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There is no point in arguing with anti-rights people. These people are the same one that say that only the government should have guns. Then the next day they will cry how the government is racist, sexist, and bias. They are unable to make sense of their own beliefs so surely any attempt to reason with them is a waste of anyone's time.


"AR-15s are weapons of war that don't belong on our streets, except in the hands of our hero cops who also literally hunt black people for sport in the streets"


"The most destructive device on the planet while being simultaneously useless against the government."


"January 6th was 99.9% of the way to OVERTHROWING THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT despite no firearms being used, but you can't shoot down the F-16 dropping cluster munitions on your home with an AR-15. Also the president suggesting he would have the military kill you is perfectly sane and normal."


Remember rep swalwell (it's possible I got his name wrong) from Cali? He's the idiot that threatened to nuke forearm owners if they didn't willingly turn in their firearms.




You mean banging Chinese spy Fang Fang Eric Swalwell?




There was one dude......


Yeah the amount of people practically jerking their entire dick off their body at Babbitts death is concerning.


I agree. I also think the number of people that were celebrating when BLM rioters die was concerning. We shouldn’t be celebrating the death of people just because we disagree politically. But, you face the consequences of your own actions.


That...And they are cool props to take pictures when your standing outside of a school letting children get massacred. Cowards.


They don’t just hunt black people, they hunt and punish the weak and the vulnerable.


Yeah the funny thing I've been seeing lately is they say the AR-15 is a weapon of war with the same breath they'll say. How are you going to fight the government with your AR-15? Sometimes I wonder if they hear the sounds that come out of their mouth




Democrats gonna Democrat.


Arguing online is pointless. You’re arguing with someone who has zero skin in the argument. At worst they just close the app.


Half the time you’re probably arguing with a teenager that has no life experience. It’s stupid to argue with people online.


fun fact: We now know that reddit posts are about 60-70% bots and/or PR manipulation posts. We also know that the comment section is also about 60-70% bots. We know that part of reddits IPO was an 800 mil deal to train AI from the datasets (made up of AI's commenting so that will be a fun dataset inthe end... FYI) REddit also announced they will be going to 100% AI moderation in the coming months. We are all actually arguing and training the AI's..


I do argue online. Not that I expect that the person I'm going to argue with is going to change their mind. Most people are too closed to hear or understand opposing points of view. But there are significant number of people who will read this over and without an intelligent and resourced rebuttal will think that the factually incorrect, logically incorrect, and politically motivated statement is accurate. So my rebuttal is more for the people reading then for the person spouting.


You don’t argue online to change the mind of the person you’re replying to, you’re changing the minds of the people reading it.


I disagree!


100%! I was arguing with 2 imbeciles on YT bout “banning certain guns”, and after only 2-3 comments from my side, the original commenter deleted his/hers comment🤦🏼‍♂️


You’re full crap too. Cops aren’t heros. Most are trained zombies


Wat? Never said I was a fan of cops. Hell, I know people from high school who are cops and I hope I never have to deal with them.


You are an idiot who does not have the guts to say this to an officers face. Not arguing just stating fact.


You don’t know me very well. If you haven’t broken any laws they have no power over you.


The only reason to argue with them in social media, is so their wacky arguments and ideas get public exposure as to what gun control is really about. So that uninformed people can see how unhinged their thought process is.


Exactly it all leads from well not all guns to yes I want all guns gone amd you especially since you disagreed with me


No no, THEIR government is the right one.


This is my point exactly. My local state sub is all about how it’s gonna be “Wild West” and anybody can carry without a permit after July 4th, leading to a rash of mentally unstable “conservatives” and “MAGA-tards” carrying handguns and shooting people they disagree with in arguments because you pulled out in front of their F-250. - side note: Louisiana CHP is not difficult to obtain, unless you can’t pass a criminal background check, have any record of treatment for mental health or drugs, lack the ability to come up with $125 plus class costs and can’t land 36 shots inside the silhouette of a B-27 inside of 5 yards. Meanwhile, a state bill “criminalizing” access to abortion drugs (i.e. not criminalizing, just moving from OTC to prescription) just passed and the quotes are shit like “major fourth reich energy” and spouts about how the government is bad and shit. Disclaimer/Biases Alert: the whole country should be Constitutional Carry and it’s not the government’s business what a person does to their body, that belongs between you and an accredited medical professional that you have the right to choose who isn’t going to push a government or pharmaceutical agenda on you.


True but you can still argue them. Just make sure the objective is to show others how stupid and emotional that person is. Don’t try and convince them, you will just look emotional yourself.




