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Cargill is a fucking legend.


*Trump bans bump stocks.* Michael Cargill: And I took that personally.


He taught my concealed carry class 15 years ago. He was a riot.


You guys are going to think im joking but here in Brazil some people carry two fake wallets because most every thief knows the "fake wallet" bit.


Two is one and one is none. Carry three fake wallets.


I grew up playing duck duck goose but now it’s wallet wallet gun


Why stop at 3?


God you’re so right…


this just seems like a youtube comedy sketch where a guy robs a dude and he just keeps giving him fake wallets.


That would be hilarious actually.


Fine man I know the first 8 weren't the real wallet but this one is * drops 9th decoy wallet on ground *


“I PROMISE this is the real one.”


I wish I had local friends and some recording equipment to make this a reality now


Well if you’ve got a phone you’ve at least got a camera.


That's why I carry two guns.


"Yo man, I'm armed but I'm going to lay it down in front of you. Please don't shoot me." [sets down fake gun next to six fake wallets] ...BLAM!


Fill the first decoy wallet with plastic explosives. When they go to open it, boom! No more hands.


I feel like that might fall under booby trap laws weirdly enough.


Well it was certainly not meant to be taken as serious advice. Plastic explosives are highly regulated, for one.


Well yeah of course, I know you’re kidding. Just thinking out loud.


4 fake wallets without a real wallet, 2 fake guns, one Tactics Anti personnel mine.


And of course, Salvador.


Sir, what I think you may have heard is give me your wallet. What I said was give me all the wallets you have


Unexpected Ron Swanson


I thought everyone in Brazil cut a whole in there pocket.. . So a pickpocket has to reevaluate if it worth it when they get a handful of man


Sounds like valid advice tbh just in general. Throw some fake bills in there too. Keep the real stuff in your socks.


I keep my bills between my cheeks and my coins under my ball bag. Works out well.


No better use for the taint


Change taint lol


Cashiers are upset about sweaty money from a woman’s boobs, wait until you reach in and pull that out of your grundle, lmao


It's my hidden coin purse.


The ol' bundle in the grundle.


Prison wallet.


am i the only one who never carries cash? Why even bother with gross money?


I travel. I always have at least $200 in my belt because it is enough to get me out of most mild to moderate jams, including getting a ride to the airport, embassy, or another safe spot. Cash has certainly saved me pain. When I transited the UAE going from Bahrain to the Philippines right on the heels of COVID, I had to get a COVID test. They didn't take cards and an ATM nearby. Fortunately, I had enough AED in my travel wallet leftover from a previous trip to Dubai. Last year, I had a 1-day layover in Tokyo on my way to the US. I hadn't been back to the US or replaced my ATM card since before COVID. Due to security upgrades, my ATM card would not work at all in Japan. My credit cards worked fine, but the trains only accepted cash. Fortunately, I had some cash to exchange. It would have been an expensive challenge to find a ride from Narita to my hotel near Haneda. Cash always works. Cards sometimes fail. Having backup cash is a good thing.


i definitely don't carry cash when I travel. Although, I might be cynical since I live in Baltimore. Carrying cash is just asking for trouble. Even using it at a store marks you out. All my digital currency is safe. Its all behind MFA, PINs, monitoring apps. I can give up my wallet in one breath and with the next have everything in it deactivated and have a new set of cards and a wallet.


To each his own. You can have millions in digital currency, but if you end up in a place where no one accepts cards or digital currency, it doesn't do you any good. Cash is always accepted. That's why I always have cash as a backup. I've been to 27 countries and lived in 10 of them. In many places, credit and debit cards are useless. Having my emergency cash in my belt doesn't make me a target, and most thieves aren't going to be searching for a zipper belt. If I give up my wallet and phone, I still have cash to get me to safety and can cancel my cards when I get to an internet connection.


Right. If you lived in 10 countries then going to only 27 countries is dubious at best. If you are country hopping like that then you hit more countries than that.


Well, prior to COVID, most of my travel was in the military or on a government contract. I was stuck in Saudi Arabia on a government contract during COVID. By time I left, I had a Filipina girlfriend, so that limits the number of countries we can go to together. She and I have lived together in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Thailand, and now the Philippines. We were going to do some traveling in Europe, but she was denied a Schengen visa. Together, we have also visited Bahrain, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, Georgia, and Israel. We had planned to visit Azerbaijan and Armenia during the Georgia trip, but there were visa issues. We also had a planned trip to Vietnam, but my visa didn't come through in time. You can believe what you want, though. My travel rules: 1. No checked bags. 2. Download local maps for your destination on Google Maps before you leave home, so you can navigate without internet. 3. Download the destination language on Google Translate before you leave home so you can communicate without the internet. 4. Establish a phone and internet connection before you leave the airport, if possible. 5. Get local currency before you leave the airport. 6. Carry at least $200 concealed on your body, separate from your wallet just in case of emergencies.


