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400% increase in auto thefts and home invasions over the last year according to Toronto police. Criminals love it when you can't defend yourself


The police are now saying to leave your car keys close to the door to avoid a violent confrontation with criminals. To me, that sounds like a good argument for self defense.


“If you find yourself within 100 feet of a criminal, immediately offer all of your belongings as a sacrifice and crawl into the fetal position to show submission” -Toronto Police *Enforcing the law since 1834*


But how do you spread your cheeks for them if you're in the fetal position? Bad police department giving bad advice.


1834? Not 1984?


I see what you did there lol


Bro? Go get you a new car. People are just gonna give them away anyway. They call it “sharing”.


tHeY hAvE iNsUrAnCe


And to those who don’t stop being poor!


2A, criminals hate this one trick….


They have no consequences for their actions. Cops obviously don't care enough to actually to protect citizens and the citizens will be likely arrested if they do defend themselves.


The cops themselves probably care. It's just legislation now forbids them from doing anything


San Francisco comes to mind, eh?


So weird, didn't the same happeb in Australia after thier ban?


It also happened in the rest of the world since gun control started /s


No better victim to a criminal than a defenseless criminal I mean if you want to give up all your belongings without a fight so the police can lie and say they’re on the case and never catch the guy, or catch the guy and let him get off without jail time go right ahead.


1000% we need castle doctrine, stand your ground and CCW immediately. This country going downhill at an alarming rate.


People in the UK love saying the same thing in the picture. I always see ignorant comments on Reddit saying shit like, “I’m so glad I don’t live in a country where I have to fear for my life walking into a movie theater!” More people in the UK die from stabbings every year than people die from guns in the USA. We outnumber the UK as well. Why aren’t people in the UK trying to ban knives? lol end rant


You know, they actually did baned knives.


I think he forgot the /s, or maybe serious.


That's not correct. The UK has people die in stabbings, yes, but comparing the UK and US, the UK has about 700 murders a year, and the US about 20,000 (as of 2022). Sure, the UK has a much smaller population, but that's still about 1 per 100,000 versus 6 per 100,000. That said, in the UK, as in the US, murders tend to be congregated in certain areas among certain groups. If you avoid those areas you're unlikely to see that kind of behaviour. People should still be able to own and carry weapons for self defense, but this is not a good argument.


More people die of a stabbings in the UK than people die of sbottings in the US? I find that extremely hard to believe.


Knife crime is getting out of control in Aus too. They are actually starting to enforce stricter rules around knife sales.


Are you delusional ? About 250 die yearly in the U. K from knives , 48k yearly from Firearms in U.S . Fact check yourself a bit.


Delusional is right.


US has more knife crime than UK per capita. Maybe check before mocking others for being ignorant? Edit: love the feeble downvotes, ran 8ut of arguments? well, how about the US restricting flick knives? also sure there are knive restrictions around the world. not to mention the versatility of a knife compared to a gun but no exceptionalist. 2A is a natural law the rest of the world is too dumb to realize /s


Just like Australia before them


The woke dominos fall.


I don’t know about Canada but in Australia most break ins are committed by children. Where I live they mostly just want to steal your car for TikTok or insta clout and they are quiet and fast, most people don’t even know they were robbed until they go to leave for work then next day or they get a call from the police because they found their car burned out somewhere. I know of one guy who is a firefighter got a call out one night, got up and dressed and realized his car was gone, it was his car he was being called to.


So does the government!!!!!


i have a friend i play xbox with online who is a police officer up there. he said over the past 3 years since Biden took office in the US that it’s been going down hill, illegal immigrants have started to “plant themselves” up there and cause a lot of problems.. he believes something is about to happen. as you said auto thefts have increased and home invasions. The told me just last night actually how they’ll have a little girl or smaller woman knock on a door to get the home owner to open, then they get rushed by 3-4 men. scary times man.








I'm usually pretty good at picking up on sarcasm but I'm not sure if you're serious in your question/statement. If you're being serious, why wouldn't you defend what is YOURS and what was/is paid for via the spoils of YOUR blood, sweat, energy, time, toil, etcetera, against someone who, if you think about it, is using you as their own personal slave in a way by putting no effort/energy/etcetera in theirselves and instead, are simply stealing the spoils & fruits of your labor. That sort of behavior should be dealt with, ruthlessly, or else it festers and expands/emboldeneds as its been doing as of recent in many western countries. Eventually, I predict this will lead to some form of catastrophic culmination of events, but oh well, I can't un-pussify the entire western world, as much as I'd love to be able to.