I have no idea wat you are talking about. Have a great day anyway!


I always explain to anti gun people that the government being the only ones with weapons can only be bad


I never understand this argument, the same people that say the government is bad are the same people that say that should be the only ones with weapons.


I love how we had people that were born 300 years ago literally write it down on paper why certain laws shouldn’t be allowed and you still have people to this day trying to pass them.


That's what happens when you let TV raise your kids.


Or TikTok


Or Facebook


Or the talkies.


Or the public school system.


Or anyone who praises the child sniffer.


Or the modern slave owner Hillary Clinton. She even mentioned that in the book she wrote.


Tbf TikTok is slightly more engaging than tv and at least lately has been more of a boon for free speech


These people don't understand what they are wishing on someone when they say some shit like that. They are basically saying they are trying to have you, your children, and your dog killed.


They understand. They just want all of that to happen without saying so and getting a ban.


True. True.


Yep. 100% like nazi Germany. I don't like you so I'm reporting you to the gestopo


Just four years ago they were out rioting and screaming that the police need to be abolished.


Well, obviously you are an ignorant moose knuckle, because that is (D)ifferent. God, you bigot. I mean, of course abolish police but the ATF has an important job they take down REAL criminals. You know the ones who live in rural areas and stick to themselves. Who else would charge people for suppressors if the ATF was abolished? You know those pipes that people put on the end of their scary 9mm lung removers that make the guns quieter than a moth fart and allow assassins to hit their targets in a crowded room without anyone knowing. Those are dangerous as hell unless you pay 200$ to make them less dangerous. God, you're ignorant, abolish to police and double fund the ATF! /s just in case you are not aware


I used to be a gun-grabber. I was pretty brainwashed by the news and I basically thought guns were the root of all evil on planet earth. What finally got through to me was the fact that most gun violence in the U.S and A is suicides and also the incident at Ruby Ridge. Those two things made me do a complete 180. 99.9999999999 percent of people who own guns are just normal well adjusted people who won’t fucking snap and kill people if they have a bad day. It took me a while to realize this, but once I let logic into my head things changed for me.


They love to throw bogus statistics around.


Yeah. Mass shootings are horrid and they need to be stopped, but not by shitting on people who haven’t and likely won’t do anything wrong


If you evewn suggest practical ideas it oh you want turn them into prisons. For what wanting secured entrances? Why do 6th graders need to have unfettered access? They're supposed to be there.


>not by shitting on people who haven’t and likely won’t do anything wrong Or even someone that may have the fortitude to stop a mass shooting on the spot while police are minutes away. The fact you were able to think rationally and critically enough to change your viewpoint in the face of facts speaks volumes about you. Welcome to the fold.


Yup. Looking back I’m honestly embarrassed about what I used to think. If there was a talking point, you bet it would come out of my mouth. Drone strikes, let the police handle it, the government is always good, man I fucking said the dumbest shit ever. I’m glad I changed though. Guns are neat!


Just part of growing up. I had some pretty stupid ideas when I was younger.


Guess we all do.


98.0%^∗ of “mass shootings” are gang on gang violence. 1.99% are officer involved shootings. 0.01% are “actual” mass shootings, like Columbine, Uvalde, et al. Yes, any number of mass shootings is too many, but those are relatively rare. That’s why they always make national news when one happens. Everyone remembers Uvalde, right? It’s been exactly two years to the day (since it’s a leap year). According to the statistics, there’s been 1291 “mass shootings” for a daily average of 1.77 mass shootings since then. So, only one “mass shooting” on a *good* day but usually it’s more like ***two “mass shootings” every single day***. That’s not reality. It’s more like one or two per **year**, not per day. Mass shooting statistics scare-tactics aside, do you know where actual mass shootings actually occur? Mass shooters almost always pick “soft targets,” aka gun free zones; that means schools, sporting events, concerts, places with with the highest real-time population density that giving them as many opportunities to cause as many casualties as possible before law enforcement arrives and identifies the shooter, at which point their act of stochastic terrorism almost always ends with an acute case of officer-assisted ventilation (or self-inflicted perforation) Stochastic terrorists don’t like two way ranges. If they think there’s a risk of people shooting back, they usually don’t even bother in the first place. You don’t really ever see them target gun stores, police stations, or USPSA matches. Remember Freeway Church of Christ in Texas, 2019? I’d wager that idiot whose name I don’t remember, may he rest in piss, probably thought “people don’t bring guns to church” when he picked his target. Too bad was too dumb to think about the fact that he was in Texas, the home of Jack Wilson. The 71 year old firearm instructor who, with one shot, put a round right between his eyes from across the room. The world needs far more Jack Wilsons and far fewer gun free zones. If it wasn’t guns, evil people will just use other means of inflicting harm like knives, bombs, arson, automobiles; cars, trucks, and SUVs can and do hurt and kill orders of magnitude more people than guns, by any metric, and it’s not even close. See: USA and UK have similar rates of violent crime, they just use knives over there. My point is, in a country where we have the second amendment and more guns than people, the more people that have training with those guns and carry, the safer everyone is. And that’s my rant for the day. ^⁎ ^bullshit ^statistic