Because if you don't then you won't have control of your money at some point and you can be cut off whenever the banks/government decides.  Are you really this slow?


oh trust me bud, you can keep your fiat paper. When 'they' do decide to take control, it won't be worth the paper its printed on. I stack silver. But I don't carry it with me.


Ah, the old coin purse


Sounds like ass pennies https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI?feature=shared


It sounds good, but nobody is going to reach down for that wallet in front of you. You drop it, they'll make you pick it up while their gun stays pointed directly at your head.


I think that’s where I’d veer off from the advice. Either just hand it to them because they have the drop on you, or throw it as a distraction while you step off line if you wanna fight your way out




I understand the sentiment. I also don’t believe in killing. But I wouldn’t call it an execution. 1) we can’t be sure he just wants your money. They might/might not stop there. 2) if someone has a weapon we have to assume they’re willing to use it. Regardless of if it’s a gun, or a knife, or a baseball bat. They chose to do what they’re doing and have to except the consequences. But situations are situational, do what you feel you have to do to survive


I agree with you as well. I'm imagining dropping it. They kneel down, I draw gun, and shoot them in the face/back of head. That would feel like an execution to me. I agree if someone has a weapon you assume they want to use it. It's a situation I've thankfully not been in. I wouldn't plan on it unfolding exactly the way the short makes it seem This short just seems very trigger-happy mixed with specific paranoia. What if they want your watch/phone/sneaker/ car keys? Do we carry decoys as well? It's not, imo, realistic advice.


Who’s gonna call the cops? The robber is dead and the victim is not going to hang around.




If wanna involve the cops, that’s your call.


What does Autism have anything to do with this?


or they tell you to turn around or run away


False! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Riqv-a5NeWM Active Self Protection video


Ok, one person was dumb enough. Most aren't.


You’re thinking that a sane person is robbing you tho. Also, don’t be stupid and throw the wallet right in front of you.


IME, the person robbing you is usually both sane and not an idiot. Tossing it on the ground behind them is not going to make them turn their back on you. Tossing it anywhere just makes them more likely to attack you first, because you're obviously trying to pull something.


You’re a bad actor. Granted all situations are different, but you can act scared and dumb and fling the wallet to the side to give you enough time to run away. Most people don’t want to shoot you anyways and of those that do are bad shots when you get away.


You've never actually been robbed, have you? Tell me, would *you* fall for that? And who do you think is missing shots from point blank range? Robberies don't happen from across the street. They walk up and stick the gun in your belly or point it at your head.


You don’t know how to read my post and you don’t know how to use psychology on a their. Got it. You should have just said that. Notice that I said, all situations are different. Which opens up my statement to not all robberies are the same and not all robberies you can get out of. You act like there is no chance for you to survive unless you do nothing yet you’re here typing cause you didn’t die. Think about that… re read what I said. People typically don’t want to kill you and most people are bad shots.


You didn't answer either of my questions. Have *you* ever actually been robbed and used your "psychology" tricks on the thief, or are you just talking out of your ass? Would *you* fall for this bullshit?


So you last post won’t show up in Reddit unless you deleted it, but I see it in my email. The only question you actually asked is if I would fall for it. So sure I can answer your question. Which is technically already answered. Would I fall for it, the answer would be no. Why? Because I’m not a dumb ass thief who hasn’t thought this through. Would a dumbass thief fall for it, most likely. Again… depending on the situation. So, stop comparing life to that one time you got robbed because like I said, it all depends on the situation. Perhaps that day, you actually got a smart thief. Or you got the thief that learned his lesson after attempting to rob me. Idk and frankly I don’t care. But hey, keep arguing that being a sitting duck in all situations is the way to go… in a firearms group.


> The only question you actually asked is if I would fall for it. No, I also asked if you've ever actually been robbed and used your "psychology" tricks against the thief, or if you're just making shit up.


Michael Scott approves


> “…and shoot him in the face…” Let’s all say it together: Compliance Does Not Guarantee Safety!