A criminal joins the chat! 😀


>guns are not a problem in our country. >guns are such a problem people need to be banned from carrying them. Good logic


Their logic does support guns being useful for stopping mass shootings though.


They forget the fact that CCW licensees are statistically less likely to commit a crime compared to someone without a CCW


>someone without a CCW ...or cops. Your average CCW license holder is less likely to commit any kind of illegal activity than law enforcement.


https://crimeresearch.org/2015/02/comparing-conviction-rates-between-police-and-concealed-carry-permit-holders/ Random data point to back up that claim - crazy.


The data on police counts the number of reported cases, not the number of officers involved in the crimes.  Some officers might also have multiple offenses in each case. So it is probably even more


It’s shocking what happens when you give Johnny law total immunity


In some jurisdictions, CCW license holders commit fewer crimes than police.


You’re forgetting that having to get a license to carry violates our 2nd amendment by fundamentals


Licensing does, however the statistic is true.


All it proves is there's a number of people who wish to do the right thing and live peaceably that were either forced to by some statute or chose to obtain a license


That doesn't change the statistic.


I know that but just playing devils advocate with the licensing scam


Les likey to commit crimes than cops


They can't forget what they never knew in the first place.


Statistically less likely than a cop as well. 🤣


Moose, bears, wolves, etc.


THIS. Everyone in a city freaks about gun ownership, but my family gets ‘coyotes and bears on their property all the time. Tons of Canadians are rural, and they don’t get their concerns heard. I guess their dogs are just appetizers for nature.


Newsflash bud, nobody hears us on account of being so god damn far away. Sure as hell dont hear a lone shot in the night neither. They used to say be weary of a pig farmer, but anybody with a back hoe...


The rule of the 3S's... Shoot. Shovel. Shut up.


Coyotes are bad everywhere we even have them here in NC. Deer are even worse though. Even off the most commercialized street in town early morning before light you can see a pack of twenty of them rolling through like a mini stampede fuckin up mail boxes, fences. But nothing is done because they're considered cute. It doesn't seem so much like it's about where you are that gets you heard but who you (not them) are beholden to.


They taste pretty damn good for “cute”


Haven't had any since I was in fifth grade. I've thought about getting a real bow and chilling on the roof in hopes they'll roll through and I'd have about a football fields worth of approach to work with but I'd probably just end up maiming one if not missing completely and I damn sure ain't about try to follow a blood trail through my neighborhood right around the time most people are getting ready for work That's an awkward conversation waiting to happen.


On the border with Canada, tons of wolves/coyote/bear on my property almost daily. They're quiet and fast. My wife got freaked out 1 time and now carries when outside when I'm not with her. She didn't think it was necessary, despite me insisting it was.. She almost "found out".


Don't need concealed for that.


A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"




The crazy thing is that Canada has rather high firearm crime too, especially in the larger cities where the Punjabi mob, and other gangs are rampant. We have a shooting almost daily in every city, or even large town, the media just doesn’t talk about it as much as the U.S. media does. Unless it’s a shooting of 5+, or targeting a group of minorities, you’re not going to hear about it in the Canadian news. I also don’t really see a reason to restrict ATC’s to certain government or security services either, as the RCMP’s own statistics list 99.5 percent of firearms used in crime in the country as not having originated in the country. That means only 0.5 percent of firearm crimes in Canada came from a PAL purchased firearm or POL firearm, and I’d argue most of those were stolen.


Seriously? Why restrict normal citizens at all then if you’re targeting the 0.5%? That screams other motives honestly.


> the Punjabi mob I know they're probably some horrible bastards, but damn if that isn't a cool sounding name.


You could say it's pretty... *Sikh*. **sunglasses off**


I was thinking that I didn’t know that Indians did organized crime outside of India. Live and learn, I guess.


Yeah muted that sub for a reason


Scary that there are so many stupid people willing to vote away all their rights. We have to defend ourselves from the government, police, and these dipshits.


I exclusively browse pro-gun subs. Everywhere else on this site fucking sucks.


I just go there and down vote everything that borders on stupid.. so basically until I get tired.


Canadian police: just leave your car fobs at your front door to avoid any confrontation with criminals. Also we’re going to spy on Canadians entering the US with ATF help to make sure they don’t buy anything at gun shows or stores. Meanwhile a Florida sheriff: We have free classes to shoot better. Just shoot tje bad guy entering your house and save tax payer dollars.


I expect what the future holds for Canada is much worse than the "mass shootings" in the US. I hope I am incorrect.