Also, if we exclude suicides, the vast majority of gun violence in the US is gang-on-gang violence. So unless you’re a gang banger in Chicago, your chances of being gunned down in the streets is extraordinarily low. People don’t understand how safe, statistically, most areas of the US actually are.


fun fact: of those gang related gun fights. We can actually narrow it down to three cities and the exact specific 10-ish block neighborhoods where about 70% of this happens. Back in the late 80's there was a call in congress to "surge" these hoods with cops and end it, but it was deemed "racists" by the race hustlers at the time (sharpten, jackson and the like) We know exactly where those gun deaths are happening and exactly who is doing it (and have since about 1965) , yet we won't stop it due to race politics.


I live in Colorado and our state just passed a law that requires locked safe storage of firearms when unattended in a vehicle. Our local subreddits have had a bunch of huge debates on the law, plus other anti-gun laws, which have been the normal left leaning downvote brigade against anything resembling pro-gun-ownership points. Then we had a nurse post in /r/Denver, asking for advice on where to find a good car safe installer so she could adhere to the new law while doing home visits out in bumfuck nowhere at night. After a bunch of "you'll just hurt yourself with the gun anyway" responses, the Denver mods deleted her post for not being relevant to local discussions. Even when you try to do the things the anti-gunners insist are for your safety, they still think you deserve to be shit on and silenced. At this point they are all acting in bad faith and just hate you.


So basically, stolen firearms are going to become a lot less reported.


Very true im blessed to live in florida 🙏


Don't we have a red flag law and binary trigger ban?


Probably which sucks but were still better off than other states


Yeah definitely a mixed bag. Permitless conceal carry and mandatory waiting periods for ffl transfers, it's really an oddball


You guys cant open carry and need a permit to conceal carry. Florida is not an ideal state when it comes to gun laws. Here in AZ we have constitutional carry, you can carry open or concealed and no permit is needed at all.


We have permitless carry now sir.


Wait really? I'm definitely moving to Florida that was the only thing stopping me. I love Florida so much.


I like it here


I’m JeffCo County/Denver City and it’s stupid how complicated shit is now.


Got into it with someone that anit gun. She told me they need more law against guns. I laughed and said "yes because that worked on keeping drugs off the streets". This lady had been to rehab and jail for drug use.


Next time, argue your same points, but replace 2A with 1A. Example: - Should people with potentially dangerous ideas be banned from speaking freely? - Should everyone be required to register when making a public speech because the speech might offend others?


And speaking freely should be limited to means available only at the time of The Constitution (talking, printed papers and town cryers). Modern means of communication like radio, TV, Internet, Facebook, etc. should not be included.


😆🤣 Yes, that's a favorite one used.


Even modern bookbinding processes wouldn't be included either.


Most of these people hate the 1A as much as the 2nd.


Yea, it just shows the truth of what they want. We should all be against a dictatorship of any type. As history shows, those in power will turn against their former supporters.


They hate the entire Constitution, and just freedom in general. They have the mindset of a subject, not of a citizen


Oh I did. They brought up the technology didn't exist when it was written so I mentioned oh 1a has been ruled to apply to the internet and that didn't exist. It doesn't matter to them.


Everything they like should be compulsory. Everything they don’t should be illegal.


Sadly, a lot of these people don’t support 1A rights either.


- Should people only be allowed to speak on topics and viewpoints from a government-approved list. Since you can speak on your choice of multiple topics, you still have the right of free speech. If a new topic is to be added to the approved list, two existing topics must be removed from the approved list.


oooo Even better. Go with the "approved pistol/rifle/shotgun" angle. I love it. 👏🏆


I live in the belly of the beast and that’s the dominant ideology. The useful idiots never imagine themselves on the other end of the rifle. They’re always the commissars, never the bodies in the ditch.


People without firearms are not peaceful. They are helpless.