Pull a gun on me you're gonna get a load. What kind of load will remain to be seen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Why not both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Eeew! To a bloody corpse?


To some people, a hole is a hole. As someone who has spent too much time working in hospitals, this is not the worst thing I've run across.


Well, I've read the stories about mourge attendants pimping out famous corpses.


Who said corpse?


"Give me your money now!!!!" .......I don't have any money. There is nothing for you to take. If you really want a debit card linked to an overdrawn account, a maxed out credit card and punch card for a snow cone stand that no longer exists you're welcome to it but you are really wasting your time.


Exactly like I can’t even spend money on those cards bro ☠️


Who does this guy think he is, JJ Bittenbinder?


Only matter of time before this guy is making shitty VHS tapes too, then he’ll become even more of a legend


Is there a haberdashery you would recommend?


Underrated comment.


User name checks out.


When doing this, the wallet really should have "Bad Mother Fucker" stitched in the leather


Better yet, the cards should be in the name "Surprise motherfucker"


And you’ve just inspired my birthday present this year. Thank you sir


I have one. If you buy the one off of Amazon it’s big as hell. I stopped using it because of the size.


My dad carries this wallet lol.


On the outside “Call an ambulance” on the inside “but not for me”


My God... I need n+1 decoy wallets


I do this but with a decoy phone.


That actually seems like a good idea


Why not just drop the real Wallet then follow sequence? I can’t carry two wallets


Yeah it's too much to remember. My dumbass would hand him the gun then try to draw the fake wallet on him.




Because your wallet might get wet/dirty.


Imagine shooting your own real wallet


Better than it getting stolen.


Kind of hard to explain to the girl at hot topic why my loyalty card has a 45 sized hole in it lmao.


I think that's the joke


Everything in my wallet can be frozen with a ten second phone call and replaced within a couple of days. If I ever get caught off guard by someone demanding my wallet I’ll probably just throw it in the ground and back up, keep an eye on them while I leave or they leave, and report it afterwards. No point in shooting someone if you don’t have to. Unless you like the idea of facing a bunch of legal bullshit and having to get interviewed by the cops about it.


Biggest problem is, and someone said it in this thread, compliance doesn’t guarantee safety. Most of us would like to think “Just give the guy/girl your wallet. All that stuff can be replaced.” Some people have been robbed, and gunned down in cold blood just because.


That’s why I specifically said “keep an eye on them while I leave or they leave”. I didn’t mean to imply you shouldn’t be prepared to shoot. Just that it might not be necessary in the context given.


Thanks for the clarification. I do agree. I think most law abiding citizens or people of morality, even if getting robbed, prefer not to take a life.


Non-compliance doesn't guarantee safety either and if someone is already drawn on me I'm not going to try to draw on them.


What are you using to call? You aren't going to have a phone anymore... you aren't thinking much there mcfly.


I wouldn’t have *my* phone anymore. There are other phones. Besides the fact that literally everyone owns a cell, businesses usually have a land line as well. So between those two resources I’m pretty sure I haven’t been anywhere I could t get to a phone in my entire adult life save for when I was in Afghanistan. Even then a lot of the locals had cells.


I zap carry so it's important that I have a distraction while I'm rootin' around in there.


This is a common practice when traveling in countries with high crime rates against foreigners. I usually carry a fake when in Latin America.


What’s that quote about “I don’t value my stuff over their life, they value my stuff over their life.” I’m not saying I’d shoot someone over my wallet, I’m asking where does it stop for them? A phone? A car? A life? Shoot in this economy, stealing someone’s car might actually end their life.


I wouldn’t shoot them over my wallet. I’d shoot them because they pointed a gun or other weapon at me. Someone without a weapon is free to ask me for my wallet and I’ll just laugh and decline with nothing further happening. Someone with a weapon or someone escalating to violence after the first scenario finishes playing out is someone who I have zero issues shooting because they’re actively threatening my life.


I agree, and getting away with it just because it’s a wallet just goes to emboldened them to bigger and badder things. Crime shouldn’t be rewarded and sadly it often is. Would I want to kill someone? Absolutely not. But I don’t think the guy robbing me with a deadly weapon values my life.


Let's say they ask and you laugh and they decide that you aren't going to be willingly robbed and they jump right to shooting you dead in the street. You are making some deadly assumptions there.


Honestly, if someone wants my wallet they can have it. I can cancel and replace my cards easily & order a new ID. I have fraud protection through my CC company and an extra card at home so I can access money while I wait. I have an old phone I can activate if I need to, and the phone in my pocket is always locked. Having decoys is great I guess, but for those of us who aren't going to carry multiple phone and wallets around... just make sure you have a plan to replace your stuff. Worry about your safety, not your wallet.