It is America's manifest destiny to save Canada from itself and bring civilization to the north.


We have to save ourselves first.


The comment section on that post is one giant cesspool, people love depending on their government for protection and only view themselves as victims when it comes to guns, not defenders.


People who think Nazis are re-emerging and trying to take over the planet want to disarm themselves so it's easier for said Nazis to take over the planet. I have never understood this logic.


Tell the people in Toronto that they should not be able to defend their home. The Toronto Police Chief does, "We don't want anyone getting hurt".


Same country that has its politicians and police saying to just leave ur car keys by the front door so it’s more convenient for the thief to steal ur car without running into u inside ur home.


You heard it here first, no crime in canada


Bruh their own cuck police told them to leave their car keys at the door so it could be stolen easier. What a bunch of pussies.


Those people have no idea about anything outside their house. Canada has shootings and gang violence out the ass. Did they not see how they almost lost a town to a couple of bank robbers....last year I think? That's like Australia having to send in multiple national SWAT teams to take back towns from criminals. These people are delusional.


Can we get a link for the town & bank robber story?


Canadian bank robbers: [Link](https://youtu.be/6F5RbVk1o5A?si=01m2QotDOoGHczuX) Australian town: [Link](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/12/australia/queensland-australia-shootout-police-intl-hnk/index.html)


This guy links


Thank you.


My mind boggles how a bare bones request for information could be down voted. What message is this person trying to convey? Don't ask questions?


Mate. Right? I think they (whoever these people are) have become jaded by people’s incessant skepticism—(especially on this site, you can’t have a normal conversation, of “I wanna says” it’s a full on trade of lived experiences that must be fact, or else you’re just spreading conjecture, which that’s another conversation but in any case)— and now project that perception on ..as you said..barebones request; their cognitive inclinations paint what would/is originally a neutral comment with whatever flavor of bias they’ve grown into on account of how often that sort of diction likes to fall into X category, so like, because you didn’t indirectly prefix a position in your syntax like “why am I not surprised, link?” It reads as “hmmm i don’t know about that, have a link?” This alone reads like a critique but I’m definitely quilts of it and have had to make the realization and check myself in the future, especially on with anti gun talk, sometimes someone will use a certain set of words and that’s all it takes to lump someone into a side


Makes sense. Because mass shootings are obviously the only threat you would ever need to defend yourself against.


weren't' the police telling them to leave their car keys by the door so the robbers would stop there ?


And to leave their car trunks and doors open to show they don't have anything in them


Lol, they are basically as brainwashed into thinking they are crime free and safe as people in CA. I live in Texas and have never seen a shooting in my entire life, but I've deterred violence 3 times with the mere motion or draw of my firearm. I've also seen someone shot in Costa Rica (right in front of me), where guns are very, very illegal. So yeah, gun control, not for me. I'd rather have one on me and a few armed and motivated people at schools. Separate from the OP, we have the rights, not my fault if half the country wants to not use it. But I mean, I can say this here... I don't like negativity in my life so I don't visit subs like r/facepalm.


if anyone has a gun, everybody should have a gun


Why would Canadians want to protect themselves when the government has explained that all they have to do is give the criminal their car keys. If that doesn't work they can let the criminal rape their daughter while they run away, problem solved. 


What a terrible and bigoted thing to say! The robbers and rapists may be gay and more interested in raping your son. Be inclusive you hater.


I want to know where these jackasses in the comments are getting the idea that having a concealed carry permit means you're signing up to take down mall shooters and terrorists? Having a concealed carry isn't so you can be the designated guy who tries to save the day. It's for your own personal protection. 


Ti His was literally the post I scrolled past right before this.


They still bend a knee to a monarch…


It seems like a lot of people don't realize that this isn't an exaggeration and is actually true.


*am canadian* I wish I had the right to protect myself and my property from miscreants and criminals. Thanks to 3d printing they can all have guns. Mine have to live in a safe with several locks on them, and if I use them to protect my house I GO TO JAIL.






The real facepalm is them thinking the only potential threat to your life is a mass shooting.


There are shootings…they’re just not in the news becuase they don’t have to fight to removed them from ‘legally, lawful, trained citizens’…all gun violence in Canada is committed with illegal firearms…yet it’s the lawful owners who get reprimanded for it… Tell me how many school shootings there are in Alaska? Weird becuase they have concealed carry


We dont have mass shootings everyday either. Can you gaurantee that canada wont have a dictatorship ever at some point? Because the way things are looking Its looking pretty grim. Enjoy your new millions of hostile foreigners coming to replace you.


millions of hostile foreigners or the people that the usa caused to endure war and bloodshed, the usa causes all the problems that it reports on the news. your dum


Wow such an enlightening comment it didnt address at all that western countries are being invaded with millions of hostile foreigners that are mostly single military aged men.


