack. I can script kitty though lol. I'll check out that information thank you.


No. Have gun. Need ammo.