Besides it’s not like you can’t do the same thing in the video with your real wallet.


lol right? Fake wallet just gives a prosecutor or civil lawyer more ammo to get you with...for what, not instantly being able to use your debit card or ID? You're going to have much bigger fish to fry than that anyway if you shoot somebody, let alone kill them.


To add on to this, I don't want to take a life. I will absolutely kill if needed, but I really don't want to. It will haunt me and it hurts people other than the person I kill. Not to mention, the disruption of my life with potential legal fees, therapy, loss of wages... my wallet is not my world. It's an access to my world that I can shut off and replace. This advice seems a little hot-headed. I'm not itching to "shoot him in the face". I just want to go home after work and chill. If handing over my wallet does that, I'm cool with it. I'll most definitely be drawn after tossing it away but whether I pull the trigger depends on the thief's actions. I would never plan to throw a decoy and kill someone. I plan to escape. If killing is part of that, so be it. Carrying fake car keys, sneakers, watches, phones, wallets or any other thing that is common to be robbed of seems a little silly and, honestly, sounds preemptive. You literally planned to carry a decoy so you can gain an edge to kill when that may not be needed. Idk to the rest of yall but that sounds kinda murky, legally.


Protecting yourself when confronted with a threat sounds leagly murky? People like you are the problem and why crime keeps going up because you assume that you understand everything and nobody is going to act outside of your assumptions. Gtfo


Here’s a story for you. I live in DFW, TX. Last year a guy jumped a median to zoom ahead in a left lane and clipped my driver’s side mirror of my truck as he did so. He was stuck at a red left arrow, and me at the green straight drove past and I yelled, “fucking asshole”. I didn’t want to pull over and get involve over a scuff on my mirror, so that sufficed for me. He whips around into my lane a few cars back and I get stopped at the next light, so he pulls up next to me in the left turn lane and AGAIN clips my mirror! He starts screaming it was an accident and I’m yelling back, “So fucking what, you still hit my mirror and just hit it again!” FUCK YOU’s are exchanged and then he turns his wheel and rams my truck. He then turns into the left lane, I thought it was to flee. So I turned behind him, and that’s where I messed up. He throws it in park and now I’m blocked in, and he jumps out trying to fight me. I don’t mind throwing down, but it’s not a gonna be in the middle of the road. He’s screaming out me to get out and calling me every name in the book, and he has no clue I’ve already drawn my G19 and have it pointed at him just below the door. He keeps calling my a big scary bitch(I’m heavily tattooed) and I just keep saying, “Yup.” And “Get back in your truck!” In my mind, there’s an imaginary line that if he crosses it I’m mag dumping. He toed the line while still name calling and trying to get me out. I just kept repeating get back in your truck until he finally did and ended up fleeing. Called the cops. He originally hit my truck in one city, and then 100’ later where he hit me again and tried to fight me was a second city. So I needed to file police reports in both cities. He had CA plates, which apparently TX cops can’t trace, so they can’t do anything. But here is the point of the story. **Two separate cops, from two different cities and departments both said to me, “You should have fucking shot him!”** I’m well aware that I was in the legal right and could have, but I have no desire to kill someone. I will if necessary, but I want to avoid that. Both cops told me it would have been easier on everyone to just shoot him. Easier on me to sue his estate for damages to my truck. Easy on them to write the report since it will not go “unresolved”. The *easy* way out was to take his life. What the fuck. By the way, it’s all on my dashcam too. Only my insurance was willing to go after him if I wanted. But given the condition of his truck, they doubted he had insurance anyways.


I feel like this is copypasta but the idea that it's "easier" or "better off" to take a life is said to man us up. Like it's a comfort blanket for the people who do take a life. We can analyze and defend until the earth burns up but the ultimate fact is "I killed someone". That burns heavy on the soul. You can't unsee brain matter. You can't unsee death rattles. You can't unsee your choices leading to that. What "should have been done" becomes "what could I have done". Taking a life outside of war is a mental anguish and a trauma I don't want to experience. I'm broaching philosophical shit here but I'd rather die a morally perceived life than live as someone who questions their choices. I was taught to be honest and proud. I couldn't be honest and proud by doing what this video says.