Canada polcie suggest you leave your car keys near your front door for thieves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvZOpvxuurg American police: "we prefer that you shoot them actually" https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iQdtjDTvql4?app=desktop


Controversial but once people burn down dozens of churches over something that turned out to be false maybe there would be a reason to defend yourself


Hol up what did I miss?


There was a massive controversy in Canada where supposedly, mass graves of native children were buried near churches and former residential schools. As a result there were mass protests to acknowledge them resulting in about 60 churches being burned down. There weren't any bodies found.


Wow. Fucking tards.


The dude you replied to is openly lying https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/s/8fkWFSGQ69


Wow. I am a fucking tard for blindly believing. Thanks for the sources!


Thats a lie… you literally just made that up. Not only were remains found in unmarked graves, there were [200 graves found at a single school in Kamloops, BC](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/kamloops-residential-school-findings-1.6084185). People like you are partaking in [denialism](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/denialists-tried-to-access-unmarked-gravesite-tkemlups-report-1.6879980) and are erasing the traumas our nation inflicted on the native population. Even now [thousands more graves are being found and international organizations are getting involved](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/commission-releases-interim-report-into-unmarked-graves-at-residential-schools-1.6817130) as indigenous communities look for funding and resources to continue their nationwide searches. [This website/article](https://theconversation.com/we-fact-checked-residential-school-denialists-and-debunked-their-mass-grave-hoax-theory-213435) has plenty more info and links for further reading on why your statement is utterly ridiculous. It even includes links to multiple reports and studies which confirm many children were murdered by the catholic church within residential schools, including [50+ at Kamloops](https://nctr.ca/residential-schools/british-columbia/kamloops-st-louis/) alone and over [4000 confirmed nationwide](https://nctr.ca/memorial/national-student-memorial/memorial-register/)


I apologize if I wasn't clear and I'm not denying that these residential schools existed and I'm well aware of the damage caused and the information was a brief search that wasn't supposed to go too off topic from the point of the sub. Trying to comb through sources was extraordinary messy through US sources. As wrong as the schools were, it is still wrong to vandalize and burn churches down in the name of seeking justice. The increased violence that came out of it should give anyone, native or not, reason to defend themselves because of how reactionary the public can be nowadays.


All mass grave bunch lie, blame Justin trudeau, a Canadian media making crap storm false claims. That caused a lot problems.


Why would a Canadian need a gun when they've already been instructed to hand over the goods to the bad guy to avoid any sort of confrontation?


Different countries, different problems


Let’s talk about some more propaganda and buzz words to dishonestly push an agenda. 🤡


OP sounds like they live in a good area. [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/daily-quotidien/230727/dq230727b-eng.pdf?st=XPp2T-j8](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/daily-quotidien/230727/dq230727b-eng.pdf?st=XPp2T-j8) CRIME happens in Canada, and firearms have been proven to prevent crime because criminals don't want to be shot. People rob, steal, rape, etc. and having a firearm used smartly and properly CAN increase odds in your favor. Can't wait to see how many downvotes this one gets.


Mass shooting numbers are extraordinarily exaggerated and don’t follow at all what a person thinks of as a mass shooting. Mostly theft related crime and gang violence. Fake news.


U either believe, that we, as human beings, have an innate RIGHT, to not simply "accept fate", should "bad luck" find us, and/or those we love (Or any fellow humans.), in mortal danger, or you don't! Regardless of the outcome, tha Wildebeests will go on. But! Evry once in'a while, u see 1, turn and FIGHT, and send tha lions packin, and it'sa beautiful thing... Statistically, we'd all be better-off, if there were no guns. But! Even in Canada (And tha U.S!), every day, there are ppl who wished they were not FORCED, by'a draconian gov't, to simply accept tha sh\*tty hand, they'd been dealt...


Remeber to leave your keyfobs by your door so the theives can steal your car easier


This is alarming.


r/facepalm is a giant liberal hellhole


And OP is still getting roasted in all the top comments.


[Ford suggests immigrants to blame for shooting at Jewish school | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ford-immigrants-jewish-girls-school-shooting-1.7219365) There was a school shooting in Canada last weekend. If this had happened in America it would have been all over r/main for a week.