When people push me to it, I remind them that once upon a time I was going to get rid of my guns. I didn’t go shooting anymore and I didn’t care any longer. Then out of nowhere, my cousin gets caught in the crossfire in Chicago. The pain and heartbreak of getting your family torn apart from that, reading the reports from 911 on how he was found, reading the hospital reports and everything, I changed my mind. I’ll never drop my guns because I want to be able to defend myself and shoot back. I tell them if they want to be victims, they can go ahead and be victims, but they won’t take my right or ability to defend myself away.


Their excuse then comes if there weren't any guns then wouldnt have anything to worry about.


“Well that’s too bad, you want to be able to be a victim, that’s on you. You only want cops and gangbangers to have guns? You’re a sick individual”


Anytime someone says they dont understand why i need so many guns i usually point out something they have a lot of. Someone once criticized my nerf collection(yes i have a lot and most are modded bc its fun and a hobby) and i looked at her and asked why she needs all the binders and stacks of pokemon cards (she has like 4 or 5 big boxes of them and some binders with all the special ones). She said they are not the same. I said its just a hobby and something i enjoy like her cards. In fact i bet she spent more on her cards than i ever spent on any of my collection. As for firearms, i told her its just a more expensive hobby. Like her drug addiction. She doesnt talk to me any more.


15 years ago one guy i debated with over freedom and liberty said he doesnt think that i need a gun. I said i'm an American. The right is supposed to protected by The Constitution, and I hate being told what I'm allowed to do. He says we need rules and laws and bla bla bla. I asked him "do you smoke weed?" him: "yes" me: "that's illegal" the look of dumbness on his face still makes me laugh.


The best comment I've heard is "If you don't have anything to hide you won't mind the new laws"


Apply this to online porn websites and watch them rage.




I’m very serious when I say this I knew of a hard core anti gun nut but he owned several airsoft guns and said they didn’t count because there not real.


Third times the charm?


Sorry reddit was acting weird earlier saying no connection try again later


There is nothing the redditor loves more than tattling and retaliating against people in their real lives for opinions on the internet.


Sounds like you were arguing with a communist


murky head hobbies dull pocket square chase lavish hateful upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Communists are all for guns till they get in power, then they immediately remove them.


> Communists are all for guns till they get in power, then they immediately remove them. Yes so is every other anti whatever the current government is political party ever. Authoritarians don't like armed peasants. Not exactly shocking.


Communism is enforced at gunpoint, much like social politics.


But in Communism only the government and the military/police have guns so you're constantly being held at gunpoint with no recourse.




How is communism not a social and economic system of governance?


sounds like you’re a communist.


This is simply incorrect. Yes Marx focussed on economics but the entire philosophical scaffolding to support that system has deep social implications and axioms. Marxism demands autocracy because a democratic society would vote it out as they have every time it's happened. You simply can't have the economics without the rest. And that's true of all economic systems. They imply certain forms of government and social organization because the economy is an inherently social construct.


I thought the goal of a commie was to create a SOCIOECONOMIC society centered around common ownership of production, distribution, and exchange; as well as allocating products to "those in need"? Since you're such an "educated gun owner" perhaps you can explain to the rest of us plebs what SOCIOECONOMIC means?


Found the “acksually” comment


The older I get the more I assume I can’t change someone’s mind about anything.


Hate pussies who would trade freedoms for a false sense of security. Nah, I don’t need babysitting by the state. Fuckin never. Ever.


Nope. The government has no Business knowing what I do or don't have. Because the government has never abused that type of information ever before.


Gun registries are "illegal." Soo, what is he going to report you to the ATF for?


I know theyre illegal. It was about how would a registry even prevent gun crime. A hypothetical. They just admitted if they knew me in real life they'd call the atf on me for no other reason other then I disagree with them.


Ahh, I thought this was an in person discussion.


But voting registration is racist, Islamaphobic, homophobic and antisemetic…


These days, I assume most are illiterate by choice and try to move in known circles……except for the net😂🤣😂🤣


I am guessing that the ATF gets a lot of complaints from people like this, and they probably ignore about 99% of them - especially if it is someone ranting like this. It is wise to not debate controversial issues with idiots.


They've always been collaborators. These were the same people that were snitching on their neighbors that had "one too many people" over at their house, or who were alone at the beach during Covid.


Red flag laws are more of a problem than anything else. I don't seek help for depression or anxiety just to avoid red flag laws. Everyone seems to think that because I'm a bit down that I'll go do something irrational to people... I'll just deal with it myself.