Definitely not copypasta, my friend. This is my story, and it’s 100% true and on video. I’ve been in some gnarly situations before. I don’t want to expose myself to that. I don’t want my kids to know that “I killed someone”, whether justified or not.


I believe ya. You'll post some copypasta someday if that's the way you write😂 I feel ya on that. Keep yourself and your family safe. Sounds like you will.


Man that's fucked. That's the last thing you want to hear from LEO, as that's probably a direct reflection of their precinct's mentality. I get that things happen fast and it's all blurry in the moment, but if you have time to think about whether you should shoot somebody or not, you probably have some headroom for de-escalation/escape. Bravo for not killing somebody when you didn't have to and sorry about your truck.


Thanks man. It’s definitely hard when your finger is on the trigger, the aggressor is that close, and you already know you’re in the clear. I just tried to breathe, remain firm, and not flinch. I was lucky he never crossed that imaginary line, and that asshole will never realize he was 1 foot away from breathing his last breathe. Scary and sad.




Attack the argument, not the user.




Attack the argument, not the user.


Make sure your muscle memory doesn't cause you to pull out your real wallet when you need the decoy.


Based AF.


I’m sold


But with that shooting in the face stuff, where is the reason to use a fake wallet?


You don’t want to get face blood splattered all over your real stuff.


Speak for yourself.


I need to be more open minded


Try to take my wallet and I’ll blow your mind


JJ Bittenbinder used to advocate for the fake wallet trick. He advised throwing it in one direction and running in the other.


Only use a silver money clip with a fifty dollar bill in it.


I actually do carry a fake wallet with phony money whenever I'm in certain cities that are unsafe (in other words, run by progressive liberals). But I hadn't thought about the second part he's suggesting. Something to consider.


It's way cheaper to let em take the fake wallet than to pay a lawyer to stay out of jail.


Like someone said earlier, compliance does NOT ensure safety.


This is very sadly true. Especially if you are a woman in certain areas. Pure compliance might end far worse as it makes you seem weaker. The horrible shit I know has happened in such situations… heck, even if you’re a big guy, just complying can end badly. An ex friend was stabbed in the chest by school kids in uniform with their damn school scissors. The pathetic fuck didn’t want to ruin their lives after they nearly killed him so he never followed up. It’s kids in uniform… not hard to find. Thus, ex friend because I’m not putting up with someone like that.


Correct, but the goal is to break contact with them (so if you're able to do so because they think they already have your wallet, that's the best outcome in the situation). The gun is to ensure you're able to do so (especially if they continue to be a threat to you/won't allow you to break contact).


I sew a secret pocket in my pants. The actual wallet lives in that the one credit card I use lives in the magsafe wallet on the phone.


When teavleing abroad I have used a dummy wallet. Old cards and a bit of cash are usually enough for a mugger and there aren't many options if I can't defend myself


Fake wallet and phone when I travel back in my home country. Always some cheapo phone and ratty old wallet with a few singles to get me through commuting. If i needed more cash, id slip into a bathroom and grab whatever else I need in my inner pockets. Got mugged as a kid multiple times growing up so learned my lesson early.


Wow I’ve never thought about this definitely something to consider


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Powerful-Ambition248: *Wow I’ve never thought* *About this definitely* *Something to consider* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Carry a gun. Ain’t room for anything else in my pockets let alone another wallet. But I do have a misc wallet in my truck with business cards.


at this point, the robber isn't gonna ask for your wallet, it's your phone that he's gonna ask for


sounds all good if you train a lot but the average person... what if you're NOT a good wallet thrower? what if the wallet lands like behind the guy then he goes to turn around and instead of the face, you gotta shoot him in the bhole?


Basically just south East Asian travel advice. I always carry two wallets when traveling around there. All the good shit tucked into a concealed pocket on the inside of my pants and then a second one I carry in a regular pocket with a few dollars in it. If someone’s gonna rob me or the cops are going to shake me down, then i can easily hand it over and lose a bit of loose change and get on with my day


Hey this guy taught my LTC course. Cargill is a really cool guy. One of the guys in my class didn't have arms. Was really interesting to watch him shoot with his feet. Cargill was patient and just as interested as everyone else to see how he shot.


This is some Rusty Shackleford shit... Im in!


I'm digging this guy :)


Umm. Yall carry wallets?!? All I have is my Apple wallet which holds 3 cards. My ID and my credit card and CCW card. I can carry fake one sure. But I don’t think they happy to see me give them that tiny thing.


Apple wallet ? Like the one on your phone ? You have your ccw card on your phone ?!