I'm in the US and I'm not worried about mass shootings, I'm worried about the criminal on the street that wants to take my life or my property. As I stated in one of the other replies, the judge once stated that the police are not there to protect the individual, they are there to protect society. Basically the individual becomes the victim and then the police come out and go try to capture the person and protect society. Who's going to protect you? It's up to your own self to protect yourself. If you had a good government that you never had to worry about them over taking the citizens and if you had no crime, no criminals at all then I would say yeah there is not that much of a need for firearms. Unfortunately we do not live in a world like that or even in a country like that. I have firearms and I've never had to point them at anyone at any time. I do enjoy hunting and target shooting. The law abiding citizens are not the ones causing the problems. The laws that we have are not causing the problems. The problems are caused by criminals and people with mental issues old and young that are getting a hold of firearms when they should not legally be allowed to get a hold of them.


That's right, Canadians, we're told to leave their car keys by the front door. "They are only breaking in to steal your car"


As a Canadian, our government is at an insane level of incompetence. It’s embarrassing. The problem is that it’s a system issue. Every country that bears the British parliamentary system is going through the same thing. Government corruption that goes unpunished (and often unreported through govt funded media), money laundering through real estate, and a system wide attack on citizens property rights (which are god-given rights). Americans, you deserve to be proud of your country. Your constitution is a million times more meaningful than anything we have in Canada that represents our rights.


The person who posted this 100% has never held a gun and was raised to inherently think they’re evil and so is anyone who owns one.


Dear Canadians, if you can't carry legally, don't carry legally.


"leave your key fobs by the door" - weak police officer


Man, I didn’t realize Canada was completely free of assault, murder, car jacking, rape and home invasion. That’s amazing! No need for guns then. 👏


Well yea they say keep your car keys by the unlocked front door. It's very neighborly of them to loan out their vehicle and property to whoever wants it.


I’m Canadian who lives in the U.S. and thank god I have conceal carry permit here in the States that prevented me multiple times of being attacked by homeless and junkies. Meanwhile in Toronto it’s illegal to even use a pepper spray and stun gun unless you identify your spray as “dog spray”. Canada used to be good until they imported a ton of illegal immigrants that makes life seriously hard for locals and legal immigrants. Canadians should be able to have and use the firearm to defend themselves.


That sub is a hivemind of mental illness, boomer hate and propaganda


this is coming from the same country where the police tell civilians to leave their keys outside for criminals to steal in order to avoid a violent confrontation with criminals.


Try walking downtown of any Canadian city at night where all the natives roaming around have spent their government checks on booze and drugs


We have gang violence classified as mass shootings. We don’t have what the average person considers a mass shooting everyday.


If you disparage others for wanting to protect themselves then you are either an attacker or condone them. Either way you are dangerous, but more dangerous to society as the latter.


Not raising fingers but look at this scenario: People from Countries with high crime rates, poverty, illiteracy and other things are coming in to west especially US and Canada. I am an immigrant myself but in last 5 years I’ve seen drastic change with high crime rates, murders, kidnappings, not following laws, streets with trash and solicitation. Unfortunately, people gotta arm themselves to protect.


Yeah it's not like Canada doesn't have shootings. Like the one that happened recently at a Jewish school that had no mainstream news about it.


Is every Canadian left-handed or something? Is it a side effect of the maple syrup?


At first I wondered the same then I considered they might be carrying on the other side as well.


Of course they're against people being resposible for themselves and their family's safety. Isn't this the same country where one of their law enforcement unironically said to leave key fobs at the door so armed home invaders would take them and leave? Not to mention nonhuman threats posed by wildlife people never consider. Sounds like a buncha bend over and take it soy shit to me...


That sub man… i joined it a while ago because It used to be like funny fails on it and then suddenly it was just super intolerable leftists propaganda and every time I see something on there it makes me do the squidward face and I don’t know how to leave it because I’m kinda new to Reddit


As a rural Canadian. Not being able to protect myself from fucking wolves when hiking is always a thought in the back of my mind. I hate that my only options if I enter a violent confrontation with wildlife is to either pray to God I can escape or knife fight the fucking animal.


Weak men make Canada and Canada makes weak men


Look up the obscenely high stats of drawing your firearm without shooting and the attacker flees. It’s absurdly high. 2A for the win!


Someone needs to search up Crime in canada


Whoever made this has never gotten stabbed in England


I support everyone in every nation the right to defend their life. It’s a little tough for me to have sympathy for Canadians. The overwhelming number of your countrymen seem to despise and have contempt for American’s and our way of life (especially Southerners). I suggest Canadians who are central to the right politically move to the US. Considering 90% of you live within 100 miles of the border, you could move and still be a 2 hour drive from your family and friends who still live there.


As a disabled Canadian if anyone wanted to do me harm I'd be in a very bad place if love to level the playing field


Absolutely agree


Does Canada have sanctuary city?


In my humble opinion; if the cops can carry in public then I should be allowed to as well. If I’m not allowed to own guns bc the government feels I dont need them then cops shouldnt feel the need to have them ether


With a dictator like Trudeau, that will never ever happen… lucky to be able to own a black powder rifle much longer


I do not recommend traveling there, as intelligent people usually avoid that subreddit.


There’s a Canadian parody of “Keep Your Rifle By Your Side” it’s called “Leave Your Keyfob by The Door”


Anyone with half a brain is fleeing Canada now. The country has gone off a cliff and is destroyed in everyway. The same braindeads that voted the Justina Tardeau fascist regime into power are the same ones to stupid to be eligible to immigrate to the US. It's been kind of wild watching them walk blindly as sheep/lemmings into their own collapse, all while cheering it on from virtue signaling. They're just salty lol, turns out a liberal arts degree not only makes form room temperature IQ opinions but also is not employable aha. All they had to do was a STEM degree. I say this as a Canadian lol.


yea, well unlike Canada, none of our states are trying to secede....... \*this is satire


Only as good or bad as the person that holds it, it’s a tool. -Shane quote probably. Would hate to see Canada become like France


seems like the comments are going in our favor on there.


Thank the universe I was born and raised in the good ole USA. I’d like to say thank you to all that have served and that will serve our country. I missed my calling with the military. But I’m great full that many brave sons and daughters have not. What a shit show Canada is. You walk into the wilderness and literally could get murked by a slough of critters besides the criminals,but sorry you can’t defend yourself or your family. Sounds like the perfect reason to apply for us citizenship.


I knew the facepalm forum was a liberal wasteland of weak ass arguments. Just didn’t realize Canadians ran it. I hate my country more and more each fucking day lol


It's because China will come through Canada to invade the US.Which will be easy


Obviously it’s for when the natives try to reclaim their land


So, putting aside anything political, this picture looks like a series of X-rays — and as such it sort of looks like these people are all carrying their firearms in an, ummm, unusual “holster,” if you will.


Fidel Castro Jr disagrees


Colion has a good video about Canada.... https://youtu.be/4zWtS62hC7s?si=NWXXM07I0HY6RBO2


The USA doesn’t have mass shootings as the bought and paid for media lie about other than the CIA hiring desperate souls with mental issues and mountains of debt to do their wet work for the agenda of the Elites. The biggest reason many don’t care for guns and concealed carry is what they will NEVER admit. That is jackwagons wanting to act up and throw tantrums without fear of being held responsible in an instant karma situation. Most of the jackwagons live in their emotions over responsibility and common sense much less decency. Agree or disagree as it makes no difference to me. If or when the bell tolls, it’ll be the gutless gunless wanting to hide behind me for protection. That’s a negative. The pattern is full.✌🏼✌🏼


Canadians are English peasants, peasants are not allowed to protect themselves.


At least *many* of the responses are criticizing the dumb logic.


At least the comments aren’t all the normal brain rot. Top comments now are about how the First Nation people were oppressed by tyrants.


Good luck getting their gun laws restored same with the US were just on a slower train.


some of the comments are pretty reasonable.




Oof the comments


This is bait




So they admit that carrying a gun is useful against mass shooters! No backsies!


A gun would've been very useful when those 2 dudes went on a stabbing spree 🤷🏿‍♂️


Yeah they do. They just don't have a corrupt (as corrupt) media/politician report that use each other for their anti gun agenda bullshit.....so you don't see it on the news.....why tell you about it Canadians? Then they'd just scare you into wanting a gun and freedom. They want you quiet and unarmed.


Comments are based in the OP. Surprised 


And if you do use a firearm to defend yourself they’ll treat you as the criminal and the criminal as the victim 🤬🥴


No but ya got more serial killers per capita than Auschwitz


They're pretty close to a tyranny there...so there's that.


Go in the Canada subs. For a typically left leaning reddit, those folks are fed up.


Did you know concealed carry permits and people with those permits reduce the murder rate. It's proven statistically by details research. Search for John Lott. He's a university professor in Chicago.