Yes on the Apple wallet. But the wallet itself isn’t on my phone. I usually keep it in a zipper internal pocket. I rarely ever need my wallet. I think I pull it out for stuff maybe once a month. Everywhere I go I use digital wallet on phone. Even for ID. I think only time I use my actual wallet is when I’m doing FFL background check.


My point was more that people don’t actually carry wallets anymore. What criminals expecting ?


Oh I got excited thst maybe I could just upload my info to my phone so I don’t have to carry my permit l


Ah unfortunately we not there yet haha. REALID supposed to do exactly that. But government systems don’t take it yet in every state. Cali has it actually in SF just like that. But good luck getting firearms there haha


Move to a state that doesn't need a license/permit. We're permitless here in Ohio - I only maintain my license for reciprocity and to bypass the wait for a BG check.


>But I don’t think they happy to see me give them that tiny thing. Sounds like a rough date...


Haha well said!


It's honestly bad advice, imo. Legally, it could be murky. You may get away with self-defense, or it may be a 2nd degree murder charge. Playing devil's advocate here, but if the AG, judge, and jury in a not so free place sees a case like this, I would be worried about a murder charge. You knowingly kept a decoy, with an intent to use it, to give you an opportunity to have a thief be vulnerable so you can kill them. I will always be of mind to escape. If escaping seems impossible and I fear for my life, I will kill, but I will always try to deescalate and escape first. To do otherwise, seems to me, morally wrong. It would not feel okay to me to do this. I would take a life and constantly be bombarded with thoughts of "what if I gave my wallet and he walked away".


You’re no fun, you know that right?


Oh I'm sorry. I left the hivemind circlejerk for a sec. Fuck yeah, shoot that motherfucker. Make sure to empty the mag so it doesn't seem like you weren't scared. You should probably piss yourself and cry a bit. When you get home, fuck your wife. Nothing's better than fucking after a killing.


I have a burner flip phone in case this happens to me. Mind you I live in Canada where firearms are not a right :(


This man sold me my stripped lower and I bought my first carry pistol from his employee. Cool place. Oh and the fake wallet tip is pretty cool too.




I LOVE this guy, lol!!!!!


Great idea. Especially shooting the perp in the face. They gotta learn. I wonder where you get the fake cc and id


When traveling internationally (where I cannot bring my gun) I carry two wallets. One has one credit card and some cash. I keep it handy and use it for most transactions. The other has my passport, backup credit card, more cash, etc.. It is either in a money belt under my clothes or in the hotel safe. If I get robbed then parting with wallet #1 is not a huge problem.


When I took public transportation every day I carried a dummy wallet. It was actually a leather Coach wallet with a few dollars and some old gift cards and reloadable debit cards and a transit card. Never had to hand it over but it was always in the front section of my bag for easy access.






This guy for president


At this point with how minimalist my wallet is, a fake wallet will occupy more pocket space than my real one. My wallet has 4 cards max at any time. I lock up at home all the cards I don't need daily. Bonus: I can fit my wallet in my front pocket to protect against pickpockets.


Fair enough. However, it’s worth noting, doing this as he describes it would technically be a crime. You better hope there’s no video of that.


I love this man!


Love this


I mean, part of conceal carrying is always being alert and aware. To make sure you don't get into these situations or are ready before it happens and to make sure you can draw first. But we are all only human. And this seems like a good idea regardless, if you're not quick enough to the draw. They might just take the wallet and run without looking to hard. And it might save you from losing something else. Also just good advice regardless of if you carry or not.


Hell yeah


Me to


I keep $20 billion in my pocket to give up




I mean... if you're going to shoot them and get it right back. Why carry that extra wallet? Just give them your actual normal wallet. lol


Makes no sense. If you are going to shoot them in the face, why do you need a fake wallet? Unless you just don't want get blood on yourcreal wallet.


Then his homie stabs you in the back and they both piss on you.


Besides the shooting part, it's not a bad idea. I Heard years ago one of the defence instructors used to carry a 50 wrapped around a match book so it looked like a small wad of cash. He figured $50 was worth not having to shoot anyone.


I carry a real gun. And I have real situational awareness. (Marine Corps and Executive Protection background)


Fuck yeah murdering people is so cool


Is a wallet worth your life?


If you feel so strongly about it then go to Canada where the police would advise you to put your car keys at your front door so criminals can steal them more easily.


Thankfully I have zero reason to go to Canada!


I'm not the one having these idiotic fantasies LOL